Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

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putting it together

oh hey there puppy dog players who's ready for a unicycle day I know I am you

know why I remember the last time Bob tried to ride that unicycle hey guys

look what I just got uh unicycle cool

what was I thinking but now he does want to see it again

maybe I can find my unicycle after I get home from work then I can ride it around

and say look I'm riding a unicycle just gonna be our mission to find out

where it

where we gonna go to start ramen remember when we barely got a unicycle

we should check with kg he sees everything out the window of the pet

store where it was the same day I got this new axis well you guys should run

there real fast like thick

why's it got away accept that flower reminds me it's just a metal stick can

we take it home and play fetch the later

we found isn't the right something we came here to dig up I remember a while

back when you guys were here you said you were on your way to the beach to

bury something but I never saw what it was if you remember what we buried to

something why didn't you tell us where we buried it well cuz you never asked

we're supposed to be dogs for any bugs you recycle well I don't know if this

helps but that day you were here when you laugh you said you were going to see

another friend that does because I just remember while we were going do you

remember where we buried a booth hey this junkyard dog remembers everything I

got a mind like a steel trap because the mountain wasn't there until

they put those plastic bottles there this morning

they're taking away to recycle them tomorrow afternoon Bob wants to ne you

can recycle today ended

there's only one thing left to do not a unicycle yeah just some round

thingamajig although most would do well for just

being a thingamajig I guess so cuz it doesn't look like

we're gonna find Bob's unicycle I thought you were supposed to be digging

up a unicycle we thought so sue but all we found was a hat and a metal stick and

Bing images did you find Bob's unicycle no oh we dug up was this we really

wanted to final Bob wanted but we didn't do it

hey there puppy happen looking forward to seeing you two all day look at that

you found my unicycle we did let's see this yeah cuz I just remembered

something else about the day when we buried it so absolutely for sure never

see them again that's AG Lydia I know I'm getting rid of almost all of it but

can we keep these blocks yeah don't be perfect for when we play Helen

we should tell Bob to look out for what


well it looks like you two are in the mood for a fetch build day but I've got

something better than a drippy old stick he fended it just for you I've already

started over on several versions of this invention because they weren't working

right I hope this is the one that finally works

somebody needs to bring it back I think this one's a keeper when that stick went

somewhere but you can't get it there it goes again

now watch it come right back see you later doggie dooz too bad about that

stick it seemed real nice for stick I wonder why I didn't come back Roley Bob

said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we

should help him by getting rid of this one for we're trying to get rid of you

bob says we're always leaving our toys here so this is the perfect place to get

rid of the stick that's perfect place to get rid of what

leave us alone cupcake oh this is a weird game that stick likes to play

keeps wanting to come back to us because that's what Bob made it to do see you

later stick I mean we don't want to see you later stick yeah you think you'd get

hold a girlie it just keeps wanting to play with us some more okay if that

stick is gonna keep coming at us

that stick won't be able to find us if we hide in there one dipstick just cool

boy daddy boring boring boring in here and then we'll have to run away again

what's that sound

did you just please stop trying to come back to us the sticky situation not yet

not yet

me neither but at least we did what Bob wanted us to do yeah we want to get rid

of something we get him Garden widows

listen are you two having a doggy

their royal pugna stroll it's my mom's birthday party tonight so we're all

gonna treat it like a queen okay I even got her this paper crown to wear

we don't know how to do that yeah and we're gonna find a queen to work alone

how they have a queen in England maybe you should go there Missy seems kinda

perfect a perfect mission is summer mission let's go now those men of the

furry hats are the Queen's guards Frank and it's their job to keep anyone from

getting through the palace gates maybe if we can get those guards to smile or

laugh they'd be so happy they let us into the palace then we'll give them

something to laugh about if we can't get past those guards we'll never get inside

that palace unless you go through that doggie door right there that dog you

won't write waiter huh um crumpets worth cream puffs coat eyeful bottom the third

at your service but you may call me Gump it pretty please well since you said

pretty please I don't see how chat like me can say no to eat biscuits at tea

time one must never eat their biscuit until after they've been given

permission oh this is a challenge he's not real good at waiting nope can I

have a biscuit please there is no greater compliment to the Queen than to

sit still in her presence yeah I remember on one such occasion

we were sitting still for a second that means walk like this everything's all

right this is a royal mess we didn't mean to make a mess I'm so sorry it pops

but tea time with the cleaner starting soon and I need to straighten the whole

way before it begins whoa what's going on looks like Bob

knocking on door sorry wait a second fancy table with biscuits

it for tea Wow it's the Queen

greatest chew toy

has anyone spied by purse Rolly that's the cleanest purse oh is that what this

thing is from picked no good that sounded just like him

just take one the way you've been trained to do if we go out there so no

we're not krumping although I do like a good Scratchy behind the ears a bit

where are you good doggy thanks for filling in until I

arrived you need to get home so we can treat Bob's mom like a queen right here

hold on it was a really good trip I say

here you go kasib doggie biscuits go ahead boys eat

those treats but thank you Roley I always like to have this right by my

side and we even learned a special birthday song just for you mom ready

pops your special day comes only once every

I feel like a queen good work Jeff jolly good YouTube champ

good and Gimli time for the birthday portrait remember to sit still

you guys sat perfectly still they must know it's my special day

wow we look great yeah

like monster to see yeah you sharp monster I don't want to be a shark

monster pretending we're surfers and we need you to be the shark monster ruff

ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday hope you

guys find something fun to do well I'm not here did you hear what Bob said just

barely that mean floor really is noisy you and I are going on a mission

will you take some dog biscuits with us for the airplane good thing Bobby's been

to these towers for us to put stuff in

I hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make a do loop de loops because

that hurts my time oh I was talking about that thing around your neck

it's a lay hand so this probably I hope I don't get sunburned because that hurts

and it's exactly what I need to chase crabs are we need something big and

flies like a big fly bigger and fly so let's get to work

we came here to get Sam for bob's toes I chased everything that's crawling on the

beach we're both floating yeah we four leggers are gonna ride the next way

and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moment Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 11 - DYLAN FORD - Duration: 16:53.


Danger Mouse (2015) Groundmouse Day Episode 43 - Emily Ford - Duration: 15:04.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

They should see Colonel Kay on the dance floor

Well bedtime see you in the morning pimple

This isn't about that city scary film

No, so should we watch it again?

You won't be laughing when your planet is underwater

Get my spying badge

Drats smell that's meant to be a secret fails again

handled to the danger car

Pimpled I promise you're part of the plan is just as important as mine

We're professor you might feel a slight bump while I'm parking

The game's up



If you want me to do chores

You can just ask you now if he's on chores then fight or missions now go in the kitchen cupboard. I

Flood it. I've heard it not I flooded


Don't jump too ridiculous conclusions, even when they're entirely accurate now do exactly as I say, I don't want your help

I'm a lot of dealing with this myself

She says I can't handle myself I have


Maybe he's managing better than you think nonsense. Penfold can't even cope with coping

Neither can okay, please


Diem says it's crucial that you find the Barons

Tapi watch it. And just mean while Danger Mouse is left to consider whether arts wolf

I'm not talking gee didn't you once tell me you could make muffins with your hands tied behind your back? No, that scene was cut

But touch your puny

Maybe a little first and so the wilderness takes someone help him

Ten abandoned

Imagine the world's family delicious friend rubbing it is a guarantee disaster

There's a massive amount of energy coming from the conference five seconds to defuse it

So we have 24 seconds spare for a meet and greet

It's the milk sheep powered called fusion detonator

Reactor I suppose I still have my cow anus

Listen I do not work for danger mice my ideas are so good lead when even if you presented them and

I'll prove it

Now watch as you get a standing ovation for my

What oh, I'm not

Careful that's not a toy. It's cherry soda. Yeah mind if I do something for me

Don't worry I've invented something to avoid the situation

Behold a bigger ratting very well relaxed and your voice is completely different. I have a cold

Congratulations professor the conventions top prize will be yours again for storage chamber


Honestly, I don't know why you won't let me in there just because they're all potential doomsday devices and there's an 83

squawking cluck requesting entry


Danger Mouse

paintballed chief

Remind me which is my carbon tain iam Stoics chamber and I'll let you play with whatever's inside

from the left

Considered Zumba classes, oh, you know exercise of any kind at all. Thanks activate what it's in three

His calculations are wrong again Oh

Ladies and gentlemen by really

To stop it, and I think it's

I put it inside to stop anyone turning it off

Luckily I'm small enough to get in there. I mean you are and so is danger milkshake bomb

It's a germ powered nuclear reactor

We're doomed. No one can eat that much Jam. You forget professor we have with us the world's number one

Give up on ever getting the recognition of my peers. Maybe it's time for me to become a better poems grand prize

Looks like steak for lunch Danger Mouse Oh mind if I do




London the city that's like in real dangerous

a Jimmy camel Christmas special celebrates clip

While Danger Mouse you are awesome. Jeez, maybe we should

Don't stop it Jimmy you'll make me blush panda minion take a seat. Well done Danger Mouse

Better put him out of his misery

Brilliant chief, but before we get distracted, maybe we should check destroy a

Few autographs but no photos

Look after this. I'm gonna get a picture before he eats himself

Malfunction reset empty software upgrade

Solution comes what people do is

Just like your government does

Side of always spilling is so sick of expensive spawn prices now so can dream bug security presents safety laws

the latest in international security

Presents the latest and carbage collecting technology trash tornado one pass through

Goofy saying thank you

Jason to me. No, really and when's that ever ended? Well, huh?

Play him out Bobby. I

Think I'll get a medal I doubt it and if he fires you call me we make quite a team

Moments but none of that matters because he's my best friend. He's always my number one priority really

Well, he is an interesting selection

No need to get worked up watch that you think it's unfair


Context times examples and up 46 hours. We could have used any one look bad

Didn't well you're not very good at washing up

Now I've won prizes from maybe you should be her sidekick instead

Maybe I should



Are you better off without the little guy you've gone solo before?

Did something totally useless and set it loose on the city to the danger cards


It's a dog dare to accept that he isn't coming back living in a fantasy world and giving yourself strange names like

Penfold won't help. That's my to the point without Penfold. It would never be any fun

How long has it been since he left an hour day? Yeah

94 seconds

Penfold your

What was that that was saw you two making a terrible mistake getting back

Where they always are obviously teeth, why are you trying to split us up and what's going on out there?

This doesn't feel like a sort of thing Jimmy camel would do destroy your world

Aaron can still do a lot of damage with that traffic controller

we've got to control him a futile gesture Danger Mouse then I can still stop you fish my

traffic on top cuz you tangibles you may have won the battle, but I say

I'm barren


Knew you weren't really pompom because I am the real pom-pom

Danger boss and I have been working together to hunt down the impostor and now maybe not everything

Hey, what's going on around here, I don't know Chief it could've been a Christmas

For more infomation >> Danger Mouse (2015) Groundmouse Day Episode 43 - Emily Ford - Duration: 15:04.


🚩 Детский Электромобиль Ford Ranger F-150. Сборка. - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 🚩 Детский Электромобиль Ford Ranger F-150. Сборка. - Duration: 3:42.


Danger Mouse (2015) Dry Hard Episode 44 - Emily Ford - Duration: 15:04.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

They should see Colonel Kay on the dance floor

Well bedtime see you in the morning pimple

This isn't about that city scary film

No, so should we watch it again?

You won't be laughing when your planet is underwater

Get my spying badge

Drats smell that's meant to be a secret fails again

handled to the danger car

Pimpled I promise you're part of the plan is just as important as mine

We're professor you might feel a slight bump while I'm parking

The game's up



If you want me to do chores

You can just ask you now if he's on chores then fight or missions now go in the kitchen cupboard. I

Flood it. I've heard it not I flooded


Don't jump too ridiculous conclusions, even when they're entirely accurate now do exactly as I say, I don't want your help

I'm a lot of dealing with this myself

She says I can't handle myself I have


Maybe he's managing better than you think nonsense. Penfold can't even cope with coping

Neither can okay, please


Diem says it's crucial that you find the Barons

Tapi watch it. And just mean while Danger Mouse is left to consider whether arts wolf

I'm not talking gee didn't you once tell me you could make muffins with your hands tied behind your back? No, that scene was cut

But touch your puny

Maybe a little first and so the wilderness takes someone help him

Ten abandoned

Imagine the world's family delicious friend rubbing it is a guarantee disaster

There's a massive amount of energy coming from the conference five seconds to defuse it

So we have 24 seconds spare for a meet and greet

It's the milk sheep powered called fusion detonator

Reactor I suppose I still have my cow anus

Listen I do not work for danger mice my ideas are so good lead when even if you presented them and

I'll prove it

Now watch as you get a standing ovation for my

What oh, I'm not

Careful that's not a toy. It's cherry soda. Yeah mind if I do something for me

Don't worry I've invented something to avoid the situation

Behold a bigger ratting very well relaxed and your voice is completely different. I have a cold

Congratulations professor the conventions top prize will be yours again for storage chamber


Honestly, I don't know why you won't let me in there just because they're all potential doomsday devices and there's an 83

squawking cluck requesting entry


Danger Mouse

paintballed chief

Remind me which is my carbon tain iam Stoics chamber and I'll let you play with whatever's inside

from the left

Considered Zumba classes, oh, you know exercise of any kind at all. Thanks activate what it's in three

His calculations are wrong again Oh

Ladies and gentlemen by really

To stop it, and I think it's

I put it inside to stop anyone turning it off

Luckily I'm small enough to get in there. I mean you are and so is danger milkshake bomb

It's a germ powered nuclear reactor

We're doomed. No one can eat that much Jam. You forget professor we have with us the world's number one

Give up on ever getting the recognition of my peers. Maybe it's time for me to become a better poems grand prize

Looks like steak for lunch Danger Mouse Oh mind if I do




London the city that's like in real dangerous

a Jimmy camel Christmas special celebrates clip

While Danger Mouse you are awesome. Jeez, maybe we should

Don't stop it Jimmy you'll make me blush panda minion take a seat. Well done Danger Mouse

Better put him out of his misery

Brilliant chief, but before we get distracted, maybe we should check destroy a

Few autographs but no photos

Look after this. I'm gonna get a picture before he eats himself

Malfunction reset empty software upgrade

Solution comes what people do is

Just like your government does

Side of always spilling is so sick of expensive spawn prices now so can dream bug security presents safety laws

the latest in international security

Presents the latest and carbage collecting technology trash tornado one pass through

Goofy saying thank you

Jason to me. No, really and when's that ever ended? Well, huh?

Play him out Bobby. I

Think I'll get a medal I doubt it and if he fires you call me we make quite a team

Moments but none of that matters because he's my best friend. He's always my number one priority really

Well, he is an interesting selection

No need to get worked up watch that you think it's unfair


Context times examples and up 46 hours. We could have used any one look bad

Didn't well you're not very good at washing up

Now I've won prizes from maybe you should be her sidekick instead

Maybe I should



Are you better off without the little guy you've gone solo before?

Did something totally useless and set it loose on the city to the danger cards


It's a dog dare to accept that he isn't coming back living in a fantasy world and giving yourself strange names like

Penfold won't help. That's my to the point without Penfold. It would never be any fun

How long has it been since he left an hour day? Yeah

94 seconds

Penfold your

What was that that was saw you two making a terrible mistake getting back

Where they always are obviously teeth, why are you trying to split us up and what's going on out there?

This doesn't feel like a sort of thing Jimmy camel would do destroy your world

Aaron can still do a lot of damage with that traffic controller

we've got to control him a futile gesture Danger Mouse then I can still stop you fish my

traffic on top cuz you tangibles you may have won the battle, but I say

I'm barren


Knew you weren't really pompom because I am the real pom-pom

Danger boss and I have been working together to hunt down the impostor and now maybe not everything

Hey, what's going on around here, I don't know Chief it could've been a Christmas

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