Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Jan 31 2019

okay so I'm actually gonna be putting on a dash cover now the dash is perfect no

cracks and we want to keep it that way so I got a custom dash cover to put on

so we're gonna see how it turns out and how it looks all right so we got it

placed just for now I didn't put the velcro down so you can see what it says

name of the car in gold now help protect the dash from fading more and cracking

so I put back plastic piece on all right here if you guys can maybe even see the

reflection this is a plastic smoked piece we got the seat covers put on

so you know then I'd wrecked it but they are fairly decent I got to put the rear

ones on which I don't know there's these are supposed to be all Universal but you

know how that is nothing ever fits as good as you want I'm gonna get these

better here you can see it's loose I need to strap them down get them better

so they'll turn out a lot better clean the dash of good cars looking good this

is my fin so it's not gonna turn out as good so I'm loving the hood Porsches in

person it looks so much nicer I was going to put the new tires on frustrated

as you can see this is stone so putting on the jacket just kept going sinking

down down and since it's on an angle the Jack wanted to go sideways so I'm I

don't know I'm gonna have to take I can't do it out front on the main road

because it's way too much traffic so I mean they're gonna have to find load up

the tires in the car and then go to a spot where where um it's pavement and

private and do it or just say heck with it and take a toga Rodge to do it which

is probably what I'm gonna do yeah all right guys so of course we got the

license plates put on there

time to pack it away and call it a day

For more infomation >> Custom Mustang Dash Cover & Walk Around 2008 Ford mustang - Duration: 3:18.


Tangled | Best Cartoon For Children & Kids | Episode 66 - Emily Ford - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

Back up to the beginning


Our dreamy real man's along

I'm guessing since low tide turns out all of us had known

Reefs on my mirror handle. No, I know I has two moods surly and

Just the one mood actually

Sink what is wrong with you? You're acting strange. And what does that weird thing you're doing with your mouth mean?

Okay, always nice to meet people know


Tell us how you met her hook foot. We want all the details that

See glass

You don't say

Hmm we're just getting together to eat and you know

Talk. Yeah, I think he's just a little anxious. That's all he's gonna be fine, uh hook foot

had never been on a date before so

Eugene and I promised to help our first step recon

Hey, hey, hey relax, you're in great hands here foot. Okay, but love doesn't need pointers

He just needs to speak from the heart and go it in

Who am I kidding? I'm gross


I'm so nervous. My ears are sweating anybody gonna rise her chin even the birthmark on her chin

You'd think at some point you'd get around to mentioning that she's too fast, but also it burns with loneliness

Okay, fine, I'll swim with the current first we gotta get you the right. Look let's try this one that I like

You gotta put your best foot forward

Comforts got nothing to do with it. It's you have would you I

Know how that works. Okay, so a big moment


Sorry battle fresh halibut

Here it's wonderful

Little gift seaglass almost as Rimmer mates when we cry

I hope you enjoyed that little ditty we call it

Speed beat me

I'm trying so hard to impress you because I think Knights may have seaweed drying in the morning side

Seconds now you're talking my language

Light I'm sure the promise of

A trip to use wheelies a is those three small?

You pierced my ears and skull like you need to tell you something

What it takes I'll protect you from the bad guys

Is where we came in before

Yeah, will you rock Forks tonight

That's not how knife fights work you are under arrest for a bet you're the bad guy I don't get it

This is the sacred mirror and there's a show just to conceal stolen merch you used me

It's not like that to lose those vada niché's but then I fell for you hard

I felt kind of straight now your life. It's too late for me

Would want you to be happy wouldn't I?

Lucy won't break. None of us can get out. Hey

When did you get a price Kim deal?

dry skin I

Go home looking for my wallet. I

Really feel a musical


Restroom not so fast. Yeah right back at ya. It took more than around

What broke your Jail now, what are you gonna do about it?

Gleave hook fucked and his friends alone or else


You gotta let the one you love swim away mermaid tears

And I guess sometimes you do have to work at it treasure every moment you

After mine mine, no yours. No. Wait a minute does the same?

Hey, I

Found out my father's been lying to me for months a secret squad of guards hunted us in the Seven Kingdoms

But enough about me, let's talk about you. How are you?

No, no, it's okay. But hey, I know what will cheer you what me the people. Love you

Oh, I am so good at this look. Look it's a cinema shaken

Mind me

Free pork you startled me. Wait, is it time for my fitting look?

Cass what are you doing who snuck you out of Corona before your coronation? And well, he read my journal. Oh

Okay, don't worry Cass

Okay, not not great timing but different room different circumstance. Is that what it killed? Don't waste your time

You shouldn't be punished for something one light

Variant, how did it get past the guards?

Strong. Nope. Got it. No need to finish that thought

Passed out the banner

You and

Our first priority is getting to the bottom of who was respect by is dangerous

They assure you he will pay dearly listen. Daddy your majesty

Rapunzel I know these past 80

So in light of this vicious assault it is with heavy heart that I make

For more infomation >> Tangled | Best Cartoon For Children & Kids | Episode 66 - Emily Ford - Duration: 10:01.


Dirt 4/ Ford Fiesta R5/ THRUSTMASTER T300RS - Duration: 5:07.

Help me get 1000 subscribears, Please!

For more infomation >> Dirt 4/ Ford Fiesta R5/ THRUSTMASTER T300RS - Duration: 5:07.


Tangled | Best Cartoon For Children & Kids | Episode 65 - Emily Ford - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Tangled | Best Cartoon For Children & Kids | Episode 65 - Emily Ford - Duration: 10:01.


Ford GT:野心家的跑車傳奇 - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Ford GT:野心家的跑車傳奇 - Duration: 10:49.


Megan Mullally Had a Baby Talk Conversation with Harrison Ford - Duration: 6:36.

-Our first guest tonight is a two-time Emmy Award-winning

actress you know from her work as Karen Walker

on "Will & Grace."

New episodes air Thursday nights at 9:30, here on NBC.

Let's take a look.

-♪ Good riddance, goodbye ♪

♪ Every trick of his, you're onto ♪

♪ But fools will be fools ♪

♪ And where's he gone to? ♪

-Please welcome back to the show

our friend Megan Mullally, everyone!

[ Cheers and applause ]



Welcome back! -Thank you!

Thanks for having me. -Delighted to have you.

Do you like when you get to show off your musical chops

in an episode like that? -Well, I mean, I know

everybody was probably expecting jokes,

and then I started singing, but I think, like, pretty much,

like 10 people know that I sing.

But I kind of started as a singer,

and I've done Broadway musicals and stuff like that.

So it was so nice of the writers

to write this episode where I get to sing.

-That's great! -It's pretty cool, yeah.

-And you're actually coming here to New York

to perform with -- you have a partner.

-Yeah. -A singing duo.

Nancy and Beth. -Nancy and Beth.

This is Stephanie Hunt. That's me.

And we have this really fun band.

We sing in harmony,

and every song is choreographed by me from top to bottom.

And we wear little matching outfits.

And we have five pieces behind us.

it's this really cool band. It's hard to describe.

It's just very celebratory. and different.

-That's awesome. Is it great to return

to those roots and be onstage, singing like that?

-Oh, yeah.

The band, in many ways, is kind of my favorite thing,

just because, with Stephanie and I,

it's like two little girls playing, you know.

-Yeah. -It's just pure creativity.

-And you do have a lot of control

when you're not doing it as a television show.

When you actually just go out in front of an audience,

it must just feel so freeing. -Yeah, it's fun,

because we call it punk vaudeville sometimes,

because there's no way to make up our own category.

But we get out there and the songs --

the songs are really sharp.

And then it all just falls to pieces in between.

-[ Laughing ] Uh-huh. -You know?

-We're like, "Now what do we do?"

We don't have anything planned. -That's great.

-It's great. -You just went through

the awards circuit, you were at the Golden Globes.

Did you have a good time at the Globes?

-Did you get to bump into people that you were excited to see?

-I did. I've got the secret. So, if you're --

If you're ever going to present the Golden Globes --

and I'm sure most of you will... -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

...go -- just hang out in the greenroom.

Like, don't go sit there, just go straight backstage,

through an alley, sit in the greenroom,

and wait until it's your time, and then leave,

because, you know, you get to, like, people-watch.

And I was standing there, talking to --

This is my favorite thing that happened.

I was talking to Sam Elliott,

who is really tight with my husband,

if you can imagine that much --

-Your husband, Nick Offerman, and Sam Elliott.

-Yeah, Nick Offerman. -That makes perfect sense.

-That much testosterone. [ Cheers and applause ]

It's like ultra man, you know? -Did they meet, like,

chopping down trees in the woods?

-Yes, exactly. [ Laughter ]

And so I was talking to Sam,

and Harrison Ford wandered up to say hello to Sam.

I don't know him. Sam introduced me.

And I said, "Hello." And I said, "you know what?

You were one of my all-time favorite guests on 'Letterman.'

You were so funny, because he would ask you a question,

and you would just go, 'No.'"

[ Laughter ]

Like, he had this weird thing going with Letterman.

And he goes, "Oh! How is Dave?"

And I was like, "I don't know." And he said...

[ Laughter ] ..."I hope he's well."

And he said, "Oh, I thought you were a writer."

And I said, "No, I'm an actress. I just presented."

And he goes, "Ohh!"

I said, "I'm on a television show.

You wouldn't know." And he goes, "Oh, gosh. Oh!"

And I said, [Baby talk] "Harrison made a boo-boo."

[ Laughter ]

[ Normal voice ] And he literally went,

[Baby talk[ "He did." [ Laughter ]

"He did make a boo-boo." [ Laughter ]

[ Normal voice ] And I thought, "I love this guy."

-That's the greatest interaction you possibly could've had.

-He went full baby talk. -Wow!

-Yeah. -What a jackpot!

-I know. -Also, when you meet somebody

who is a giant icon like that, it's so great

when they're the one who makes the mistake.

-Totes. -Because usually,

the lower-status person gets nervous and screws up.

-Yeah. -But he blew it.

And then you got to reap the reward.

-And, I mean, it was so delightful.

-Yeah. That's just great. And then you hosted,

and you were wonderful at the SAG Awards.

-Oh, that's very nice of you. I had a lot of fun.

-Did you enjoy that? -I did.

I had, you know, great -- Everybody was great,

and I had a lot of fun and, you know, cute clothes and...

-Yeah. -I don't know.

-You got to -- You sort of made fun

of some people -- Emma stone, Lady Gaga.

Fun "making fun of." -But in a nice way,

because I don't want to do anything mean-spirited.

-It was very friendly.

But did you run into anybody backstage?

-I said that Lady Gaga did my eyeliner,

that she'd been doing my eyeliner

for the last 15 years, that she just --

She just can do anything, was the gist.

And so I went back -- I got backstage,

like, right after the monologue, and she was standing there

and she was like, "Oh, my God! That was so great.

You're so funny." And blah blah blah.

And she was super nice. Like, really normal nice.

And I was like, "Oh, good, thank you.

I mean, you know, you're the real thing.

I mean, I'm with Tony Bennett, your voice --"

Like, nobody has ever told her she can sing.

[ Laughter ] So I was like, "I'm really --

really gonna blow her away with this one."

[ Laughter ] And she was so nice.

She goes, "Well, you should come see my jazz show in Vegas.

You know, it's all that kind of music."

And I thought, "I'd love to." And I said, "You know,

I feel like I'm gonna call you Stephanie."

And she said, "You can call me Stephanie!"

I mean, isn't that nice? -That's really nice.

-Because that's her name. -Yeah.

That is her name, for anybody who doesn't know --

because otherwise, you sound like a crazy person.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

"I'd like to call you Pam!" -"I'm gonna call you Bill."

[ Laughter ]

She is a lovely person. -She was so nice.

-And that is -- I mean, I think -- the only reason

to go to those shows is to have those, like, actual in --

like, sort of nice moments backstage that are --

-Yeah, backstage is where it's at, man.

You know, just walking by people,

just like, "Hey!" it's great.

-Yeah. -I love it.

For more infomation >> Megan Mullally Had a Baby Talk Conversation with Harrison Ford - Duration: 6:36.


1979-2019 Mustang Ford Performance TREMEC T56 6-Speed Transmission - 2.97 1st Gear Review - Duration: 6:21.

If you're looking for one of the baddest manual transmissions ever made for your '79 and newer

Mustang look no further than the Tremec T56 Magnum.

Now, the particular transmission that we are talking about here today, guys, is gonna be

offered by Ford Performance and will include that shorter 297 first gear ratio, all for

right around 3,200 bucks.

Now, your install, of course, will vary depending on your application.

So the site, because of that, is just gonna kick it up to a three out of three wrenches

on the difficulty meter and a day or so to get everything in place depending on your


All right.

So right off the bat, guys, this transmission is gonna be advertised here on the site to

fit the '99 to '04 Mustangs as kind of a best-case scenario.

And that does make sense at least dimensionally as the '03 and '04 Cobras did come with a

T56 from the factory.

However, this is where things can get a bit confusing because according to Tremec, the

Magnum that we have here has much more in common with the TR-6060 as opposed to the

standard T56.

So, why do they call it that?

Well, they just wanted to incorporate that T56 nomenclature because of the reputation

it had earned over the years in the OE applications.

And we are gonna cover the differences between the standard T56 and the Magnum here in a

little bit.

But first up, what do you say we talk a little bit more about fitment?

Because honestly, that's going to be the biggest question mark a lot of Mustang owners have.

Now the reality is here, guys, this transmission, the T56 Magnum, will essentially fit in any

Mustang you want it to, however, it will require some additional parts in almost every case

to get everything working correctly.

And some of those new parts will include a brand new bellhousing specific to your engine,

whether it be modular or small block base, a different driveshaft and transmission crossmember

and then finally a clutch to work with that 26 spline input shaft if you don't already

have one.

Now, for the most part those will be the biggies owners will need to contend with but there

will be other smaller things to keep in mind, such as your shifter situation here in addition

to figuring out your speedo and reverse light connections.

So, in a nutshell here, guys, yes, you can get the Magnum in place if you wanted to as

long as you buy the necessary supporting parts which by the way are readily available here

on the site and in the aftermarket.

But with all that out of the way, what do you say we talk a little bit more about this

bad Larry here, guys, and again, probably one of the baddest manual transmissions ever


The Magnum is gonna be a 6-speed double overdrive transmission with fourth year being one-to-one

and will offer a whopping 700-pound-feet torque capacity.

The Magnum is gonna be extremely tough as we just mentioned and will be also very versatile,

thanks to the multiple shifter locations along with provisions for both mechanical and electronic

speedo connections.

Just for the record here.

guys, you're looking at the seven-tooth [inaudible 00:03:06] for the mechanical side, and the

electric speedo rotor is going to offer 12 different positions.

But as mentioned earlier, guys, this particular Magnum is gonna feature that shorter 297 first

gear ratio, which will be rowdy on any all motor car or maybe any track car out there.

But if you're thinking about building a blown or boosted streetcar or drag car for that

matter, I might recommend the slightly taller 266 first gear ratio option instead, especially

if you're planning on making really, really big power.

Now, ultimately you do have to factor in things like your rear gear and what you will be building

your car for, but my advice to you guys, just do some research before settling down on a

specific first gear ratio and you should be good to go.

But now I'll let you know a little bit more about what this transmission offers in the

way of features, let's quickly talk about what the guts of this thing is all about and

how it became such a stout option in the land of manual transmissions.

Again, internally, the Magnum here is going to share a lot of similarities with the TR-6060.

In fact, Tremec refers to the Magnum as the aftermarket version of that trans which, by

the way, is the same transmission used in cars like the GT500 along with the Dodge Viper.

But one big thing that does separate the Magnum here from the standard T56 will be the internal

speed gears.

Now, the standard T56 is going to be cut from a one-piece forging whereas the Magnum here

and that 6060 do receive the superior two-piece design that in turn is really responsible

for upping the torque capacity, thanks to the widening of the face of the gears themselves.

Now, the synchros in the Magnum and the 6060 are also far improved over that of the standard


But maybe the biggest difference between the standard T56 and the big boy Magnum that we're

talking about here today is the input shaft design and the corresponding bearing hardware,

which is just far more burly compared to the original 56 and is going to feature that 26

spline design.

Now the countershaft here with the Magnum is all one piece well, which is, by the way,

an improvement over the two-piece cluster or countershaft of the '03, '04 Terminator

Cobras of the time.

But let's shift gears, pun intended, and quickly talk about the installation.

And listen, guys, there is gonna be a million variables at play.

The main one being the platform that you plan on installing this transmission into.

So, because of that, the site's just automatically going to kick this one up to a strong three

out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter and call it at least a day or so to get everything

in place.

But again, expect that to differ depending on your application and the chassis you're

dropping this into.

But wrapping things up here, guys, if you are looking for one of the baddest manual

transmissions ever built for your street or track Mustang be sure to check out the Tremec

T56 Magnum right here at

For more infomation >> 1979-2019 Mustang Ford Performance TREMEC T56 6-Speed Transmission - 2.97 1st Gear Review - Duration: 6:21.


Doug Ford student protest | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:06.

The Ford government recently announced an overhaul of the Ontario student loan system.

No more free tuition for low income students, and an option for students to opt out of fees

which is bad news for student groups and newspapers.

And people are rightfully pissed.

So you know what that means...


I love protests ok?

Because I love fighting systems of oppression, being surrounded by passionate people, and

exercising my right to free speech.

Plus a protest march is a great way to get your 10,000 steps in while low key breaking

the law by jay walking.

The cops aren't gonna stop you.

Unless you're black, Indigenous, or a person of colour.


Now the most important part of modern protesting is that your sign game has to be on point.

If your sign isn't something funnier than on Air Farce, are you even protesting?!

[crowd] Doug Ford sucks!

Doug Ford sucks!

Doug Ford sucks!


I really like that.

So it's a good sign.

Ok somebody said it was boring.

Maybe it could use some pizzazz

There are so many good signs here.

I think this one is the worst one.

Do we think this could maybe be slanderous or libel or is this true?

I don't know if I would hold that sign without checking my facts, but you know what, I think

it's good.

Less cuts more butts!

Consensual though.

I like this.

I don't think that you spelled consensual right.

Are the butterflies getting in the way of the message.

No no no it just accentuates it.

We will not give up the fight!

[Off screen] Education is our right!

Students like drinking but we like OSAP more.

Hey hey!

Ho ho!

The tax on students has got to go!


Young people are the only hope we have for the rest of this stinkin' world, so give em

a voice and stop taking away their money.

For 22 MInutes, I'm Ann Pornel.

For more infomation >> Doug Ford student protest | 22 Minutes - Duration: 2:06.


Ford Transit Courier 1.5 TDCI Trend - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit Courier 1.5 TDCI Trend - Duration: 1:13.


Ford EcoSport 1.0 EcoBoost ST-Line Nu met hoge kortingen | Alleen in Leiderdorp | Bel snel 071 57938 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ford EcoSport 1.0 EcoBoost ST-Line Nu met hoge kortingen | Alleen in Leiderdorp | Bel snel 071 57938 - Duration: 1:08.


Ford Focus 1.0 TREND EDITION - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 TREND EDITION - Duration: 1:13.


FrÃo detiene 15 plantas de GM, Ford y Chrysler en EU - Duration: 1:54.

Nueva York-- General Motors Co. informó el jueves que suspendió en Michigan la producción en 13 fábricas atendidas por Consumers Energy Corp

a raíz de un incendio en una de las plantas de la compañía de electricidad  y de la sobredemanda en el gas natural, publico el diario The Wall Street Journal

Según el medio estadounidense, Ford Motor Co. dijo haber reducido las temperaturas en algunas de sus plantas y suspendido varios procesos que consumen mucha energía

Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles NV anunció la cancelación de turnos en dos de sus plantas

Consumers Energy señaló que el incendio se registró la mañana del miércoles en un compresor de gas natural

Indicó haber recurrido a las reservas de emergencia para satisfacer la demanda de gas natural pero necesitar la colaboración de sus clientes a fin de reducir el consumo

For more infomation >> FrÃo detiene 15 plantas de GM, Ford y Chrysler en EU - Duration: 1:54.


Hotels offer discounts to stranded Ford Airport travelers - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Hotels offer discounts to stranded Ford Airport travelers - Duration: 1:39.


Icon of the film industry, John Ford, didn't suffer fools. - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Icon of the film industry, John Ford, didn't suffer fools. - Duration: 7:13.


Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 EcoBoost Trend Edition |Big Sale!| Rijklaar| Op voorraad of zelf samen stellen! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 EcoBoost Trend Edition |Big Sale!| Rijklaar| Op voorraad of zelf samen stellen! - Duration: 1:13.


Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 100 pk Trend (Airco/Bluetooth/LED pakket) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 100 pk Trend (Airco/Bluetooth/LED pakket) - Duration: 1:01.


Ford Transit 330 2.2 TDCI L3H2 Trend - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit 330 2.2 TDCI L3H2 Trend - Duration: 1:22.


Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Trend Edition | Big sale! | Nu met hoge kortingen | Bel snel 071 5793800 voo - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Trend Edition | Big sale! | Nu met hoge kortingen | Bel snel 071 5793800 voo - Duration: 0:54.


2019 Ford F-150 Review: All The Facts - Duration: 8:02.

The 2019 F-150 continues on the trail blazed before it by America's best-selling truck

over 3 decades running.

However as technology advances so does the F-150.

This is a truck that covers the gambit from a bare-bones workhorse in the XL to a luxurious

home on wheels in the limited, and an extreme off-road monster in the Raptor.

There is an F-150 for everyone!

But what's new in 2019 and which trim is right for you?

Let's dive deeper.

Last year saw the introduction of a new engine to the versatile line up with the 3.0 Power

Stroke turbo diesel.

This small powerhouse provides best in class power, towing, and payload ratings, along

with the best fuel economy as well.

With 240 horsepower, 440-foot-pounds of torque at a low 1750 rpm, 22 miles per gallon city,

30 highway, and 25 combined, Ford leaves the competition in the dust.

But if diesel isn't your thing Ford also offers a base 3.3L naturally aspirated V6

in the XL, an optional 2.7L EcoBoost V6, the famous 3.5L EcoBoost which offers the best

towing potential, and the good old fashioned muscly 5.0L V8.

The Raptor, of course, has a high output version of the 3.5L EcoBoost with 450 horsepower and

510-foot-pounds of torque, however, now this high output version is also standard on the

luxurious Limited trim.

A ten-speed automatic transmission is paired with all of the engines sans 3.3L. This advanced

trans delivers improved performance over the 6 speed with better acceleration lower in

the power band and three overdrive gears.

Now with this transmission, you also get selectable drive modes with normal, tow-haul, and now,

snow/wet, an Eco mode, and a fun sport mode!

As previously mentioned the F-150 features best in class towing capabilities with the

3.5L EcoBoost, you can conventionally tow 13,200lbs when properly equipped.

The 3.0L diesel offers towing of 11,400lbs.

The F-150 has smart towing features like trailer sway control that works in conjunction with

advance trac with roll stability control.

When you are hooking up your trailer the dynamic hitch assist offers a line of sight guide

so you ensure a perfect line up every time.

A factory integrated brake controller allows you to manage those heavy loads when braking

and BLIS the blind spot warning now extends to include your trailer.

Also, the class-exclusive pro trailer backup assist that takes over the steering wheel

for a more natural turn of a knob that lets you focus on where you want the trailer to

go and the truck counter steers its self!

And it's not only towing, the F-150 also offers the best in class payload ratings of

up to 3,270lbs!

Also, a plus when working with your payload is the LED lighting all around the truck.

The F-150 features LED box lights, class-exclusive LED side mirror lights and LED trailer hitch

lights which means the F-150 is a workhorse 24/7.

And in this bed, you have extra amenities for the working man, with a remote tailgate

release, an integrated tailgate step that makes access to the bed easier, a box link

system that allows you to customize your tie-down points, stowable loading ramps, and class-exclusive

deployable box side steps.

If you need to store your load inside the cabin there is plenty of room for that too.

With a flat load floor and rear seats that fold up, you have plenty of room to lay out

your gear.

The 2019 F-150 is not only a capable truck, but it is also a tough truck built to last.

The all-aluminum alloy body is made from military strength aluminum, the same found on military

and heavy industrial applications.

The high strength to weight ratio keeps the truck rigid and the footprint light which

all leads up to its best in class towing and payload capabilities.

The aluminum also alleviates the famous rust in Fords of the past along wheel wells, cab

corners, and rockers.

In 25 years you won't see the 2019 F-150 rusting away in some random field!

The high strength steel frame is also stronger than before but fabricated in a way that minimizes

weight for better overall performance.

When you need to take your F-150 off road this truck is prepared for the job.

Simply shift into 4 wheel mode via a dial on the fly or in the higher trims an automatic

4wd mode is offered.

The FX4 package that can be added to any trim gives you a locking rear dif, hill decent

control, off-road tuned shocks, and skid plates.

Plus an available 360 degrees split-view camera that really helps when you need to see all

around you on tight trails.

And for the hardcore off-roader, the Raptor has seen an upgrade for 2019 with its Fox

live valve monotube shocks.

These new shocks feature a bypass system to deliver the best control and off-road experience

possible by providing continuously variable compression damping to adjust for the changing

off-road conditions.

The Raptor's terrain management system allows you to adjust your truck to the conditions

faced ahead with normal, sport, slippery, tow/haul, deep snow/sand, Baja, and rock crawl


But new for the 2019 Raptor is trail control.

This is a sort of cruise control for the off-road.

You can set your speed from 1-20mph and the system manages the braking and acceleration

so you can keep your focus on the steering maneuvers to get the truck over rough terrain.

As we started off this review we mentioned that as technology moves forward so does the


Well, the F-150 offers some of the best technology to find its way into a truck.

Right on the dash is an available 8-inch productivity screen that allows you to customize and sort

through important data at a glance including towing and off-road information.

Adaptive cruise control with stop and go lets you set a set distance to the vehicle in front

of you and will slow, speed up and even stop according to the traffic in front of you as

well as resume once traffic starts moving again.

Pre-collision assist will help you when an unexpected object obstructs your path with

automatic emergency braking and warnings if you can't stop in time.

Lane keep assist will vibrate the steering and give torque sensations when you drift

out of your lane.

Ford Pass Connect allows you to use your truck as a Wi-Fi hotspot for up to 10 devices from

up to 50 feet away.

You can also use the Ford Pass app to start your truck, lock it, unlock it and view important

information such as oil life, fuel levels, and service intervals.

The SYNC 3 system is your central hub and now features some special 21st century amenities

such as smartphone integration with Apple Car Play and Android Auto; And now you can

also utilize Waze for navigation and even connect to Amazon Alexa that offers over 50,000

skills including adding to your cart on the go, and control your connected smart home


The F-150 is the first truck you should consider when shopping around because why waste time

on subpar competition that doesn't equal up.

And when you decide to shop make Richmond Ford Lincoln your first stop because we put

our customer needs first as we are driven by you!

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