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because it's chock-full of scary folks out in the halls bandits bad guys like
the banjo bandit of gizzard Gulch okay here it comes
but I got stuff to deliver the river tap sides if you come with me Toby it'll be
fun Oh whatever you say Oh Andrew as deputy thanks again see you later
sweet sassafras they plumb forgot the gold Toby fellas
I think we're entering the scary Prairie
hmm Christmas
oh you're imagining thanks Toby but what choices it could be almost
anybody but it might not be any of those outlaws you're right it might be the
jumpin junebugs we gotta get off this roof so he can find us
what in whiskers
hey Sharon here side for sore eyes don't worry fellas I'll get ya
did you chase off the banjo bandit he was bombing us in a big cloud of dust
so that's why you were running away Toby that may because we were in the middle
of the scary Prairie I reckon we let our imaginations run away with us and
Sherriff everything's been delivered hey we can play I spy with my little eye
when you have lived here as long as I have you learn a thing or two
either you're really really hungry or that's not your tummy
you all right buddy okay thank you we better go check on tio kangaroo rats
love nothing so much as a peek
it's the town
look and chew through the bell rope
for a cute little critter he sure is gettin to be a pain in our boots
where does a pesky critter get to he's gone everything okay sure
I'm fine but that critter sure scared Sparky do not be too upset Sheriff don't
you worry no critters too fast from faster even the sheriff to catch no
critters gonna mess up my town and get away with it I'll figure out a way to
catch that kangaroo rat critter hops down Main Street we all
jump out and chase it toward that big rubber band when it bounces off I'll
catch it in my butterfly net
those two fall out and chase him down the slide
we're who run into this string and the string will tip over these three barrels
full of money
such a cute little critter what are you waiting for
hold on a second sheriff I think Pio might just have that I did don't come on
my little friend let's get you home
little earn such a fluff I couldn't think straight
it's okay sheriff these little fellows can be quite a handful sure kangaroo
rats don't bother that little critter cost it's still good to see him back
with the family that loves him it sure is Peck now what do you say we
head on back to town and all the people we love
hiya boys enjoy your game piled the doom sheriff Callie howdy-do Ella mighty
fancy chuckling sure Toby deputy stuff I'm just no good at sports I bet I've
never won a game in my whole pecking life winning isn't everything Peck how
do you like our new horseshoe pit it's great uncle bun in fact I was wondering
if you'd let Peck take a throw or two he's looking for his sport and this
might just be it then the other guy throws that tries to get closer
by jingo you look at that hey miss you knocked mine out of the way so just pull
your arm back like this step forward and throw
he did it first who got a leaner than a leaner you hear that everybody
my pal Peck is a natural come on play me a game go ahead
I can handle the rest of the rounds well all right great let's go if you beat me
with the ringer yes I did come on folks it's time for more cheese you don't have
to rub it why not I won didn't I okay who's next hey how
about you mr. Dillo she can't do it oh yeah okay I guess it's you and me Peck
sure knows how to take the front out of a game Hey I show up
you call that a four on a mule or in a buck never wanna play horseshoes again
what do you do sheriff
the first wrong congratulations pick your turn pick good
list what can it win you really know how to throw them and you to Peck I've met
I'd rather not but you won I lost you should celebrate winnings not the only
part of playing a game if you're not having fun with your friend then you can
do better than me standing on your head know that I'd like to play another game
with you just for fun really yep and I promise I won't
looking forward to get into junctionville so I can compete in the
sheriff's contest governor groundhog wait
it sure is Purdy hope I have what it takes to win it you ask me you should
give it to sheriff Callie right now that's right we all know win or lose I'm
just happy to have been asked to compete yeah me too Toby there's nothing like
riding on a train and hearing it chugga-chugga Lowe thank you very much
whoo all that singing is got me thirsty what do you say we mosey on into the
refreshment car for a drink oh good as Ella's yep
trying bandits sure sounds like it come on
nice jumpin Peck thank you that way
you don't say away tobe free the other passengers yep
it's real go clear gotta be worth a fortune and it's all ours
sheriff Callie
gasps always got to do things the hard way we shine new nowhere to go ha
bandits oh that's what you think shared
while gray
there's no way to stop us so share what's it gonna be
no question those passengers are more important than you and that trophy but
you haven't seen the last of sheriff camp
sister claims a stapler might be fun if that old bridge border
don't you fret governor
now I hereby place you fellas under arrest
curses the golden star trophy to a sheriff that is proven to be brave and
true this Sheriff has shown courage in the face of danger by saving a challenge
well I'll be thank you Conley governor
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