Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 3 2018

daddy you did not win

welcome to Jai Bista Show

please subscribe my channel

Jai you have to order the happy meal

for basketball

we have a basketball challenge

2 happy meals

and 2 milk

and 2 chocolate milk


okay what kind of happy meal would you like

4 pieces chicken nuggets

anything else yes I want one smoothie

alright first window please okay

happy meal thank you have a good day

wow Jai


daddy okay your turn


I won

I did four

wow did that

yeah my turn

I won


yes, i won

good job

you already did it



oh no


you did not win

I won my happy meal challenge

daddy lost the game

I lost it

what is that

is that a panda

red panda wow

red panda what is it

mammal where does he live

mountain forest of Nepal


red panda really

thank you to watching the Jai Bista Show

please subscribe my channel

please click one of these videos please

For more infomation >> INSANE MINI HOOP BASKETBALL Happy Meal Challenge | Mini NBA Final 2018 - Duration: 5:26.


Crochet Your Own Mini Bear Part 5 Assembly - Duration: 9:23.

welcome back this is part five of crochet your own mini bear in this video

we're going to sew everything together we start with the legs first then we add

the tail then we sew on the arms and we do the ears last a couple of pins are

helpful that's for the ears and I'm using a blunt end yarn needle for the

entire assembly so grab your needle and a couple of pins and let's get started

so we're gonna sew the legs on first and it's important to do the legs first

so we know exactly where to put those arms I've done it the other way around

and I ended up having to remove the arms because I put them back too far so it's

a good idea to put the legs on first and the legs are very easy to put on but you

just have to make sure that you got this stuffing at the tip still and you can

see they're kind of like in a v-shape on the front so you just want to make sure

that V is in the middle and in line with the nose so I'm gonna go ahead put the

first one in and I'm just going to whip stitch this edge to the body so this

edge here

okay and now it's going to come down like that so we don't want that so we

want to just tack down either side to the body

I'm gonna grab that edge and go down into the body and I'll come up on

the other side okay and I'm gonna put a stitch right here right on the side and

go back down come out anywhere we're just gonna stop and see yep so that

holds it in place if it's not holding it in place just go back and do it again

and just go up a little bit further this time so just tacking down the edge to

make sure it stays in place there we go the first leg is in no we have to do is

just knot off anywhere we'll just wrap around a stitch post before pulling all

the way through go through that lift and pull it tight and I'll just bring this

anywhere pull it out pulling it slightly and cut okay make

sure you're happy with the placement

now I'll sew this one in so when you first put your bear down its

it'll probably topple over and I'll show you how to fix that in a second first of

all I see this a little bit here sticking up I want to tack that down and

I didn't see that the first time around and that's okay you can do it now

tack that down so I'm just gonna wrap the yarn over the edge and bring it out

anywhere and pull see it even that right out okay now I can just not up here no

it's that down that time but if it didn't sit down then all we have to do

is this pinch the bottom down and that just brings the stuffing down a little

bit and then you'll see that it will sit up perfectly fine but we're also gonna

use the tail to help it sit up on its own as well so the tail kind of acts

like a little brace in the back so you want the tail to be low enough where it

will touch the table when you sew it on so I just put my bear down slide the

tail into place and I know it's gonna go right there so I'll just hold it with my

thumb and then get my stitches in there so just bring the yarn tail down into

the body and I'll come up on the other side just in front of the tail pull it

through then I'll go back into the tail and

straight into the body and I'll come out somewhere else near the edge of the tail

back in grabbing the tail edge back into the body and up and away and if it's too

uncomfortable to bring it up too close to the tail just bring it out anywhere

it doesn't matter as long as you get the stitch in there

then you can go back on the same stitch hole you just came out of and then bring

it in as close as you can get it to the edge of the tail okay you just pick a

repeat around until there's no gaps left all right guys the legs and the tailor

on let's do the arms you can see the arms are tucked in pretty close and they

do want to get away from me because they're so tiny so just hold them in

place and make sure that you're happy with how they look before you add any

stitches oh I'm right about there so I'll get the first one in and use pins

if you need to hold it in place okay and now again I'm just gonna whip stitch

this edge to the body just going down into the body and then back right out

through the edge of the arms and into the body and directly up into the arm

again okay I've just whip stitched along that edge so now I'm just gonna tack

down either side just like I did for the legs so I'll go back down into the body

come up anywhere back into that stitch all it is came out of and come up on the

edge of the arm and then back into the arm and into the body

that looks pretty good now can just knot off alright and then the other one

again same thing and take my time to make sure it's positioned properly and

if I need to use pins to hold it in place but I think it looks good right

about there I'm just gonna whip stitch this edge to the body so the ears make

sure your last stitch is on the side flatten it out and stretch out the ear

if you need to I always make them a little bit Curt before I stick them on

the head okay and you're gonna use pins to hold them in place so we're gonna

sew the top edge of the ear in between rows two and three so there's one two

and three so it's right about there you don't have to be precise as long as it's

right about there and like I said we're gonna use pins to hold it in place I

have extra long pins so I just need one I'll put it right in the middle the best

thing to do is put them on the corners now you want to make sure you're very

happy with the placement before you start sewing and I'm happy with that I'm

gonna bring my first stitch in and I'm gonna come up right on the other corner

so I know it break down into the head and coming up on the other corner and

just pulling snug not too tight to alter the shape okay making sure I'm still

happy with the placement and then I'll go through the ear right through and

bring that through and then right down into the head as closest the ear you can

get it and bring it out anywhere there are my two corners are sewn in I was

reviewing the film and I could see the sun was shining in such a way that you

couldn't see some of the stitches so I'm just going to go over what I was doing

so once you get your two corners sewn in then you'll just come back and forth

through the ear on the very bottom edge

and you'll just bring it back and forth and every time you go back and just make

sure you're getting as close as the ear as you can get it and if you can't bring

it up in front of the ear try to do that but if you can't do that and it's not

comfortable bring it out anywhere else as long as you go back through the same

stitch hole you came out of you'll be fine and it doesn't take much to get the

ear sewn in once those corners are in and it just takes a few stitches through

the middle oh here we go and once you're done then you just nod off carry the ear

and tail away pull on it slightly and cut and we are done alright my friends

it's time to celebrate we are done crocheting our own little mini bear and

you should be very proud of yourself if you've never crocheted anything before

you've done it you've got yourself a little bear made now we can turn it into

other animals by changing the tail and the ears and those patterns will be

coming up shortly on my blog coming up next on YouTube is how to turn them into

the wedding bears so all we do to turn them into wedding bears we're gonna use

the exact same pattern we just made and we're going to add the accessories so

the next video coming up to youtube is going to show you how to make the top

hat how to make the veil the bouquet and a little bow tie of course so you just

watch what's popping up on your screen and I'll meet you over in the next video

thanks so much for watching and I hope you had fun crocheting yourself a little

mini bear I'll see you super soon

For more infomation >> Crochet Your Own Mini Bear Part 5 Assembly - Duration: 9:23.


Crochet Bouquet of Flowers For Mini Wedding Bear - Duration: 8:39.

hi guys welcome to part 1 of the wedding accessories for the crocheted mini bear

in this video we're making that little bouquet to make your little bouquet of

flowers we're gonna start with a piece that looks like this I'm going to show

you how to make this in a minute so you need some green yarn and I'm using

worsted weight yarn that would be the best weight to use to make a piece like

this and for you my friends in the UK that would be Aran yarn would be the

closest weight to this and you don't need very much so you can use dark green

or light green and then for the flowers themselves

I just cut 3 strands these are about 24 inches long of yellow purple and pink

you'll need your blunt end yarn needle your crochet hook of course I'm using a

4.25mm hook and a bobby pin don't use pins to attach the

bouquet to the little bear because that will put someone at risk of poking

themselves especially if you're holding the bear and you kind of squeeze it then

that pin that you put in there will actually hurt somebody and if you want

to attach it permanently you can of course just sew it right to the bear so

the choice is yours all right guys let's get started we're gonna begin by making

the base for the flowers Row one we're gonna chain eight so make your slip knot

and yarn over and pull through eight times

there's our chain of eight starting in the second chain from the hook there's

the first chain starting in the second one we're gonna put a single crochet in

the next four chains when I go through I always have tulips that chain on top of

my hook and one loop of that chain on the bottom and it's just a little bit

awkward to hang on to so just grab a little bit with your fingering it them

and then yarn over and pull through and now you have tulips on your hook yarn

over and pull through the one we just worked is gonna be a big loop they're

going into the next gene

into the third one now

into the fourth

and then we're gonna put a half double crochet in the three remaining chains so

yarn over going into the next chain

yorn over and into the next chain

and last chain of the row yarn over and into the next ch and we're done Row

one and now we have seven stitches across chain two and turn now we put one

half double crochet in the first three stitches yarn over skipping that chain

we made one two starting right here half double crochet in the next three

and now one single crochet in the next three

and then we slip stitch the last stitch and finish off so go through pull the

yarn through and instead of yearning over just pull the first slip through

the second loop and we are done finish off leaving a tail for sewing

we're gonna weave in the starting yarn tail to hide it just bring it right

through I go right through our row of stitches

I'll go right out the other side now we're gonna add our flowers and we're

only adding flowers to the widest part up here and we're leaving this part here

free of flowers because in the end we want a little stem at the bottom alright

so let's start making those flowers we're just gonna do a series of French

knots and I'm gonna start with my purple then it's gonna pull through from the

back to the front ok and I'm gonna wrap the yarn around the tip of my needle

three times one two three and then over a little bit so it doesn't pull through

you can't go through the same space you just came through so go over a little

bit so the French knot has something to hang on to and pull through and there's

our first little flower so we're gonna go over here

do the same thing wrap three times one two three

all right I'm just gonna leave those yarn tails hanging because I might use

them again that's I'm not sure this might want to fill in one here and there

okay doing my pink ones now I'm just putting them randomly

all right there's my pink ones and I buff that yarn tails hanging now I'm

gonna put in my yellow ones now we're gonna take these yarn tails and we're

going to spread them out so one half should go one direction and the other

half should go the other and that just reduces the bulk in the middle and now

we're going to trim them up so they're not longer than the green part okay

let's close this up now we're just gonna fold it over and go from one side to the

other it's gonna be a little bit awkward at the start okay and now we're gonna do

it again

all right I'll closed up now we're gonna take our yarn tail and bring it right

down to the bottom almost the bottom don't come out the center come up on the

side a little bit like that bring it through

straighten out you're okay I started this now I'm not gonna do it

but if you're worried about it ever unraveling you can put glue here but I

won't do that cuz it it holds fine just the way it is but there's just an idea

so we're gonna wrap real tightly the tighter you wrapped a neater it's gonna

look and it also straightens out the stem I'm wrapping very tight okay and

then when you get it up here knot it off so go through hang on to that string

with your thumb so it doesn't pull all the way through and then go through that

loop and then pull tight now I can just hide this inside pull it through and

then I cut it free you know to attach this to the bear and we're gonna use

that bobby pin and I'm just gonna go through it do the bottom piece just

grabbing a little bit of yarn for it to hang on to pull it through and that's it

and then it goes on to the bear I just push it through the arm and into the


alright guys that brings us to the end of this video now we're ready to make

the veil and that will be in part two it should be popping up on your screen and

I'll meet you over there

For more infomation >> Crochet Bouquet of Flowers For Mini Wedding Bear - Duration: 8:39.


Ensayo del Dynascan DB 9900M, bibanda VHF-UHF mini - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Ensayo del Dynascan DB 9900M, bibanda VHF-UHF mini - Duration: 8:00.


They Added Mini Golf on Norwegian Bliss! - Duration: 2:12.

During our Panama Canal cruise on the Norwegian Bliss...

I was surprised to see that they added a new feature to the ship...

That they hadn't got around to completing when the ship was under construction at the shipyard in Germany.

When we first got onboard, what I'm about to show you didn't exist!

I thought this area was just an observation area for the go-kart race track, which is right next to it.

But in a matter of a couple of days, they added a mini golf course to the ship.

The course has only five holes, but...

If you're a golf nut, or even if you're not but you just like good simple fun...

I think you'll get a kick out of the mini golf course on Norwegian Bliss.

It's pretty straightforward...

There's nothing radically different about it than any other mini golf course you've probably already played.

But it just offers one more thing to do on a mega cruise ship that already offers a huge number of things to do!

Try to come up here on a day when it's not particularly windy...

Because this course is up on the very highest deck of the ship...

And quite exposed to any wind that might be happening.

A day when the ship is in port is a great time to come up here.

Or if you can find a day when the ship is sailing with the wind rather than against it.

There's absolutely no additional charge to use the mini golf course...

And you don't even have to deal with a crew member to check out the equipment.

Just come up when you're ready for fun...

Play a few holes with your family and friends...

And enjoy watching the go-kart racetrack next door.

I'm Jim Zim.

The mini-golf course was just one of a whole bunch of things I really liked about the Norwegian Bliss.

This is definitely one of the best cruise ships I've ever been on...

And one I can highly recommend!

Check out the many other videos on my YouTube channel that I shot when I was onboard the Norwegian Bliss...

And if you're as excited about cruising as I am...

Head over to my website at to read about all the other cruise ships I've been on.

For more infomation >> They Added Mini Golf on Norwegian Bliss! - Duration: 2:12.


MINIVERS - Xux en espadrilles - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> MINIVERS - Xux en espadrilles - Duration: 7:01.


MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili EXTREEM VOL! Vol leer zwart/xenon/panoramadak/navigatie/bluetooth/mini wired - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili EXTREEM VOL! Vol leer zwart/xenon/panoramadak/navigatie/bluetooth/mini wired - Duration: 1:13.


Novo kit de customização deixa MINI Cooper S mais nervoso e esportivo| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Novo kit de customização deixa MINI Cooper S mais nervoso e esportivo| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 4:52.


MINI 1.6 Cooper D Chili - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 Cooper D Chili - Duration: 1:12.


MINI Clubman 1.6 COOPER BUSINESS LINE RIJKLAAR PRIJS- GARANTIE Airco Navigatie Leder/Stof Interieur - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> MINI Clubman 1.6 COOPER BUSINESS LINE RIJKLAAR PRIJS- GARANTIE Airco Navigatie Leder/Stof Interieur - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> MINI 1.5 COOPER SERIOUS BUSINESS CLIMA/17"/NAVI - Duration: 1:07.


Naztech Xtra Drive Mini Memory Expander with 16GB SDHC C... - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Naztech Xtra Drive Mini Memory Expander with 16GB SDHC C... - Duration: 4:07.


Holstein Set of 3 Mixed Mini Meal Makers - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Holstein Set of 3 Mixed Mini Meal Makers - Duration: 10:14.


MINI 1.6 One Park Lane lounge leder,chrono pakket,stoelverwarming,xenon - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 One Park Lane lounge leder,chrono pakket,stoelverwarming,xenon - Duration: 1:05.


✅ Her little one: Marie Osmond has a mini me daughter. On Friday the star shared a throwback photo w - Duration: 3:19.

Marie Osmond has a mini me daughter.On Friday the 58-year-old Dancing With The Stars vet shared a throwback photo with her 20-year-old look-alike child Brianna Patricia Blosil when they attended the Paul Mitchell Schools 15th Annual FUN raising Gala last month

'My daughter Brianna and I with @paulmitchelledu Advanced Educator @debradietrich last week at #trendingtour!! What an amazing leader and talent

it was a joy getting to meet and spend time together with you.' Osmond is married for the second time to Steve Craig

They wed in 2011 after divorcing in 1985; their first wedding was in 1982.She has seven kids (two biological and five adopted) - Stephen, Jessica, Brianna, Brandon, Rachael, Matthew and Abigail

Her adopted son Michael tragically died at age 18 in February 2010.Brianna was born in November 1997 and adopted by Marie and her second husband Brian Blosil shortly after her birth

Marie, who is a spokesperson for NutriSystem after losing 50lbs on the plan - looked pretty at the event.The singer and actress was unmissable in a bright floral dress

The host of Donnie & Marie paired the colorful garment with a bright yellow kimono jacket. A pair of flower adorned slingback pumps added inches to the singer's frame

Her wavy, brunette tresses were worn untied, cascading down Marie's shoulders and she sported bangs that framed the ageless beauty's face

The event was part of the nationwide network of Paul Mitchell Schools fundraising effort for various charities with their annual 'FUNraising' campaign

  The annual campaign culminates in the FUNraising Gala dinner.The evening was hosted by Winn Claybaugh, Paul Mitchell Cofounder and CEO John Paul DeJoria, Paul Mitchell Co-owner Angus Mitchell and representatives from the supported charities

Osmond has become a role model for women in their fifties who want to stay slender. In 2017 she told DailyMail

com NutriSystem helped her learn how to eat: 'I never used to take care of my body but now I've learned about balance

'I have been through starvation and dieting. You can't run on no fuel. I've learned about portions and balance and what I'm supposed to do to maintain my weight and energy,' she said

 Marie got her start in the 1970s with the music group The Osmonds. She then went solo with the singe Paper Roses and had more success with This is The Way That I Feel

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