[Fansubs by 다시 돌아온 하롬]
Let's have our greetings. 2, 3
Promise now~ To cherish preciously ~
We will grow to be your idol~
Hello, we are fromis_9.
-Shall we have the individual greetings? -Yes.
Starting from Chaeyoung.
Hello, i am fromis_9's 'energizer' Lee Chaeyoung, please take care of us.
Hello, i am fromis_9's 'only swagger' Lee Seoyeon.
Hello, i am fromis_9's 'charming mochi' Song Hayoung.
Hello, i am fromis_9's 'aegyo expert' Lee Nakyung.
Hello, i am fromis_9's 'precious fairy' Noh Jisun, please take care of us.
Hello, i am fromis_9's maknae Baek Jiheon, please take care of us.
Hello, i am the captain of fromis_9, Lee Saerom.
And finally today.
fromis_9's first mini concert.
Welcome to THE100, i am MC Jiwon.
The first song was..
our tittle song DKDK.
-My heart is beating really fast. -That's right.
There is more reason to be nervous.
Our long awaited THE100 mini concert..
..is finally happening today.
-That's right. -How are the members' feeling?
We had to prepare for our comeback.
-Together with this concert. -Yes.
To be honest it was a little tiring.
But thinking of today, made us practice happily.
Also, we are actively promoting now.
We are able to have this concert while promoting.
So it kind of feels good.
-We feel like we will have a successful promotion in the future. -That's right, fighting!
In particular, there is something special in this concert.
From song writing, choreograph to song arrangement.
This is a concert we prepared ourselves.
Have we been practicing a lot?
From preparing the comeback, choreograph, mini concert to song writing.
-We have been practicing really hard. -That's right.
Therefore you can look forward to them.
Besides practicing hard, we were also able to film THE100 in jeju island.
-Even in jeju island we practiced hard. -That's right.
We prepared hard to be able to show an amazing stage today.
Although THE100 have finished a while back.
-The memories in jeju island are still vivid, right? -That's right.
The fans..
..asked if we knew we were going to jeju island.
We really had no idea, right?
-Yes, we really had no idea. -The moment when we received the air ticket.
What were your thoughts at that time?
I really had my doubts.
On the way to the airport, i thought we were coming back after we have our meal.
I really had that thought, but as we received the ticket.
I can't believe it and felt really happy.
We were very happy and thankful to go to jeju island.
-That's right. -Thank you.
The thoughts from back then are coming up.
While listening to the members.
Questions have come from the fans.
In that case, the questions from the fans.
-Shall we answer them? -Yes.
I will read the first question.
What are your thoughts when the 100 hours countdown started?
That was the question.
For me, 100 hours is both a long and short time.
So i was thinking, how we should spend our time in jeju island.
I was thinking of how to spend the time wisely.
Next question.
What is the best part while filming THE100?
In any case, the best part.
Although we had to practice.
We are able to have special practice in a special location.
We were able to make lots of memories.
We felt our promotions will go smoothing after coming back from THE100.
Next question.
What are your personal thoughts after watching the broadcast?
We had a lot of fun memories in jeju island, right?
I felt happy that i could see them through the videos with my own eyes.
I was happy that the memories were able to be left as videos
Isn't Hayoung unnie our monitoring expert.
That was all the questions.
The mini concert that we have work hard to prepare.
Will continue for the next 30 minutes.
Please stay tuned.
Before that, shall we have a little spoiler?
In that case, ain't i spoiler Rom?
If we were to have a little spoiler.
We cameback with our album To. Day right?
Of course we will have the songs from the album.
Also for the first time, we have prepared cover dances.
As the highlight, we have prepared 'clover' just for today's stage.
You might miss it if you blink your eyes, so stay tuned.
-Ain't you excited for the performances? -Yes, i want to see it.
We will prepare for the next performance.
[Eng Subs available at THE100 episodes]
Everyone, have you enjoyed our cover dances?
Compared to the performance earlier, we will show a wider variety of our charms.
We have prepared a time for this.
Saerom will be introducing this segment.
We were in jeju island for the filming.
Over there, we had all the role of writers, PDs and managers.
And had a VCR filming.
We will be showing the videos over here today.
Anticipating it.
Do you have a video you are excited about?
Me me, Personally..
Jiwon unnie keeps talking about how well she is at horse riding..
-I really excited to see how the video came out. -It's so burdensome.
Personally i am really excited about Jiheon.
Firstly, since i was the PD.
I am just kidding, Jiheon had a hard time filming barefooted against the waves
It was a hard time, but i am sure the video will come out nicely.
I am really curious, shall we have a look?
Yes, i want to watch them.
Then let's watch them together~
Firstly, we have Chaeyoung, Jiheon and Romsae's videos.
I thought the videos came out really nicely.
-That's right. -How do the members themselves feel?
How do you feel about it? Are you satisfied?
Yes, PD Saerom and Writer Hayoung.
-They did a better job than i have expected. -Right?
It came out really prettily.
I am satisfied.
The quality was better than expected.
I was surprised it came out so nicely.
As i was filming, the members were calling my name like this.
It had a significant effect for my expressions.
Thank you.
For Chaeyoung and Jiheon's video.
-Our PD Rom was personally in charged of them. -That's right.
I have a question for the two of you.
You can speak up now, do you have any complaints at the time?
To be honest, PD Rom in the beginning.
Was a little here and there.
-I was greedy. -Yes, whenever someone say "if you do it this way, it will be pretty".
She goes like "oh really?"
But the results came out nicely so i have no complaints, thank you.
I have no complaints with Saerom unnie
-The wind was strong when i was filming right? -That's right.
The waves were not helping.
So i thought that was a little disappointing.
But it still came out pretty.
On the other hand, Saerom's video was totally opposite to her usual self.
-No.. -It felt really calm.
It must have been hard acting that way.
That was not acting.
I had a really fun time filming THE100.
There were moments where a screw came off and was acting silly.
But in reality, i am calm as well.
So i made use of that in the filming.
We have only watched 3 videos so far.
-That's right. Excited right? -Let's watch the next one.
-Shall we watch the next one? -Then let's watch together~
Is she a baby?
-It's cute. -Looks cool.
The baby horse at the side..
Her dimples came out.
What's wrong with me?
Isn't it so pretty?
It's Hayoung unnie.
She has a warm heart.
I like this song.
She is frozen.
I am not scred.
You look a little nervous.
This is the usual Seoyeon.
This looks so pretty.
So pretty
Our Seoyeoni is so pretty.
The videos this time was Hayoung's, Seoyeon's and mine.
One of the things that i wanted to do when going to jeju.
-Is horse riding right? -That's right.
I felt so happy to have my wish come true.
-This was the first time our members saw me horse riding right? -That's right.
-Only heard of it. -How was i?
Even before going to jeju island.
Jiwon was saying that she wants to ride horses.
It was the first time for me.
But i can understand why she liked horse riding so much.
She was cool, a little bit.
Jiwon unnie, even before going to jeju island.
-Kept saying she is so good at horse riding. -When did i?
She said she was an expert at horse riding.
So i was expecting a lot.
But i felt that our levels were similar.
You're exaggerating.
I was just kidding. Just as the VRC showed.
Together with the mother and baby horse.
She was so pretty, the background too.
So i thought, that was the difference of having experience.
I will take that as a compliment.
That day, jiheon.
-Cried alot right? That's right.
That was broadcasted too.
She is afraid of animals.
How was it riding the horse?
That was not my first time horse riding.
I rode a few time before.
But the horse this time was really big.
The horses we rode was probably the 3rd biggest.
-Top 3 biggest? -It was really big.
So i was afraid.
I feel i will ride well next time on smaller horses.
Besides Jiheon, Hayoung seems a little scared too.
It was my first time horse riding.
Instead of being scared, i feel a little intimidated.
Since it's my first time.
But the horse was so cute.
And i really love animals.
So i had fun filming it.
-I can feel that you enjoy it in the video too. That's right.
For Seoyeon, it's just like her usual self.
Playing the guitar and singing.
-IU sunbaenim's song came out as the bgm right? -Yes.
I would to hear Seoyeon's voice too.
Then a song i listen frequently to.
I will sing a small part of IU sunbaenim's Peach.
(IU - Peach)
As expecting from our team's singing vending machine.
Comes out whenever it is pressed.
That was very nice.
Continuing, the last 3 videos.
Let's watch together~
wow it's cute.
-Mario. -Cute.
Back then Jiwon manager..
What were you filming?
Hello, hello.
-I was the main writer for this. -I was the main PD.
"Shall i listen to the sound of the sea?"
That was not the atmosphere then.
Jisun unnie is so pretty.
Besides the videos.
Nakyung took lots of pictures at the time too.
But where did all the pictures went?
That's not it.
I took lots of pictures at the location.
Perhaps when the chance arise, i will pick out the pretty pictures.
-And release them. -I will be anticipating.
In Jisun's video, even calling..
Who were you calling?
I was calling mr krabs.
To be honest, instead of that video.
I thought it should have been a cooking video.
You look happy when you are cooking.
When cooking,
It is not 'small daily happiness' but just my daily life.
This is my 'small daily happiness'.
We have watched all the videos that we helped produced.
When watching the videos, the fans have send in many questions.
We will answer them now.
First question.
"Among the different roles, who is the member that did the best?"
Everyone did well.
I have someone.
-Jiwon, who had the role of manager. -Me?
She was running all around.
And being a really passionate manager.
So i thought manager Jiwon did well.
Thank you.
Anyone else?
I wanted to try Saerom unnie's concept.
Saerom unnie did a calm/peaceful concept.
-I am usually the calm and quiet type right? -Err...?
So i wanted to show my true self in the VCR.
In the comments, they are asking if there are concept that we like to try.
-Just as Chaeyoung mentioned. -Then can you follow what Saerom did?
-Innocent. -Reading a book.
-We will call for you. -Please call for me.
1,2,3 Chaeyoung.
This was Chaeyoung learning to be calm.
Is there anyone else?
Any concept you want to try?
Where she dance around cutely with her feet.
I wanted to try that concept.
When i was doing that.
Do you know what i did?
-How, how? -It was all planned.
It was planned, u know our song.
Bingle bingle, this.
Was that a spoiler?
We will have the next performance.
Seoyeon will be introducing for us.
The next song.
Will be '22nd century girl' from our To. Day album.
It has the meaning of running towards you in time.
It is a fantasy song.
-I want to listen to it now. -Now, right away.
Then we will listen to the next song.
Everyone, it is disappointing.
-But it's already ending time. -Already?
Time passes so quickly.
From the first recording of THE100 to this concert now.
How is everyone feeling?
From the first recording to now, many things have happened.
I felt happy that we were able to have lots of memories.
-Also, this is the first mini concert for us right? -That's right.
I was so happy.
I was proud that we were able to improve a little.
It's has been a long time since THE100's first recording
As we watch the broadcast together.
We thought "ahh we did that last time right".
We had a really fun time.
It is disappointing but let's have our final words to the fans, one at a time.
Starting from Chaeyoung.
This is our first time preparing for a mini concert.
There are many insufficient and inexperienced parts.
But we practiced really hard while thinking of the fans.
Even though it may not be perfect, please watch it well.
To the VLIVE viewers watching our first mini concert.
Thank you for watching.
Also fromis_9 will continue to work hard in the future.
Please look after us, thank you.
We were really nervous since it's our first time.
But we prepared really hard.
And to successfully wrapped it up, i feel proud.
We will show you our improved image in the future.
Please look after us, thank you.
Thank you for watching over us.
We will be the unchanging hard working fromis_9 in the future too.
Thank you.
We made many memories while filming THE100.
I hope we will be able to make many memories with our fans in the future.
We will work hard to have a concert where we can meet physically with the fans.
Always thankful.
Through THE100, we made many memories and had lots of fun.
We will show you better stages and performances in the future.
So please look after us in the future too, thank you.
Through THE100, we were able to have this mini concert which we always wanted.
We were able to work hard because of the support from the fans
We will always retained our first mindset.
Fromis_9 who are always working hard.
-Time really passes quickly right? -Yes.
It's disappointing but being able to successfully wrap up feels good too.
This first mini concert where we practiced hard for the fans.
Finally the day is here.
Able to wrap it up nicely, thank you.
We will be the hard working fromis_9 in the future too.
We have the last song left.
Hayoung will introduce the song.
The last song is called 'clover'.
We have been preparing since being in jeju.
We made the choreograph ourselves.
And prepared the acoustic version.
The completed performance.
We will be showing it here.
I can't wait.
We will have our farewell here with the last song 'clover'.
Thank you for watching.
-1,2,3 let's do our greeting? -Yes.
1,2,3 Thank you.
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