Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 3 2018

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because it's chock-full of scary folks out in the halls bandits bad guys like

the banjo bandit of gizzard Gulch okay here it comes

but I got stuff to deliver the river tap sides if you come with me Toby it'll be

fun Oh whatever you say Oh Andrew as deputy thanks again see you later

sweet sassafras they plumb forgot the gold Toby fellas

I think we're entering the scary Prairie

hmm Christmas

oh you're imagining thanks Toby but what choices it could be almost

anybody but it might not be any of those outlaws you're right it might be the


jumpin junebugs we gotta get off this roof so he can find us

what in whiskers

hey Sharon here side for sore eyes don't worry fellas I'll get ya

did you chase off the banjo bandit he was bombing us in a big cloud of dust

so that's why you were running away Toby that may because we were in the middle

of the scary Prairie I reckon we let our imaginations run away with us and


Sherriff everything's been delivered hey we can play I spy with my little eye

when you have lived here as long as I have you learn a thing or two

either you're really really hungry or that's not your tummy

you all right buddy okay thank you we better go check on tio kangaroo rats

love nothing so much as a peek

it's the town

look and chew through the bell rope

for a cute little critter he sure is gettin to be a pain in our boots

where does a pesky critter get to he's gone everything okay sure

I'm fine but that critter sure scared Sparky do not be too upset Sheriff don't

you worry no critters too fast from faster even the sheriff to catch no

critters gonna mess up my town and get away with it I'll figure out a way to

catch that kangaroo rat critter hops down Main Street we all

jump out and chase it toward that big rubber band when it bounces off I'll

catch it in my butterfly net



those two fall out and chase him down the slide

we're who run into this string and the string will tip over these three barrels

full of money

such a cute little critter what are you waiting for

hold on a second sheriff I think Pio might just have that I did don't come on

my little friend let's get you home

little earn such a fluff I couldn't think straight

it's okay sheriff these little fellows can be quite a handful sure kangaroo

rats don't bother that little critter cost it's still good to see him back

with the family that loves him it sure is Peck now what do you say we

head on back to town and all the people we love

hiya boys enjoy your game piled the doom sheriff Callie howdy-do Ella mighty

fancy chuckling sure Toby deputy stuff I'm just no good at sports I bet I've

never won a game in my whole pecking life winning isn't everything Peck how

do you like our new horseshoe pit it's great uncle bun in fact I was wondering

if you'd let Peck take a throw or two he's looking for his sport and this

might just be it then the other guy throws that tries to get closer

by jingo you look at that hey miss you knocked mine out of the way so just pull

your arm back like this step forward and throw

he did it first who got a leaner than a leaner you hear that everybody

my pal Peck is a natural come on play me a game go ahead

I can handle the rest of the rounds well all right great let's go if you beat me

with the ringer yes I did come on folks it's time for more cheese you don't have

to rub it why not I won didn't I okay who's next hey how

about you mr. Dillo she can't do it oh yeah okay I guess it's you and me Peck

sure knows how to take the front out of a game Hey I show up

you call that a four on a mule or in a buck never wanna play horseshoes again

what do you do sheriff

the first wrong congratulations pick your turn pick good


list what can it win you really know how to throw them and you to Peck I've met

I'd rather not but you won I lost you should celebrate winnings not the only

part of playing a game if you're not having fun with your friend then you can

do better than me standing on your head know that I'd like to play another game

with you just for fun really yep and I promise I won't

looking forward to get into junctionville so I can compete in the

sheriff's contest governor groundhog wait

it sure is Purdy hope I have what it takes to win it you ask me you should

give it to sheriff Callie right now that's right we all know win or lose I'm

just happy to have been asked to compete yeah me too Toby there's nothing like

riding on a train and hearing it chugga-chugga Lowe thank you very much

whoo all that singing is got me thirsty what do you say we mosey on into the

refreshment car for a drink oh good as Ella's yep

trying bandits sure sounds like it come on

nice jumpin Peck thank you that way

you don't say away tobe free the other passengers yep

it's real go clear gotta be worth a fortune and it's all ours

sheriff Callie

gasps always got to do things the hard way we shine new nowhere to go ha

bandits oh that's what you think shared

while gray

there's no way to stop us so share what's it gonna be

no question those passengers are more important than you and that trophy but

you haven't seen the last of sheriff camp

sister claims a stapler might be fun if that old bridge border

don't you fret governor

now I hereby place you fellas under arrest

curses the golden star trophy to a sheriff that is proven to be brave and

true this Sheriff has shown courage in the face of danger by saving a challenge

well I'll be thank you Conley governor

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West #3 Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Morgan Wilkins - Duration: 16:01.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West #2 Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Morgan Wilkins - Duration: 16:22.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

Biggers name's not mister it's the twirler kid this is the big game

tio and uncle bun have each won 19 items yo-yo bad name in years he named star he

went from town to town doing all these like a bunch of folks together


he accidentally bought way he disappeared and he never saw a yo-yo

others say he's gone to the lonely desert to be alone well I'll just met a

fella called at work it and he say they'll yo-yos around here some beauty

oh no that is not portable but if you wore a fancy black hat I am NOT an yo-yo

and had a little mustache if you show auntie oh I'm still freaking guy I

didn't mean to upset you maybe I'd better go talk to you excuse

me twirler kid but I think you better holster those yo-yos why there a law

against yo-yo and


I was cellular once but that was long ago before I bound someone but that was

an absentee oh you didn't hey that should do it Cheryl it's true

do you really know yo yo

but I told you I am not el yo-yo anymore haha I got it after all these years the

perfect checkers move

I heard you were looking for me should we do sir El yo-yo can handle this

I'm the kid you bunked with your yo-yo and I've been looking for you ever since

so you've come to settle the score what No but ever since I saw you all I

ever wanted to do was yo-yo tricks trouble was you were gone there was no

one to show me I won't forget you el yo-yo nor will I forget you right

I should have forgiven myself long ago everybody else did so does this mean el

yo-yo is here to stay I think it does

nothing makes folks feel better than your feel better flower let's go put my

cows in the barn for that Star Sheriff why didn't our nation are you patching

that hole again that storms are coming and I can't stand getting wet after all

he's done for little old me poor dear was so busy he didn't have time to get

his cows back in their barn cousin stinky going to Delhi washer Canyon is

out of the question oh I know you have it in you Priscilla you'd be surprised

at what you'll do well I suppose I could fetch those flowers at Kelly washa

Canyon so long as you were there to help me if that's what it takes I'll be with

you every staff to move fast and be back before the first raindrop falls you know

I can't stand getting wet giddyup Sparky

kami no thanks Priscilla that's its forefeet flippers or jewelry

we'll then we'll have to push


Oh Thank You sheriff without you faster Sparky next Jones getting too close for

this whiskers sorry these dangled off the bridge and parted ways with all of

your things there is no doubt in my mind you can handle the little mud

good job get wet but now you know why cats and water don't mix you can thank

you Rosella your dress how does that mud

Priscilla you're the best cousin ever

quilty palace governor groundhog and his grandparents look now reckon I'd better

add my patch the governor will be here soon to celebrate and my fetches a

milkshake always served up not : lady I've been working on something extra

special to give the governor okay but remember to meet us that the governor's

train it that's one stuffy Stoney nose

well giddyup girl we gotta be at the station when the governor gets there

Sheriff it's nearly 12:30 must be the Gump after which will dazzle them

without you you're right if the governor thinks the quill is too

simple a gift for founder's to our town well

what's going on deputy we've reached nice and friendly Court I wonder what's

keeping the governor's train yeah no wait muscles are wondering the same

thing here he comes everybody governor's train

arrives but he's not on it the question everyone's asking why

I'm gonna blindfold you to make it extra surprising governor groundhog and I

don't look so bad myself

no and of course you too Clementine would you active help I

better go see what he's up to I'll be back soon folks wits Peck and

the governor

your hair governor on anybody's stone hair but I'll have it fixed in a jiffy

no need to panic I know just what to do

that winds gusting something fear

the winds too strong for my lasso maybe we should put away our quilt just yet

the governor might still show up I'm afraid he left us with nothing but

tomorrow's headline

nope but it is a good time for you to to jump citizens of nice and friendly

corners for your spectacular rescue and for the spectacularly special quilt

every patch will make me thinking that well Peck

but sometimes simple gifts are the most special just wish I'd seen fit to help

y'all baguette it's not too late there's still a spot to add a patch

quite a beaut I thought I already got everything these barrels are yours too I

must have forgotten well please put them inside my pleasure bank kindly anytime

partner all clear shift sneaking in here was easier than feeding hay to a horse I

mean these gold stars boss the flags even the marbles and paint


why I'm fine Sheriff just doing some light Dalston okie dokie

Sheriff wait'll you see the flag if you're in

here then who did not just here in your store

- nothing's impossible

some way into that Fort Peck we've got to get our flag back thank for helping


flagpoles ready no we need is the flag those ballots

oughta know sheriff Callie would never let them get away with stealing

something so special we tried everything we could think of but just couldn't find

a way into their fort the only way in is for sure trick me hiding in both barrels

I even open the game for him sure would be nice if the bandits would open their

door for us their door won't they know it's a trick we're not gonna use barrels

Peck we're gonna make them something they can't resist

time to give those bandits of surprise that they'll never forget

sure is and I'll trade it to you fellas for our flag and all the other things

you took deputy we're not gonna trade you for that fine gold Ropin Ram

don't steal our gold Ropin Ram got us a nice gold Ram to go with our nice gold

for richer than before

in jail hoppin horseytoads sure I'm the one getting forgetting our flag back

sure you two pick

that's one fun town flag isn't it

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West #2 Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Morgan Wilkins - Duration: 16:22.


Alex Morgan Gets Arrested // Swat Team - Duration: 30:28.

I'm not farming. I was trying to go home like 14

Karma's getting over home and this guy said oh

He told me to be respectful to that guy and I was I was going home in

Kind of Justice price 23 I

Paid $110 per person on that trespassing

The product property there. A lot of folks are talking about it like I need

$100,000 to a person how

They're gonna be shocked at

your behavior, you know that what the secret of that question is going to be even

Know what girl over by the UK nothing like actually forever in a pub?

Yeah, so he told me to leave it and I was leaving but

This is this is Disney. All right, we don't get in people's faces. We don't swear. Yes. We don't move anymore, buddy

You did it to me the other half you were getting roasted girl

We actually danced for you me and corny there's where you ever there's the problem is that you guys

We saw her hugging

that's all we can notice that we cut it and I said everyone that I would be aware in this room, but I'm

there and I was there and I'm sober and I'm watching this event unfold and it is ridiculous like

You're not the guy who?

What's causing all of this? We're we're doing with we're dealing with

Is a company is asking you to leave and not come back

Need your idea. I need your I

didn't say Merida and

Your idea, please. Oh

Can I get it out like you know that c5 fucking time? Thank you, and you have her to

appreciate you not

Remember you are also on camera, too

But you're arguing with him and you're not paying attention to me just keep it quiet a second

Listen all we're doing is the paperwork part. I don't know what happened inside the part. I have no idea

There's three sides of the story and you don't want to help me with a hit in the truth

And you'll never find out because the other guys

Trust me. We'll never get back because you guys treated

Everyone will hear hear I'm in so hundred seven dollars you get in her first

I don't think they employed all the bars are women to

Have to trade you put down here

Something happy with the Stars thirteen


Hi, we're stuck in a room with the police had a pot

Suck us up in a room with the police at Epcot

and they brought us in here because

It and now they think that we remember today

We're in a bathroom in Epcot Vicente Jason Johnson in a bathroom in Epcot

We're in a we're in a bathroom in Epcot in a back in a back room

Watch been very kind of worthless bird. Yeah, we're rotting wait. I'm sorry. Can you don't I rot in here like

Dr. John chow down here. Tell them that Dante Candelaria. We'll call him after this job

We can't have nothing to bring us in here. He said she will call you after this

He won't give me a legitimate reason. Why don't you let me talk to Mike explain to him?

Yeah, he won't give me what you're exactly like not awesome. You can talk to the DA

Jane Johnson deputy Jay Johnson can go bingo game

Good man

So we make sure we didn't get drunk we didn't trust any progress

I want to here with you. Yes

What's the no man his name is Donnie Toya

Donnie Toya Johnny Johnny


Gave it to one. Hey tickle. He's that one. I have no elevators River at

1067 has redirects or not depart you're who alex is to you. We're trying to leave

Basically Alexandra Brian they started creating - believe Mel B Mel B. I

See these is your liner now I can't imagine when black people go

Then at one point we're gonna be oxygenated cursed were these we are

Exactly so

Go there no idea

Involved in life. I was following my friend's husband

What do you need I got a boat in a forest because I saw my friend's husband

Yeah, hang on what property what

Do you mean I just don't?

Mister, thank you trespassing this past morning

It's a warning can't come back

To me it has back what sweet so it's just a warning can't you mouthing?

That they were there right

Jeanne mouthing

Oh stop it. Yes. I'm deputies afterwards. You can ask any question you like. So what the hell are you here for?

You don't you don't say that okay, I'm sorry. I apologize

Sorry does it

Yeah, we're trying to

Problem I felt like actually

I'm still chill transfers idea

However, I start with some prints


Basically my tablet

Oh my husband boy


yeah what I bet with I met it was hostile art of people like I

Really? Saw that being a sport a lot. We did not already know and like I was like following the

Nucleus with all the Semin grass by some of the

Rechargeable NV Courtney which coordinates her Courtney says what she was like, I'm not gonna leave any mementos revealing

I'm not gonna leave you if I felt bad, so I followed her alma mater we found her

Jays offense was not weirdly amoeba high oxygen Akeno me. I soldier


Oh, that's okay

Yeah, I

Do a split you don't print each one of these are several pages there's not marking so just

Just put a thumper in honor. I don't care

Because real quick pick up next page

You can what Mike I don't have anything here, but you can

Mark it on your shirt or whatever. It's not marking. So it's not like it's not like ink ink. This is not marking

It's not go, but I want to thank you

She was actually in years and I wasn't there according been to the bed and like she's honest really she's honest as you're born

She's away

It was nothing like this fabulous coming Friday and they were like mouthpiece for each other and that meant okay comfort of the way

And like desert if I like I like to promise my life simple

Okay, eventually she's not she's not a guy that will honestly like like do anything I

Was like

Hey Courtney, this is yours

We're going out a lot of information and energy

Look at one more fingerprint. Can you do hers - since you right there?

Yeah, we're fine with it -

What is the cost to get an argument, I don't know having servicing them over my fingerprint and my signature

You don't want anything. We don't need your signature


You want to read it, don't you? Okay, hold on. Hold on. Tell her to pay attention, please pay attention

He's got something for you say

Hold on

He's got something to say, please listen to him

Should be one more run water parks

Resort on that's not welcome on Walt Disney World property into the shredder fast warning

You're hereby warned that you're not authorized license are invited to be any

Premises and may be arrested if you refuse to leave or return it anytime there

Customer service

We're gonna walk them all to get them out that way so we'll see how this goes

Do you have a number? Yep


Now to put the thing back that was

Alright, we're ready let's go let's go get yourself. Let's go

Let's go yeah

No, no, I can't imagine I can't imagine

Me urges Halloween

Somebody who would need to call

No man left alone

How you are talking now



I got the door, but God

Okay, now we need to figure out where they going over is that what I heard

Ask him where the riders they've been out

Regarding likely to our victim by calling them out and they were like

In 1914 was like on Holi hand. I'm here too

I was



There was about 50 folks white monster one


Oh, I

Are you Adam

Counting juicy screens 23

BPW times three, all three highly uncooperative video was taken and we're escort amount now

Theater Otto

Started by the bar. Yes

What were they going

One girl Mexico arrived with little Alex

Ah pretty tall

Alright are they going are we done?

Auto birth

Trying to roll out now. Yes you want that one

Whichever ones louder wanders off that way

Did you grab our pvw soon from the room

We can go back in a second, okay?

He is so where did too much beer over there

You try to go find out Alec sit over there let me deal with him. I'll be with him

You want to go traffic

that's because I had to grab ahold of them to get a new one help and he does incredibly you that's I'm saying if I

Have to deal with them again and he would be doing me. I think they all walk this way

They've just Alice for husband that girl


No mercy, what ma'am ma'am ma'am

You know where they went

You know where she went

Did she are you on the phone with her now as she's still walking around or?

Sure, she's not sit down over here down where the bustle bit

See where the other taxis are are you wearing

Yeah, okay, okay just down this way yeah first that up

Right over here right where the first that goes and it's going to be somewhere right over here

Working out now raise the second I can I'm sorry

Hey ma'am, I'm trying to make sure no one gets into more trouble the fun gets him out of here

No, I'm just writing anything. So we're trying to do we're not trying to make it

For more infomation >> Alex Morgan Gets Arrested // Swat Team - Duration: 30:28.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West #4 Best Cartoon for Kids & Children - Morgan Wilkins - Duration: 15:56.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

quite a beaut I thought I already got everything these barrels are yours too I

must have forgotten well please my pleasure thanks kindly anytime partner

all clear

sneaking in here was easier than feeding hay to a horse I mean these gold stars

boss the flags even the marbles and paint perfume yeah

why I'm fine Sheriff just doing some light Dalston okie dokie

sheriff wait'll you see the flag if you're in here then who did not just

here in your store

- nothing's impossible

some way into that Fort Peck we gotta get our flag back fellas

flag poles ready no we need is the flag those ballots

oughta know sheriff Kelly would never let them get away with stealing

something so special we tried everything we could think of but just couldn't find

a way into their fort the only way in is for sure trick me hiding in those

barrels I even opened the game for him sure

would be nice if the bandits would open their door for us their door won't they

know it's a trick we're not gonna use barrels Peck we're gonna make them

something they can't resist

time to give those bandits a surprise they'll never forget

sure is and I'll trade it to you fellas for our flag and all the other things

you took the deputy we're not gonna trade you for that fine gold Ropin Ram

don't steal our gold Ropin Ram got us a nice gold Ram to go with our nice gold

even richer than before

in jail hoppin horseytoads sure I'm late the way getting forgetting our flag back

sure you to pick

that's one fine town flag isn't it

that's the idea gotta make sure you know who knows how

nice I am before II scooches down my chimney tonight

that's my Clementine is the best mule if I sure wish I had a critter out there

I'd like you and chip County holidays Peck Toby you're just in time to help me

trim the jailhouse tree Christmas me thanks Toby why don't your string

popcorn and help decorate

Oh delivering free of ex-wife so be as fast as I can I could saddle up and feed

and brush and hug just as long as I can love it and it figures

ever since that one reindeer gun

you can run

hey burden not this Christmas she won't

tell he's gone

that was the best Christmas Eve ever Oh cuz you're not mine I just love you so

much comment I'll miss you forever

Santa knows this kitty why it's super shiny badge pumps Co again

Merry Christmas everybody

Biggers name's not mister it's the twirler kid nobody would that name in

this is the big game tio and uncle bun have each won 99 times

their name in years which he named star he went from town to town doing all

things like a bunch of folks who gathered


accidentally bought way he disappeared and he never saw a yo-yo

others say he's gone to the lonely desert to be alone

well I'll just met a fella called at work here and he's a male yo-yo was

around here some beauty oh no that is not possible

but if you wore a fancy black hat I am NOT an yo-yo and had a little mustache

keep your show on tio I'm still thinking guy I didn't mean to upset you

maybe I'd better go talk to you excuse me twirler kid but I think you better

holster those yo-yos why there a law against yo-yo and in there


I was a yo-yo once but that was long ago before I bound someone but that was an

accident you didn't

hey that should do it Sheriff it's true tea oh really

yo yo yo

but I told you I am not el yo-yo anymore haha I got it after all these years the

perfect checkers move

I heard you were looking for me

should we do some el yo-yo can handle this

I'm the kid you've bunked with your yo-yo and I've been looking for you ever

since so you've come to settle the score what no I forgave you but ever since I

saw you all I ever wanted to do was yo-yo tricks the trouble was you were

gone there was no one to show me I won't forget you el yo-yo nor will I forget

you right I should have forgiven myself long ago everybody else did so does this

mean El yo-yo is here to stay I think it does

nothing makes folks feel better than your feel better flower let's go put my

cows in the barn for that star sure why didn't our nation are you patching that

hole again that storms are coming and I can't stand getting wet

after all he's done for little old maid poor dear was so busy he didn't have

time to get his cows back in their barn

cousin stinky going to Delhi washer Canyon is out of the question

oh I know you have it in you Priscilla you'd be surprised at what you'll do

well I suppose I could fetch those flowers at Kelly washa Canyon so long as

you were there to help me if that's what it takes I'll be with you every staff to

move fast and be back before the first raindrop falls you know I can't stand

getting wet giddyup Sparky

kami no thanks Priscilla that's its forefeet flippers or jewelry

well then we'll have to push

Oh Thank You sheriff without you faster Sparky that storms getting too close for

this whiskers sorry these dangled off the bridge and parted ways with all of

your things there is no doubt in my mind you can handle the little mud

good job get wet but now you know why cats and water don't mix you can thank

you Rosella your dress how does that mud

Priscilla you're the best cousin ever

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