Morning guys, welcome to an episode of my moving vlog series
This might actually be the last episode. I feel like I'm just gonna be doing a bunch of finishing touch things in this vlog
It's probably gonna be spanning a lot of days
There's just kind of like small stuff going on here and there to like finish up our house
So most of what we're gonna be doing involves living room and let me show you again
We finally are starting to figure out our pillow situation
So I'm gonna be talking about that in a second
But our main concern that we're needing the handle is this giant nook situation that we had these things from when we moved in
That we got sent that we just kind of put it in this corner cuz there wasn't really another place to do it or figuring
out what to do with those
And basically we are ordering from Ikea this like black glass-like
Shelf situation to like put a bunch of decor on to sort of fill out some of this wall space
I can't decide if we're gonna keep this lamp or not honest. I don't love it. But we also already had it
So we're just gonna like finish up some other things and see how it looks
This is like world's largest in table, which we've had for a while as well
So I'm trying to figure out what to put kind of like on the bottom level of this as well as like under here
I feel like on this like half shelf stacking books under there could look cute. I don't really know. There's just like way too much
just like too big of a structure for like not a lot to be happening on it and
Same for this I need to order like coffee table books and just like research
Like how to set up a coffee table since this is a two-tier thing
So if you guys have tips, let me know. We did have flowers in between and it was decorated all cute
Things are kind of messy right now soon
But it looked cuter flowers died. We need to get fake ones and over here. We're trying to figure out
Well that mirror has needed to be hung since we moved in that's going at the bottom of the stairs like where you walk down
Right there and then we need something to go up here. We ordered a like long white shelf from Ikea
To go up there to put like some stuff on. I just don't really know honestly, this is just like I
Just don't know with the bar cart here
And I don't know what else to do to fill this space this whole room is just challenging and then we got this
Beautiful like velvet Navy bench that I should previous vlog but nothing else is Navy in there
It's just been really interesting. That was like a very early purchase and we're making it work. We got our TV stand
I'm not sure if I've showed that thank you to everyone who's commented on every Instagram story
Ever when we were still using the mattress box. This is was Jenny's plant
It was in that corner or like testing output area
It was here it got moved over because we had a plugs in the end but testing out where we want that plant
We definitely need to get one in that corner
Maybe a taller one if we move that one here beside the TV because this one's a little shorter
Can't remember if I showed this but we hung this little grid thing right here to fill out the space and they're putting just some
Pictures of us on it. What else? What else was I gonna say? Oh, all right
So this plant it's not supposed to be there ignore it
But then we have all the salaah space so we might put something cute and little dare
Also in the target clearance section a journey and I found that these little light-up letters that are super cute
That for when we get those shelves here. We thought that would be cute to like disperse on some shelves
So those aren't so for seven
I'm not sure if they still are I always try to link as much as I can in the description of moving vlogs
So just lots to think about good morning guys
You guys want to see a full skincare routine?
Yeah, let me know why I am filming here this morning as you guys know
These moving blogs have sort of centered around showing you guys cool home decor products and furniture. Basically just really fun home-related products
That we have been able to discover while we were moving into our house
For example have some really cool like Amazon Alexa voice controlled lights that I'm going to show you guys a second I've been using in
My room, but first of all, I just want to take a second to talk about this toothbrush
Tell me you've ever seen a cuter toothbrush. Especially one that is this size and is electric. This is by the brand clip
I actually been wanting to try their toothbrushes for so long because they have rose gold handles. They have gold that silver
I think I know they have some like plastic ones. These are the metal ones
I reached out to their brand
months and months ago about trying one of these because I think they're so cute equip was so kind to send me this one this
Is actually they're a limited edition new one it comes out on I believe June 26
Which is the day that I'm planning to have this video go up
You see how this works. You hold down the cue it starts vibrating
basically, it will pulse every 30 seconds and it does that four times and then there's like a final pulse so
You know that it's done
And that just reminds you to be switching kind of like which quadrant I guess you can call it on our like bottom left bottom
Right top left top right that you're brushing on 30 seconds each
Do you guys know if you've seen?
My movie vlog about my bathroom a long time ago my counter space in here is extremely limited
I have one outlet this little guy. It doesn't get easier
If you can put it
In this cute little just like half tube type thing and then you peel off this back part and you stick it to your mirror
When I love the most about clip is how affordable it is compared to other electric toothbrushes
They start at $25 for the plastic ones and the metal ones like the one I just showed you
I believe are 40 it even comes with toothpaste. It's really all in one you can also sign up for plans
I want to say here five dollars a month where they will send you a new brush head every three months because
well as I know that's often you're supposed to be switching that I love how minimal all of their packaging is just in terms of
Like environmental purposes as well
If you guys want to check all these toothbrushes I do is go to get quick comm slash Morgan Yates
The link will also be below two thumbs up to quit also just a mini bathroom update
This is nothing significant, but I arrange my products that I like
I don't use all of these in the shower every time goodness
But that I switch around in the shower and arrange to my color
Which I don't know why I just look at it and it makes me happy because I think it looks so cute and then up
Here I have my lush stuff as always
It gets its own little section cuz it's just next level pretty while we're here since most this video
It's gonna focus on the living room. I'll just give one quick closet update, which is that nothing's really changed
I am going through here currently all my jeans that are normally unlike these bottom shelves
Are laid out cuz I'm trying to go through and donate that's kind of my task for today this whole box
That's full of clothing donations. I've gone through in here. I just got a ton of stuff from Urban Outfitters home line
So I'm gonna go through and unbox that and show you guys what I got and set it up everything
I'm gonna show from here and I'm about to talk about I'm gonna have a link below in the description box
So you guys can shop this stuff. Love sweet
Pillow in this
Yes, I'm so high right now maybe so much sure but you're sitting at this stuff and something is finally finished right now this pillow
Says fellow which I'm hype about I guess it's gonna be this shelf
Okay, so this is a little wall shelf
We got three of these that I think we're actually gonna hang over there where that plant is right now on that wall
Instead of Freight me something else there since we have so much stuff that's already framed. They just hang like that
So we'll just stack three just parallel
guys box mountains about to come back
Our house is broken into well I'm awake
Pillow have another of these like velvety pillows from urban. It's on my bed. It's like a long pillow. Um,
This is the softest pillow ever it looks kind of white on camera, but it's like a light pink color
Hello we were trying to pick out like creamy colored pillows that also like has like a black accent it so it would match our
Aztec rug thing we got going on over there
That was the vision Oh turn up. I think this is my neon light
I don't know we're putting this but I got a neon light that says love it's gonna go in my room somewhere
Not really sure where i'm hype
Adrian has one from urban that says
Hello, I think in the room like this little speech bubble, and it's so cute
So actually have a little bro. I can already tell this goes off
Again we're trying to incorporate it some like black gray
cream and this is like a really pretty print that can match our
Villa i'm looking at everything on the couch and everything we have going on. I'm wondering how we're
Gonna slow process you guys hence why we've lived here five months
Things aren't done yet. This is another like light pink ad tucky print. Hello
Fluff it up. This is the cutest little pink print your may be noticing here is another of that poloidal show
it's just like the different size of
Those people by the way, I don't think I said that my room was clean
Comment below level 1 to 10. How shook you are that this
Is where we're at in life. I've been playing around with not having my blankets on my bed
I feel like it makes it look a little bit more messy
However, it also like got some texture and coziness and then the practical use of when I'm on my feet
I always like you see my blankets. This is what my bed typically looks like. Realistically. It's like be blank
It's just thrown on there. So let me know which one you like better. Still loving my wall art obsessed with it
how cute this is that love neon sign from urban and I can't decide if I should go there or
If it should go
Here in front of like that middle section, but I got these Alexis smart outlets
They'll link below so you guys can check these out. Look what she can do Alexa turn on my lights
Look at that crazy
Because I was an idiot and when I put these lights all the way around my entire room I started in this corner
Which means it's plugged in there. So this is where I have to come unplug it
And so at night now, this is a huge problem
but at night I was like being in bed and being all cozy and reading with just like this setup on and then I'd have
To get up and go and plug them and then go back to bed
And basically it's just nice being able to be in bed and then just tell it to turn off
Okay, awesome from Urban
I got a rug that I thought about putting here kind of it's like a 5 by 7 under the foot of my bed
It's probably gonna end up branching under that and this as well. I don't know if necessarily is a bad thing
So I'm gonna put that in and you guys can tell me what you think because my fear is that it might
Like make my room look a lot smaller, but I like covering a lot of the floor space
But I feel like it could also make it look a lot cozy or maybe be the thing that ties it all together
Really like reinforce my color scheme, so I'm gonna do a quick one-man
Installation and I'll be back. Ok, I'm breaking a serious sweat. This is uneven and imperfect
I'm trying to say if I want to keep here because if
Not then I'm not gonna lift this billion-pound thing to get that under there. So
Yeah, this is the general vibe of what it looks like. Yeah. I don't know. I think I actually like it
Maybe let me know what you think if it goes back to about there
Maybe I would push it back a little further even
It was just getting more and more difficult to lift the bed and get it back farther
But yeah, that's the general feel for it
These colors really match my pillows going on and I just feel like it's kind of a nice added touch
But let me know what you think if you don't like it totally cool. Give me your feedback and this is from Evan
So basically from my bed, this wall space just looked kind of empty
So when the doors open it's kind of like centered between that when the door is closed
It looks like this so it's kind of like just like a bunch of empty space, but when that's not there
It's even more empty space
I know this looks kind of like off-center because it is
When the door was shut but I'm the only one who's ever in here like that. So I don't really mind it
I generally just can't decide if I even like it in here because it's like a circle object when everything else in here is like
Just like stark contrast with all of these defined lines. So I don't know if I like that
I don't know if it's gonna stay there
Might just revert back to nothing
Or maybe I'll switch out like a frame here because I still have some extra frames from Ikea
We're doing some home decor shop being at home guys. Yeah, lots of shelves we've ordered
I'll show you and so we're just on the dekor hunt. My strategy is just collecting things. We like right now and then we're gonna
potentially make cuts and then
Take it home and find a place we're just like getting a ton of stuff right now
That's like random trinket edik or things cuz our shelves haven't come in
That we're gonna be putting most of this stuff on coming home with all this. Oh
Man bout to be a fun checkout
I'm coming up. So Oh
All right, it's a new day and it's a big day because all righty n stuff is finally here
Which I don't have detailed in this video
I think I did but main item being we're trying to fill out this little nook area
just got a few pillowcase shades and just basically just trying to
Finalize everything happening here. So I'm sibling our little Shelby's which somehow we got to so, that's the exact same thing. So,
We're gonna figure out what to do with that, but it's coming along
It's trying to figure out what decor to put on certain the shelves
But they're built not to start. Yeah. All right
So advice as always you guys always help so much. So we have currently a dilemma of
That looks kind of weird next to that. However
So here it says such a wreck. Here's the overview. So this could go there
I don't know if you can tell but like this is a wide
Little like side table. Also, it's gonna be decorated all cool. However only point of interest right now, this is really wide
It looks kind of right next to that but an option is to move that here
But the issue there and my concern with that
That's gonna be a lot wider like it's gonna be wider than the door frame and I feel like that's gonna be kind of weird
And kind of like make it look like we have less space
It's just like things sticking out so I kind of like it there. But let's be the other option. Let's say we move that there
To the other side then we have like this empty a lot of empty space
So like I don't know really what we do with so if we kept it, does this look weird too?
But that's where to put something in between this and move that that way
Generally, just what do we do is a question
We're trying to side if we're keeping that thing and that thing I don't really know
With I just I just don't know. It doesn't really match the color scheme in here
Really? Just trying to figure it out. I don't even know if I love that little floor lamp thing in that corner
So, yeah, just lots of questions we have shelves that we have to assemble that are gonna go there's like a long shelf
That's gonna go about that
Step on it. And then if you guys might remember for forever when we got this couch
There were these plain gray pillows there. These are green right now
there are these three ugly photos that came with this couch and
we finally ordered some pillow cases from Ikea so we got this color kind of we bought three different colors just to like scope if
We like them long story short
This is the only one that's even a contender, but I still don't know if we like that. So thanks this color
Try to picture it without these blue grey ones
Or without the green or like just trying to figure out like of these pillows. What do we want to keep?
What do we want our color scheme to be slush. Also love the art up there
However, I'm now like does that even match our color scheme we have going on which is one reason
I am in favor of the greenish pillows. I feel like it ties in that color a little more but even still I'm just like
Like if there wasn't green, I feel like we'd need a different color of art. Let me know what you think
I just feel like it stands out a lot
But with the green maybe not but then I'm like all these colorful pillows. I feel like are probably too chaotic
So also a thing, I don't think I've showed
Adrienne has this basket that just came from Target right now. We just have extra pillows right there
these are the ones from urban and I got the other day that are legitimately the softest pillow like, okay and
Amanda this is like the softest I love their pillows. They're really good quality, especially these velvet ones
However, this pink was just a little too like muted pink like been what we were going for for this room
So unfortunately, I don't think we're using these pillows. I might have to go back and swap them for something else
I wish I could keep them like on my bed
but I already have like a really long pillow that you guys have seen I think in there that's also from urban and I just
Like that darker pink better
So these might get swapped however of the pillows we got these are the softness like I love these so much knit over here
I just brought a couple books tears from my room and flip those around and this is not any sort of permanent thing
We're just trying to figure out what looks good on this. That's generally the scoop with that
slowly coming around I will say of
everything that we got I love these shelves remember the most and they were so affordable and
Really easy to put on so glad we have that. I feel like that's so much of this room
Just like when you're sitting on the couch watching TV and you have like all this cute little stuff
We've stacked some random decor
On that those pillows. This is all just gonna improve
I feel like I've been saying that for five months of like don't mind this
It's just in progress being still slowly happening and the other day we oh
We went to core shopping like a bunch of stuff we bought for in there on their shelves
But then that kind of like place to here like there's a timer over there that I just thinks cute in here
So now I don't want to move it
but maybe I should another option I'm realizing is
Since we have a second set of this for mysterious reasons that we did not pay for I checked our invoice
another option could be if we moved that to this side would be if we assembled the other thing of that and
Not necessarily put them together and make like a wall thing. I don't think that would look good
but if we had one here and kind of moved it that way and then we assembled the other one on this wall and then
We moved the bar cart to like in between to like have something to break up this space
Let me know what you think
All those pills need to go back to Target because I didn't like them lots of things happening
One thing I want to do
Is we have all these drawers with like nothing and then I want to go to Target and like buy that like dollar movie candy
And I like literally the things you buy like at that movie theater
and just fill one of these with just movie candy that way when anyone's over they can just take their
Selection we can watch the movie. They're just like, that'd be a cute thing to have also under this coffee table
I love this little like geometric shape thing once we get coffee table books and like stack some on both sides
I think that will look so cute like on top of a couple. Alright guys, we're gonna Obrecht ending really quickly
So thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed this movie though
Make sure you give this video a thumbs up. There will probably be another one things. We do not finish everything now
We'll see all the guys in the next vid
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