Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 26 2018

This device first and foremost adapts to what's around it. It's smart, intelligent.

I was in a car wreck, lost my foot, they put it back on. I went through

a lifetime of surgeries and finally had it amputated. This actually moves the

foot for you. As you step, it will pick it up so you don't drag the ground. And when

it contacts the ground, it can resist movement, and adapt and conform to the ground surface.

This whole idea of discomfort, whole idea of instability just

goes away with this device. And it feels good, feels really good.

For more infomation >> Smart prosthetic ankle takes fear out of rough terrain, stairs - Duration: 1:01.


4 Safe and Smart Online Search Tips for Kids - Duration: 0:33.

Here are four safe and smart online search tips for kids.

First, turn on the safe search setting on your browser.

Second, be specific.

Use exact words in your search.

Third, check sources.

Look for verified sites.

Finally, avoid sponsored links and ads.

For more tips, visit us at

For more infomation >> 4 Safe and Smart Online Search Tips for Kids - Duration: 0:33.


Summer DRIVING and Techniques to Keep You Safe :: Smart Sunday #43 - Duration: 1:02:35.

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you tonight about

summer driving and some of the dangers and risks involved with summer driving

and haul phases here in Hall phase yes I really should play the introduction at

the beginning of the streams I did see that on an ikemen video on how to do

that and it really should get that going 8:08 Blessed One is here Jenny's here

and Corey is here bricks for wheels and I'd like to thank Corey for moderating

and doing a great job that he does every week on doing this and I owe all of us

microbrews an apology for last week I had rescheduled the stream for Monday

and life my my job my life just got crazy so I didn't show up for that so my

sincere apologies about that I'm just gonna crank up the contrast here a

little bit so just bear with me for just one moment here will I do that just to

make the picture just a little bit better there we go so that should work

okay and Jane is here okay so Jaime rather I'm sorry Jaime

when you're holding the brake when you're turning you should not be holding

the brake when you're turning that's not a good habit to be into when you're

turning you should break before you get to the turn and then slow down to the

speed that you need to slow down before the turn so if you're doing a right-hand

turn for example you'll want to be 10 to 12 miles an hour sort of 8 to 10

kilometers an hour slow down to that speed first and then turn the corner you

don't want to be braking and steering at the same time especially if you get into

winter driving or slippery conditions such as rain or whatnot hail and those

types of things because if you're braking and steering at the same time

you're going to not have as much control of vehicle and potentially could lose

control of vehicles so make sure that you're one or the other not both the

same time you are most welcome Jaime Victoria

I'm always looking hovering my foot towards the brake - okay there was

another part of that okay Victoria is there a reason why you're putting your

foot towards the brake are you uncomfortable with the amount of speed

one of the things that might suggest to you is that

increase your following distance that way you're not gonna be hovering over

the break nearly as much okay and Cory got the video up there for bhoomika no

you shouldn't hold the brake there you go okay thanks Cory for letting me know

that the video and audio are good that's excellent awesome ok bhoomika you're not

alone in your anxiety in terms of driving that's for sure and if you're

anxious in terms of your driving or you have fear or trepidation around driving

one of the things I suggest you is take it in small doses okay practice driving

in less dense traffic areas as your skills improve as you get more

comfortable with your driving then move into greater and greater

traffic density areas okay so make sure that you do that while you're when

you're first learning how to drive if you can't even get to that part of

driving what I would suggest you is maybe just sit in the vehicle two or

three times a day until you get really comfortable with the vehicle because I

know there's a great deal of fear and trepidation of particularly not so much

with just being able to drive the vehicle but I was talking to a smart

driver the other day who was having some difficulty with driving and they had

difficulty with the pressure of other drivers so essentially what I talked

about in terms of social driving there they were having problems for the social

dynamics of driving and fearing what other drivers were thinking about them

and felt claustrophobic particularly when they were getting into roundabouts

and heavy traffic left for them they were in Great Britain so it would

right-hand turns for us here driving on the right side of the road it was right

in our left-hand turns and those types of things so that's another part that

can contribute to the fear and anxiety that we have surrounding driving so have

a look at the fear and anxiety video and Koryo get that up first as well okay

uncomfortable is getting too fast in case another car cuts in or something so

I feel like I need to always be ready to brake okay excellent point Victoria one

of the things that you might focus on and this is one of the this is a common

problem amongst new drivers is that they're worried about what other drivers

are doing and often times when other drivers cut you off or cut in front of

you or do something unpredictable often times they do that because you're not

driving in a predictable fashion and what I mean is is that you're driving

too slow you don't take the corner fast enough or something like that and often

this results from when you're driving too slower you're not taking the corners

properly those types of things often that results from because you're not

focusing on what you were doing and what you need to do is you need to find

something that you focus in on and because when you're driving it's not to

the detriment or the dismissal of other drivers on the road but you really need

to focus in on what you're doing you need to dismiss what other drivers think

you need to dismiss what other drivers are doing and really focus in on what

you were doing you need to drive the speed limit you need to make turns

correctly you need to not have your foot hovering over the brake and you need to

be applying the throttle and driving at the speed limit or the flow of traffic

if you're preparing for a road test obviously you've got a drive at the

speed limit but after your road test what I say to people is you really

should be keeping up with traffic that's gonna make you more predictable that's

gonna make you safer on the roadways and it's gonna keep you safe and other

drivers are less likely to cut you off and do other things that are going to

take your space to conflict with your space because if you're doing what

you're doing and you're doing it properly other vehicles are gonna work

around you in those types of things when you're driving ok Libin

to be three feet away from the curb shouldn't we be closer also should we

turn the steering wheel all the way towards the curb or slowly okay living

what you need to do is you need to look at the video on learning how to drive

and do the exercises in that video because if you can't if you're if you're

not able to if you need to figure out how far to turn the steering wheel those

types of things you're not quite ready to be on the road yet there's there's

some other fundamental techniques that I would suggest that you work on before

you move out onto the roadway in those types of things okay

Prine a how do you centre the vehicle in the roadway look farther down the road

and pick out landmarks that are farther down the road and often

time's other traffic's gonna be driving in the center of the roadway so if you

follow other traffic as well if you look for landmarks and those types things in

choreo get up the video here for you on how to stay centered in the roadway and

that's going to help you to do that but but most important is to look farther

down the road and be looking farther down the road because the vehicle is

going to go where you're looking so you need to be looking farther down the road

okay Blessed One okay I hate that you could

be driving on a steady pace than all sudden you do a sudden quick stop

hopefully the other vehicles don't hit you from behind yes and blessed one of

the things that you need to do is CV you do need to make a sudden stop is that

before you make that sudden stop you need to check that center mirror to make

sure that nobody's directly behind you because if somebody is directly behind

you then you're gonna have to make a split-second decision about whether

you're gonna proceed so for example if you're on a yellow light you're gonna

have to make a quick second a quick split-second decision about whether

you're going to abort the braking and you're going to proceed through the

yellow light or you're gonna stop and that vehicle behind you as well as going

to stop so you need to make those kinds of decisions

okay Mohammed do you need to do the right things all the time also a dashcam

is important Mohammed you can't do the right things all the time convinced that

you know you need to do the right thing most of the time because we're human

beings and we're not biologically able to drive at high speeds as we do in cars

and we put in all kinds of other techniques and strategies that

compensate for our biological limitations when we're driving so that's

one of the things that you can put in place there you go

s James yes too many people drive with the I have to worry about everyone else

in the road how the hell are you supposed to worry about everyone else

you can't control what they are going to do excellent and and that's right James

and really what you need to do is you need to focus on what you're doing to a

certain extent you need to be concerned about what other people doing but many

new drivers focus too much and what other drivers are doing and it gets them

into trouble because they're always trying to they're they're driving react

as opposed to proactively and if they're doing what they need to be doing then

they're gonna be more predictable on the roadway and other traffic is gonna move

around them and do the things that they need to do and it's going to keep you

safer all right okay bhoomika okay so bhoomika I would

definitely have a look at that video on learning how to drive and do the

exercises in there work with the pylons the 36 inch one meter tall pylons as

well work with the piece of 2x4 so you can get the wheels up on the 2x4 on both

the right and left side of the vehicle Jenny when my right lane has a vehicle

coming near and I want to change to the right when should I turn signal turn

signal right away or after the approaching cars go then turn signal

okay so Jenny I want to change lanes okay so Jenny you want to put your

signal on as soon as possible because what I tell drivers signals are to

indicate to other traffic that you wish to move over not that you are moving

over and oftentimes drivers say this to me smart drivers say this to me oh I

can't lane change I can't merge I can't do this and I can't do that and when I'm

in the viewing with them oftentimes what I say to drivers is other drivers don't

know that you want to move over until you actually ask them and you ask them

via your signal so what I one of my favorite sayings when I say students

when I'm teaching them is is that turn signals are to tell drivers that you

wish to move over not that you are going to move over and if you give it but

dance notice to other drivers they're going to help they're more

likely to help you out I'm not saying they're gonna help you out all the time

but they're more likely to help you out because they know that you want a lane

change or you're going to turn or you're going to merge or whatnot so you put

your signal on as soon as possible okay liban I'd practice the maneuvers a lot

but I just wanted to clarify what was mentioned in the video since I assumed

we needed to pull up to the curb and then back up slowly sorry for the

confusion oh Liban I'm sorry maybe I missed maybe I missed something there

I'm sorry okay

okay Livan Livan Livan where'd you go I'm just scrolling through the comments

here and having a look here Liban are you in California talking about backing

up along the curb there just answer that question okay Jenny you got it perfect

okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to go over the over to the

presentation I actually have a presentation tonight on summer driving

and I want to talk a little bit about summer driving and the reason that I

want to talk about summer driving as some of you may or may not know the most

number of crashes in any country in the world are during the summer months and

for though those of us here in North America that are driving are not in

North America but in the northern hemisphere rather where we have summer

the the highest number of crashes are going to occur in July and August here

so I want to just give you some techniques and strategies to put in

place that are going to keep you safe during summer and during the driving in

the summer haul phase when you are allowed to run away from the police when

they stopped you for a traffic I don't think there's any time haul phase that

you can actually run away from the police you can drive to a safe place to

pull in so for example if you're on a busy road or you're on a bridge or

whatnot you can drive over the bridge and find an exit to get off that's going

to be safer for you and the police to talk to you so know that that you can do

that but there isn't a time that you can actually drive away from the police that

I'm aware of okay bhoomika Oh have a good night

bhoomika thanks for showing up all the best okay liban i'm in washington was

talking about backing around the corner I think it was called a two-point

reverse turn yes it was called a two-point reverse turn and living the

other thing that I've heard I have heard that there are some places that you have

to be 18 inches from the curb so I don't know whether that's true but living what

I would suggest you is to go in hire a local driving school and go out with an

examiner for a practice driving test and they will give you they will give you

specific instructions about what you need to do to pass the test the road

test in and around your DMV where you're

going to be taking your test okay

don't teach about exnihilo why they don't teach about big rig trucks 18

wheelers and driving schools like how to behave around them like that they have

football yards all right exnihilo this is this is one of the things that you

know I have a little bit of an issue with is that there seems to be this

trucker mentality against four-wheelers and this is what truckers called people

and passenger vehicles their trucks trucks against four-wheelers and we've

got this big thing this big war about trucks and four-wheelers right and this

is one of the things that they say all the time old trucks can't stop and this

and that and four-wheelers are cutting them off and I'm not disregarding that

four-wheelers do cut big trucks off I've had it happen to me and I've had them

had four-wheelers do goofy things around me however to say that they're slower to

stop is is not true it's simply not true these big trucks have incredible braking

power on them and I teach air brakes and these big trucks will stop in a very

short space of time so that is a myth that's simply not true in driving yes

you should get out and get past the big truck as soon as possible and you

shouldn't hang out around them and in their blind areas and those types of

things because a lot of times the truck drivers can't see you or bus drivers or

anybody who's in a large vehicle an RV or u-haul vehicle or those types of

things so no all of that and that's good information for new drivers to know but

to say that they are slower to stop no they're a lot slower to accelerate but

they're not much slower to stop than a car and you know that unfortunately has

been proven you know that's just not that's just a myth and any professional

driver who is driving a big truck or driving a bus or whatnot it's going to

increase their following distance so they're not any professional driver and

I use I in air quotes professional driver is a driver that's gonna maintain

their space around the vehicle because they know he or she knows that it's

faster to drive it at an emergency situation that is to brake so that's

what I'm gonna say about that all right yes exactly Corey bigger bigger

vehicle bigger brakes an 18-wheeler has ten brakes on it there's there's two

brakes for each axle so there's a lot bigger and each one of those brake

chambers on that air brake equipped vehicle is capable of producing up to

5,000 pounds per square inch of force because of the way the air pressure

works on the system and the work with the way that in the way that the levers

work in the air brake system so there's a lot of braking force okay so there we

go okay exnihilo thank you for bringing up

that's really great I mean that's great information for new drivers to know all

right ah Hall face do you know what top chase and live-chat means no I don't

know that living you're most welcome okay and Victoria's in Hall phase which

comment did I skip I just said it there we go Hall phase there's a lot of

crashes on the freeways in any season no but Hall phase in Australia in North

America in the United States in Canada in Europe the most number of crashes

happen in the summer time they happen in the summer months that's the highest

number of crashes when I was asked this question the first time when the most

number of crashes car crashes happened what season I answered in the wintertime

then I was completely wrong I was completely it's completely false most

traffic crashes happen within 20 minutes of home in clear conditions good road

conditions low traffic and the driver is somewhat alert for whatever reason they

can it's inexplicable why that happens but there are more crashes in the summer

times so so that's we're going to talk about so I'm gonna skip over to the

presentation here and get going on that so bear with me for just one moment here


that didn't work there we go there we go

I'm almost ready there we go transition alright so some are driving

so I'm Rick Auguste PhD and I can't answer comments during the slideshow

presentation but I'll get back to those as soon as we get going here so because

I need another screen here to put my YouTube up actually I'm gonna try

something different here so just one sec

no that won't work no I need another I need another screen so okay so some are

driving down to the next slide here there we go for those of you who are new

to smart drive test I'm Rick auguste I do have a PhD in legal history

particularly as it relates to policing and traffic and I went to the University

of Melbourne in Australia between 2003 and graduated in 2006 so I'm an alumni

and this picture of me here while I was driving Greyhound before I went to the

University of Melbourne to do my graduate degree and I drove buses for

greyhound for a year on what's called the boomerang coast in Australia the

boomerang coast is between Adelaide Melbourne Canberra and Sydney and

Brisbane that's the Adelaide coast are the boomerang coast rather and in

Australia 75% of the population lives on the boomerang coast it's like here in

Canada for 75 percent of the Canadian population lives along the 49th parallel

so it's similar in Australia I became a licensed driving instructor in 1997 in

an attempt to get off the road I was an over-the-road truck driver for most of

the 1990s and wanted to come off the road because it's very challenging

lifestyle and I was pretty much done with driving truck at that point and I

became a licensed driving instructor my specialty is in air brakes and

commercial vehicles but I also you got to be a car driving instructor as well

to teach that so not sure what happened there there we go hit the wrong button

okay so summer months we're talking about summer driving obviously we have

longer days more sunshine so there's more prone to a lot more fatigue because

we have longer days and those types of things is going to be a lot more traffic

on the roadways and those types things because as I used to say when I was

driving truck you know all the goofy people knew to stay home in the

wintertime when the weather was bad and the summer

they just go out and to drive around and people are driving a lot more miles

there's a lot more vehicles on the road and this is also one of the contributing

factors to higher numbers of crashes the other thing about some are driving is a

lot more people are taking recreational drugs with the legalization of marijuana

here coming in Canada that's going to be an interesting transition for us more

people are drinking and unfortunately despite what authorities would like us

to believe about the elimination or the reduction of drinking and driving a lot

more people are still drinking and driving in the summertime and there's a

higher number of crashes so I come back to defensive driving and for those you

might be interested the defensive driving course is on for ten dollars

over at my website triple W smart drive test comm and you go over and try that

out for ten dollars and take the defensive driving course and the

fundamental component of defensive driving and driving well is managing the

space around your vehicle and that's one of the things that I talk about it's one

of the main thrusts of my defensive driving course so know that that you're

at higher risk of being involved in a crash in the summertime now getting

ready for summer if you haven't already done this clean your vehicle out clean

the inside cleaning the outside and a cleaner vehicle makes you feel safer and

as well make sure that it's in good mechanical order check all the fluid

levels check your windshield wipers and because you can get into thunderstorms

and hail and those types of things in the summertime and you don't want to

find out that your windshield wipers are defective or you know poor quality and

they need to be replaced so check all of that and especially because we're

driving in the hot weather in the summertime I mean now here in the

Okanagan Valley it's getting up to 35 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees

Fahrenheit so you want to check the coolant level of your vehicle because

it's going to be working hard especially if you're on highways and those types of

things and as well if you have the air conditioning on as many of us are going

to have air conditioning on in our vehicle so your vehicle is going to be

working it even harder some of the safe driving habits that you can put in place

in the summertime are looking farther down the road and predicting the traffic

patterns if you can predict and understand the traffic patterns that are

happening farther down the road it will allow you to understand and know the

individual road users what they are going to be you

doing on the roadway and we talk about road users because we have many

different kinds of road users we have pedestrians cyclists people on scooters

motorcyclists riders on bicycles trucks trams trolleys passenger vehicles

there's a lot of different vehicles on the roadway keep your eyes moving while

you're driving scanning your mirrors looking far down the road checking your

instrument panel checking - both sides of the road figuring out what bicycles

and pedestrians are doing on the roadway make sure that other road users and

drivers see you on the roadway get eye contact with them leave yourself and out

as I said earlier here when I was answering one of the questions always

leave yourself and out because it's faster to drive out of an emergency

situation that it is to break out of an emergency situation oftentimes if you're

relying on your brakes to stop in the event of an emergency oftentimes you're

not going to get stopped also know that most vehicles in this day and age unless

you're in some other country somewhere are going to have ABS brakes and that's

going to be very different than standard braking and if you don't know how to

know whether your vehicle has ABS brakes Koryo put the video up for you on ABS

brakes to understand how they work and how to know whether you have ABS brakes

on your vehicle and that was important to figure out if you do and I would also

suggest you on the topic of ABS brakes anti-lock brake systems if you haven't

used them go out somewhere on a quiet road or in a parking lot or something

like that get your vehicle up to 30 or 40 kilometers an hour and then hammer on

the brakes and engage the ABS so you know what's going to happen when you get

into an emergency situation because you don't want to get into an emergency

situation and not figure out what's going on with your ABS brakes okay and

as well get the big picture so when they say get the picture what's going on 360

degrees around your vehicle what's going on both shoulders of the road are there

animals that it got broken out in a pasture or something like that so get

the big picture look behind you in scanning and keeping a good sort of bead

on what's going around on around your vehicle that video just keeps light keep

showing up I need to delete that okay so summertime we have smaller vulnerable

road users on the roadway motorcycles and bicycles and we have some of these

people on these bicycles the three wheeler and their

down low and I find those extremely dangerous that would I just personally

wouldn't Hut beyond one but unfortunately they're on our roadways

and the new road user on our roadways 'as people with mobility challenges who

are on scooters and those types of things so have a look out for all of

these vulnerable road users especially at night now we have bicycles on our

roadways and unfortunately not all bicycle riders are good riders they

don't have lights and reflective clothing and they're gonna be wearing

dark clothing so have a look at for those people especially at night in and

around city areas and whatnot and keep yourself safe emergency vehicles there's

going to be more emergency vehicles in the summertime and you're going to

encounter these so move over to the closer shoulder most places now have

implemented move over laws that if these people tow truck drivers and police and

ambulance and fire trucks are on the side of the road you need to move over

to the other side of the roadway as much as possible so for example if they're on

the right side of the road you're going to need to move over to the left as far

as possible and slow down and if they're on the left side of the road you're

going to need to move over to the right as much as possible so the other thing

about emergency vehicles is know that they're going to travel in groups so if

an ambulance comes out maybe 30 seconds 2 minutes later a fire truck is going to

come out or the police are going to come out or the search and rescue vehicles so

know that these vehicles are going to travel in groups if you're on a highway

or an interstate know that you're probably not going to get it over and

get stopped if you are on a road test you're going to need to do that because

on a road test you're not going to be successful if you don't get over and get

stopped however if you're driving in regular traffic and you already have

your license in the emergence of you comes along just try to move over as

much as you can and slow down and let the vehicle get through as long as you

clear a path then you're going to be ok now if you're sitting in an intersection

in congested traffic or something like that just stay where you are and the

emergency vehicle will figure out where it needs to go to get through the

intersection oftentimes they'll go out into the other Lane right on the other

side of the roadway to get through the intersection but try not to be

unpredictable around emergency vehicles and those types of things if you're in a

roundabout or an intersection you may have to turn or go through the

and then move over but you just need to clear a path for the emergency vehicles

and know that and whatnot all right so long weekend travel we got lots of long

weekends coming up in the summertime I think we have won almost every month

here in Canada and as well there in the United States and know that traffic is

going to be busy for example last week I come out of Vancouver on a Sunday it

wasn't a long weekend but it was still busy and you know you got people who are

driving in the in the fast lane the passing lane so to speak and there

they're just not going as fast as you'd like them you got to take your time and

you got to just hang back main manage your space and you know take some

patience because we all get a little frustrated with other vehicles that are

impeding our progress or at least we feel that they're impeding our progress

so manage your space you know just relax and take your time and then you'll get

where you need to go now know that if you're driving in the wee hours of the

morning after midnight 2:00 a.m. in the morning and those types of things that

there is a good very high possibility that there could be other people on the

roadway who are drinking and driving so know that as well take your time take

lots of breaks when you're on long road trips and those types of things and if

you're going camping and you're on along it's a long distance and whatnot take a

break every couple of hours get out walk around and those types of things and as

they said in terms of defensive driving and manage the space around your vehicle

keep good following distance 2 to 3 seconds minimum under ideal conditions

and when the conditions deteriorate either the weather deteriorates it

starts to rain there's denser traffic those types of

things then increase your following distance even more you always control

the space in front of your vehicle and I know people are saying well other people

get in there and they cut you off if other people move into that space in

front of you they want to go faster than you and it very quickly they're gonna be

gone so you just reclaim your space again and then you're going to be in a

good defensive posturing to stay safe all right so traveling in the summertime

other things that are going to indicate to you that other people are from out of

state out of province they're not from where you live

bumper stickers particularly rental car bumper stickers budget Avis all of the

rental car agencies will have bumper stickers in

the back of the car so look for those those will tell you that people are

traveling or vacationing in and around your area out-of-state license plates

are out of province license plates here in British Columbia we have the invasion

of the Reds in the summertime all the vacationers and tourists come from

Alberta and they have red license plates these people are going to act

unpredictably on your roadway because they don't know where they're going okay

rental car stickers already talked about that what I should be talking about is

travel trailers Tooley's those types of things that the vehicle is packed with

all kinds of camping gear and roof racks and those types of things again these

people are not probably going to be knowing where they're going and they may

act unpredictably on the roadway so give them lots of space it's like what we

talked about at the beginning with the trucks give them lots of space don't

hang out beside them in those types of things because potentially they could

act unpredictably and know that okay and they may be if their speed is going up

and going down and going up and they're not maintaining a consistent space they

may be looking for an exit or something like that

okay and the four components of passing a road test are also applicable to

defensive driving speed management space management observation and communication

and keep all this in mind when you're driving in the summertime to keep

yourself safe and not get involved in a crash and the last thing that I'm going

to talk about here is towing trailers okay make sure you take wide turns you

can see the picture on the top there where the driver took the turn too short

and pull the trailer into the ditch that happens okay

know the height of your vehicle and almost fuel canopies are going to be

high enough for you get a truck and trailer in under there however some of

them are going to be lower and you're going to run into them edges of

buildings and those types of things air conditioning units hanging off the

side of the building like to take bites out of big units RV units trucks and

trailers and those types of things so know that know the height of your

vehicle and stay away from overhead objects and then finally the problem

with this truck on the bottom here is is that truck is probably not is not heavy

enough to pull that trailer in the mountains it's probably going to be

alright on the flat but in the mountains that

truck probably is going to overheat the transmissions going to overheat it's not

going to be capable of pulling a bigger trailer so make sure that your vehicle

is has the correct specifications for you to pull a trailer especially if

you're going to be running for long distances or you're going to be running

in mountainous or hilly terrains here in British Columbia you see lots and lots

of pickup trucks on the side of the road because they blew the transmission out

of it because the transmission overheated because they didn't pay

attention to how much the trailer weight the other thing is is that loaded weight

is very different from empty weight on it on a camper trailer you got to know

many of these trailers will have a 50 gallon water tank if you fill that 50

gallon water tank that's a difference of 500 pounds and 500 pounds could make the

difference between the trailer being too heavy on your truck and there's core you

can put up the playlist here for us on trailers and how to know whether your

trailers within weight specs and those types of things but make sure that

that's another consideration and I'm just touching on that for those of you

who may be venturing in towing trailers this summer okay and then finally in the

summer time construction and potholes construction crews know that you have to

follow the detour signs you have to follow the instructions of flaggers on

our roadways and unfortunately here in British Columbia we've had some injuries

and some deaths of flaggers because car drivers have not been paying attention

take your time how patients know that we are in construction season and that

you're going to encounter construction so know that

and then finally animals on the roadway know this is going to be a hazard at

night in this in the summertime particularly here in British Columbia

other places in the United States and in Canada and you know Australia and

whatnot there are going to be animals on the roadway so take some caution about

that we can talk about that a little bit more in questions answers here

okay so good luck on your road tests good luck in your travels this summer to

have great vacations and be safe manage the space around your vehicle in that

way it's your you're gonna be okay while you're driving alright so just switch

back here just bear with me here one second will answer some more questions

all right there we go okay exnihilo

check the headlight fluid yes that's important on for summer travels check

the headlight fluids that's funny all right

what else we got here all about vehicles hey how's it going awesome welcome back

glad you could make it there we go okay there we go there we go

cinnamon gum there you go Hall face live chat and top chat I still don't know

what that is Hall face I know what live chat is that's what we're doing right

now waiting at the left lane on red and the lane Yule turned into his one-way

lane should you firstly make a full stop and then proceed when the traffic light

is safe on red we can only wait yes Jenny you have to stop on a red light no

matter what it is before you proceed okay there we go cinnamon gum yes so

when his users driving a sunny day more accidents happen when conditions are bad

and rainy less accidents happens that's correct Hall phase believe it or not and

there's actually newspaper articles I can show you a newspaper article citizen

traffic crashes reduced by 75% in bad weather because people are paying

attention in bad weather yeah it's kind of weird it's also there's also an

effect called the rebound effect that when people have safer vehicles they

have power brakes ABS brakes you know power steering all those types of things

airbags and whatnot that they drive faster they drive more aggressively and

it's called the rebound effect it's the same it's a similar effect that people

who have a house and then they insulate the house they will turn the heat up

more when it's insulated because they think they're going to save money and it

actually negates them putting insulation in the house all right

Prine a what is the safest lane on the highway right or left are they both the

same prey nay no they're not both the same if if you're gonna drive the speed

limit you want to be in the right lane if you're going to

keep up with the flow of traffic and you need to pass other vehicles then go in

the passing lane if there's three lanes of traffic you want to drive in the

center lane that's the best lane for you to drive in because the vehicles on the

right on the inside lane are going to be turning all the time and they're going

to be getting into that lane to turn so they're gonna slow you down the best

lane to be in is definitely the center lane if there's three lanes but if

you're you know if you're driving the the speed limit stay in the right lane

if you're driving and passing then you want to be in the left lane James when

I'm driving on the freeway I saw a motorbike zoom past me at 200 plus

kilometers yeah Paul Feig's that's going to happen unfortunately some of those

motorcycles are pretty crazy

Grayson yes I came upon a giant bore and it was a busy road Grayson where are you

that you have pores and I probably drive around it but that's me crazy

ah yes relaxing music for sure okay cause smash I'm doing my driving test

with a Chevy Silverado truck the problems that kind of see over my

shoulder when I'm doing my turn yeah you asked me this question of the day I

apologize I didn't get back to you sooner about that

no cosmos what are you trying to what you're turning your head too much you

just need to turn your head 90 degrees to look out that window beside you there

that's all you need to do just 90 degrees you don't need to look farther

than that okay there we go okay rush girl are you supposed to

signal in a roundabout yes rush girl Corps you'll get the video for you here

on roundabouts but essentially you want a signal going into the roundabout the

same as you would with a conventional intersection you're gonna turn left

signal left and if you can if it's practicable you want a signal going out

of the roundabout and just a little bit of practice when you get in the

roundabout you're going left when you get to the exit that you're gonna take

just signal right and move out of the out of the out of the roundabout now you

are when rush girl you're talking about

roundabouts here in North America are you talking about roundabouts in Great

Britain Australia or somewhere else just let me know that in the comments there

okay Cory Cory Cory Cory unless otherwise indicated you may turn left

from a one-way street to a one-way street

on a red light after stopping and yielding the right-of-way too pedestrian

another traffic there you go from yes and that is the same here in British

Columbia what Cory said there okay you're most welcome there you go and

turn yes so I'm taking it rush girl that you are here in North America okay


alright so and Cory's also put up the video on here on how to tow a trailer

correctly and safely towing capacity and whatnot and yeah there we go

Paul Feig's give trucks and huge vehicles a lot of space yes and I do I'm

on board with that if you have large vehicles RVs buses trucks and trailers

you hauls anything like that that has is a bigger vehicle and has huge blind

spots around it yes give them a lot of space get around them as quickly as

possible don't hang out beside them don't hang out behind them get by them

as quickly as possible and carry on with your life okay blessed one how often do

you do a live stream when you usually post a video out okay so bless it this

is a great question because as some of my smart drivers who were some of my

super users know I've been a little bit absent in the last couple of months and

I'll tell you the reason for that I'm gonna be very honest with you here I've

been struggling with my YouTube channel for the last eight weeks and the reason

for that is in April I did a video every day in April it was Veda video every day

in April and I worked really hard and it probably wasn't the best thing for me to

do to do a video every day but what happened with the consequences of that

was is that the video that the channel overall dropped off it really dropped

off but I don't think it was because I was making a video every day I think it

was just the season like my my channel has definitive seasons by the end of

August my channel is just going to explode because many people are getting

their license they're going back to school they're getting ready they want

to get their license before they head back to school and those types of things

but what subsequently what happened was is that I got it really demoralized me

and I just wasn't feeling motivated and as well there were a few other things

going on I was trying to redefine my channel and it just hit fifty thousand

subscribers I was doing really well but I just felt that I needed to do the

videos better and I was getting a lot of feedback from people I did talk to Tim

Schmoyer I booked a consulting session with him and I talked to him and

there was some new channel art that came out of that there's a new intro that

came out of that and I've been trying to figure out if my channel what if what

I'm doing is actually working and I think that what I'm doing is actually

working and my daughter's in the window just over there making faces at me

trying to break my concentration and I finally had a ha ha moment today and

what happened was is that my my good mate Alex and I who were business

partners actually we're talking about home and garden shows these these home

renovation shows where they come in and then a half an hour they show you how to

completely renovate a house and you know my competitor one of my main competitors

that a lot of my smart drivers go over and see cameo for steals easy Driving's

videos and he's got these little five-minute videos that show you how to

drive how do you do things it does exactly what I do except my i'm not the

same i'm very much long videos i'd go in great detail about what i show you and i

realized today in that kind of haha moment that what i'm doing is very

different in terms of a teaching style from what cameo Fasil does and you know

i lose a certain amount of people because my videos aren't 5 minutes if i

feel that that the topic that i'm addressing is a longer topic for example

fear and anxiety is not something that you can treat in five minutes fear and

anxiety is something very real for a lot of people it's a half an hour video and

i feel that i'm helping a lot of people by having these longer videos and so

today i had that aha moment i'm not going to show you how to renovate a

house and a half an hour video i'm not going to show you how to learn how to

drive in a half an hour video in a five minute video because you can't learn how

to drive in five minutes driving is hard work it's a incredibly complex skill so

finally after a couple of months of really contemplating what i'm doing and

you know the direction that i want my channel to go i'm I'm gonna make my

videos better there's no doubt about that

but i'm also going to continue do what I need to do and if a topic

needs to be treated longer I'm gonna give you a longer video and that's I

think you know that's the feedback that I'm getting that it's working and that's

what I'm gonna do and I do apologize that there having been videos in the

last couple of months but I think I'm revitalized here and I figured out what

I want the videos to do so blessed one live stream every Sunday 6 p.m. and

there's going to be one video a week on Wednesdays I'm gonna put a new video up

on Wednesday so that's what I'm gonna do ok so rush girl is there in upstate New

York that's really great and just no rush girl they do have a few different

rules there excuse me in New York so Cosmo is your most welcome Scott I'm

going to be getting my CDL in late August is it hard to get a job in the

oil patch with no CDL experience Scott its you can get a job in the oil patch

without any experience but you're gonna have to do some work you're gonna have

to do some networking you'd have to talk to a lot of people to get a job I

it can be done it's not easy and Cory will get you the videos here on Bill

Walker who's a good mate of mine actually was a former student of mine he

went he finished his course with me on a Thursday and the next Tuesday his work

in the oil fields Ben I'll tell you right now Bill talked to a lot of people

before he started working up in the oil field so know that you just got to do a

lot of networking ok Hall phase do you think slower speed limits reduce the

chance of being involved in a crash will just increase being rear-ended Hall

phase I don't think that lower speed limits are the solution to crashing I as

I said the the fundamentals of my defensive driving course and again as I

said the defensive driving course is on at smart drive test right now for ten

dollars so you can go and take that the thrust of my defensive driving course is

space management because what I tell drivers if you are not near anything

it's less likely you're going to hit something so it it's really about space

management I think you can drive at higher speeds but where people get into

trouble is the other two reasons for crashes the top three reasons for

crashes are speeding following too close and failing to yield a lot of drivers

think oh I have the right-of-way and they go and they and as I say the

the the right-of-way is never taken the right-of-way is always given so a lot of

times you got to give up and let other drivers go okay you've got to give up

the right-of-way all right all right okay

nope Naruto there we go hall phase yeah hall phase it was yeah Veda was Veda was

a great social experience Laura hi Laura how are you Blessed One blessed one it's

no I felt that I needed to say that because the other thing that happened

blessed one was last week as well I missed the live stream and I felt really

bad about that and I wanted to apologize to all the smart drivers about that

because you know I this is this is my job and you know you guys if it wasn't

for all the smart drivers out there this channel wouldn't happen right I can't do

this without you and you know I have I take my that responsibility I take that

responsibility very seriously so yeah I just I wanted to be honest with you I

want to tell you what was going on because I think I think that's important

okay and thank you so much blessed one and Scott okay so you've seen bills

videos that's really great so that's that's basically all you do have to do

Scott and the other thing I'm gonna say to you Scott if you're gonna do your CDL

in the in August and you're gonna start working in the patch and bill will say

this to you as well is get your license start looking for a job in the patch

even before you get your license even before you go to truck driving school

because that way you can start talking to people and you can say you know if

you when you when you call somebody and you start talking to them and they say

well I don't have a job you say listen do you do you know someone else I can

talk to you because all these people in the patch they all know each other right

and the other thing I would suggest to you Scott is to get get in touch with

Bill he's on Facebook just send me a note and I'll send it on to Bill and

Bill's more than happy to put you in touch with somebody and that way you can

you can start talking to people and you can get a feel for it before you even

get there and if you're gonna get your license in August Scott I would

really strongly suggest that you want to get it you want to get up a job in the

patch in September because you want to get up there before the fall before you

hit the mud you want a bit of experience driving in the patch before you hit the

mud I'll tell you that for sure okay all right yeah yeah Hall phase I missed the

live stream last week so I do apologize about that I just I've got a few things

going on in my personal life here and I missed it so it won't happen again if I

do if I don't get to the live stream I'm gonna put out a notification and let

everybody know that I won't be there for the light because I am I am planning to

take a couple of weeks holidays this summer but anyway all good okay

Sebastian thank you so much Sebastian I love your comment on spacing rexo

spot-on experienced drivers could get complacent in this areas I know cuz I

have and yes and Sebastian I Drive with good friend of mine and when he pulls up

in traffic he pulls right up to the bumper of the other vehicles you know

and I get uncomfortable when other drivers do that but I know one thing is

a driving instructor that when you're in the vehicle with your friends and those

types of things unless you unless they're actually paying you don't

comment on their driving and especially if it's your significant other do not

comment on their driving unless they're paying you okay so there we go

key about to drive on the freeway the first time tomorrow as part of over

exposure therapy to get over my exam anxiety any tips thank you okay so key

that's excellent I'm really happy to hear that you're confronting that

challenge and you're working to overcome it now when you get on the freeway do

the speed limit on the freeway and stay in the right lane now key you're in

North America somewhere you're going to be driving on the right side of the road

so drive in that right lane good space management so two to three seconds under

ideal conditions you know those types of things if you are looking down the road

and you see other traffic and whatnot you know get out to pass and whatnot but

if you're doing this the the the posted speed limit most of the time you're

going to be able to drive in that right lane and you're not going to be able to

move to move over to pass and whatnot now are

you going out key with somebody who's a driving instructor or somebody else is

gonna help you with that for your first time to get out there excellent thanks

so much Scott I'm glad that you're watching the videos and you're getting

going here and Scott if you need any help with anything or there's anything

that you're not having you're having some challenges with in terms of getting

your CDL ace license for sure let us know here all right okay

cause mass one more questions can the tester pull you up from the parking spot

even if you don't complete your parallel parking he has to let you complete your

try ah cause mass yes they're gonna let you finish you try in terms of your

parallel park now one of the things that I say in the parallel park video is that

if you hit the curb you're not gonna fail now what I mean by

that let me clarify this because I've had a few comments from smart drivers if

you touch the curb and you know that you touch the curb and then you pull forward

and you correct you're not gonna fail on that point

however if you if you really hit the kerb then you're gonna fail if that if

the body rocks on the chassis you've struck the curb if you strike the curb

you're gonna fail your road test if you push the back tire up over the curb

you're gonna fail your road test but if you just touch the curb and you know

that you touched it and then you pull forward and adjust you're not gonna fail

for that okay you'll lose a couple of points but you're not gonna fail okay

okay key you're gonna drive with your friend

that's really great so you got somebody else to go that's gonna give you some

support and those types of things so key what I suggest you is just to ask your

friend unless you have specific questions just ask your friend to not

say too much to you and let you focus on what you're doing in those types of

things and again if you become overwhelmed key just get off at the next

exit you know stop the vehicle take a break get out walk around and then you

know have another go I don't want not but anyway and definitely you know let

me know how that goal is gonna be really you know hope that it goes well for you

I'm sure it will okay Dorcas thanks for all your tips you're most welcome

Hall phase also the semi-trucks videos are you still going to do that yes I am

going to do that Hall phase I'm going to get going

on that I'm regrouping after a couple of months of just really you know stepping

back from the channel and whatnot excellent haul phase drive motorcycles

yes we're gonna get going on that ah yes thank you halt phase for helping me

remember all the stuff I need to read you and the other thing on that point

halt phase of that video on the motorcycles that I'm going to redo I'm

gonna start redoing some of these videos because now that I've learned more about

how to do videos and how to do videos better and you know trying to reconsider

all this stuff about what I'm doing and what my competitor cameo Fasil is doing

I can incorporate some of the stuff that he's doing and make my videos better so

I'm gonna sort of you know come up with a new meld and I'm gonna improve so yes

all of that's really great we're gonna get all that done that's really awesome

alright so key you're in California yep you're gonna do great so just stay in

that right-hand Lane and let us know how it goes it's gonna be really great uh

Scott I don't actually have a school I teach all my stuff online now where are

you Scott in Canada that are you in Canada you and North are in the United

States that you're gonna be doing your license Scott just let me know that and

I'll be able to give you more a little bit more information about what you're

gonna do in those types of things yeah so we're just gonna start winding down

here we're getting close to the hour in terms of finishing up okay

now just CDL licenses most of the time it takes sort of four to six weeks to

finish up a CDL license that's about the time that it takes for you to learn the

five basic components of driving you've probably seen the video but the five

basic components of a tractor-trailer license are turning pre-trip inspection

shifting hook and unhook and then backing and those first three are the

real major components the turning pre-trip inspection and shifting those

are the three based challenges that you're gonna have when you go to learn

how to drive a tractor trailer and then the last two are the minor components

which are hook and unhook coupling and uncoupling then backing up and the

backing up is going to depend on which licensing Center you go to because

there's different requirements for different licensing centers for example

when I worked in London Ontario they had to back around the corner on a right on

a right turn so it was on the on the site side of the truck here in Vernon

Burgess Columbia they only got a backup street for a hundred feet and when I was

in Victoria British Columbia they had to do a parallel park so it depends on

which licensing Center you're going to on how difficult the back is up so it's

going to be different in different places all right Anita when you get your

license how long should you drive on your own sorry Anita I'm not sure what

you're asking me how long should you how long should you drive before before you

go for your license is that what you're asking me you need okay so Scott so

you're in New Brunswick so Scott is what's gonna happen in New Brunswick

there's yeah it's probably gonna be four to six weeks depending on the course

that you're going to be taking I don't think that the they haven't brought the

truck driving rules in the new into New Brunswick that they've brought in to in

Canada or in Ontario rather in Ontario they brought it up to like a hundred

hours or some crazy number that you have to go to driving school so I think it's

a little bit different okay Laura yes definitely night driving tips and choreo

get the video for you on night driving but just quickly on night driving one of

the things that you need to know Laura the farther you get away from cities and

urban areas the less light there is going to be less ambient light from

street lights and buildings and those types of things so the more reliance

you're going to on your headlights look for markers at

night so there's lots of reflection reflective markers along the roadway

that are going to guide you spits specifically on busier roads and those

types of things most of the time traffic is going to drive on the roadways to

follow the other traffic look for traffic signs because most of the time

traffic signs are going to be reflective and they're going to be near the roadway

so that's going to be able to help you to find the roadway at night as well

look for the geography if you're driving through wooded areas look up at the sky

just like glanced up at the sky and you can see the tree cut where the roadway

is cut through the forest and you can find out where the roadway is going at

night as well so those are some basic techniques as well turn your dash lights

down as much as possible because we all have night vision our eyes become

accustomed to night driving and if you turn the dash lights down that's going

to cause it's going to reduce the amount of fatigue on your eyes so do that as

well and there's the video core you got that up for you so have a look at that

blessed one yes I'm definitely going to do a replay I put all the videos up so

it usually takes a couple of hours before YouTube processes the video and

then I put it up for you to have a look at okay you are most welcome Laura

all right so Scott if you are already used to driving with a big 5th wheel

that you're gonna be leaps and bounds ahead of the sort of the the pack in

terms of driving a truck and trailer because you're already customed to

backing up a trailer and all of the skills and techniques of backing up your

5th wheel apply to a truck and trailer a tractor-trailer unit it's just the

bigger unit and you need more space and those types of things but you you're

already ahead of the game because you already know how to use the mirrors you

already know all the skills backing up on those types of things so all that's

going to help you of all face when I head out to Ontario this summer I'll

definitely look you up halt phase and we can have a go in the in the big truck

and we'll get you going there all right so yes and there you go so bricks for

wheels as as Corey said they're all of the livestreams there is a playlist for

Smart Sunday and all the live streams are here and they're

all archived on the channel here so you can definitely have a look at those and

I'm gonna do a better job of getting those catalogued and actually putting

when I put the presentation in where that starts and where that ends some

people the longer videos I've always put the menu items down in the description

so you can just click to certain parts of the video for example the fear and

anxiety video which is a half an hour and it's 8 tips on reducing fear and

anxiety each one of those tips is in the description and you'll find that all the

longer videos have a table of contents that you can skip to that part of the

video ok so know that for the longer videos on the channel here alright ok I

need it um when you get your driver's license you what I would say is just as

soon as you know within a couple of hours you can start driving in your own

I do strongly encourage you to let somebody else drive you home after you

get your license because you're all excited and you're ramped up and you may

not be paying to paying attention to your driving as much as possible and

actually we had a rule in the driving schools that after students pass the

road test they didn't get to drive back from the licensing Center and I'll tell

you a story about that I took this student down to get his road test and I

actually hadn't trained this student I was just taking him down to the the

licensing Center and he did his road test and he was in the fire truck

because he was working for the volunteer fire department he was volunteering so I

didn't drive the fire truck back after he passed his road test because I

thought well you know he's driving the fire truck and I better not drive the

fire truck bla bla bla so we come back drive back to the fire station we drive

around the back of the building we come up to the front he pulls up in front of

the door where he's gonna back the truck in he puts it into reverse and backs up

and proceeds to backing to the door this gets better so I said well oh that

didn't go well so then he pulled forward and he went oh I forgot to open the door

and he pushes the automatic garage door opener

so yes it's never a good idea to let students who are successful on the road

test drive home immediately after passing the road test because

they're not completely there okay and it's not exactly their fault so there

you go anyway so Anita yes just take a couple hours go home have a celebration

you know and maybe later that day you know you can go out and drive on your

own and those types things but if you got a little fear and a bit of fear and

anxiety about driving on your own definitely drive on the back roads

definitely drive in places where you have less traffic and those types of

things until you get more comfortable and you feel more comfortable with your

skills and those types of things so there you go

okay so Hall phase you're gonna get a video this week on Wednesday I promise I

will get one up on Wednesday for you and we're gonna get going here on this again

we're gonna get back on the channel we're gonna get going because there's

lots of people who are going for the road test lots of people learning how to

drive and lots of people want defensive driving and all of those types of things

so we're gonna wrap it up there and again for anybody who's interested in

the defensive driving course I got it up over at my website it's on for ten

dollars right now you can go over there and pick that up

and as well I'm working hard to get the air brakes explained simply booked up

and I've got it in with the graphic designer next week it's going into the

proofreader so I'm hoping that the air brakes explain simply book will be out

by the end of July and that's what we're working on so that's everything and I do

really appreciate everybody having you know supporting me and reminding me and

getting me going all this stuff ok Scott I said something you said you have a PhD

what subject Scott my PhD is in legal history so it's in policing so legal

history is the study of courts prisons and policing in my area of expertise is

policing specifically as it relates to traffic often enough so and so you could

kind of say that it's in traffic safety so that's what my PhD is and it went to

the University of Melbourne so it's interesting I I'm that nerd that gets

really excited about traffic and and driver behavior and Road user behavior

so I really say that my expertise is in road user behavior and I do a fair bit

of post crash analysis as well that's the other thing that I do okay do you

know any smart drivers who drove in the 1970s actually Hall phase I do get a few

people who drove in the 1970s some truck drivers and whatnot who talked about

driving the old five and fours and whatnot so yeah koto trucks hi there

Anita thanks so thank you everybody for showing up tonight congratulations to

everybody who's passed in the last couple of weeks if you haven't seen it

already definitely check out the map of success I don't know why it took me so

long but now everybody who's passed the road tests and tells me that on the

YouTube channel I have a map of success I put them on the map and last week I

was it was I was really excited because we had somebody from Taiwan and we we've

also had somebody from Iceland so it's been very exciting lots of people in

North America who pass road tests in Hawaii and whatnot but it's really great

so last week we had somebody from Taiwan and they're on there as well alright

okay so yes and they're Cory's put up the link for the defensive driving

course good night haul face have a great great night and good luck to everybody

who's passing off key good luck with driving on the freeway tomorrow and

remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer have a

great night I know

For more infomation >> Summer DRIVING and Techniques to Keep You Safe :: Smart Sunday #43 - Duration: 1:02:35.


How to wear saree quickly & easily to look like slim & smart / How to drape saree -sari,saree - Duration: 1:01.

How to wear saree quickly & easily to look like slim & smart / How to drape saree -sari,saree

For more infomation >> How to wear saree quickly & easily to look like slim & smart / How to drape saree -sari,saree - Duration: 1:01.


How to Connect a Printer With Mobile/Smart Device Using SSID(Epson XP-6000) NPD5881 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> How to Connect a Printer With Mobile/Smart Device Using SSID(Epson XP-6000) NPD5881 - Duration: 5:12.


戴姆勒任命Karen Adt为Smart品牌负责人【图】_中国汽车消费网 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 戴姆勒任命Karen Adt为Smart品牌负责人【图】_中国汽车消费网 - Duration: 2:37.


Hugh Grant On Smart Romantic Comedies And Standing Up To The Tabloids - Duration: 8:09.

Hugh Grant On Smart Romantic Comedies And Standing Up To The Tabloids

Hugh Grant is a British fish out of water — again.

In The Rewrite he plays Keith Michaels, a screenwriter who won an Oscar 15 years ago, but hasn't done much since.

Divorced and nearly broke, he reluctantly takes a one-semester teaching job at Binghamton University in upstate New York.

The Rewrite is Grant's fourth collaboration with Mark Lawrence, the writer and director of Two Weeks Notice, Music and Lyrics and Did You Hear About the Morgans? Grant says the films are romantic comedies "with a brain.

" They are charming and uplifting films in part, he says, because Lawrence "really genuinely loves people.

" (Grant admits he doesn't love people quite as much as Lawrence does, or at least, "not as much as I should, I think.

Grant talks with NPR's Scott Simon about the new film, which also stars J.K.

Simmons, Marisa Tomei, Chris Elliott and Allison Janney.

Interview Highlights.

On Keith Michael's bad attitude in the film.

Read A Review.

His attitude is horrendous! He drinks too much, he's rude to the other members of the faculty, he has an affair with one of his young students.

But he gradually comes to find that he actually likes teaching.

And likes the university, likes Binghamton.

And, especially, he's drawn to this mature student played by Marisa Tomei, who is a single mum kind of working her way through university.

On what Keith learns over the course of the film.

He comes to realize that he actually can teach.

He can make them better at something they're very enthusiastic about.

He also comes to realize that there are other metrics by which to judge the quality of your life, rather than money and where you are on the Hollywood ladder.

"I did take some rather strange acting classes.

We would do movement exercises where we had to run backwards beating sticks together while shouting 'HAAAAAAA.'" Hugh Grant.

On the acting courses he took early in his career.

After I found that I had become an actor, slightly to my surprise, I did have some insecurity, and I did take some rather strange acting classes at a place called The Actor's Studio in London.

I don't think they did me any good at all.

We would do movement exercises where we had to run backwards beating sticks together while shouting "HAAAAAAA.".

On being among the founders of Hacked Off, a group of citizens opposed to tabloids' use of illegal hacking tactics.

[It's] not just hacking of phones.

There are other forms of.

tabloid abuse on sort of innocent civilians, used and exploited by a certain group of British tabloid papers for profit.

And up 'till now, no one's really dealt with that problem because everyone's extremely terrified of those newspapers.

Because their vengeance is quick and brutal.

So for the first time, we now have a civic society group who are taking on that problem.

And we managed to get a year-long public inquiry by a judge in Britain.

And then we got the recommendation from that judge put into law.

More With Hugh Grant.

On the difficulty of drafting a law that both protects privacy but also represents the public's right to know.

That's exactly the trick — those are two fundamental but clashing human rights.

So, I think what was very clever at the end of this year-long inquiry, this judge came up with a system that did do both those things.

On whether his efforts have made him a bigger target.

Very much so.

I was taken aside by a friendly newspaper man the other day and he said.

"You know, I don't think you realize how much they hate you now.

Just be careful because, you don't know what they might do.

You might find drugs planted in your bag, or something like that." Because criminality was not a tool beyond their code of practice for a long time.

I remember having my flat broken into in 1995, for instance, on the orders of one of the British papers.

On the interviews he sometimes gives, in which it sounds like he wants to get out of acting.

I've got to stop giving those interviews.

I genuinely haven't done much [acting] in the last few years.

on the whole, my focus has been elsewhere.

For more infomation >> Hugh Grant On Smart Romantic Comedies And Standing Up To The Tabloids - Duration: 8:09.


German eurocrat warns UK it isn't 'smart' to refuse £39bn Brexit bill amid no deal threats - Duration: 3:33.

 The German eurocrat said any future post-Brexit agreement, which would set Britain back £39 billion in divorce fees, would benefit Westminster far more than it would Brussels as he forewarned against walking away from the negotiating table

 Britain will continue to pay into the EU's coffers as part of the transition period written into the draft withdrawal agreement, after which Brussels faces having to plug the £ billion-a-year blackhole left by Brexit

 Despite Brexit, Brussels has refused to curtail its own investment plans not only across Europe while also facing demands from European Parliament President Antonio Tajani to shell out "at least €6 billion" to tackle illegal Mediterranean migration routes

 While European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has publicly warned EU members to prepare for the possibility of a no deal scenario – which would put an end to any Brexit divorce bill – fallback options have yet to appear in the next budgetary cycle for 22to 227

 Mr Oettinger, instead, was keen to spell out the potential danger for Britain if Westminster and Brussels fail to complete a Brexit withdrawal agreement

 The German said any future agreement would only be completed on the basis of the EU's first phase demands – citizens' rights, Irish border and Brexit bill – are adhered to

 He added: "What is important is that we find a good solution for the future, that is far important and far more valuable to the than the bill to the cover the obligations from the past when they leave the EU

" Under the plans, Britain would contribute, without at the decision-making table, to the EU's most controversial discussion points, such as its efforts to combat illegal migration

EU Summit 28 LIVE pictures from Brussels Fri, March 23, 28 Theresa May sought to unite EU leaders in condemnation of Moscow over the poisoning of a former Russian spy, but she faces resistance from states keen to protect their Kremlin ties REUTERS of 7 Jean-Claude Juncker and Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May  Mr Oettinger used yet another press announcement for the EU's long-term budget for 22-227, ahead of the EU summit, to urge member states to get behind German Chancellor Angela Merkel

 A member of the German leader's conservative allies, the Christian Social Union, Mr Oettinger said it was right Ms Merkel receives enough time to solve the migration row in her three-month-old grand coalition

 Mr Oettinger said: "If you believe as I believe that we need an agreement at the European level on migration, there is good will here

But you cannot set a deadline there, saying that you absolutely must, must, must have an agreement by July, and otherwise, that's it, shoot the shop and nothing is going to happen


For more infomation >> German eurocrat warns UK it isn't 'smart' to refuse £39bn Brexit bill amid no deal threats - Duration: 3:33.


Smart snacks for your next trip to the beach - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Smart snacks for your next trip to the beach - Duration: 1:24.


Smart : Katrin Adt va prendre la direction - - Duration: 1:57.

 A partir du mois de septembre prochain, Smart aura une nouvelle patronne à sa tête

   Le 30 septembre prochain, Annette Winkler (58 ans) quittera la direction de la marque Smart du groupe Daimler (Mercedes-Benz Cars, Mercedes-Benz Trucks, etc

). Elle y sera remplacée par Katrin Adt (46 ans), une femme du sérail. Arrivée chez Daimler en 1999  Katrin Adt évolue dans le groupe Daimler depuis de nombreuses années

Elle a commencé à y travailler en 1999. En 2013, elle s'est tournée vers un cabinet en ressources humaines avant de revenir un an plus tard seulement chez Daimler

Elle devint alors vice-présidente des ressources humaines du groupe. Précédemment elle avait notamment occupé des positions de responsabilité dans le domaine du commerce et de la distribution de pièces détachées

Elle doit entrer dans ses nouvelles fonctions au mois de septembre.  De son côté, Annette Winkler sera nommée à partir du 1er janvier 2019 au conseil de surveillance de Mercedes-Benz Afrique du Sud

 Source et photo : Daimler

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