Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 1 2019

Now let's take a timeout with Mila and see which of your favorite players she caught

up with this week!

David: Mila, what have you attached to me and what are you doing back there?

Mila: I'm putting balls inside your box because we are playing "pink ball trunk".

David: I love this game, this is a great game!

Mila: You have to wiggle the balls all out.

You have to get them all out the quickest and you win!

David: You tell me when to go!

Mila: Ready, set, go!

Mila: I got them out!

David: How does this always happen?

Mila: Let me see what you've got.

David: I've got a lot I can feel them back there.

Mila: Yep, you've got a lot!

I won!

David: Look at all of those!

I don't know what to say, you did awesome!

And I am very tired.

Mila: You did awesome too.

David: Wow!

Thank you very much, that was very nice of you!

For more infomation >> Vikings Player David Morgan Plays "Junk in the Trunk" - Vikings Huddle - Duration: 1:23.


Morgan & Morgan Journey For Justice - Duration: 1:01.

In our fight for justice, our day starts before most are awake.

Our mornings are early, our days are long.

Preparing for the battles ahead.

The journey I set out on 30 years ago rings loud in courts around the country every single


For The People, not the powerful.

And in our journey for justice we've assembled an army of over 2,000 support staff and

more than 400 lawyers, in 50 offices nationwide.

Whether from our offices in New York or Florida, or a case in California and Tennessee.

No road is too long, no journey too far, no fight too hard.

Whether it's fighting for a client that's been injured or wronged by an insurance company.

We'll go where we need to.

There's no journey too long in the journey for justice.

And the difference we make - for the people - makes every second worth it.

Morgan & Morgan

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