Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 30 2018

Let's talk now about setting goals of all the things that really helped

transform my life when I was 25 years old met my mentor that original mentor

mr. Roche off goal setting really did wonders for me the subject came up when

mr. chef said to me mr. own let me see your current list of goals and he said

let's go over them he said I've got some experience and let's talk about it maybe

I can give you some help and I said to him I don't have a list he said Wow if

you don't have a list of your goals he said I can probably guess your bank

accounts with in your bank account within a few hundred dollars which he

did and that got my attention so here was my response you mean to tell

me if I had a list of my goals it would make a difference in my bank account he

said a drastic difference so that got my attention I thought well I've got to

learn how to set goals and when I learned it it changed my life forever

now I've been teaching it now all these years trying to help people get a better

vision of the future okay so make this note the future is where we're going you

know the past is where we've been presence is where we are and the future

is where we're going and if we can capture this moment in time from our

past to now and then from now to a future more well designed with better

objectives and better purpose for ourselves our family our business our

investments everything else then this this moment in time

have become extremely valuable so let me give you first what really affects us

all number one were affected by the environment in which we live were

affected by the physical environment I

was challenged to it back in those early days why not make the environment better

everywhere you go I learned mama taught you know turn off the lights when you

check out of your hotel and you leave the room before you leave turn out the

lights and I thought why do that and here's what she said to make a

contribution that's so easy Wow and if you could make a contribution

that is so easy that didn't cost you any money and didn't cost you any time you

know didn't cost you a piece of your life why not make the contribution

that's easy because if everybody did it think of how much we would conserve

someone says well yes but the hotel benefits if you turn out all the lights

and here's the answer that sophisticated people always have who cares

who benefits if it benefits the hotel and if everybody did it probably the

cost of the hotel room would come down so every benefit you can give every

benefit you can share because here's what happens if you learn to give you

will what receive maybe not in the manner in which you gave maybe not in

like kind someone will save energy for you because you saved energy for them

but in some mysterious ways it always comes back to

plus if you give you will receive in fact here's what it says that for the

uneducated is a little bit strange it says it's better to give than it is to

receive now see if you didn't understand you would say that doesn't quite make

sense surely it would be better to receive than to give and the answer's no

it is much better to give than to receive

and here's why it's what we call being in having intelligent self-interest

nothing wrong with self-interest as long as you do it the intelligent way here's

the key giving it's better to give than it is to receive because giving starts

the receiving process so to act intelligently in your own self-interest

which is good it's much better to give than it is to receive because if all of

you do all you do is receive that may be very limited but if you give and giving

starts the receiving process coming your way from unknown resources from unknown

places back it comes around to you because you became a giver that's one of

the unique mysteries of life we give to receive and it's better to give than it

is to receive so that's what mama said turn out the lights

make a contribution why not make the easy ones here's what else we talked

about it at our lunch break today to those who were there it raises your

self-esteem plus your self-respect that you do things that the average person

doesn't do maybe if they were taught they would maybe if somebody mentioned

it they would but it's easy for most everybody to just go on their way and if

they're not interrupted by a good idea that says hey it's so easy to make a

contribution this one would be easy turn out the lights when you leave the

hotel room and make a contribution that's interesting

next is the phrase in terms of environment always leave something

better than you found it I talked to a man one time who rented out a long list

of of apartments and he said Mr on you wouldn't believe it but when somebody

rents an apartment they usually leave it worse than when they rented it I said

you've got to be kidding he said no a high percentage of people leave it

trashed if they stay six months or stay one year they leave it trashed not just

not better but trashed I said that's impossible why would

anyone do that mama said to me no leave it but better than you found it see

that's just a commitment to your own self-esteem and why not do it if it

makes a contribution to your self-esteem it's called intelligent self-interest

intelligent self-interest self-interest says I wish to be ruler over many and

intelligent self-interest says I understand how to do that be faithful in

the amounts or smile if you'll take care of the few we will someday give you a

position of very high importance over many but if you don't be disciplined

when the amounts are small why would we trust you when the amounts are large

Brian mentioned that earlier why would you why would life give you a fortune

man if you couldn't manage the gifts of a few interesting philosophy to consider

okay your own self-interest leave the contribution I'm even we're aware of it

when I leave a restaurant and I get me a toothpick right and you take off the

little cellophane off the toothpick it's easy to throw it by the cash register

right or somewhere where looks like other people have done the same mama

said put it in your pocket somebody says wow a little piece of

cellophane what difference does it make it doesn't make that much difference

only in your self-respect take your trash home and deposit it how much does

it cost to clean up the trash on the highways in America mega mega mega

millions wouldn't people take home their own trash and deposit it there rather

than scatter it on the highways across America and the answer is most people do

not it's so easy to throw it out the window

but now add this it's so easy to keep it in your car and have a few more points

in your favor on self-esteem feeling good about yourself doing things that

most people don't do if everybody differed did it what a different country

we would have but it doesn't really matter you say well if everybody's gonna

do it why shouldn't I do it and the answer is for your own dignity and for

your own self-esteem you do things that most other people allow themselves to do

that you don't do and so when I talk about the environment now we're affected

by the political environment and the social environment

we're affected by

the economy environment

For more infomation >> Jim Rohn: Creating Smart Goals ( Jim Rohn Coaching ) - Duration: 10:00.


Rilievo con un clic. Stanley Smart Measure Pro - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Rilievo con un clic. Stanley Smart Measure Pro - Duration: 8:25.


La Real se apunta a la moda de los 'smart stadiums' - Duration: 1:41.

 El concurso, denominado 'Sport Thinkers Smart Stadium' está organizado por el centro de Microsoft especializado en tecnología y deporte (Global Sports Innovation Center) junto a la Real Sociedad, y abrirá el plazo de solicitudes el próximo 13 de julio

 Los proyectos que se buscan en esta convocatoria deben ayudar a Anoeta a ser un "estadio inteligente", facilitando la seguridad y comodidad de los espectadores, mejorando su experiencia, convirtiéndolo en un icono de la región, potenciando su servicio a la comunidad local y desarrollando su potencial de negocio

 Según explicó la directora del GSIC, Iris Córdoba, el objetivo de esta iniciativa es "detectar las mejores 'startups' innovadoras que puedan dar soluciones tecnológicas alrededor del concepto 'smart stadium'" para mejorar la experiencia de los aficionados de la Real Sociedad

 Las diez mejores compañías entre todas las propuestas serán seleccionadas en octubre, para realizar en noviembre una semana de inmersión en la Real Sociedad y desarrollar hasta el mes de febrero de 2019 sus proyectos piloto de soluciones para el club, que podrá elegir si utilizar o no

 "Para la Real convertir Anoeta en un 'smart stadium' es una oportunidad que no debemos desaprovechar ya que se alinea perfectamente con nuestro objetivo de ofrecer a nuestros aficionados y aficionadas la mejor experiencia posible en nuestro estadio", aseguró el presidente realista Jokin Aperribay, en un comunicado

For more infomation >> La Real se apunta a la moda de los 'smart stadiums' - Duration: 1:41.


Suzuki Baleno 1.2 SMART HYBRID HIGH EXECUTIVE | Navigatie | Climate Control | Cruise Control | demo - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Baleno 1.2 SMART HYBRID HIGH EXECUTIVE | Navigatie | Climate Control | Cruise Control | demo - Duration: 0:46.


Suzuki Swift 1.0 STIJL SMART HYBRID | Navigatie | Cruise Control | Climate Control | demo | - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.0 STIJL SMART HYBRID | Navigatie | Cruise Control | Climate Control | demo | - Duration: 0:50.


Dimentica il freno a mano: la Smart finisce in mare - Duration: 7:17.

Il video della Smart che scivola in acqua, ripresa dalle telecamere del porto, mostra le conseguenze della dimenticanza della ragazza

 Una ragazza di Torre del Greco ha parcheggiato la Smart vicino alle acque del porto e si è allontanata per trascorrere alcune ore in compagnia delle amiche

Al suo ritorno, però, l'auto non era più al suo posto. Le telecamere del porto mostrano il video della macchina che scivola verso l'acqua

Sembra che la causa dell'incidente sia una dimenticanza della ragazza, che non si è accorta di non aver inserito il freno a mano

Smart in mare  È stato necessario contattare i vigili del fuoco e la capitaneria di porto per recuperare la Smart finita nelle acque del porto, a Torre del Greco

I sommozzatori si sono fatti aiutare da un mezzo di soccorso stradale e sono così riusciti a estrarre la macchina dal mare e a restituirla alla ragazza

 La giovane ora dovrà affrontare le conseguenze della sua distrazione. Sembra infatti che la macchina non sia di sua proprietà

L'aveva infatti noleggiata appositamente per trascorrere la giornata al mare con le amiche, ignara di ciò che sarebbe successo

  I precedenti  La ragazza campana non è di certo la prima a vivere una disavventura a causa del freno a mano

 Un episodio simile è avvenuto il giorno dell'epifania ad Alghero, in Sardegna

Un pensionato ha parcheggiato la sua Fiat Punto nel porto e si stava allontanando per fare una passeggiata

Ma si è immediatamente accorto che la macchina stava lentamente scivolando verso il mare

Ha cercato di fermarla, aggrappandosi alla maniglia della portiera, ma senza successo

Non solo non è riuscito a impedire l'inevitabile, ma ha perso l'equilibrio ed è finito a terra

 In provincia di Rovigo, a Stienta, un 49enne, autista di un camion per l'espurgo pozzi, ha dimenticato di inserire il freno a mano ed è stato schiacciato dal mezzo nel marzo 2018

L'uomo è stato trasportato in ospedale a bordo di un elicottero. Le sue condizioni erano gravi ma non tali da mettere in pericolo la sua vita

 Nel dicembre 2017 un uomo di 80 anni è stato investito dalla sua stessa auto a Montepiano di Locana, in Piemonte

Il pensionato si è accorto troppo tardi di non aver inserito il freno a mano nel suo fuoristrada Suzuki e quando ha cercato di fermarlo è stato colpito

 Ha riportato gravi ferite alle gambe ed è stato ricoverato all'ospedale di Ciriè

Le vittime  In alcuni casi, il mancato inserimento del freno a mano può rivelarsi fatale

Nel maggio 2016 una donna di 53 anni a Busnago, nella provincia di Monza, è morta schiacciata dal proprio suv davanti alla porta di casa

La vittima aveva parcheggiato l'auto sul vialetto della propria abitazione, in leggera pendenza

La macchina è scivolata, per via di un malfunzionamento del freno, e l'ha bloccata tra il veicolo e il portone

La donna, madre di quattro figli, è morta sul colpo.  Maria Bastanion, una donna veneziana di 70 anni è morta a Caviola Falcade (provincia di Belluno) nel luglio del 2015

L'auto che l'ha schiacciata però non era la sua: apparteneva a un 22enne del posto

Il giovane l'ha parcheggiata in piazza, vicino a un bar, dimenticando il freno a mano

La donna era di spalle e non si è accorta del veicolo in movimento.

For more infomation >> Dimentica il freno a mano: la Smart finisce in mare - Duration: 7:17.


Todo desde tu Smart TV: Información de partidos, formaciones, minuto a minuto y hasta redes sociales - Duration: 2:45.

La app tiene diferentes secciones  * Home: se puede comprobar qué juegos terminaron, están en vivo o se jugarán pronto

* Estadísticas: sirve para ver la información del partido, incidencias del juego y hasta feed de Twitter en tiempo real* Formaciones: permite consultar la alienación de cualquier equipo y el rendimiento de cada jugador* Tabla de Posiciones: se pueden chequear los resultados del campeonato y puntajes de los equipos  Este beneficio estará disponible en la línea de últimos modelos LG, a excepción de los LG Smart TV OLED

Entre los que se destacan las series: Super UHD como el LG SJ de 65" y 86", los UJ UHD que van desde el 43" hasta 75" y también en los Full HD, los LJ que van desde el 32" al 49"

SJ9570-Nano Cell.jpg Los Super UHD de la serie SJ de 65" y 86" permiten disfrutar de contenido streaming en 4K HDR de una manera mucho más rápida y fácil

Gracias a su tecnología innovadora de Nano CellTM Display, no sólo la calidad de imagen es superior a la tecnología LED, asegurando una mejor visión desde cualquier ángulo, sino que también resalta los colores, haciéndolos más vivos y reales

Para garantizarle a sus clientes una experiencia diferencial, LG incorpora a su Smart TV tecnología exclusiva que optimiza tanto el sonido como la imagen

El Smart TV LG Ultra HD de la serie UJ, que van desde su versión en 43'' a 75'' presentan una calidad de imagen con colores intensos y mantienen en todo momento un sólido contraste desde cualquier ángulo

Además, con la función de HDR Active incorporada (Alto Rango Dinámico, por sus siglas en inglés), garantizan una experiencia de última generación

Con un diseño elegante, el Smart TV cuenta con un procesador de imagen exclusivo de máxima tecnología asegurando una calidad de resolución 4K

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