Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 30 2018

- Hey guys.

My name is Morgan Saint

and I'm gonna share with you songs

that have soundtracked my life thus far.

(upbeat music)

Probably one of my all-time favorite songs is

Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley.

I love him.

♪ Could you be loved ♪

♪ And be loved ♪

- I love every one of his songs

but that song just

makes me feel some type of way. (laughs)

Let me talk about my all-time favorite artist, Rihanna.

What's My Name by Rihanna and Drake.

Like (shivers)

everything that they've ever done together is so good.

I love the music video.

I think it's ridiculous and amazing.

I'm like a big

driver who sings and dances while they drive,

so I just remember definitely feeling that in the car,

you know what I'm sayin'?

Growing up, Spice Girls was my life

and so I would say Wannabe by Spice Girls is a huge one.

My cousins and I would pretend to be one of the Spice Girls

and this was like something that we played every single day.

I always played Sporty Spice,

if you can't tell. (laughs)

I just remember dancing and being crazy to that song.

I can listen to it now and it takes me right back.

One of my all-time favorite songs

that literally makes me cry every time I listen to it

is a song called As Much As I Ever Could by City and Colour.

♪ Love, love of mine ♪

♪ Won't you lay by my side ♪

- Uh, yeah.

Every time I hear that song it just makes me cry.

I think it's so beautiful.

His voice is so amazing.

That would be one of my favorite songs for sure.

To finish this off,

my own song that's most personal to me

is a song called Glass House.

One, it's extremely personal

and two, it sort of sits in the center of my EP

and I think it gives life to the other four songs

that I don't think they would necessarily have

if it weren't for this song.

♪ Shackled to the back of your headboard ♪

♪ Hoping you would fall down ♪

The song kind of takes you through a journey

from when I was younger to now

and how those

big life moments sort of have worked together

and influenced each other.

Okay guys,

that is the soundtrack to my life.

I hope you like those songs.

If you haven't heard 'em

you should definitely check them out.

And let me know if you like them too.

(energetic music)

For more infomation >> Morgan Saint Shares Her Favorite Rihanna & Drake Collab | Soundtracked 💿 | TRL - Duration: 2:31.


Samara Morgan Cartoon Parody - Duration: 2:37.

Dota sound

Sako Polumenta (Music)


Hi, hi

You will die in seven days

What, who are you ?

Seven days..

God, what an idiot

Seven days later

Who are you, what do you want from me ?


Holly shit man, how did u get here ?

Bro, you called me to bring you pack 15 minutes ago

Thats okay bro, but how did you walk through the TV?

No bro, you are tripping

Nevermind, i'm going to bring you money


Samara, i knew that was you

What the fuck is this

For more infomation >> Samara Morgan Cartoon Parody - Duration: 2:37.


Fed says no to Goldman and Morgan Stanley dividend hikes - Duration: 9:41.

 The Federal Reserve is reigning in banking giants Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley from boosting their total dividend payouts and stock buybacks

  The decision is the result of the central bank's second round of its annual stress tests

The Federal Reserve has given the OK to 32 of the 35 biggest banks in the U.S. to raise their dividends and buy back shares, judging their financial foundations sturdy enough to withstand a major economic downturn

  The new tax law that took effect in January helped tip Goldman and Morgan Stanley's capital reserves below required levels under the hypothetical stress, the Fed said

It was pegged as a one-time impact of the tax law. The Fed rejected outright the capital plan of the U

S. holding company of Germany's Deutsche Bank, citing weaknesses in its assumptions for forecasting revenues and losses

 State Street Corp. gained Fed approval on condition that it improve its analysis of hypothetical lending risks with other big banks

 The yearly check-up tests the banks to determine if their current plans for paying out capital to shareholders would still allow them to keep lending if hit by another financial crisis and severe recession

They have now been approved to pay out to shareholders about 95 percent of their total net revenue over the next four quarters

 The Fed said it applied its toughest-ever "severely adverse" scenario for the economy in this year's tests to see how the banks would fare

 All the banks have at least $50 billion in assets. After the results were made public, several big banks quickly announced they were boosting their dividends and would increase the amount of stock they plan to buy back this year

 "Today is about the capital announcements, and what we're seeing is dividends going up more than 30 percent on average," Marty Mosby, an analyst at Vining-Sparks IBG LP, told Bloomberg News

  JPMorgan Chase raised its quarterly dividend to 80 cents a share, up from 56 cents a share

The company also announced a plan to repurchase $20.7 billion in stock this upcoming cycle

Wells Fargo raised its dividend to 43 cents a share from 39 cents a share, and announced $24

7 billion in stock repurchases. American Express said its new dividend would be 39 cents a share, up from 35 cents, and it would repurchase $3

4 billion in new stock. The latest test results "demonstrate that the largest banks have strong capital levels, and after making their approved capital distributions, would retain their ability to lend even in a severe recession," Vice Chair Randal Quarles, who is the Fed's top bank supervisor, said in a statement

 The tests were mandated by Congress in the wake of the crisis that plunged the U

S. into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. They were designed to restore badly shaken confidence in the U

S. financial system. During the crisis, banks large and small across the U.S. received hundreds of billions in taxpayer funds to prop them up

 Nearly a decade later, banking industry profits have been steadily rising and banks have been lending more freely

 The dividend increases and share buyback plans are important to ordinary investors, and to banks

The banks know that their investors suffered big losses in the crisis, and they are eager to reward them

Some shareholders, especially retirees, rely on dividends for a portion of their income

For the banks, raising dividends can drive up their share prices and make their stock more valuable to investors

 But raising dividends is costly, and regulators don't want banks to run down their capital reserves, making them vulnerable in another recession

Buybacks also are aimed at helping shareholders. By reducing the number of a company's outstanding shares, earnings per share can increase

 With the 35 banks holding about 80 percent of total assets of all banks operating in the U

S., the results showed strength in an industry that nearly brought down the financial system — and has recovered robustly nearly a decade after the 2008-09 crisis

 Now the banks have a total of about $1.2 trillion in capital reserves as of the fourth quarter of last year, an increase of some $800 billion over the beginning of 2009, in the depths of the crisis, according to the Fed

 The Fed's most extreme hypothetical scenario in this year's tests envisions the U

S. economy falling into a deep recession causing the stock market to plunge 65 percent by early 2019 amid surging volatility

Under that "severely adverse" scenario, unemployment — now at an 18-year low of 3

8 percent — climbs to 10 percent. The Fed said the 35 big banks would suffer $578 billion in loan losses under the most dire scenario

That's up from $383 billion in losses for 34 banks last year. The banks tested by the Fed are: Ally Financial, American Express, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Barclays, BB&T, BBVA Compass, BMO Financial, BNP Paribas, Capital One, Citigroup, Citizens Financial, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Discover, Fifth Third, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Huntington Bancshares, JPMorgan Chase, KeyCorp, M&T, Morgan Stanley, MUFG, Northern Trust, PNC, Regions Financial, Royal Bank of Canada, Santander, State Street, SunTrust, TD Group, UBS, U

S. Bancorp and Wells Fargo.

For more infomation >> Fed says no to Goldman and Morgan Stanley dividend hikes - Duration: 9:41.


Inversionistas y mercados están tranquilos ante elección: JP Morgan - Duration: 3:49.

  Los inversionistas internacionales están "tranquilos y confiados" ante la elección presidencial que se llevará a cabo el próximo domingo 1 de julio, afirmó Eduardo Cepeda, director general de JP Morgan México

 Destacó que esta tranquilidad se refleja en una estabilidad en el tipo de cambio y en el mercado accionario

 "Lo que vemos en México que nos gusta es el binomio: economía de mercado, en lo económico, y democracia, en lo político… Nosotros seguimos muy comprometidos con un país como México que tiene democracia y tiene economía de mercado", dijo

 En conferencia de prensa para anunciar el listado de nueve títulos referenciados a Acciones (TRACs o ETFs por sus siglas en inglés) en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), el directivo insistió en que los mercados no están mostrando un comportamiento diferente al que tendrían otros que atraviesan por un cambio de gobierno

 "México es un país emergente con grado de inversión, por lo que la gente confía en que sus inversiones están seguras aquí

Dentro de lo que es normal en un proceso electoral que puede traer incertidumbre y con un Tratado de Libre Comercio en entredicho, los mercados se están comportando con normalidad", sostuvo

   Aseguró que México sigue siendo un país con grado de inversión, con calificación de BBB+ por parte de Standard and Poor's y A- por Moodys, lo que quiere decir que la gente confía en que sus inversiones están seguras en el país

 Luego de destacar que México mantuvo un crecimiento lento pero constante en los últimos 20 años, con un promedio de 2

6 por ciento, Cepeda confío en que tendrá más bienestar si sigue por la senda del mercado abierto y la democracia

 De esa manera, abundó, habrá más consumidores y una clase media emergente que produce una economía más centrada en la manufactura y menos en el campo

 "Esa modernización de la economía mexicana va a producir mucho consumo por parte de los mexicanos y por tanto, cualquier empresa que apueste al mercado interno, al consumo y al emergencia de una clase mediana mexicana con más poder adquisitivo van a ser buenos valores", afirmó

 José Oriol Bosch, director general de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, expuso que hasta ahora el mercado tiene descontado el efecto que pudiera traer el resultado de la elección presidencial de México

 "Los movimientos se dan cuando hay un evento o noticia inesperada. Todo eso el mercado lo tiene descontado ya, y a pesar de todo eso, el mercado sigue siendo muy estable", añadió

 Con información de agencias

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