Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 3 2018

LEGO Car Toy Review Build Supercar BMW X5 with Legos

For more infomation >> LEGO Car Toy Review Build Supercar BMW X5 with Legos - Duration: 10:27.


BMW E60 M5 Acceleration Facts You NEED To Know - Fact 2 - Duration: 10:19.

welcome back everybody mark here today to talk about the acceleration facts

about the e60 m5 this is part two fact of the top 10 of a series that we're

going to be presenting to you here coming up in the next week or so

and this one I wanted to talk about some of the details around the acceleration

of the e60 m5 and one of the major facts that makes this car so special if you

refer in the comments section below you'll notice I have links to the two

videos that inspired this video as well as the others in this series you can

link to them and watch the whole video direct to get a compilation or a summary

of all of these facts in one but today's topic really is going to give a little

bit more information and expand on the acceleration details of the e60 m5 make

sure you stick around to the end because you're also going to be treated to what

is next in line as far as the series videos I'll be talking about that at the

very end of the video but for now let's get started and talk about the

acceleration of the e60 m5 so let's get down to brass tacks everybody we all

know that the e60 m5 accelerates very strong and we know that it has a very

very high top speed as you probably saw in my last video but today's

acceleration numbers how do you quantify that what does it really boil down to

what are the numbers and so today I'm gonna talk about how to get started zero

to sixty times these cars are not necessarily drag cars but they do have a

launch control feature which is enabled to allow you to accelerate quicker now

just a quick touch on that the u.s. cars Canadian cars have a launch control that

launches preset tube at 1500 rpm the rest of world cars like Europe and such

will rev up to 4,000 rpm before they drop the clutch obviously this has an

immediate impact on the acceleration times yes the Euro cars have slightly

quicker acceleration times out of the hole but as far as the power and the

performance of the car it is more or less the same between the Canadian US

cars and the rest of world cars so 0-60 times some might dispute the times I'm

going to spill with you but what I'm gonna talk about are

the actual times of the e60 m5 I'm gonna give you some facts some numbers and I'm

gonna compare it with two supercars and another one of its rivals back in the

day the Mercedes AMG e 63 so let's compare the e 62 other cars of similar

vintage we're gonna compare this to the Porsche 997 twin-turbo we always know

that the 911 turbos have it in the bag for acceleration they're phenomenally

quick and that hasn't changed so you know that's a big rival I'm also going

to compare to the Lamborghini Gallardo which I haven't right next to me here

which is also a very quick car supercar nonetheless and I'm going to compare

numbers with the e63 AMG Mercedes so let's talk about quarter-mile time 0 to

60 time and then we're also gonna make reference to the 0 to 100 km/h time and

the 0 to 200 km/h time for all four of those vehicles and then it should start

to paint a picture for you how this car ranks up with some of the world's best

supercars and high-end luxury cars in its era of course today there's cars

that will do things a little bit quicker a little bit better they have better

launch control they have dual clutch transmissions some of them have more

horsepower they will all add up to things that will edge the a 60 m5 but

it's funny funny enough because even with all that technology the e60 still

puts up a really really good front with the world's best not just the average

cars the world's best cars so anyway let's get started let's talk about the

zero to sixty time so the fastest 0-60 time of these four cars is the Porsche

911 Turbo should be of no surprise 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds let's compare

that to the slowest of the bunch of the e60 m5 which is 4.2 seconds followed

very very closely by 4.1 seconds in the AMG Mercedes

now the Lamborghini Gallardo 0 to 60 time is three point eight seconds

putting that more or less smack dab in the middle so on the zero to sixty

launch times the e60 m5 is the slowest out of the hole partially because of the

poor launch control capability of the car also because of its sheer

and size of 4,000 pounds plus not quite as quick out of the hole as some of the

best but let's talk about the 0 to 100 kilometers an hour time so that's going

to be a very close representation of the 0 to 60 miles per hour because 0 to 62

miles per hour is actually 100 kilometers per hour so let's look at

those numbers so again the slowest out of the hole no surprise because it's a

very close number to the 0 to 60 is 4.4 seconds for the e60 m5 4.3 seconds for

the AMG Mercedes 4 seconds flat for the Lamborghini Guyardo with the 5 liter

engine in eager transmission and 3.5 seconds for the Porsche 911 Turbo the

997 Turbo Edition now let's talk about the 0 to 200 km/h now this is going to

tell you a little bit different picture here the 0-200 km/h time on the slowest

car happens to be the now is no longer the e60 it is the AMG e63 car that has a

0 to 200 kilometer per hour time of 14 point two seconds followed next in line

by the e60 m5 at 13.5 seconds and again for further further followed by the

Lamborghini Guyardo at 13 seconds flat the quickest of the bunch is of no

surprise the 911 turbo at eleven point nine seconds puts it about 1 and a half

seconds quicker to 200 km/h than the e 60 but that should be of no surprise

these cars are always compared with the the GTR and the 911 turbos have always

been known for their brisk acceleration they're very fast out of the hole and it

should be a again no surprise that this one is the quickest of this bunch again

followed by the Lamborghini at half a second that's a pretty close margin when

you consider you know an e 60 with a 5 liter v10 the Lamborghini Guyardo with a

5 liter v10 and they pull in within a half a second of each other up to 200

kilometers an hour now here's a little fun fact for you

do you realize the e60 m5 is the only car that will actually top out over 200

miles per hour while all of these cars are shy of that anywhere from a

hundred ninety to a hundred to a hundred ninety nine miles per hour

puts the e60 m5 at the top of this game and therefore these cars are really all

about the top speed and stretching its long legs but as you can see at the top

end as you get closer to the higher speeds the e60 m5 starts to make ground

on these other cars so let's talk about the quarter mile times everybody likes

to talk about quarter mile times so should we have no surprise the quickest

car and the quarter mile time happens to be the Porsche 911 Turbo at eleven point

six seconds at about a hundred and twenty-four miles per hour makes it

extremely quick out of the hole that's why it makes it up quickly on the

quarter mile as well and it has a relatively high trap speed so the 911

turbo is of no surprise a very very fast accelerating car now what's interesting

is the next car in terms of time is twelve point six seconds which is a

perfect match between the e60 m5 and the AMG Mercedes the difference between

these two though is the ultimate trap speed no well they actually have the

same quarter-mile time the BMW e60 is actually gaining speed and it has a trap

speed of 120 miles per hour versus the AMG's 116 miles per hour so it's an

obvious indication that the AMG is slightly quicker out of the hole but it

does not take very long for the e60 to start pulling ground and leaving the Ian

the e63 AMG car for dead not just in quarter-mile time but as well in top

speed and that puts us - the Lamborghini Guyardo smack dab in the middle again at

about eleven point nine seconds on the quarter mile at right at a hundred and

twenty miles per hour so it's got the same trap speed as the e60 m5 but the

Lambo gets there just a hair quicker that being said that sort of the

crossover point where the e60 starts to make ground on the Lamborghini Guyardo

it kind of an interesting fact that's sort of that crossover point where the

e60 may start to slowly pull on the Lamborghini because we know that the

Guyardo does not exceed 200 miles per hour and we know with the governor

remove moved on the e60 m5 that it definitely

will in fact pull past 200 miles per hour making the e60 m5 the fastest top

speed car in this group not necessarily out of the hole but certainly top end

wise so everybody I hope you enjoyed the video shed some light on this for you

and talked about some of the acceleration factors why the car is a

little slower out of the hole how you can make things a little quicker by

using launch control and I you know I definitely thought I'd compare it with

some of the world's best cars in the same era now make sure you stick around

everybody because my next video will be about oil consumption because that's

another hot topic on the e60 m5 and like I said I'll be talking about why this

happens and what sort of oil consumption numbers you can expect with an e60 m5 so

make sure you come back in the next video everybody and as well I really

hope you enjoyed this one make sure you give it a thumbs up don't forget to drop

me a comment and share it with your friends as well if you're not a

subscriber already guys make sure you do become one I'd love to chat with you

guys coming up and I hope you can stick around watch some of my other videos as

they start evolving thanks again everybody mark here again signing out

with exotic carplay please see on the next one bye bye

For more infomation >> BMW E60 M5 Acceleration Facts You NEED To Know - Fact 2 - Duration: 10:19.


430BHP NEW MOTECH BMW M140i Shadow Edition *ULTIMATE M140i* - Duration: 15:13.

and what's this running? so this is running about 430bhp around that sort of

area yeah

you can feel the back getting twitchy yeah yeah

Right can i have a go? yes you can you definitely..

what is going on guys and welcome to Stef ABtv now

behind me you will see what I believe and I'm going to put it out there is

probably the best-looking BMW m140i shadow edition now this behind me is the

first m140i I done by motech performance and I'm going to introduce you to the

owner very shortly but for now take a look at what I think is probably the

best-looking m140i... unbelievable

okay guys welcome now let me introduce Noor! Welcome to the channel

now I have to say mate this looks and sounds absolutely

ridiculous. Its not bad I don't know, you guys might follow me on

instagram my instagram is Noor Joseph but yeah obviously I'm just just a normal

car guy. we like a normal yeah 100 percent 100 percent, I'm nothing special or

anything like that but I run willow performance yeah so basically what we do

at the moment we're a new company yeah targeting mainly BMW stuff so the

carbon trim I don't know you've probably seen it there in the little shots that

we've done? the cars fully carbon down with little cupboard trims so we

deal with loads of things like that and we're a new company so we are

trying to get our name out there yeah but this car has our tricolore performance box

so talk to me, and this car just just to put into perspective guys, you guys

would have seen the video where I drove a standard one of these and what are

these standard? so BMW quote yeah 335 yeah and what's

this running so this is run about 430 around that sort of area yeah so this is

gonna be priceless for me because when I drove the M140i I loved it

really enjoyed it yeah but already hearing this when you pulled up to see me it's

just hearing it now on the start up.. yeah I can tell this is gonna be pretty

special. I think it'll be really interesting to see you're different

because you have driven a standard one going from that down to this one I would

like to see what what do you think. this could get expensive. it could for you

what mods have you done to it to achieve

430bhp? Not a lot honestly not a lot at all so these have have so much

potential locked into them from factory so basically all we've done is it's a

tricolore performance box and basically what that does is plugged

into the ecu of the car and alters the signal that it receives

and that coupled with our willow performance down pipe yeah but

that alone will achieve 430 horse power, and the look so this is the

first car through the motech Performance Pack? yeah yeah hundred percent this motech is

edition zero zero one yeah and so it adds the maxton

spliters and the side skirts and the spoiler and also lowers it on eibachs the

these are sat on different wheels so just and we

are these CSL? yeah yeah CSL like wheels yeah I

think they're called m35 nine wheels yeah and then it's running no spacer as

well so the fitment is right. I reckon we should take this out for it for a drive

yeah I'm ready

Wow makes those pops and bangs! I like how you say it's so calm and composed

yeah well I guess I'll get used to after a while it's crazy and then you said so

you've got Decat downpipe? yes so this is the willow performance decat and its

four and a half inch so it's quite a big dcat yeah

Wow it keeps giving as well doesn't it! yes It does all that top end exactly that

so this is one thing that with it I don't know if you felt it run out of

puff right at the top it starts dying off but

this just keeps pulling and pulling.

this also has a Remus catback exhaust which is valved yeah so when you're on a

Sport Plus it opens up the butterfly valves and then when you're comfort it quiet down

whats it like coming from the a45? it was

always loud it was always like shouty and popping and banging whereas this was

a little bit different when I do want to cruise and if I'm tired

coming home from work or something yeah but then if I want to go loud i can

yeah and and I guess so you'll be interested because that's it's a

decision that a lot of people go through I guess because they're very similar..

they're not similar but they're in the same ballpark

yeah they're compared a lot they are compared a lot yeah I mean a45 it is

great here in terms of it it lets you extract the power yeah one more time

whatever weather it is yeah you're gonna have that power all the time

yes whereas you can't do that same in the BMW M140i unless the road is bone-dry yeah

you're gonna spin yeah it's just inevitable it's just it's one of those

things unfortunately however I just think I truly think that this is a lot

more of a driver's car than a a45 yeah I think rear wheel drive in general you need

to have a lot, needs to be a lot more ready

and I love that though I love how I have to drive the car can't just put my foot

down out of a corner and just let the car do its thing. I actually have to manage

it so yeah a45 is a great car and that was tuned by tricolore preformance as well

that was Stage four. five hundred fifty horsepower and I just got in this

This is now running four hundred and thirty. Have you got

any more plans for it? Yes actually so tomorrow yeah we are having water

methanol installed with tricolore performance as well so they're getting

they're fitting their water methanol kit onto the car and then readjusting

the software to adapt with their water methonal. so what gain do

you think you could get from that? so we are hoping for 460bhp.

and what's the you know what's the most that the block can

take without having to go through forging? there's a company in

the u.s. called big boost here where they change your turbo and a couple of

other things and they've had it up to six hundred wheel horsepower

wheel horsepower so about 650 horsepower at the crank one standard

internals. the block is really

strong down low

you'll understand what I mean by how punchy is when you drive

yourself it's always different being a passenger but even in the driver's

seat you could feel like it's got the power all the way through the rev band


that sounds so good

and I have to point out I saw your Instagram story yes 0 to 60 in about 3.5

3.5 seconds now it's a really good launch.

how many attempts? honestly honestly like no word of a lie

yeah that was my first attempt that day noors the man

my first attempt

that's incredible and it keeps pulling that's the thing

Tony Lewis sort this guy out. oh man no but seriously I mean my first impressions of this car

stage 2 yes the difference between the stock and M140i

and this... it's noticeable it is noticeable and I mean not just from the

sound though. I say in a lot of my videos and for

my subscribers who are loyal to me below will say he's going for it again yeah its three

things for me, its look sound and performance okay those are the three

things are you from yeah car and this is ticking all of them it is honest and

it's affordable and it's affordable

oh man you can feel the back getting twitchy yeah. Can I have a go?

yes you can you definitely can

these seats are these fancy maybe I've just got a big fat and they are hugging me ?

because its got lumbar support. So its not me? no no no it's not



I didnt realise the national speed limit gets there quick doesn't it! It does really

quickly I say I'm gonna try in Sport+ yes if you yeah go first gear yeah and

It will grip fine see first gear

do it honestly guys I cannot tell you how impressed I am with his car they

visually this is absolutely insane

sport plus is another level. I told you, I told you this, sport it

anticipates wheelspin yeah

yeah exactly just like go

se what i mean by instant response? yeah you can tell and it does not die at

the top it just keeps going! so good! guys everything linked below. Willow

performance link to their website in the description below follow me over here on

instagram for plenty more YouTube content. Noors over here follow his

Instagram as well but make my impressions on this car absolutely

bonkers thank you so much and this this is how to sell cars yeah yeah you just

gotta let people drive this and Tony from TRL will just be making

money. Lets do some more thing

together in the future. I'm always free just give me a shout me on yeah and once

you've got this done up as well once you have got meth.

we'll give you another call back yeah

thank you so much for watching make sure

to LIKE share and subscribe and of course I'm gonna see you all very soon

thank you very much bye bye

For more infomation >> 430BHP NEW MOTECH BMW M140i Shadow Edition *ULTIMATE M140i* - Duration: 15:13.


BMW M5 F90 vs BMW M6 F06 REVIEW by AutoTopNL (English Subtitles) - Duration: 14:13.

If you're the last one

you have to be creative

and luckily

we are so creative!

we're so good at that!

it's incredible

you've all seen 30 reviews

of the new BMW M5

so we thought

let's do something different

let's compare it to the competition

the Mercedes-AMG E63 S

yeah, good idea!

has also been done 10 times

so we thought

we have to do something different

we have to come up with something

let's compare it to the previous one

but at short notice

we couldn't get a stock M5 F10

so we've got an M6 GranCoupe F06

with the Competition package

we'll look at the mechanics today

what has been changed?

what has been improved?

if there are improvements

with the new BMW M5 F90

how much more HP did we get?


600 HP

600 HP

and the M5 30 Jahre edition also had 600 HP

NM did improve

700 Nm

750 Nm

and you really feel that

it still has the 4.4 V8 BiTurbo

same engine as that one

but with new turbos

and a new high-pressure fuel system

and a new exhaust

and some extra Nm

looks wise

we've made a couple of reviews

about the new 5-series

it's a beautiful car

very good-looking

but I don't know

whether it's aggressive enough as M5

the front fenders are wider

but the rear ones are almost flush

so the rear is a bit delicate

not that impressive

and if you park it next to an M6 GranCoupe

with that awesome rear end

those big wheels

wider arches

it get's a bit painful

we'll drive the M6 now

to remind ourselves what it's like

how it feels

and after that we'll get in the M5

as I said

you've all seen 30 reviews

about the new M5

so we're comparing it to this

this M6 has an M-DCT gearbox

so dual clutch transmission

and rear wheel drive

those are the two biggest changes

the M5 has gone through

this car is so fast!

and you get those hits

through the drivetrain

when you pull that paddle

when you drive slowly

I'll demonstrate

if you're driving around town

at the lights

you have to stop and go and stop

it's a bit jerky

but when you hit the throttle

it shifts really fast

it's very aggressive

that's really great

and it characterizes these BMW M's

you could see it as a problem

that has to be fixed

and we've got another one of those

if you set off with this car

traction control is off

and you floor it

it's a lot of wheel spin

everywhere along this road

are black tyre marks

because it's impossible to launch it

with 600 HP and RWD

again, you can see it as a shortcoming

something that has to be improved

or you can see it as charm

a raw edge

something that's up for improvement

is the sound

everytime I drive this car

I think: WHY??

why did they do this

it sounds like a UFO taking off

that artificial sound is louder

than that coming from the engine or exhaust

sometimes you do get a bang

from the exhaust at an upshift

but generally

inside and out

it doesn't sound that good

it could be better

big difference in here

of course that's the spec as well

M6 is black on black on black

with carbon fiber

this is very light

part of the First Edition

also Frozen Dark Red on the outside

with black wheels, black grill

black details

we also have ceramic brakes

shaves 23 kg off the unsprung weight

and it has a badge right here

with M5 First Edition | 1 of 400

if we rev it

it does sound better

there are some crackles

it also bangs on the upshift

and we're in 4WD Sport mode

because that's the biggest change

it has xDrive now

it is M xDrive though

so that means...

we can still do that

in 4WD Sport mode

that's the biggest improvement

in my opinion

compared to the old one

it has 3 options

4WD, 4WD Sport and 2WD

4WD speaks for itself

all 4 wheels

but it is rear biased

4WD Sport

more to the rear, less to the front

and 2WD shuts off the front axle

especially that 4WD Sport mode

is really nice

because it means you can switch off DSC

that MDM mode from M products

is horrible

because it still cuts the power hard

and it's like hitting a wall

with this one and DSC off

your front wheels become your DSC

because if the rear end get's loose

those front wheels pull you out of the slide

that feels really good

the sound in here

it's less UFO take off sound

it's a bit darker

I think the engine is louder as well

you hear that exhaust too

if you get of the throttle it crackles

and those upshift bangs as I said

and this car is insanely fast

that 4WD makes it so much faster

4WD Sport, little slide

this thing is crazy

even though it has the same power

this M5 is much faster than that M6

we've done a 0-300 km/h test

on the Autobahn

this thing is really quick

it's not as fast as the E63 S though

it's about 2 seconds slower to 300 km/h

according to our timing

but there will be an M5 Competition

which will have 625 HP

and that'll solve another problem

just stay with me here

trying to demonstrate the 2WD mode

but that Competition pack solves a problem

because the suspension in this car

I've got it in Sport Plus now

I think it's a bit soft

I'm not really in contact with the car

and that's because the suspension is too soft

it's super comfortable in comfort mode

and in Sport Plus it's also comfortable

there is some difference

but not enough if you ask me

that competition pack

will have stiffer suspension

those raw edges I mentioned earlier

objectively, yes, they should be polished

but, subjectively, when you drive this

you miss them

that 2WD mode is the only raw edge left

because you do have to pay attention

because it has so much HP and torque

if you switch off DSC

which you have to do

to engage 2WD mode

you do get that dangerous M edge back

the gearbox is a big change too

that M6 has an M-DCT

this now has a ZF 8-speed automatic

with torque converter

a regular automatic gearbox

the shifts are really quick

but you don't get that kick

through the drivetrain

and that's too bad

that too, is a bit softer

it is a really good daily driver though

that's clearly what BMW was going for

being able to drive this car every day

no matter the circumstances

when it rains, when it snows


you have to be able to use this car

it had to be less frightening maybe

for the average customer

again, it's a fantastic car

it's so much more versatile

and it's a better, more complete car

a couple of years ago

you would've been chased away at BMW M

if you mentioned xDrive in an M5

but with this amount of power

competition pack 625 HP

they went with 4WD

and with this recipe

I think they should do an M5 Touring

their excuses about a Touring

not being sporty enough

and going exclusively sedan

are not relevant anymore

I want that M5 Touring!

because if you ask me

that would be my ultimate M5

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