Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 27 2018


NENA SHAW: The Environmental Protection Agency

has a mission of protecting human health and the environment, and one of the ways that we do

that is through permitting.

The challenge for a lot of folks is: our permitting processes are very complicated.

In some cases, we own them from beginning to end, and in many cases, we don't.

Streamlining permitting is really crucial.

It's where the rubber meets the road in terms of economic development and environmental protection.

LEAH KRIDER: Back in 2013, we realized that we needed to look at long-term growth at the site.

In order to do that, we needed to buy additional land.

We were looking to acquire about 468 acres.

The challenge though, of course, was that about 150 acres of that were wetlands.

So, we sat down, had some extensive conversations both internally and externally to figure out

how we could get through the permitting process.

SHELLY WILSON: South Carolina has reduced the average time it takes to issue permits

by about 40% since 2007, while being protective of our beautiful state.

KELLY LAYCOCK: In collaborating with the Army Corps of Engineers in this process, you know, EPA has

a supporting role.

Boeing coming in early and letting us know exactly what they needed and what they wanted

really helped with that process, meet the timelines -- it helped us and the Corps.

NAT BALL: Boeing really had done their homework, and so when they came and submitted a permit

application, we were able to sit down with the agencies; we had a complete understanding

of what they were proposing to do.

In this case, Boeing was expanding an existing aircraft manufacturing assembly facility.

The facility itself is surrounded by development.

There are interstates; there's an airport; and so the resources that would get impacted in

some ways had been impacted before in the past.

DAVID MAYBANK, III: We have learned that you cannot protect little, isolated, postage-stamp

pieces of property effectively because those small-scale properties don't support the natural

communities in the way that large-scale protection projects do.

NAT BALL: One of the wonderful things about their mitigation plan is that they then looked

beyond the boundaries of their site into the larger watershed, and were able to find sites

that are related to the greenbelt for the City of Charleston.

LEAH KRIDER: It's made up of three different parcels.

Two of those will go to U.S. Forest Service once we've gotten through some of the enhancement

activities that we agreed to perform, and then the rest of it will go to the South Carolina

Department of Natural Resources.

LEAH KRIDER: It was taking it a step further, still meeting our regulatory obligations,

of course, but something that we could really give back to this community that had been so welcoming to us.

One of the great things about Charleston is not only the people and the hospitality, and

how welcoming they've been to Boeing from the beginning, but also frankly, the landscape.


MARK ROBERTSON: At the Nature Conservancy, we like to lead with science, and we saw an

opportunity here to set up a mitigation plan for wetlands that actually involved restoring

native long-leaf pine forests, which is a priority for conservation, because so much

of it has been eliminated and destroyed.

So any opportunity to bring it back is really important.

PEGGY NADLER: The Boeing project changed the way we prioritize lands.

We've added mitigation potential into the equation.

NATE BERRY: Since working with Boeing four years ago and working with three other permittees,

we've actually been able to protect an additional 3,500 acres around the Boeing properties using

a very similar approach.

So, I think we've proven that this is a successful and replicable mitigation strategy.

MARK ROBERTSON: This was a project that was really good for the environment, good for

the economy, and good for the State of South Carolina.

NAT BALL: When Boeing came to the table, they were prepared.

When we held public meetings with the community and we met with their neighbors, Boeing had

already been there.

LEAH KRIDER: My advice to others going through a complicated permitting process is to be open.

Because of a lot of the work that we did ahead of time talking to the agencies, we were able

to get all of the major permits that we needed, which included the wetlands permit, in six

months and one week.

Planning. Communication. Flexibility. Collaboration.

NENA SHAW: Everybody came together to ensure

that Boeing could expand their plant and create the jobs that are so important for economic development,

but at the same time protect and enhance thousands of acres of wetlands that everybody can enjoy

for generations to come.


For more infomation >> Smart Sectors Showcase: Best Practices in Permitting - Duration: 4:46.


Beginners Guide to Solidity Development 1 - Introduction to Ethereum, Smart Contracts and Solidity - Duration: 8:10.

The token or explains a beginner's guide to developing smart contracts using the solidity programming language on top of the ethereum blockchain platform

In this first episode, I will introduce aetherium and the concepts smart contracts and solidity to you

First some background info about this guide

this guide will be a practical guide to quickly develop your own smart contracts as such we will not go into a lot of

theoretical background about the etherium

There's a lot of interesting stuff there and we highly recommend that you check it out within this guide

You will only give you some overview information

Just enough to easily get you started and understanding how you can interact with it

It really helps if you already have some prior knowledge if you want to use this guide

maybe you've already use a different programming language before and

Also, we will be using a terminal command line interface in some of the later episodes

So if you know your way around on the command line, it also really helps to understand what's going on


let's start with a little bit of background information and

History of how if you came to be because this really helps to understand how you can use it

in 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto

published a white paper and academic paper about Bitcoin and Bitcoin was the first

System for software system that allowed to perform payments in a decentralized way

digitally and was able to do so by using a technology it introduced called blockchain and

A blockchain can be understood as a data store stored in many different locations

Containing all transactions that have taken place so far in the system

And now for Bitcoin these transactions were only monetary transactions

So how much money one person paid another person but it didn't take very long before people realized that you could also

store other types of information in there

In 2013 Vitalik butrint published an academic paper about the etherium and the theorem improved on the other day

of the Bitcoin by

altering the blockchain so that it could store arbitrary information and

Including programmer programming code so you could run programs on top of the blockchain system

Now bittern realize that you could use this to create

decentralized computer programs both financial nature's Mouse computer games and

Also to create voting applications to allow you to manage organizations in a decentralized or autonomous way

And he also realized that you could create value representations of many different

kinds and

in this way transfer value or

Ownership of all kind all kinds of things on the system without any centralized oversight

Now this system is known as a blockchain network that executes smart contracts

That is what etherium at its core is of

Course what exactly do these two terms mean? Well, that is what I'm now going to explain next a

blockchain network is

a group of notes that are able to talk to each other over the Internet and the note is a piece of software that

Anyone who wants to join can run on their own computer?

Now this network as a whole is used to store information. And of course also transfer information from one place to another and

every one of these nodes of the software

Instances manages a complete copy of the blockchain. So every node knows everything that has happened so far and

this is important because this is the property that allows every node to validate what someone tries to

Do or executes and check if there's indeed allowed and this is what allows the system to

Be run without any centralized oversight

Now on top of this box a network on

Aetherium were able to execute what is known as smart contracts and they can be understood as pieces of programmer code or program code

That lives on top of the ethereum blockchain

Now a smart contract

basically consists of parts it might contain a couple of data fields, which are basically containers that might


A little bit of information and what exactly?

what type or what value is stored in there might actually change while time goes on and

The smart contact might also contain a couple of functions that read the values that are currently stored in the data fields or alter

What value is stored in there?

Now it's important to note that a smart contract once published in the blockchain

Can never be altered anymore while you are able to change what value is stored inside the data fields?

You are only allowed to do this using the functions that the current computer code

Provides and the actual code itself can never be altered any more this means that if you've made a mistake in your code

there's no way to fix this later on and

This is why smart contract development is very very difficult to do properly

But also why it is an extremely exciting subject

Now when you've published a smart contract you can interact with it by

communicating with it through your local running node software

Of course, you can also communicate with a node that runs on someone else's computer

But in this case you have to completely trust that that computer gives you valid information at all times

Now a smart contract itself is very rudimentary in the types of values

It is able to store and the type of information it gives you back and also it is rather slow

You often have to wait a long time before and with a long time

I mean a couple of seconds up to a couple of minutes before you receive confirmation of of some change you've made and

This means that to actually create a program that's interesting to the user

You require to write some front and software as well

Nowadays, there are some very interesting technologies and we will go into more detail about this in some later episode that allow you to create

Such a front-end program which is often known also as a decentralized application and store these in a way that is decentralized

All right

When we write smart contract then this is usually done using a solidity programming language and

Solidity is usually stored as a text file with a dot sol extension

Its syntax is very similar to the syntax of JavaScript

but rather than being dynamically x javascript is it is it is strongly typed and what that means exactly is something we will

explore in

One or two episodes down the line

Now sometimes what solidity does and doesn't do for you or does support it does not support can be

Quite counterintuitive or tricky to understand and I will try to point these things out to you

because there are some some mistakes be made there and

Most of these things happen because solidity doesn't run on a normal computer, but rather it runs on top of a blockchain system

Now, I'll try to point this out whenever we encounter them. Of course

That was it for this episode

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the token er explains is a collaboration between the token err and

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If you're building your own blocks

I rated the product and have some questions or would like some help reach out to us at the resilient

For more infomation >> Beginners Guide to Solidity Development 1 - Introduction to Ethereum, Smart Contracts and Solidity - Duration: 8:10.


Beeline Moto | smart navigation for motorcycles made simple - Duration: 3:03.

I'm mark and I'm tom and this is beeline moto

Beeline Moto is a beautifully intuitive navigation device that will change the way you ride

Nearly three years ago we came to Kickstarter with our stripped-back navigation device for bicycles.

We've shipped that to over 3,000 people and it has been sold around the world ever since

But we don't just ride push-bikes. Now we're back with Beeline Moto

We've taken everything that people loved so much about our first product

and poured it into finding the ultimate navigation device for motorcycles.

It's higher tech, it's tougher but at its core, is that same concept that took Kickstarter by storm in 2015

Beeline Moto attaches to any bike in moments with the twist lock mechanism and a variety of different mounts

Setting up routes just takes a few taps on the smartphone app

or you can even upload GPX routes.

And once you're set up, you don't need a data connection

It's very useful to have it when we are riding in a group.

You don't always have to ride in a pack, you can have your own ride and get to the destination.

You just have to follow one direction. It's very easy.

We've kept the interface intentionally really simple.

There are two modes for navigation.

There's Route Mode which guides you along a specific route and takes you through every single turn.

And then there's Compass Mode which simply points you at a final destination

and gives you the freedom to choose the route.

Some of the best parts of being on a bike is that

you don't have to be hindered by traffic

except for the occasional red light.

Beeline gives me that freedom to move through traffic

and know where I'm going but also create my own route if I need to.

I love the simplicity and just being able to get the information you need quickly is amazing.

It's waterproof and shockproof and has a really sturdy mounting mechanism.

Battery lasts for 30 hours of use and it's been charged by USB.

The display works great in direct sunlight

but also has a backlight for night time riding

and the app will track all of your rides, so you can go back and see where you've been

The thing I love most about Beeline is, it only gives you the information that you actually need.

Whereas when I have a phone up there's so much going on that you actually lose track of what's happening.

It really brings back that sort of purity of riding a bike again. You just put it on and it's good to go.

We've learned a huge amount in developing one product already

and all that knowledge and experience is going straight into Beeline Moto

We've now got a fantastic team behind us and a really great relationship with our manufacturer in China.

We're working closely with the motorcycle community and the feedback so far has been fantastic.

Beeline have been excellent at asking what we want, what we need,

so very excited that the new product' coming out and works extremely well.

We're incredibly excited to bring Beeline Moto to life.

With your support, we can make it happen. Thank you very much

Rolling… Just got to do the chinstrap up

We've decided… Policy. Hang on, one second.

Safety first

Alright. Here we go.

For more infomation >> Beeline Moto | smart navigation for motorcycles made simple - Duration: 3:03.


It's Okay to Fart - Duration: 6:13.

I know what you're thinking.

This is clickbait.

I used to respect you, Joe.

Now you're just making fart videos.

Well, I can assure you this is not clickbait, but this is a fart video.

A science fart video.

No hot air… well, maybe a little.


Everybody farts!

You, your mother, kittens, the dalai lama.

Probably regular llamas too.

Just about anything in the animal kingdom with a rear end can and does fart, and passing

gas can have a lot of different purposes.

Herring fart to communicate.

Coral snakes fart as a defense mechanism.

The West Indian Manatee uses farting to regulate its buoyancy.

And beaded lacewings make Death Farts – gas that's specifically evolved to paralyze

and ultimately kill termites... who also fart.

A lot.

Like termites fart enough to contribute maybe a few percent to global greenhouse gas emissions.

That's a lotta gas.

Flatulence is a natural, common thing.

It's typically caused by either trapped, swallowed air or gas produced as a byproduct

from friendly microbes digesting food in your gut.

When complex carbohydrates make it to your colon, they're broken down by a rich ecosystem

of billions of microbes, passing digested bits between one another, creating gases in

the process.

Your farts are really just billions of tiny microbial toots.

Humans typically squeeze out about 10-20 farts every day, each around the volume of a golf

ball, totaling about a liter of gas daily.

All of our combined butt babble adds up to about 7 billion liters of human gas released

every day.

The compounds that make farts stink make up less than 1% of the volume.

About a quarter is comprised of gases like oxygen and nitrogen.

The vast gas majority is a mixture of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane, two of which

are, yes, flammable gases.

I know what you're asking, could these billions of liters of human fart be burned to generate

energy for our civilization?

I don't know, I didn't go to MIT.

Paging Elon Musk...

So if everybody does it, and it's a natural byproduct of our inner biology, why do we

feel disgust or react so strongly to farts?

They don't exactly smell like roses.

In that less than 1% of smelly stuff in a toot we find various forms of sulfur, the

chemical that gives rotten eggs their odor.

These chemicals are harmful in large amounts, and are often a sign of toxicity or disease,

so it makes sense our noses tell us that's bad, but there's probably not enough in

a couple of farts to do any damage.

Farts DO also contain a small number of bacteria.

This was shown in a scientific experiment where a subject farted – with and without

pants – on a petri dish, for science.

Dare to dream, kids.

So farting is natural to do, and it's natural to find it a little gross.

Then why are fart noises so funny?

We've been letting out fart jokes non-stop since the Bronze Age and there are a couple

different thoughts on why we giggle at this bodily function.

Laughing is a social behavior that helps us bond with each other.

We may laugh as a way to make the farter feel less embarrassed.

Something called "Incongruity theory" says we laugh at unexpected things, which

farts usually are.

Our brain's response to confusion is often laughter - like when you see a T-rex head

on a seahorse body.


But scientists don't exactly know why anything is funny.

Hehe, butt scientists.

Farting hasn't always only been perceived with disgust or giggles though.

Ancient philosophers, going back to Pythagoras, believed that your breath contained your soul.

Farts were considered a form of breath, they thought excessive farting could make you fart

out your soul - which, trust me, you can't do.

Martin Luther, the guy credited for starting an entire branch of Christianity, was said

to chase away the Devil and sin with his butt blasphemy.

And in the 1700s Founding Farter Benjamin Franklin wrote the essay, "Fart Proudly"

(seriously, he did) in which he wished he could eliminate the "disagreeable Odour"

from a fart, thus allowing one to fart proudly in public and alleviate the pain that can

accompany holding one in.

Holding in a fart probably won't injure you, but it may be uncomfortable and they'll

likely just come out in your sleep anyway.

So, "better out than in I always say."

Fart noises may be funny but they are also another example of the crazy, awesome way

our bodies work.

Everybody does it, so everyone should know a little more about it.


Stay curious.

For more infomation >> It's Okay to Fart - Duration: 6:13.


Elizabeth Smart and Husband Matthew Gilmour Expecting Their Third Child - Duration: 2:40.

 Elizabeth Smart is pregnant!  The victims' rights advocate and kidnapping survivor, 30, announced she is expecting her third child on Instagram Monday with an ultrasound photo

 "Pretty HUGE news!! We're expecting baby #3 in November!!" Smart captioned her picture

 She and husband Matthew Gilmour, who wed in 2012 in a private ceremony in Hawaii, are parents to 3-year-old daughter Chloe and 14-month-old son James

 Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter

 Smart told PEOPLE in November 2017 that her children and family were the most important things in her life

 "My children have brought so much happiness and joy. To me, they're the very definition of love," she said

 Over 15 years ago, Smart wondered if a normal life and motherhood would ever be possible after she was kidnapped from her bedroom late one summer's night in 2002 and brutalized by her captors for nine months before being rescued

 "Today, I'm so grateful for the small things," she explained, adding, "I feel like a very lucky and blessed woman

"  In the years since her ordeal, Smart has reclaimed her life as an inspirational speaker, author and advocate

 "I feel so fortunate that I was able to come through this unscarred. I want to tell other people, 'Don't give up

Miracles do happen,'" Smart told PEOPLE in 2008. "I'm not sorry this happened to me anymore, because it made me grow up," she said

Tags Babies Crime News Elizabeth Smart Expecting News

For more infomation >> Elizabeth Smart and Husband Matthew Gilmour Expecting Their Third Child - Duration: 2:40.


Be smart about your estate planning - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Be smart about your estate planning - Duration: 5:59.


Philips Hue Smart Lighting Seamlessly Transforms Homes - Duration: 4:16.

(upbeat music) - My name is Alena Capra.

I'm an interior designer and I own my own design firm,

Alena Capra Designs.

I've been living in this condo.

This is 12 years now which sounds crazy but,

it's seen a lot of changes.

Currently you are looking at the most recent design.

When I think about the one thing that I haven't really worked

on in here is the lighting, but that's where

I've been struggling and I really wanna do something

to brighten up the space.

One of the greatest things about lighting

is that it's one of the only design elements

that long after the room is designed,

the paint is dried, the furniture is in,

you can still sort of change that

and tweak it to really create a better

ambiance in the room.

If you have to modify or make something

a little warmer in tone or a little cooler in tone,

you can do that and that's what so great about the lighting.

My friend Mike works in the industry.

He works with Phillips Hue and he suggested that

in order to really brighten up the space

and do better lighting options, than I look into the Phillips

Hue smart lighting collection and he offered to stop by

and help me set it all up.

Hey Mike.

How are you?

- Come on in.

- Good, how are you?

- The hue portfolio is actually a really large portfolio.

We have a light fixture for almost

every single space of the home.

That also means we have some bulbs

but also non-bulbs and fixtures.

That's what I came here to help kind of

show her some of the new intricacies

of the system that she was not well aware of.

- Let's take a closer look at the

style and layout of my space to determine my home's

lighting needs.

This is the dining room area.

It's kind of situated right by the windows

so I love that there's natural light,

but I also like to be able to get

great lighting when I'm having a meal in the evening.

I also sometimes do work here so it also needs to function

as a work space as well, which is why I would

like good light.

Since I don't have recessed ceiling lighting

in the main living area, the ability to be

able to control different levels of light

and have some lamps here, a ceiling fixture here,

another lamp over by the sofa, allows me to kind

of pick and select the kind of lighting mood I want

whether it's in the day time and I want some brighter

light for say doing work or if it's in the evening and I

want it to be a little bit more dim and cozy.

While I did the best that I could

with the lighting in the room, I tried to spread out,

kind of layer the lighting and have it in different areas

to make the room more cohesive, but there's definitely a

lot of room for improvement so I'm looking forward to

kind of making some changes and getting a better

output of light and some more convenience with

the lighting in this space.

- Most people will get started with Hue

with one of our starter kits.

Comes with everything you need to get started for one room.

Get that set up and if you like it,

then extend to the next room, to the next room,

to the next room.

Alena, she didn't wanna just do one room with a home,

she wanted to do her entire home at the same time.

- [Alena] I opened up all the boxes,

got started in the process, screwed in all the new light

bulbs, changed them all out, plugged in he router

to the bridge, downloaded the app, and within

seconds at my fingertips I had this amazing

system to change out all the different hues

of lighting in my home.

- What's really cool with the Hue system is

not only does it have different shades of white light,

but also has full color spectrum as well

with 16 million colors.

What paint with light allows you to do

is to really transform that space.

Now not just helping you wake up or helping you go to sleep,

but now it really kind of allows you to express yourself.

Whether you wanna have the whole room red,

or a nice party that you're having, or holiday season,

turn it to colors of blue, you can really pick and choose

whatever you wanna do with this space and again,

transform it just with lighting alone.

Whether it's your app or through your voice,

it really allows you to have that

fun experience with lights.

Now lighting is as simple as telling

Google or Alexa or Siri, turn my lights on

or turn my lights off.

- This is honestly one of the coolest things.

So easy to set up and so many options.

From a design standpoint, lighting is one of the most

important things in the space.

Good lighting makes or breaks the

look of a room and the feel of a room.

Sometimes you really want that right

ambiance in the space and that is controlled

by the right lighting.

For more infomation >> Philips Hue Smart Lighting Seamlessly Transforms Homes - Duration: 4:16.


Vodafone - Unlimited - Huawei P Smart - Baby K - 15 (25-6-2018) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Vodafone - Unlimited - Huawei P Smart - Baby K - 15 (25-6-2018) - Duration: 0:16.


Garmin Smart GPS w/Voice Command, WiFi Lifetime Maps a... - Duration: 16:37.

For more infomation >> Garmin Smart GPS w/Voice Command, WiFi Lifetime Maps a... - Duration: 16:37.


Smart World of Testo - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Smart World of Testo - Duration: 2:14.


The Smart Mosquito Killer | Oittm | Get Fixed - Duration: 2:43.

I know every last one of you who are subscribed to my channel so for the

people I don't know please introduce yourself down in the comments below

before I have my subscribers thrash you I'm dead-ass what's up guys Bendji D.

here from Get Fixed so in today's video we're actually gonna be reviewing a smart

mosquito killer it is made by the company Oittm now I do live in the

Panhandle Florida we by far I have one of the worst mosquito problems on planet

Earth to date matter of fact our mosquitoes are mutated they're thick

they love sucking blood and they eat humans I am gonna have this product

linked down in the videos description below there are some pretty cool

features about this and I just want to show it off let's get it ok so if you

take a look at the top here you're actually gonna see the power button and

over here I think that's the LED indicator that indicates whether or not

the device is powered on there are some instructions inside of the box it's

pretty complicated in terms of connecting this into my Amazon Alexa I

tried several times I tried discovering the device and for some reason I

couldn't find it but I was able to download the Oittm app

and control it via my phone I believe a lot of you are a lot smarter than me so

you're gonna figure it out I'm gonna quickly explain to you exactly how this

works when you power on the device there's gonna be a UV light over here I

believe it's 356 nm this is strictly from memory the UV ray light is set

specifically to attract insects like mosquitoes for example okay so once it

attracts a mosquito there's a fan in there that's spinning

though fly towards the UV ray light and vwhoop there they go now I know for the

people who cares about being humanitary this is a problem for you but I don't

give a d*mn this device works best in darkness so you want to make sure the

room is completely dark you don't want any computers or TV screens on so that

way the UV ray light could do its magic now we're gonna power this bad boy on

and try it out this is the USB it came with here's the power input Bow

alright now we're gonna plug this bad boy in and watch this thing work

now it is recommended that you leave this running for roughly 24 hours before

you even open up this contraption in order to get rid of the bugs

if you accidentally open this you're gonna release the mosquitoes and they'll

be right back in your house biting your a** again well that pretty much wraps it

up for this video guys if you want to see more videos like this in the future

let me know down in comments below once again you are gonna find the link

down in the video description below anyways guys Bendji D. here from Get

Fixed come on bro come on dawg we're all friends here. I'm out.... Peace!

For more infomation >> The Smart Mosquito Killer | Oittm | Get Fixed - Duration: 2:43.


PIkeRide brings Innovative smart bikes to Colorado Springs - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> PIkeRide brings Innovative smart bikes to Colorado Springs - Duration: 2:14.


Elizabeth Smart and Husband Matthew Gilmour Expecting Their Third Child - Duration: 2:39.

 Elizabeth Smart is pregnant!  The victims' rights advocate and kidnapping survivor, 30, announced she is expecting her third child on Instagram Monday with an ultrasound photo

 "Pretty HUGE news!! We're expecting baby #3 in November!!" Smart captioned her picture

 She and husband Matthew Gilmour, who wed in 2012 in a private ceremony in Hawaii, are parents to 3-year-old daughter Chloe and 14-month-old son James

 Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Babies newsletter

 Smart told PEOPLE in November 2017 that her children and family were the most important things in her life

 "My children have brought so much happiness and joy. To me, they're the very definition of love," she said

 Over 15 years ago, Smart wondered if a normal life and motherhood would ever be possible after she was kidnapped from her bedroom late one summer's night in 2002 and brutalized by her captors for nine months before being rescued

 "Today, I'm so grateful for the small things," she explained, adding, "I feel like a very lucky and blessed woman

"  In the years since her ordeal, Smart has reclaimed her life as an inspirational speaker, author and advocate

 "I feel so fortunate that I was able to come through this unscarred. I want to tell other people, 'Don't give up

Miracles do happen,'" Smart told PEOPLE in 2008. "I'm not sorry this happened to me anymore, because it made me grow up," she said

Tags Babies Crime News Elizabeth Smart Expecting News

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