Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 29 2018

all right so this is John with U Do It. I have problem my blower so I'm going to

replace the blower I already replaced the resistor and the

blower resistor and now I'm going to replace the blower here's the blower

right here get this one out of the box and they have a city of Torx drivers I

got to figure out which one it was looks like it might have been a t 15 or T 20

to remove the blower there we go there's the blower motor so blower motor motor

has three screws to secure it and a connector for the power right there so

I'll remove the old one installed a new one should take me only about five

minutes so when you're removing this screw you want to be real careful that

it doesn't fall behind that piece of shroud there otherwise you might have to

go digging for it or take that off and that's extra work you don't want there's

a tab on the plug right there you push that tab in and pull it out don't do

what I'm doing here i strong-arm this and I broke the tab off of the blower

now you can't see this on camera but I'm installing the plug to the blower just

by putting it in the plug and pushing it in so I'm still on the blower you want

to make sure you get proper orientation of the blower there's a tab that sticks

out so you know exactly where to put it and then doing this with one hand that's

kind of tough but it is possible I was able to do it

at one point I do hold the screwdriver with my looking hand but really I'm just

using one hand to pretty much do everything right there once I get it

installed partway I don't tighten it down all the way then I started securing

the other screws

now this screw I'm starting by hand because I don't want it to fall behind

that plastic piece there under the dash because again that would be more

difficult having to get that so I'm tightening down each screw torquing it

down so a point where I see how's that I think it's sufficient enough you don't

want to over torque it and strip the holes after replacing the resistor and

the blower all speeds work

so replacing the borrower was pretty easy and it took me about took me under

ten minutes to replace it remove three screws remove the wiring harness there's

a little tab you push it in the wiring harness install the wiring harness on

the new blower and installed the blower so under ten minutes we have it

installed link to purchase this is down below in the description and as always

hit that like button if you like the video share it with others if you know

that they have a problem and make sure you hit that subscribe button thanks

For more infomation >> How to Replace Blower Motor in Dodge Ram 2002 - 2008 / Jeep Grand Cherokee 2002 - 2004 / Heater / AC - Duration: 3:27.


Jeep Wrangler Raxiom 6 LED Headlights with Partial Halo (1997-2018 TJ & JK) Review & Install - Duration: 8:17.

This Raxiom 6 LED headlights will be perfect for the JK or the TJ owner looking to upgrade

their lighting and give a refresh to the front end of their Wrangler.

This will be an upgrade with a 6 10-watt CREE LED light and a semi halo around the side

that you can wire into your daytime running lights.

The color temperature on these will also be a lot cooler at 6500k compared to a halogen

light that usually sits around 2700k.

Not only will the lighting on these be better but the housing is also a big upgrade.

These will have a black housing that will give your Wrangler a stealthy look and it

will also be sealed with an IP67 rating.

That means that the headlight is sealed very well and will not allow any dirt or condensation

inside the housing and damage the LED bulbs.

While being water resistant, these will also be able to take a hit on the trail with a

hard polycarbonate lens.

The pair of headlights will also come with a pair of H4 to H13 adapter harnesses for

the JKs with the H13 bulbs.

These headlights will come as a pair and be right around the $330 mark which is right

in the middle of the price for headlights on the page right now.

For install, it's gonna be a very easy one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter.

I would like to mention that this will require the stock halogen lights to install and will

not be compatible with the JK models that come with stock LED headlights.

Let's head over the Jeep so I can show you how to install these.

Now, before we install our new headlights, we need to take out our old headlight, so

you're gonna go ahead and pop the hood and take off your grille.

Now, in order to remove our grille, we have to take out the six pop clips that are holding

it in place.

What I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna take a flat head to pop the middle up and then take

a trim removal tool and wedge it in between to take that out.

Trim removal tool is gonna really help you out so you don't break these.

Now that we have our six pop clips removed, the grille is able to come off.

But before we do that, we wanna disconnect our turn signals so our wiring harnesses don't

get pulled when you're popping the grille out.

Now, we can go ahead and remove the grille.

Now, after the grille's removed, we can go ahead and remove our stock headlights.

You're gonna need a T15 torx bit.

And you just wanna make sure that you have a hold on your lights.

I'm just using the back of my hand to hold it up.

This is gonna prevent the light from falling out.

And then, once you have your final torx bolt out, go ahead and it will remove the trim.

Once that silver trim is removed, you can remove your headlight, being careful of the

wiring harness behind it.

And this will also have one of these red connectors.

You're just gonna need a flat head to push it out.

The red tab is just gonna lock it in place and then you can go ahead and squeeze down

the tab to release the harness.

Now, we can go ahead and install our new light.

We have our new headlight and LED CAN bus which is going to prevent it from flickering

as well as an H4 to H13 conversion.

If you have a JK, you will be using this.

If you have a TJ and you're installing this on a TJ, you won't need this adapter, but

we're gonna need it for our install.

We went ahead and we extended our halo lighting.

So these are gonna come with two wires sticking out of the main harness and those are gonna

be for your halos.

You can wire them however you like.

We are gonna install these into the parking lights.

First, I recommend to plug it in and then you can go ahead and fit them in and pull

the tab up.

And you can go ahead and just tuck all your wiring in there.

It's gonna be a pretty tight fit with this CAN bus.

Make sure that's in position there.

Then you can go ahead and reinstall your ring that's gonna hold them in place.

You can go ahead and tighten those down.

After you've installed your headlights and before you go ahead and reinstall your new

grille, you're gonna want to adjust your headlights so you're not blinding oncoming traffic.

You can do this by pulling your Jeep up to a wall and putting your headlights on and

adjusting them with a T15 torx bolt on the side of each of your headlights.

Once they're adjusted, we can go ahead and reinstall the grille.

You can just pop it back into place, lining up these bottom tabs, being careful of your

air ambient temperature sensor.

And after those bottom clips are into place, you can go ahead and reinstall your turn signals

and reinstall the pop clips up top.

Once your grille is reinstalled and you put your hood down, you can go ahead and enjoy

your new headlights.

That's it for our review and install.

For more videos like this, keep it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Raxiom 6 LED Headlights with Partial Halo (1997-2018 TJ & JK) Review & Install - Duration: 8:17.


✅ 지프(Jeep), 새로운 컴팩트 SUV '올 뉴 컴패스' 출시 캠페인 진행 - Duration: 5:05.

지프(Jeep)가 새로운 컴팩트 SUV 올 뉴 컴패스(AL NEW COMPASS)의 국내 출시를 앞두고 도시의 모험 들을 찾는 특별한 캠페인을 진행한다

도시에 거주하며 모험을 즐기는 젊은 고객층을 위해 새롭게 태어난 올 뉴 컴패스는 200년 1세대 모델 탄생 이후, 욱 모던하고 세련된 디자인과 어떠한 주행 조건에서도 자신 는 다재다능한 주행 능력 및 편의 사양을 적용하여 10년만 완전 변경된 모델로 선보인다

올 뉴 컴패스의 출시로 지프는 핵심 SUV 라인업을 완성 으로써 독보적인 SUV 브랜드 입지를 강화하게 되었으며 새 게 경쟁력을 갖춘 올 뉴 컴패스는 국내 수입 컴팩트 SUV 세그먼트에서 돌풍을 일으킬 것으로 기대된다

올 뉴 컴패스는 오는 월 1일(화) 국내 시장에 공식 출 된다. 지프는 출시 사전 로 마이크로사이트(http://w w를 오픈하고 6월 2일( )부터 월 13일(금)까지 올 뉴 컴패스와 어울리는 진정한 도시의 모험가를 찾는 '당신은 도시의 모험가(Urban A venturer) 입니까?' 를 실시한다

누구나 참여가 가능한 이번 는 올 뉴 컴패스 마이크로사이 페이지에서 자신의 모험가 유형을 확인하고 해당 를 SN (카카오톡, 페이스북, 인스타그램)에 해시태그 #Compa s_You와 함께 공유하면 된다

또한, 지프의 공식 페이스북과 인스타그램에서는 올 뉴 컴 스와 함께 더 많은 모험을 추구하고 대담해지길 원하는 도시 모험가들의 라이프스타일을 공유할 예정이다

마이크로사이트 참여자들에게는 추첨을 통해 모험가 유형에 따라 △GoPro 액션캠 △HIBROW 체어 세트 △Can n 미니빔 △올 뉴 컴패스 티셔츠를 증정한다

이 외에도 #Compass_You 해시태그와 함께 포스팅 게시물을 추첨하여 100명에게 올 뉴 컴패스 티셔츠를 증 한다

당첨자는 월 1일(화)에 발표되며, 올 뉴 컴패스 마이크 사이트에서 확인할 수 있다.

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