Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 28 2018

- Like many of you, I grew up with a computer in the house

and it has shaped so much about me.

The way that I socialize, the way that I learned,

even the ways that I work now.

And so when I see kids growing up

with home assistants like Google Home

or the Amazon Echo, I think about the ways

in which it must be effecting them.

So how are these voice-enabled, artificially intelligent

bots impacting childhood development?

And is it all good?

(lively music)

Tens of millions of Americans now have

some sort of digital assistant in their home.

Chris Grimmig is one of them.

He bought an Amazon Echo about three years ago

shortly after the birth of his daughter.

He uses it to go shopping but also as a way

to connect to all the other digital devices in his home.

You were saying that her speech has really evolved

to sort of cater to Alexa.

- It was actually pretty fascinating

to watch that unfold because she had

to learn to ask questions of it

very differently than of my wife and I.

And even things like she,

she had a binky, right?

Alexa's not responding when you have a pacifier

in your mouth, period (laughter) so it actually helped

us kind of coach her out of taking that out of her mouth

and she became significantly more articulate,

I would say, quickly, as a result

of wanting to speak with Alexa.

- She's very social with Alexa,

but she doesn't treat it the same way she might

treat her stuffed animals, for example.

- Yeah, yeah.

Her stuffed animals, like most three year olds I'm sure,

particularly girls with dolls,

they have conversations with them.

So, she'll ask them questions, obviously they don't respond,

she's telling them about her day.

Alexa, she clearly knows is for queries.

So, she asks questions, she gets an answer

or she gets a result, and it's less conversational

than with her stuffed animals, I would say.

Dr. Rachel Severson has been studying the impacts

of AI and robotics on childhood development

for over a decade.

How do kids react to stuffed animals differently

than they do to robotic animals, let's say?

- So, first of all, kids are very clear

what the stuffed animal, pet or dog,

that it is a stuffed animal and that any

sort of persona that they're

attributing to it is simply pretend.

With a robotic dog, when we look at how

they are answering questions about the sorts

of attributes that it might have so,

you know, does it have biological attributes,

does it have mental states, can it be a friend,

does it have moral standing?

We see actually very similar answers

to what they're doing with the stuffed animal,

however the critical difference is that

in this case they're not pretending.

And they are really truly believing that

it has these characteristics.

- Kids seem to know that robots

and artificially intelligent things

aren't just objects, so what do they think they are?

Have you asked her yet?

- Yeah, we did ask her and

she clearly had never thought about it before.

So I asked her, okay, where does Alexa live, okay?

"She lives in our house."

And she then came up with the fact that

she thought Alexa might be a musician so,

which kind of personifies Alexa,

but clearly links it to music.

But I think the most telling element of it was

that she had never actually thought about

like what on earth is this thing?

- I'm really curious what they think IA is

or what do they think these robots are?

- It doesn't fit neatly into, you know,

living things or non-living things,

or animates or inanimates,

but it's in this in-between space

and we don't know exactly what

that portends for their development.

So we know that pretend play, imaginary play,

is really important in children's development.

You know, roughly 2/3 of kids engage in pretend play

and they do this through a pretty long period of time

and one of the things that we think might

be happening with robotic toys

is that they don't allow kids opportunities

to engage in pretend play.

And that is because they already have a persona embedded

and a script that they're running

and it doesn't give kids the opportunity

to generate a persona and then,

you know, put it onto this entity.

- There's still a ton of research

to be done in the way that AI

and robotics effects childhood development,

especially on how this technology impacts kids

over time as they get older.

While assistants like Alexa may encourage kids

to be a bit more articulate earlier,

in general, robots may not be

the best educational tools in the long run.

As Dr. Severson says, it's developmentally important

for kids to play and imagine,

and robots tend to inhibit that instinct

and that's really important to keep in mind

as more artificially intelligent toys

and educational tools for children come on the market.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Smart Homes Could Effect Your Kid's Development | Are We There Yet? - Duration: 5:41.


Beautiful Modern Tiny Truck Camper by Tiny Smart House - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Modern Tiny Truck Camper by Tiny Smart House - Duration: 3:57.


Smart Cookie Meaning - Duration: 2:15.

Curious to know what it means to be a smart cookie in this video right here

we're going over the fun facts surrounding the term she's a smart

cookie coming at you right now

oh boy I love cookies they taste great they're delicious they smell awesome

they're all-around alluring kind of like a beautiful woman

that's right back in the day an attractive woman that had intelligence

was often referred to by men as a smart cookie the term smart cookie was never

meant to be pejorative or negative in fact it was always yours as a term of

endearment or affection it's exactly hard to know when the term smart cookie

became relevant but it seems like most people agree around the 1920s a lot of

people started referring to women as cookies the term cookie kept growing and

growing over the years but a lot of different people started putting

different adjectives in front of it but the one that grew the most and became

popular amongst women was smart cookie by the 1950s the term had lost its

womanly way and started being used a lot more on men and children themselves in

fact today you'll probably see the term be used all the time for little kids

growing up in school being referred to as a smart cookie when they surprised us

with how intelligent they are so the next time somebody calls you a smart

cookie make sure to say thank you because they're letting you know how

attractive you are and how smart you got it if you guys liked this video and you

want to see more but you're curious to know something that you're interested in

make sure to leave a comment below and I will do my best to make a video for you

and if you want to help support this channel grow make sure to follow me on

my Twitter and Instagram and make sure you subscribe and tick that bell so you

know when my videos go live for you I will see you all in the next curious to

know video coming up real soon take care all peace

For more infomation >> Smart Cookie Meaning - Duration: 2:15.


An own fashion show. For the first time. | smart EQ fortwo & forfour - Duration: 1:37.

When I look in the streets,

people just carry their clothes.

They don't really wear them.

I hope to be a creator of the next fashion.

And now I am at that point of my life

where my dream seems to come true.

I can feel how important this is for me.

The thrill of how people will react to my creation.

I think I will never get used to this feeling.

But maybe addicted.

For more infomation >> An own fashion show. For the first time. | smart EQ fortwo & forfour - Duration: 1:37.


Smart Forfour 66kW Turbo Passion Sportpakket Cool & Audio Automaat - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 66kW Turbo Passion Sportpakket Cool & Audio Automaat - Duration: 1:06.


Smart Cabrio CABRIO & PASSION / VERKOCHT !! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Smart Cabrio CABRIO & PASSION / VERKOCHT !! - Duration: 0:52.


HOT NEWS !!! PEGASI 2 Smart Sleep Glasses Is Designed To Improve Your Sleep - Duration: 2:23.

light sleepers for those of you struggling to get enough shut-eye maybe

interested in a new pair of smart sleep glasses created by Minh Minh called the

pegasi 2 the smart eyewear has been designed to specifically improve sleep

quality by using physical light treatment therapy say its creators the

pegasi 2 smart sleep glasses has launched via Kickstarter this week and

available purchase from just $79 the pegasi too has been created to provide a

drug-free method of improving your sleeping habits and uses like therapy

approved by NASA by using the sleep glasses for just 30 minutes each day

between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. your sleep patterns can be improved in just 7 days

sleep problems have become a main factor affecting people's quality of life now a

regular bedtime schedule long-distance travel and heavy work may result in

disordered biological clock and thus affect sleep quality your quality of

life may be affected at the same time the gussy smart sleep glasses - is a

smart eyewear device which improves sleep quality by physical light therapy

this specific wavelength green light stimulates humans nervous system which

gives a signal to regulate the level of melatonin secretion and improve sleep

quality scientifically it only takes 7 days to see the changes the brand new

collapsible frame makes it easier to enjoy pegassi treatment anywhere pegassi

specific wavelength light helps to restrain melatonin secretion in the

daytime and stimulate melatonin releasing at night

it works like a natural light keeping your body work regularly so you

shouldn't take your sleeping pills anymore


For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! PEGASI 2 Smart Sleep Glasses Is Designed To Improve Your Sleep - Duration: 2:23.


#MODERNGRÜNDENKEN | Smart Lighting | Sommertour 2018 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> #MODERNGRÜNDENKEN | Smart Lighting | Sommertour 2018 - Duration: 1:57.


Smart Forfour 1.0 JOY EDITION - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 1.0 JOY EDITION - Duration: 1:06.


Adjust Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor volume settings with the Nucleus® Smart App - Duration: 2:50.

When paired with a compatible Apple or Android™ device,

you can use the Cochlear™ Nucleus® Smart App

to control and monitor your Cochlear Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

You can quickly and easily adjust your sound processor volume,

change program,

and start and stop streaming audio

from True Wireless™ Accessories.

The Nucleus Smart App

allows you to adjust the sensitivity,



and master volume limit levels

of your sound processor.

To see these options,

tap 'Volume' to open the volume control panel,

then 'more' to open 'Volume Settings'.

You can change the 'Sensitivity',



and 'Master Volume Limit' levels

by tapping the 'plus' or 'minus' buttons.

You should only adjust bass, treble and master volume limit

while you can hear sounds or speech.

To close Volume Settings,

tap the 'X' in the top left of the iPhone screen

or tap the back button on your compatible Android device.

Sensitivity level will return to the default setting

when you turn your sound processor off,

whereas treble,


and master volume limit changes will be saved.

The Nucleus Smart App

also allows you to separately adjust the volume

of streamed audio and sound

from your sound processor microphones.

To do this,

first start streaming from an audio source,

then tap 'more'

to open the 'Audio Source Settings'.

You can then tap 'plus' or 'minus' to change the settings.

If streaming audio from your Apple device,

change the volume of the streamed audio

using the volume buttons on the side of the device.

Tap the 'X' in the top left of the iPhone screen

to close the 'Audio Sources Settings'

and return to the Nucleus Smart App home screen.

For more infomation >> Adjust Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor volume settings with the Nucleus® Smart App - Duration: 2:50.


Smart senza freno a mano finisce in mare: ecco come è caduta - Duration: 1:41.

TORRE DEL GRECO - Fa ancora discutere e, perché no, sorridere, il caso della Smart finita in mare sul molo di levante ieri pomeriggio a Torre del Greco: intorno alle 13 l'auto è precipitata nelle acque del porto dal lato del Circolo Nautico, nella zona dell'attracco dei pescherecci

A provocare il tuffo in acqua della vettura con tutta probabilità una leggerezza imperdonabile della guidatrice, una giovane ragazza di Torre del Greco che aveva dimenticato di inserire il freno a mano: e così la Smart - un modello nuovo di zecca, risultato essere preso a noleggio - è finita a un metro di profondità

Da una telecamera di sicurezza attiva nell'area del porto di Torre del Greco si vede proprio in momento nel quale la Smart scivola in acqua e finisce tra i gozzi, cappottandosi: ad assistere imponenti alla scena decine tra pescatori e avventori del molo di levante

Il tutto mentre la ragazza che era alla guida dell'auto passeggiava tranquillamente in compagnia di tre amiche in riva al mare

Per per recuperare l'auto è stato necessario l'intervento congiunto dei sommozzatori dei vigili del fuoco di Napoli - al comando del caporeparto Francesco Morvillo - oltre agli uomini della Capitaneria di Porto ed un mezzo del soccorso stradale

For more infomation >> Smart senza freno a mano finisce in mare: ecco come è caduta - Duration: 1:41.


Adjust Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor volume settings with the Nucleus® Smart App - Duration: 2:50.

When paired with a compatible Apple or Android™ device,

you can use the Cochlear™ Nucleus® Smart App

to control and monitor your Cochlear Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

You can quickly and easily adjust your sound processor volume,

change program,

and start and stop streaming audio

from True Wireless™ Accessories.

The Nucleus Smart App

allows you to adjust the sensitivity,



and master volume limit levels

of your sound processor.

To see these options,

tap 'Volume' to open the volume control panel,

then 'more' to open 'Volume Settings'.

You can change the 'Sensitivity',



and 'Master Volume Limit' levels

by tapping the 'plus' or 'minus' buttons.

You should only adjust bass, treble and master volume limit

while you can hear sounds or speech.

To close Volume Settings,

tap the 'X' in the top left of the iPhone screen

or tap the back button on your compatible Android device.

Sensitivity level will return to the default setting

when you turn your sound processor off,

whereas treble,


and master volume limit changes will be saved.

The Nucleus Smart App

also allows you to separately adjust the volume

of streamed audio and sound

from your sound processor microphones.

To do this,

first start streaming from an audio source,

then tap 'more'

to open the 'Audio Source Settings'.

You can then tap 'plus' or 'minus' to change the settings.

If streaming audio from your Apple device,

change the volume of the streamed audio

using the volume buttons on the side of the device.

Tap the 'X' in the top left of the iPhone screen

to close the 'Audio Sources Settings'

and return to the Nucleus Smart App home screen.

For more infomation >> Adjust Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor volume settings with the Nucleus® Smart App - Duration: 2:50.


Smart Phone Film School 1 MINUTE FILM COMPETITION PROMO - Duration: 1:18.

The one minute film competition is coming up

and it's a fantastic way to cut your teeth on creating

engaging video / film content.

One minute isn't long

so it doesn't need to be complicated

In fact - the simpler of the idea, the better.

And it's not like you have to invest

a whole lot of time or money

(or your parents money)

into it.

And we can do it all on a phone!

Easy peasy,

lemon squeezy.

This year the competition signature item is...



Which means you just have to incorporate that

somehow into your film.

But it's up to you

for what you want your story to be about

and how you want to tell it.

Don't look at mine.

It could be an

Action movie




a Crime Thriller,

Science Fiction


So grab your phone

find some friends

and lets make some movies.

For more infomation >> Smart Phone Film School 1 MINUTE FILM COMPETITION PROMO - Duration: 1:18.


Smart City-Coupé Herman Brood - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Smart City-Coupé Herman Brood - Duration: 0:59.


Smart ForTwo - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Smart ForTwo - Duration: 0:58.


3 Things Smart Investors Know - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> 3 Things Smart Investors Know - Duration: 4:31.



For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 1.0 SPRING EDITION III, AIRCO, NL, BOEKJES, EEN DOTJE ... GOEDKOOP AUTORIJDEN - Duration: 0:53.


Start using the Nucleus® Smart App for the Nucleus 7 Sound Processor - Duration: 2:42.

Designed specifically for the Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor,

the Nucleus Smart App is the first ever mobile application

to control a cochlear implant sound processor

directly from a compatible Apple or Android™ device.

You can monitor the status of your equipment

and battery life

and, for added reassurance,

the 'Find my Processor' function can help you to locate

a misplaced processor.

To get started, download the app

from the Apple App Store

or Google Play Store.

To start using the Nucleus Smart App,

log in with a Cochlear Account.

We recommend that you do this before your initial activation

so that you're ready to use the Nucleus Smart App

when you receive your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

If you've purchased a Cochlear product from the online store,

or have used a Cochlear online service in the past,

you may already have a Cochlear Account.

If you do not already have a Cochlear Account,

tap 'Create New Account'.

Then, follow the instructions in the Nucleus Smart App

to set up your Cochlear Account.

To start using the Nucleus Smart App

with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor

you'll need to pair your sound processor

to your compatible Apple or Android device.

To pair your sound processor, follow the instructions

in the Nucleus 7 Pairing Guide

or watch the 'How to pair' animation.

Once you have paired your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor

with your compatible Apple or Android device,

follow the instructions within the Nucleus Smart App

to 'Set up your processor'.

When setup is complete, you will be ready to use

the Nucleus Smart App with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

For more infomation >> Start using the Nucleus® Smart App for the Nucleus 7 Sound Processor - Duration: 2:42.


Not OK Google: Massive outage turns smart home kit utterly dumb - Duration: 3:01.

 Google's entire Home infrastructure has suffered a serious outage, with millions of customers on Wednesday morning complaining that their smart devices have stopped working

 At the time of writing, the service is still down, and appears to have been knackered for at least the past 10 hours

 Users in Google's home state of California started complaining that their Google Home, Mini, and Chromecast devices were not working around midnight Pacific Time on Tuesday, and the issue appeared in every country in which the Google Home devices are sold

 But it was only when the United States started waking up on Wednesday morning – the US has the vast majority of Google Home devices – that the reports started flooding in, pointing to an outage of the entire system

 Google has confirmed its systems are down, but has so far provided no other information, saying only that it is investigating the issue

A graph showing two things: an outage and a concentration of devices in the US

Source:  It is possible that the outage is related to a similar, unusual outage at Slack earlier today

So far, though, the most likely cause is a software update that Google published around the same time as the first complaints of downtime came in, an update that added the Spanish language to its devices

 Netizens have been reporting that even after a reboot the devices don't work, suggesting either that the entire Home infrastructure has fallen over – which seems incredibly unlikely given that fact that it is Google we're talking about and it has massive worldwide network redundancy to fall back on – or the devices themselves have gone awry following an update

 We will update this article as and when Google provides any more information. In the meantime everyone is just going to have to shelve their voice-controlled Google assistants – and find out the time by looking at their watch, or check their calendar on their phone or laptop, or turn up the thermostat using the ancient but reliable technology known as fingers


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