welcome back this is part five of crochet your own mini bear in this video
we're going to sew everything together we start with the legs first then we add
the tail then we sew on the arms and we do the ears last a couple of pins are
helpful that's for the ears and I'm using a blunt end yarn needle for the
entire assembly so grab your needle and a couple of pins and let's get started
so we're gonna sew the legs on first and it's important to do the legs first
so we know exactly where to put those arms I've done it the other way around
and I ended up having to remove the arms because I put them back too far so it's
a good idea to put the legs on first and the legs are very easy to put on but you
just have to make sure that you got this stuffing at the tip still and you can
see they're kind of like in a v-shape on the front so you just want to make sure
that V is in the middle and in line with the nose so I'm gonna go ahead put the
first one in and I'm just going to whip stitch this edge to the body so this
edge here
okay and now it's going to come down like that so we don't want that so we
want to just tack down either side to the body
I'm gonna grab that edge and go down into the body and I'll come up on
the other side okay and I'm gonna put a stitch right here right on the side and
go back down come out anywhere we're just gonna stop and see yep so that
holds it in place if it's not holding it in place just go back and do it again
and just go up a little bit further this time so just tacking down the edge to
make sure it stays in place there we go the first leg is in no we have to do is
just knot off anywhere we'll just wrap around a stitch post before pulling all
the way through go through that lift and pull it tight and I'll just bring this
anywhere pull it out pulling it slightly and cut okay make
sure you're happy with the placement
now I'll sew this one in so when you first put your bear down its
it'll probably topple over and I'll show you how to fix that in a second first of
all I see this a little bit here sticking up I want to tack that down and
I didn't see that the first time around and that's okay you can do it now
tack that down so I'm just gonna wrap the yarn over the edge and bring it out
anywhere and pull see it even that right out okay now I can just not up here no
it's that down that time but if it didn't sit down then all we have to do
is this pinch the bottom down and that just brings the stuffing down a little
bit and then you'll see that it will sit up perfectly fine but we're also gonna
use the tail to help it sit up on its own as well so the tail kind of acts
like a little brace in the back so you want the tail to be low enough where it
will touch the table when you sew it on so I just put my bear down slide the
tail into place and I know it's gonna go right there so I'll just hold it with my
thumb and then get my stitches in there so just bring the yarn tail down into
the body and I'll come up on the other side just in front of the tail pull it
through then I'll go back into the tail and
straight into the body and I'll come out somewhere else near the edge of the tail
back in grabbing the tail edge back into the body and up and away and if it's too
uncomfortable to bring it up too close to the tail just bring it out anywhere
it doesn't matter as long as you get the stitch in there
then you can go back on the same stitch hole you just came out of and then bring
it in as close as you can get it to the edge of the tail okay you just pick a
repeat around until there's no gaps left all right guys the legs and the tailor
on let's do the arms you can see the arms are tucked in pretty close and they
do want to get away from me because they're so tiny so just hold them in
place and make sure that you're happy with how they look before you add any
stitches oh I'm right about there so I'll get the first one in and use pins
if you need to hold it in place okay and now again I'm just gonna whip stitch
this edge to the body just going down into the body and then back right out
through the edge of the arms and into the body and directly up into the arm
again okay I've just whip stitched along that edge so now I'm just gonna tack
down either side just like I did for the legs so I'll go back down into the body
come up anywhere back into that stitch all it is came out of and come up on the
edge of the arm and then back into the arm and into the body
that looks pretty good now can just knot off alright and then the other one
again same thing and take my time to make sure it's positioned properly and
if I need to use pins to hold it in place but I think it looks good right
about there I'm just gonna whip stitch this edge to the body so the ears make
sure your last stitch is on the side flatten it out and stretch out the ear
if you need to I always make them a little bit Curt before I stick them on
the head okay and you're gonna use pins to hold them in place so we're gonna
sew the top edge of the ear in between rows two and three so there's one two
and three so it's right about there you don't have to be precise as long as it's
right about there and like I said we're gonna use pins to hold it in place I
have extra long pins so I just need one I'll put it right in the middle the best
thing to do is put them on the corners now you want to make sure you're very
happy with the placement before you start sewing and I'm happy with that I'm
gonna bring my first stitch in and I'm gonna come up right on the other corner
so I know it break down into the head and coming up on the other corner and
just pulling snug not too tight to alter the shape okay making sure I'm still
happy with the placement and then I'll go through the ear right through and
bring that through and then right down into the head as closest the ear you can
get it and bring it out anywhere there are my two corners are sewn in I was
reviewing the film and I could see the sun was shining in such a way that you
couldn't see some of the stitches so I'm just going to go over what I was doing
so once you get your two corners sewn in then you'll just come back and forth
through the ear on the very bottom edge
and you'll just bring it back and forth and every time you go back and just make
sure you're getting as close as the ear as you can get it and if you can't bring
it up in front of the ear try to do that but if you can't do that and it's not
comfortable bring it out anywhere else as long as you go back through the same
stitch hole you came out of you'll be fine and it doesn't take much to get the
ear sewn in once those corners are in and it just takes a few stitches through
the middle oh here we go and once you're done then you just nod off carry the ear
and tail away pull on it slightly and cut and we are done alright my friends
it's time to celebrate we are done crocheting our own little mini bear and
you should be very proud of yourself if you've never crocheted anything before
you've done it you've got yourself a little bear made now we can turn it into
other animals by changing the tail and the ears and those patterns will be
coming up shortly on my blog coming up next on YouTube is how to turn them into
the wedding bears so all we do to turn them into wedding bears we're gonna use
the exact same pattern we just made and we're going to add the accessories so
the next video coming up to youtube is going to show you how to make the top
hat how to make the veil the bouquet and a little bow tie of course so you just
watch what's popping up on your screen and I'll meet you over in the next video
thanks so much for watching and I hope you had fun crocheting yourself a little
mini bear I'll see you super soon
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