Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 1 2018

Good morning!

Today we're gonna use the Icon Mini Eyeshadow Palette to do this eye makeup in real time.

My name is Maike, welcome back to my channel, I make makeup and beauty and all that kind

of stuff, cliche videos, so if at any point you think you might be interested in that,

you can always subscribe down below, I'd really appreciate it.

So I got this palette in a Glossybox.

I don't really like it that much, but I've kind of like made an unofficial project pan

of it so that at least I use like half of it up and then I don't feel so bad for getting

rid of it because I don't really...

I don't wanna give something that I don't like to friends of mine and in Austria you

can't really donate things you have tried to a shelter, so yeah, I'm gonna do an eye

look with that but to make it a little different, I'm gonna actually not edit the makeup part

because I feel like a lot off times it is reduced down to so much, a lot of blending

is cut out a lot of mistakes are cut out that kind of thing, that you feel kind of bad about

having, about taking so long to do your eye makeup you know so I wanted to do this.

It might be boring to you, so then don't watch it, but if you're interested in how long it

actually takes me to do an eye look like this, then keep on watching.

I'm gonna start out with putting this NYX proof it!

eyeshadow base all over my eyelid.

Just gonna tap that in with my finger.

Maybe I should have everything ready when I'm doing things in real life uh in real time,

but I don't because I'm very unorganized right now um sorry for the noise.

I'm gonna take this Morphe R40 and I'm gonna take this light color right here, the lightest

color available and I'm gonna put that all over my eyelid.

Ok and I'm gonna stick with that brush and acutally I'm gonna take a shader brush.

This is the Bobbi Brown eyeshadow brush, it's kind of a more fluffy shader brush and I'm

gonna go in with Prosecco, the other one was Fluff.

I'm gonna go in with Prosecco this gold shade here and I'm placing this on the first third

of my lid.

I'm also taking it a little bit above my crease so I can see it when my eyes are open.

I'm taking the same brush, wow there is a lot of kickback in this, taking the same brush

and I'm taking Soft Copper, this one here, and I'm placing this in the middle of my lid

and I'm gonna blend that into the Prosecco shade.

I'm gonna use my finger a little bit to blend that better.

There we go.

Now I'm gonna take this synthetic brush which just has a sharper edge, this is the Bobbi

Brown Cream Shadow brush and I'm gonna take Nutty, the shade right here and I'm gonna

draw a line here.

Because I don't wanna have a too harsh edge where I use tape but I don't want a super

smokey look either, so I'm just drawing my wing here and I'm kind of blending that into

the inner side of the eye, so like the outer third.

Ok, doing exactly the same thing on the other side.

Now taking this pencil brush, this is the two three zero Luxe Pencil.

I'm gonna blend that out a little bit.

And using a fluffy brush, this is the two two eight luxe crease from Zoeva I'm taking

Nutty again and I'm really blending this into the shades here now.

Quite a lot of fallout I don't know if you can see that.

So now you can see how long I actually sit here and blend this um blending is not something

that happens within like two seconds and you're done and it's super blended and it's beautiful,

you have to keep going back, go back over it, maybe take a lighter color again and just

keep on blending it out, especially if you have shadows like these which are kind of

patchy and not the easiest to work with.

You really have to work on it so it looks good.

It's not, you know a lot of people cut their videos, including myself, because I find the

blending kind of boring um especially if I'm not saying anything so I'm just siting there

like blending away, blending away, blending away and I feel like people don't wanna see


I don't know, do you, let me know in the comments down below if you prefer having not completely

real time like this one but more real time videos where I show more of the blending that

I do and just more of the actual work that goes into it.

Ok I'm quite happy with that, gonna take this a little bit inside here.

There we go and I'm going back to that pencil brush and I'm gonna take Charred, the black

shade or I think it's black, it might be dark gray and I'm gonna smoke this out a little

bit along my lash line.

I'm also taking it up a little bit on the outside here, so it's kind of mimics an eyeliner

a little bit.

Can you still see what I'm doing?

It's very difficult because I want to go close to the mirror but when I'm close to the mirror

like this obviously you can't see anything anymore.

Ok and I'm doing the same on the other side.

Not exactly happy with what is happening here, I'm gonna... see I mess up as well, like it's

not that easy you know, you do mess up, just correct it and move on.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Ok I'm happy with that top side um because I'm wearing a blue dress and I want a little

bit of a, can't find it, oh there we go, I'm gonna put a blue eyeliner um a blue kohl pencil

on the bottom here.

This is the Make-up Studio Professional Makeup C15 Natural Liner in number three and it's

just a royal blue kind of color.

Ok let me take the mirror in my hand.

Now that's better right?

And I'm just gonna put this underneath my lashes here.

Can you still see something?


Ok and on the other side

and I'm also uh I can't see anything gonna put this in my waterline.

There we go.

Taking a clean pencil brush.

This is one from MAC I got in a special edition at some point it's just a normal pencil brush

unfortunately the number has rubbed off.

I'm just gonna smoke this out a little bit on the bottom here, so it's not quite as jaggedy.

What was that?

Did I have sleep sand in my eyes?

Oh no!

Ok I'm not quite happy, sorry I'll be right back but I have to do my waterline better,

I'm not quite happy with that.


And that's pretty much the eyeshadow done, now I'm actually gonna use some gel eyeliner

and a small fan brush to do my eyelashes.

I'm gonna do my bottom eyelashes, sorry I'm gonna do my bottom eyelashes only with this

eyeliner and the pencil brush, not pencil brush, it's like a small fan brush um this..

uh... this is the Boris Eurup?


I don't know, doesn't have a number though and I'm just gonna dip in that eyeliner, this

is the MAC Blacktrack, dip this in, gonna have to take my mirror again like this wow

it's gonna be hard to post this without um and I'm just gonna put this on my bottom lashes.

It's very easy with this to separate your lashes and really coat them very, very well

and have more of a natural look than that kind of stuck together um volume mascara look.

See that?

See the difference between the two eyes?

How this is just a really beautiful natural black coating?

Theoretically you can use this for your upper lashes as well, but it'll just take you a

really long time and if you don't really have problems with your mascara then maybe it's

not worth doing it you know, but it does give you a very beautiful result.

Got it in my eye there.

Ok you cant see anything I'm sorry about that.

I have to watch myself and watch what you guys can see in the camera as well and it's

not always easy.

Ok in an attempt to use up this mascara, this is the Benefit Rollerlash, it's one of my

favorite mascaras but I'm not gonna use it anymore because it's not cruelty free and

yeah I'm on the lookout for a really good mascara like this that is cruelty free.

So if you have any ideas do let me know.

Ok I'm gonna go one more time over with a blending brush over the part here I don't

feel like it's very... it's enough like blended yet?

Does that make sense?

The thing is also on the camera it looks a lot like harsher than it does in real life

so you have to like blend it extra so it doesn't look stupid on the camera you know?

Ok and that's it does and it took us almost sixteen minutes.

So I hope that you liked this video, if you want more real time videos like this so you

have a better idea of how long it actually takes us to do our makeup, let me know in

the comments down below.

If you liked the video, as always you can leave me a thumbs up, you can subscribe right

here, you can also hit that notification bell to be informed of when my videos come out

which is every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday fixed and sometimes in between if I

feel like it and if I have the time, so I really hope I'll see you next time!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Icon Mini Eyeshadow Palette | Real Time Makeup - Duration: 17:35.


[DIY] How to make CS drift gear for Mini-Q and Mini-Z - Duration: 6:08.

Hello, and welcome to Beaver's Hobby Channel.

In this video I am going to show you how to make a DIY CS gear for Sinohobby Mini-Q.

And this also works for Kyosho Mini-Z too.

If you are new to my channel and don't know what CS drift is,

you can watch my introduction to CS drift video from link in the description.

I am going to modify only the rear main gear

and use solid axle from Sinohobby CS kit.

But if you don't have this CS kit

you can make a solid axle for CS gear from standard differential too.

I also have videos showing you how to do just that.

Again, links are in the description.

Let's start by looking at the rear main gear that I am going to modify in to CS gear.

This is the spur gear or rear main gear for 94 mm wheelbase.

And this is the pinion gear that I am going to use.

It is 16T which will give the car 2.0 CS ratio.

You can find it easily pretty much anywhere on the internet

by searching for "plastic gear for small toys and robot".

Putting them side by side and we can see that the only thing need to be done

is widen the hole on the pinion gear so it can fit over the rear main gear.

The shaft diameter is 4.8 mm

luckily this pinion gear has the same length as the shaft so I don't need to modify that.

If you need to modify the length of the pinion gear,

you only have to sand or file it down until it has the same length.

To widen the hole, use drill bits starting from a small one

and increase the size one at a time.

What you are about to see was my first attempt,

that's why the gear was blue.

So don't be surprised why the actual finished one is white.

A lot of sacrifice has been made in the making of this mod.

I start by using 3 mm drill bit with hand drill to slowly widen the hole.

Then increase the size of the drill bit by half a millimeter at a time.

The final one is 5 mm.

This drill bit doesn't fit my hand drill so I have to use my cordless drill instead.

Be patience every step because you don't want to end up with a hole that is off centre.

And here it is, pinion gear to use with rear main gear.

Now I can put them together by pressing the rear main gear in to this hole like this.

And it is done.

This gear is tight fit so I don't even need to glue it in.

What left to do is putting it in the car and adjust the rear diff

or in this case solid axle to mesh with this gear properly.

Normally I use 2 shims each side for 1.75 CS ratio.

So I am going to move one shim from the right side to the left.

Now I have 3 shims on the left and one shim on the right.

Put it back and check the gear mesh.

This seems to be working well so I can reassemble the car and go for drifting.

Before that, let's check if it is really 2.0 CS ratio.

And here is how it drifts.

It may be a bit difficult to see in the video.

So I am going to describe to you the difference between this one and 1.75 CS ratio that I had before.

With 2.0 CS ratio I can kick the back out much easier than before.

But I have to work the throttle and steering more than before as well.

However this car is still very easy to drive.

What you are seeing here was my first time with this CS ratio on this car

and as you can see it drifts very well.

Now I'm gonna stop talking and let you enjoy the rest of this drifting footage.

That's it for this video.

Please subscribe if you haven't done it yet

and hit the bell icon to get notification whenever I upload a new video.

Thanks for watching. And see you again next time.

For more infomation >> [DIY] How to make CS drift gear for Mini-Q and Mini-Z - Duration: 6:08.


DIY MINI DIARY/PHOTO ALBUM/NOTEBOOKS - Four Easy & Cute Designs! part 2 - Duration: 3:55.



For more infomation >> DIY MINI DIARY/PHOTO ALBUM/NOTEBOOKS - Four Easy & Cute Designs! part 2 - Duration: 3:55.


A VERY DANGEROUS MINIGAME - Splatoon 2 - Duration: 8:56.

"How many did I get with...

- Ha! No! Right in the missiles - Hello everyone! It's been a while

since the last video in which I'm showing my face. The last time was, for those who remember,

when I shot a video called the "Flip Gamepad Challenge"

It was a concept in Splatoon 1, on the Wii U, when I splatted someone,

I threw my gamepad in the air, made it turn, and tried to grab it back.

And now we have Splatoon 2 and the Nintendo Switch.

I put that thought away because, you know, throwing a Nintendo Switch, if I don't do it right,

well, the consequences are not the same as if I miss my throw with

the wii U gamepad.

So, I decided not to try this concept, but not that long ago,

I was contacted by the Force Glass brand, and they make glass protections for different

kinds of electronic devices, and they offered me to send one of their latest

protection designed for the Nintendo Switch devices and to try it in a video.

So I thought for this first sponsored video of my channel that it would be

cool to bring back the Flip Challenge and to do it again this time

with the Nintendo Switch and with a screen a little bit better protected, you know, than

with no protection at all.

Obviously, I'd better not let my Nintendo Switch fall because

if I do, if I drop it, well, not only the screen would

be damaged.

My Joy-Cons could break, and it could damage the inside of the device, obviously.

So I higly recommand not to do it at home, and I won't be responsible

if you decide to flip your Nintendo Switch and break it.

But today, I'm here to take risks: trying to make flip, trying

to make them right, and in order to do so, I came up with three mini games I'm gonna play

with some friends of mine, and in these games I'm gonna have to actually make some flips

with my Nintendo Switch.

What are flips, exactly? Well, it consists in taking your controller, throw it in air,

make it turn, and grab it back, just like that.

And so, let's go! And in order to record it, I'm gonna use my second Nintendo Switch

in Spectator View on my dock; it will enable

you to have the Spectator View of this Nintendo Switch.

Game #1: 4 Brush players and 1 with a gun trying to splat them as they turn around him. "Moving targets"

- This is a technique of survival - Yes, got two

Where are you? Where are you?

Tenta Missiles

- You are excellent targets, I have to say, it's an A+

- Thank you - Come back, come back here

If I manage to turn at the same speed as you, I can have you every time actually

- I'm in windshield wipers mode now,

at the bottom - Windshield wipers mode?

- Yeah, going one side, then the other, just like that - I think I found the solution

- You get yourself out of my range.

I really don't know how this video will look when it comes out.

I have to reset my camera everytime actually because making a flip

changes it completely. - I'm out of ink

- It completely changes the aim.

Ooh la la, I'm really disturbed, you are disturbing me right now.

I don't know who to aim any longer.

Well, you.


As for now, I haven't dropped my Switch. Luckily for me, I have no intention

of doing so today. 37 points, good!

Game #2: 4 rollers and 1 player alone. 2 players teaming up have to make the one alone fall off at one side of the map. 1 goal = 1 flip. "(Almost) Soccer"

Are you guys ready? I really don't know what it will come to.

3, 2, 1, Top!

Careful... Ah! First point.

Let's say half a point because you pushed me aside, not a the end,

I'm really not good with that, I prefer that you make me fall at the end.

So, who's got this half point? I can't see your name tags.

- For Arik and Anti - So, let's go

What an intense fight!

They push me against the wall, I can't move.

Careful, you're pushing me aside

Will I fall? Careful, only one move, well, yeah,

that's it! - Yes Iva, yes!

- Well, I didn't make any flip earlier, so I have to make a flip

since you've scored, this is the rule

I'm making a flip, even one and a half to be precise, that's my luck since I haven't

made the previous one when you got your half point.

3, 2, 1, Top!

- That was cheating! - Cheaters!

- Here it won't count, it won't count, it won't count, it won't count.

I'm going back at the center.

Are you ready? - Ho, sorry!

- It seems like Maca is more than ready.

So Maca, if you want, you can make a gamepad flip with your dock.

- Controller Flip, Pro Controller - TV set Flip.

Force Glass is not making any protection for your tv set yet.

Are you ready? 3...

Wait, that's cheating

3, 2, 1...

I didn't say "Top", hey, you animals!

I wanted to see, wanted to see, if you cheat.


Ooh la la, there it is!

Ooh la la, there it is! I'm moving aside, it is quite...

Ooh, ooh, I'm not fallen yet, they're pushing me against a wall, I can see it coming.

And, ooh, crazy love between me and the wall.

Do you even know on which side you have to push me? Because I'm a bit lost

right now - Maca is hesitating.

- It doesn't count, it doesn't count, be careful.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I'm struggling, hop, struggling - Cheater! Cheater!

- I'm struggling.

3 2 1 0.

Hop, I'm jumping

Hop, I'm jumping

Hop, I'm throwing myself into the mob

- Come back!

- It's not even half a point, it's nothing at all, you are making me go aside,

wait, c'mon, wait.

- C'mon - Restart, restart, restart

- Hey, we won a point!

- Restart

Ho, well, what? What did just happen?

Ok, so, you're ready? 3, 2, 1, TOP! Congrats! Congratulations, we can applaud real loud!

I know one thing for sure, this Force Glass screen protects way better than

the old plastic film protection I had just before.

To begin with, there are no bubbles.

You know, since I bought the Switch, well, it's been a year since I got the plastic

protection and the bubbles below, because I had trouble setting it

and in the end I didn't manage to do it right.

- Well, it's complicated - This some great show!

- Yeah! Beautiful game

I think eSportBros TV can commentate.

It's kind of like Harry Potter's Golden Snitch, isn't it?

Game #3: 4 players exchange some clams. A 5th one try to steal them, his goal is to have a Power Clam. 1 clam = 1 flip "Catch them if you can"

Are you ready? - Yes

- Ok let's go! Hop, got two.

Hop, got three.


Ha, thanks

- C'mon Maca, take my clams even though you don't like it

- Thanks, got two.

Hop, there.

Even three, I'm not sure.

Ha thanks, five.

One more, one more.

- Let's keep our clams - That's cheating, that's cheating

And thanks

Well done

There is one, there, hop


Two, thanks


Ho, what is it? That won't stop!

Ha, no, There were two, actually.

Or I threw one accidentally.

Why am I throwing them back? I'm losing them when I'm making flips, actually.

- Ha, Justice prevails - Yeah, I can see that, ha, thanks

- Go and take it, over there.

- Ok

- Your wish, my command

- Wait, he's stalking me

- ha, ha, ha, ha, ha thanks

Ha, thanks again.

Only one more, wait, look.

You lost!

- No! I threw it before - No, no, no, if there is a Power Clam,

then you had ten clams first.

You lost!

For more infomation >> A VERY DANGEROUS MINIGAME - Splatoon 2 - Duration: 8:56.


ARCTIC AIR - Il MINI CONDIZIONATORE USB Portatile... CHE FUNZIONA DAVVERO! - Recensione ITA - Duration: 12:44.


For more infomation >> ARCTIC AIR - Il MINI CONDIZIONATORE USB Portatile... CHE FUNZIONA DAVVERO! - Recensione ITA - Duration: 12:44.


How To Make Mini Spot Welder Using old Microwave Transformer | DIY - Duration: 11:37.

The first subscribers of my channel remember

that I was gathering the ladder of Jacob.

As a source of high voltage

a transformer was used from the microwave oven.

But we are not interested in high voltage,

but a large current.

Accordingly, it is necessary to replace the secondary winding.

Let's check the resistance of the windings.

On the primary in our region is five ohms.

On the secondary in the region of two hundred.

Now our task is to remove the secondary winding.

First, try to cut one side

and if you're lucky, we'll try to pull it out.

We do not need this wire, we can cut it off.

At first sight, because of the lacquer, the winding resembles

a copper one.

In fact it is Aluminum.

Sometimes the tool jumps off

I recommend that it be wrapped around with something.

I could not pull it out.

But Aluminum is perfectly drillable.

But for a start, we'll wrap the tape.

It drills quite easily.

My drill was short therefore drilled from both sides.

A thermal fuse was discovered,

but unfortunately I managed to damage it.

Now proceed directly to the winding.

Wire sixteen squares.

The length is only one meter.

It is better to take a stock.

After winding, the length of the terminals was twenty-seven centimeters.

Having removed the insulation, I installed the clamps.

For safety, I connected to the mains through a fuse.

The voltage was about 1.5 volts

But we are not interested in tension

Let's try the test.

This wire is designed for a current of more than twenty amperes.

Two seconds was enough to melt this wire.

The power supply from the old computer is ideal as a case.

Unfortunately now more thin metal is used.

Pay attention to the protrusions they will disturb us,

I had to work a little with a hammer.

The projections are removed,

but the holes coincide with the attachment points.

To do this, you have to rewind the winding.

But to install the reverse side of us prevents the thread.

The thread is sawn off.

Now you can mark the points where we will drill.

We still have to shoot it, so I fixed it with a couple of screws.

One of the previous projects left a copper tube with an internal diameter of six millimeters.

Which came just perfect.

Initially, it was planned to solder the wire to the tube,

but without the burner it did not work.

I will squeeze the entire tube, then you will understand why this is necessary.

We establish a loop that was made of what was near at hand.

In order that the angle of the loop does not touch the wooden element.

I advise you to fasten the loop so that the battery is placed under it.

This will simplify the assembly of large batteries.

In general, I consider the design to be successful, but time will tell whether this is so.

Note this is the same clamp only without a plastic casing.

A thin wire is still used as electrodes.

The maximum possible diameter is five millimeters.

The copper bus is fixed to the screws.

In order for the clamps to sit well.

I bent the copper bus.

To reduce vibration and noise, silicone gaskets were installed.

At the time of testing, we will monitor the temperature for this, set the thermocouple.

We connect power.

Собираем корпус

Try to include.

How he is terribly noisy.

Install the gasket between the transformer and the cover.


Did not help.

Noise emits the edge of the lid.

Temporarily put the paper.

It really helped.

Now let's try the test.

I did not test on batteries, they are afraid of overheating.

We must first collect the electronics, this we will do in the next part.

Thank you for viewing and until the new meetings with you was TechnoExpert.

For more infomation >> How To Make Mini Spot Welder Using old Microwave Transformer | DIY - Duration: 11:37.


MINI Lightning McQueen Superhero Cars - Black Spiderman, Captain America and Iron-Man Toy McQueen - Duration: 10:05.

MINI Lightning McQueen Superhero Cars - Black Spiderman, Captain America and Iron-Man Toy McQueen

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