Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 27 2018

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What what you called that a milk mustache

On it and you'll bathe him every night can't wait he especially needs to be licked behind the ears

J mom

Ten-year-old soy milk that's cheap

No fair

Hey, has anyone seen silky

Titans come

You know, you don't need to say that every time we go somewhere

I'm not picking up any of Silky's biorhythms

Where on earth could silky be I?

Am Sonia Conchita Hernandez, I

Can tell someone like you knows how to treat a beautiful woman?

No, you are so different from my ex-fiance Carlos

You know how to really listen no sign of silky. What are we gonna do when Starfire gets back?

No worries. I'll just hang with Starfire until wasn't looking forward to getting licked behind ears

Guys, did you find silkie sort of?

No throw

You will not get away with this my new boyfriend will stop you I

Would rather die in your arms. They live one day with a bum man is my love

My hero you have saved me from that tyrant


Is asleep wouldn't want to wake him from his mouth then I shall just kiss the silky this silky can talk

No, we have no idea where silky is

Who would care to see the images of my travels

Remember Titans pacer

No more mess, it's no more ornaments no more empty calories ha

Now that Christmas has concluded I am off to tamarin for the great kergoff huh the great kergoff

It is like Christmas mind us. We'll just be waiting another

364 days till next Christmas

364 doesn't seem so long. There is a second Christmas coming and with that one question out of

Starfire's mouth the magic of second Christmas was born

yeah second Santa is a

And decorate the tower with even crazier lights and

Fly the second Christmas kite. Yeah, and if you do all that second Santa will deliver you something Oh

Christmas sounds too wonderous to miss

Tommy tries to shake your belief just punch him in his Grouch face. I still believe Grouch face

The others are playing a trick on you star they just want more presents and more food don't you understand second Christmas is a lie

Second Christmas got me. I'm beat

Great second Christmas guys. Yeah

I do not wish to miss second Christmas Santa

Uh-huh. He might not come till really late star. I did not miss the great kergoff

Good night. Good night Oh

Second Christmas night fly your second Christmas kite

She cooked all the feasts and hung all the tights

She decorated the tree and turned on the lights but there's no such thing as second Santa didn't wait

364 days for another Christmas

We're sorry

You made me miss the great

The Titan reactor exploded we've been in the hospital almost a year in

comas a year

363 days to be exact

Because thanks to that horrible explosion. We've been conscious the whole time

It's Christmas Eve who believed second Santa does exist. The Titans didn't have to wait a whole year


Think you can build us something to blow that thing out of the sky

You know I can what about me? I want to do some science. Yeah

That's okay you did your bet nice try little buddy

Next good job on almost home. You don't know how to do a lot of stuff B

Excuse me. You're not smart

I'm gonna make myself smart

They're supposed to make you smarter then you feed your big brain BB

Raven your spell book have a spell that can make somebody smarter. I think he's going to try to cast a spell on himself

He'll never figure out how to open the book

good point



It's first

Hey, how did you do Beast Boy you're the smartest one of all of us?

I can't take much more this cyborg boy go. He just disappeared

That big rock is coming together

Nothing, you know nothing I just need a little brain food

Let's try this again

No, that asteroid is coming at us because of a little thing called gravity, right

and gravities cations go

It's not working peace boy

Yes, I did what is it like being so smart

It's more than I bargained for Raven. Where's your spell book? You won't go in again. What do we do now freeze boy. I

Don't know I just cast a spell to make me dumber than

Then it's a good thing there's a Titan who is I

Get help for you friends. No, it's too late

Beast Boy you you are a ghost a ghost. Whoa

Whoa, whoa. Whoa Shh, I bid you not to tell them you bid me

Yeah, see Noble tasks. Shall you assign to me?

Is it necessary to conduct this test upon all of your clothing only the ones on the floor

The truth is

The truth is on my planet sniffing dirty clothes is good luck. I

Told Robin an untruth and it makes me feel journalists for a few days before you can fly through stuff

One more thing you

Look awful. What's the matter? I cannot tell you because I have been sworn to secrecy by a ghost by a ghost, huh?

I'd say it's time. We gave Beast Boy a taste of his own medicine

Hey what's going on?

I'm gonna miss you're my biscuit little buddy. At least he's in a better place now

Okay, if I really was a ghost would I be able to do this?

Well, I just got a chill up my spine

Quiet he's coming back. Oh

I'm a ghost. This means I could finally do what I've always wanted to do more than anything

Then we have to stop him before he really does become a ghost Titans go

Be careful team

Are you okay? Yeah just a few minor scrapes and oh

Well, this footing is treacherous as an acrobatics expert


Careful there are still many dangers on this bulk laser. What?

We have to keep moving Beast Boy needs us why does it appear the top is coming to us?

As you oh no this spells

Now look who's a ghost

So what now

For more infomation >> Teen Titans Go! La Larva Amor Episode 10 - Emily Ford - Duration: 17:18.


New Ford EcoSport Cargo Space | Ford UK - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> New Ford EcoSport Cargo Space | Ford UK - Duration: 0:35.


Harrison Ford, Calista Flockhart and son make pizza stop in Amherst - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Harrison Ford, Calista Flockhart and son make pizza stop in Amherst - Duration: 0:29.


Teen Titans Go! Laundry Day Episode 8 - Emily Ford - Duration: 16:41.

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Seether that Raven or the total destruction of junk city not part of the slime monster beast boys

You know, they're not that dirty what's a couple more weeks without so

What chores list the only way to decide is by a series of epic contests where the loser has to clean our clothes

Laundry dude his raven. I have no idea what you're talking about

Oh you want me to let you in I suppose I could if you agree to do the laundry like you're supposed to

I need my suit back laundry day has given me the perfect excuse to take up that most

Now let us see how I have done tofu tofu eat me some tofu


Great with my robot army

No, no stay over there I'll take over the world another time

You better have our suits ready

Washington Raven, maybe you should have done them yourself Robin

Don't you

Sorry Raven truth is if we can only get out of this, I do all the Teen Titans laundry for the next year

It wasn't the slime that took control of our clothes. Nope. It was a magic spell

You tricked me a creature made of fruit juice and barbecue sauce is terrorizing the city oh

Man, that sounds messy go

That's right, I'm heading out now on classified work no questions, please it's top top tippity top secret

How many times do I have to tell you? It's top secret top?

Okay. Goodbye

trust spawn this super important mission

Someone might jaywalk

Yeah, we wonder voice recognition activated Boy Wonder


So what how did you get in the bat-cave past all the alarms and sensors and booby traps you left the door open?

I thought you said this wasn't him

What is with get down from there just ignore em guys

Anything happened to it he'd kill me no


Didn't mean to let you down what are we going to do with him Alfred? I don't know please. Just give me another chance

It's not like that at all it appears now we work together side by side

You mean you're a sidekick

Because you just inside a lot

Definitely should

Ah the hive can we get back

Where's the fifth one

What would Bevin use that boy

It's time I man up and tell him I am NOT a sidekick anymore. I'm not gonna water his plants or feed his fish

I mean seriously just sprinkle it

Dude am I kidding? sparkle-face

Monster into a furnace in the nose Oh

Seriously you guys eat like animals

Yeah, I'd crawl over a hundred miles of broken glass for the sandwich

I Drive across the country in a car - sure but it would have to be a legendary sandwich like mine

There is an ancient sandwich of power hidden away from those who had use its power for evil

In an age long forgotten and old kings summoned his sandwich wizard it was also delicious


One night the prince betrayed the king and tried to steal the sandwich. We got to get that sandwich

Oh, I want to eat it. The sandwich will look beautiful in my hair

No way can atop my sandwich science. We have no idea where to look

There are four ingredients

The mystical bacon is here on the lava lake I got the heat resistance baby. I shall retrieve the tomato

Okay, let's do this I assume you saved the most dangerous ingredient for the leader of the Titans, oh yes

With the candy keys we'll be able to make princess puffballs birthday where our dreams come true. I

Need some pretzel bread the freshest you've got make it quick this place is really bumming me out

You're pretty angry, huh


Your hair sure is bad silky

You mean the legend is actually true this sandwich better be worth it

You know how long it's gonna take me to build a new hand with one hand

Wow, the supermarket was brutal gyros marula and tomato I

Lost an arm for this sandwich I get first dibs

But I lost my hair surely that is more important than a hand I should get the first

So anyone want to watch pretty pretty Pegasus

Obviously, they're playing some idiotic game to see who can go the longest saying only waffles

Look guys saying waffles over and over isn't funny. It's annoying please stop

Robin is trying to say

Wow incredibly annoying let's change the subject quick


Waffles waffles waffles. Is that not what you asked for?


Hmm something up maybe what the computer is p38 estranged distress signal from the other side

It appears no one is here. So who sent the signal then?

That would be me to think you've seen the last of your favorite enemy

Patrol over the tightest our weapons arsenal

Will never give you our voice recognition codes your mind control of work on us

I spend a lot of time making it

We do not like the torture yeah, that looks super uncommon you underestimate me and this machine

I've captured your friends and if you don't surrender immediately, you'll never see them alive again

You're messing with me now, aren't you fools look, you know where to find me and don't try

Okay, stop saying that it's getting very irritating and it's not

Just give me the voice codes, I mean don't tell me you're not annoyed to

Waffles, oh, come on, you know waffle waffles. See this is the stupidest game

Okay, it's not funny and it's not your game and you guys ruined it, thanks a lot

How do we get out of this cage waffles

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