Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 26 2018

Hello there everyone and welcome to Ozunaga TV!

My name is Ozunaga and today we are going to take a look at the EVRY MINI.

What is the EVRY MINI? Well, the EVRY MINI is the newest addition to the EVRY Skateboards Family.

It's basically an electric mini cruiser board.

The deck, which was made from maple, is flat and has a kick tail.

It is 29 inches long and it weighs 5 kilograms. It has 18 millimeter wheels,

700 watt dual hub motors and

4400 MaH battery.

The max load for this little thing is 80 kilograms so it can handle almost anyone and everyone.

It also has a removable battery,

regenerative braking and it should be

airplane safe. I say should because

different airplanes (I meant Airlines) have different regulations. So we should have called them before you book a flight.

Inside the box you will get your EVRY MINI along with another little box containing the charger, which will take about

2 hours to fully charge this thing from zero, the remote control, a T-tool,

a manual book and also a welcome card.

So I have been using the EVRY MINI for about a month now and I gotta say I really like it.

I mostly use it to get to the mall or to the supermarket or the gym and

It has yet to disappoint me. The deck is pretty stiff

so your feet will get fatigued from overuse

but I like that it has a tail. Tick-tacking

is really useful especially if you live in a city like Jakarta where the traffic and the people can get more and more...

Well, more than a little crazy.

The brakes on this thing is also something that I like because it definitely is not soft.

I like it that way because

you will have the occasional angkot or bus doing sudden turns as well

as your everyday Ibu-ibu turning the opposite way of where she was

indicating. Overall, I'm quite happy with the EVRY MINI. You can take it anywhere and everywhere

thanks to its size and weight with no problem.

I definitely recommend you guys to get one because it is arguably the most affordable eboard on the market.

Alright, that's, that's it from me. Thank you guys for tuning in to Ozunaga TV.

I've been Ozunaga, you guys have been awesome and I hope to see you guys soon!



Mini-Parodia de Android KitKat - Duration: 0:29.

Damn boss who only treats me as a slave

For being such a good slave, I give you this

Finally, real food, I'm tired

of eat shit.


I feel that it smells intensely of...


You lazy boss, help me, I can't do this alone

Fcuk yuo

Have a break, have a Kit Kat

For more infomation >> Mini-Parodia de Android KitKat - Duration: 0:29.


Resident Evil 2 Remake Demo | How To Get The Shotgun Walkthrough | Mini-Boss | Shotgun Specs - Duration: 2:47.

WARNING: Before you watch this video, understand as the title states it talks about how to

get the shotgun in the RE2 Remake demo.

If you don't want to know how to get this very easy to access item.

Turn back now…and don't watch a single person play the demo ever or forever be spoiled...

In Resident Evil 2, Leon's shotgun is one of the most trusty weapons in the game, and

it is pretty easy to find, "who are you, what are you doing here?"

basically being jammed in your face in 3 locations depending on your path and scenario.

But where will Leon find the shotgun in the simplified single scenario of Resident Evil


"Hail to the king baby!"

As of now we don't know how many different types of shotguns will be in the new game,

there could be a few, but we do know how to find one of them, and its a slightly tougher

than the original but still pretty darn easy.

We pick up after you talk with marvin he will help you access the left side of the RPD by

giving you a knife.

In this familiar section you will come upon the good old operations room and sitting right

on the table when you walk in, a Weapons Locker Card.

After you get it a zombie will pop in the door, so exit around the side & climb through

the passage.

This puts you out into a hallway and next to you, you should find a door that takes

you into the safety deposit room, which is kind of like a weapons locker room.

Find the shotgun and the slot in the back of the roomenter the weapons key and voila!

The shotgun.

Come Get Some

Now things get tricky as the super hard shotgun mini boss cop zombie enters the room.

Shotguns, defense knives, headshots, this guy takes a lot of damage!

You don't HAVE to kill him, but there are other items and puzzles in this room that

you will want to come back to get, so DO IT.


Do you have it?


Before we go, let's take a look at Leon's new shotgun, a W-870 12 gauge pump action

shotgun with a capacity of 4 shells.

Basically, your everyday, very generic shotgun.

It is pretty sweet but it doesn't even take down zombies that easily like they did in

the old game, so, Will there be a bigger, badder shotgun like in RE7?

And/Or, as we saw in the original RE2, will there be shotgun parts that you can find to

add to the weapon to make it stronger, like the extended magazine for the handgun we've

already seen in the Remake.

We'll find out in January.

Crimson Army what do you think about the shotgun, the crazy zombie, and the possibility of multiple

shotguns or add on parts?

Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to like and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 2 Remake Demo | How To Get The Shotgun Walkthrough | Mini-Boss | Shotgun Specs - Duration: 2:47.


Mega-Stress mit Tina? Daniele Negroni gibt nur Mini-Konzert! - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Mega-Stress mit Tina? Daniele Negroni gibt nur Mini-Konzert! - Duration: 1:24.


mừng kênh đc 60 ng đk. tổ chức mini game tặng sud and like - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> mừng kênh đc 60 ng đk. tổ chức mini game tặng sud and like - Duration: 2:40.


LES PETITS SCIENTIFIQUES - Électricité statique - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> LES PETITS SCIENTIFIQUES - Électricité statique - Duration: 1:26.


LES WONDERKIDS créent un sketch sur Kiki la Sorcière ! Comme une mini-pièce de théâtre ! - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> LES WONDERKIDS créent un sketch sur Kiki la Sorcière ! Comme une mini-pièce de théâtre ! - Duration: 4:25.


Migrants : ce qu'il faut retenir du mini-sommet de crise organisé à Bruxelles - Duration: 4:37.

 Des avancées, mais "pas de plan détaillé posé sur la table", a déploré Emmanuel Macron

Les dirigeants de seize pays membres de l'Union européenne se réunissaient, dimanche 24 juin à Bruxelles, lors d'un sommet informel de crise pour évoquer les questions migratoires

 Cette rencontre était organisée dans un contexte tendu, illustré par le bras de fer autour d'un navire transportant des migrants, le Lifeline, à qui l'Italie et Malte refusent l'accostage

Franceinfo résume ce qu'il faut retenir de ce sommet.Vers une coopération entre plusieurs Etats plutôt qu'un consensus à 28 La "solution européenne" défendue par Emmanuel Macron lors de ce sommet "se construira uniquement sur la cooperation entre les Etats membres de l'UE, que ce soit une coopération à 28 ou entre plusieurs Etats qui décident d'avancer ensemble", a ajouté le président français

 La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a plaidé dans le même sens. Le sommet à 28, prévu les 28-29 juin à Bruxelles, "n'apportera pas encore de solution globale au problème des migrations et c'est pourquoi il faut aussi des accords bilatéraux ou trilatéraux dans l'intérêt mutuel", a-t-elle expliqué

L'Italie plaide pour une plus grande solidarité des pays membres L'Italie a présenté de son côté une liste de propositions pour répondre aux flux de migrants, dans laquelle elle préconise des "centres de protection internationaux" dans les pays de transit et prône davantage de financements pour aider les Etats d'Afrique qui combattent l'émigration illégale

 Ce document, présenté par le chef du gouvernement italien Giuseppe Conte aux dirigeants européens, réclame une plus grande solidarité entre Européens et un partage du fardeau des pays en première ligne face à l'afflux de migrants

 "Nous ne pouvons pas tous les transporter en Italie et en Espagne. Il faut des centre de protection dans plus de pays européens pour sauvegarder les droits de ceux qui arrivent et éviter des problèmes d'ordre publics et de surpopulation", souligne le texte

Un projet de "plateformes de débarquement" à l'étude, mais encore flou L'idée de créer des "plateformes régionales de débarquement" des migrants secourus en mer, y compris hors de l'UE, a souvent été évoquée de manière isolée par certains Etats membres, mais elle est désormais à l'agenda officiel européen

Elle a ainsi été inscrite dans le projet de conclusions du sommet de l'UE prévu jeudi et vendredi à Bruxelles

 Le principe serait d'avoir des règles plus claires pour éviter les bras de fer diplomatiques pour chaque débarquement après une opération de secours et d'impliquer dans ce processus les pays d'Afrique du Nord

Selon l'AFP, l'objectif est d'envoyer "le message que monter dans un bateau ne garantira pas une arrivée en Europe"

 Mais le projet reste encore flou, notamment concernant les cas où un navire transportant des migrants pourrait être renvoyé vers un pays tiers

Il soulève aussi des inquiétudes sur sa compatibilité avec le droit international

 Que ce soit dans des "plateformes de débarquement", ou dans d'éventuels centres à installer dans des pays de transit, plusieurs pays plaident pour pouvoir distinguer les migrants à refuser et les demandeurs d'asile à accepter, avant qu'ils ne traversent la Méditerranée

Certains parlent de "hotspots", reprenant le terme utilisé pour les centrés déjà créés en Italie et en Grèce

Sujets associésMigrantsMondeEurope

For more infomation >> Migrants : ce qu'il faut retenir du mini-sommet de crise organisé à Bruxelles - Duration: 4:37.


Mini Fridge Wrap Vintage Safe Rm wraps - Duration: 1:12.

hi welcome to Rm wraps my name is Randy Miller what you see right here is the full

service mini-fridge for us I would like the the icy safe

mini-fridge wrap we want a full service we want you to take care of it how I

wrap this actually and make it look cool different you can actually put your logo

right here your name right here or add something right here for it but this is

kind of a fun looking mini-fridge it's very unique and they're gonna put it in

there a little shop so with something like this let me know you can do a DIY

project for you give it up yourself or you want a full service you can contact

me at and also call me too if you want to 208-696-1180

and go from there thanks for watching and here's some more

mini fridges - if you want to look for that there's another another safe one

it's called the beer you're safe some other projects alright guys thanks for

watching I'll catch you next video

For more infomation >> Mini Fridge Wrap Vintage Safe Rm wraps - Duration: 1:12.


MINI 1.2 One First Pepper (AC/15"/JCW Stuur/PDC) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.2 One First Pepper (AC/15"/JCW Stuur/PDC) - Duration: 1:12.


Migrants : cacophonie européenne avant le mini-sommet de crise à Bruxelles - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Migrants : cacophonie européenne avant le mini-sommet de crise à Bruxelles - Duration: 9:23.


Doppelküsschen: So süß zeigt sich BTN-Jenefers Mini-Family! - Duration: 2:29.

Vor rund zwei Wochen sind die Berlin - Tag & Nacht-Stars Jenefer Riili und Matthias Höhn (22) zum ersten Mal Eltern geworden

Seit der Geburt des kleinen Milans gab es für die treue Community nur einen Familienschnappschuss – bis jetzt! Die frischgebackene Mama und der stolze Daddy teilten nun eine weitere niedliche Momentaufnahme von allen dreien: Und auf dem Bild werden gleich zwei Küsse verteilt!Jenefer und Matthias veröffentlichten auf ihren Instagram-Accounts ein Kuschel-Foto

Auf dem bekam nicht nur Söhnchen Milan einen dicken Kuss von seiner Mama auf die Stirn: Matthias drückte Jenefer ebenfalls einen Schmatzer auf den Kopf

Bei dieser Knuddeleinheit beließen es die Daily-Darsteller allerdings nicht – sie machten ihrem Prinzen dazu noch eine süße Liebeserklärung

"Wir können dir nicht versprechen, immer alles richtig zu machen. Aber wir können dir versprechen, immer unser Bestes zu geben und dich für immer zu beschützen", richteten sich die stolzen Eltern an ihren Kleinen

Den Post versahen beide noch mit den Hashtags #dubistunserleben und #onelove.Ob die Freude über ihren gemeinsamen Sohn Jenefer und Matthias mittlerweile auch wieder zusammengebracht hat? Kurz vor der Entbindung hatten sich die beiden getrennt

Der Soap-Hottie kündigte allerdings vor wenigen Wochen an, dass er um seine Verlobte kämpfen wolle

"Jenefer ist die Frau meines Lebens und ich liebe sie über alles. Und ich werde alles daran setzen, damit wir auch wieder zusammenkommen", erklärte er in seiner Story

For more infomation >> Doppelküsschen: So süß zeigt sich BTN-Jenefers Mini-Family! - Duration: 2:29.


MINI 1.6 ONE SALT / VERKOCHT !! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 ONE SALT / VERKOCHT !! - Duration: 1:07.


Mini Dental Implants Pasadena MD 410-824-1199 - Duration: 1:00.

dr. Woods of Severna Park dentistry uses mini dental implants to replace single

multiple or all missing teeth many dental implants are narrow diameter

implants that can be placed in a short minimally invasive procedure and require

no cutting suturing or healing. "I'm very satisfied with the experience the whole

experience of having mini implants I'm very happy with the results of it". To

find out if you're a candidate for implant surgery dr. Woods is offering a

consultation for just one dollar

For more infomation >> Mini Dental Implants Pasadena MD 410-824-1199 - Duration: 1:00.


BMW와 MINI, 잠실 전시장에 새 둥지 - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> BMW와 MINI, 잠실 전시장에 새 둥지 - Duration: 1:49.


MINI Countryman 1.6 One 5-PERS / ZWARTE HEMEL / SP.STOELEN / HALF LEDER! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> MINI Countryman 1.6 One 5-PERS / ZWARTE HEMEL / SP.STOELEN / HALF LEDER! - Duration: 0:52.


MINI 1.6 ONE PEPPER - Airco - Xenon - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 ONE PEPPER - Airco - Xenon - Duration: 1:11.


trackstick mini intro - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> trackstick mini intro - Duration: 1:01.


Ratatouille: The Doom Perfume | Part 1 - Mini Disney Infinity War | Fanfiction - Duration: 4:43.

*( ( BOOOOM! ) )*

That ear-splitting noise shook the blue rat

from unconsciousness.

Remy sat up in a hurry, temporarily forgetting where he was and what was happening.

Man, his head hurt.

He looked about and found that he was in the middle of a street.

Around him was the French cityscape he called home, but clouds of dust obscured much of

his surroundings.

His unusually sensitive nose quickly sorted through the scents of his environment.

He smelled fire; he smelled rubble; he smelled strange chemical reactions unlike anything

to ever meet his nose.

Wait … remembered sensing similar chemical odours before this.

They came from a familiar rodent … a girl.

Where was she?

He HAD to find her!

*( ( FWOOOOM! ) )*

That noise almost caused him to jump out of his skin.

What was it?

An explosion?

Remy looked for the source of the sound and saw two titans clashing:

one, a mammoth of a man in a scarlet suit with a stylised "I" on his chest;

the other, a massive machine in red armour.

Mr. Incredible.


The juggernauts fought with fists like thunder.

Every time they hammered a hit, the resulting shockwave was nothing short of an explosion.

At the side of his eye, Remy caught a flash of white and a blast of flame.

He darted out of the way as streams of frost and fire collided where he sat.


His tail felt the chill and heat of the competing forces.

That was WAY too close!

The creators of the blasts stood silhouetted in the mist and smoke they had birthed:

a teen in a kaiju costume and a man in a blue and white super suit.

Remy scampered through the street, following

the enchanting scent of the rodent he sought to find.

Around him, two figures blurred as they fought with frenetic speed, nearly crushing him.

He couldn't quite make them out, but his ears caught bits of their banter:

"Ha! Missed me, GoGo!"

"GRRR! We'll see about that, Incrediboy!"


On the periphery of his vision, Remy glimpsed laser-induced plasma clashing with force fields.

The only thing missing from this scene was an elastic woman

and a girl with a chemical lab for a purse.

He didn't bother giving them thought.

In fact, he tried to ignore them all.

He only had one concern, and soon that "concern" was in sight ahead of him

amid the clouds of dust.

With raspberry-red fur, she held her head in shock as she witnessed the destruction

around her.

"This is all my fault …" she muttered, almost whimpered.

Then a four-legged form sprang from out of nowhere, snatched her up and galloped into

an alley.

"NO!" shouted Remy.

Hey, Remy here!

Yeah, I know that was all pretty crazy.

We should backtrack to the beginning.

That'll shed some light on how these big heroes wound up clashing in this incredible battle.

I'm sure you remember me, because we've all watched Ratatouille, right?

Well, if you haven't, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! … Heh, I'm just kidding!

Still, it is a pretty good movie so you got to watch it if you have not – man, I'm starting

to sound like Zack Scott now.

Anyway, that's a different subject.

Moving on.

If you know anything about me, you know that I love to cook – finally managed to score

a job at Gusteau's restaurant too!

My career had a bit of a hiccup, though, when Gusteau's got shut down due to the discovery of a,

quote unquote, "rat infestation", (namely myself and my hard-working kinsmen).

My human friend, Linguini, and I started our own restaurant, La Ratatouille, and somehow

managed to pull a few strings so that I and my rodent brethren could legally work in the

food industry.

We became the talk of the town.

Everybody couldn't get enough of La Ratatouille.

As business boomed, we upgraded our facilities until our humble restaurant was right up there

with the greatest, grandest establishments in all of Paris.

I'm still waiting for someone to pinch me and tell me it's all just a dream!

I was pretty sure my adventures were over and life couldn't get any more crazy and exciting!


Until I met this girl …

For more infomation >> Ratatouille: The Doom Perfume | Part 1 - Mini Disney Infinity War | Fanfiction - Duration: 4:43.


[ENG SUB] The 100 Mini Concert FULL [Ep24 +1] - Duration: 50:47.

Sub by FromisJiheon

Let's have our greetings. 2, 3

Promise now~ To cherish preciously ~

We will grow to be your idol~

Hello, we are fromis_9.

-Shall we have the individual greetings? -Yes.

Starting from Chaeyoung.

Hello, i am fromis_9's 'energizer' Lee Chaeyoung, please take care of us.

Hello, i am fromis_9's 'only swagger' Lee Seoyeon.

Hello, i am fromis_9's 'Charming Mochi' Song Hayoung.

Hello, i am fromis_9's 'Aegyo Expert' Lee Nakyung.

Hello, i am fromis_9's 'Precious Fairy' Noh Jisun, please take care of us.

Hello, i am fromis_9's maknae Baek Jiheon, please take care of us.

Hello, i am the captain of fromis_9, Lee Saerom.

And finally today.

fromis_9's first mini concert.

Welcome to THE100, I am MC Jiwon.

The first song was..

our tittle song DKDK.

-My heart is beating really fast. -That's right.

There is more reason to be nervous.

Our long awaited THE100 mini concert.. finally happening today.

-That's right. -How are the members' feeling?

We had to prepare for our comeback.

-Together with this concert. -Yes.

To be honest it was a little tiring.

But thinking of today, made us practice happily.

Also, we are actively promoting now.

We are able to have this concert while promoting.

So it kind of feels good.

-We feel like we will have a successful promotion in the future. -That's right, fighting!

In particular, there is something special in this concert.

From song writing, choreograph to song arrangement.

This is a concert we prepared ourselves.

Have we been practicing a lot?

From preparing the comeback, choreograph, mini concert to song writing.

-We have been practicing really hard. -That's right.

Therefore you can look forward to them.

Besides practicing hard, we were also able to film THE100 in Jeju island.

-Even in Jeju island we practiced hard. -That's right.

We prepared hard to be able to show an amazing stage today.

Although THE100 have finished a while back.

-The memories in Jeju island are still vivid, right? -That's right.

The fans...

..asked if we knew we were going to Jeju island.

We really had no idea, right?

-Yes, we really had no idea. -The moment when we received the air ticket.

What were your thoughts at that time?

I really had my doubts.

On the way to the airport, i thought we were coming back after we have our meal.

I really had that thought, but as we received the ticket.

I can't believe it and felt really happy.

We were very happy and thankful to go to Jeju island.

-That's right. -Thank you.

The thoughts from back then are coming up.

While listening to the members.

Questions have come from the fans.

In that case, the questions from the fans.

-Shall we answer them? -Yes.

I will read the first question.

What are your thoughts when the 100 hours countdown started?

That was the question.

For me, 100 hours is both a long and short time.

So i was thinking, how we should spend our time in Jeju island.

I was thinking of how to spend the time wisely.

Next question.

What is the best part while filming THE100?

In any case, the best part.

Although we had to practice.

We are able to have special practice in a special location.

We were able to make lots of memories.

We felt our promotions will go smoothing after coming back from THE100.

Next question.

What are your personal thoughts after watching the broadcast?

We had a lot of fun memories in Jeju island, right?

I felt happy that i could see them through the videos with my own eyes.

I was happy that the memories were able to be left as videos

Isn't Hayoung unnie our monitoring expert.

That was all the questions.

The Mini Concert that we have work hard to prepare.

Will last for the next 30 minutes.

Please stay tuned.

Before that, shall we have a little spoiler?

In that case, ain't i spoiler Rom?

If we were to have a little spoiler.

We cameback with our album To. Day right?

Of course we will have the songs from the album.

Also for the first time, we have prepared cover dances.

As the highlight, we have prepared 'clover' just for today's stage.

You might miss it if you blink your eyes, so stay tuned.

-Ain't you excited for the performances? -Yes, i want to see it.

We will prepare for the next performance.

[Eng Subs available at THE100 episodes]

Everyone, have you enjoyed our cover dances?


Compared to the performance earlier, we will show a wider variety of our charms.

We have prepared a time for this.

Saerom will be introducing this segment.

We were in jeju island for the filming.

Over there, we had all the role of writers, PDs and managers.

And had a VCR filming.

We will be showing the videos over here today.

Anticipating it.

Do you have a video you are excited about?

Me me, Personally..

Jiwon unnie keeps talking about how well she is at horse riding..

-I really excited to see how the video came out. -It's so burdensome.

Personally i am really excited about Jiheon.

Firstly, since i was the PD.

I am just kidding, Jiheon had a hard time filming barefooted against the waves

It was a hard time, but i am sure the video will come out nicely.

I am really curious, shall we have a look?

Yes, i want to watch them.

Then let's watch them together~

Firstly, we have Chaeyoung, Jiheon and Romsae's videos.

I thought the videos came out really nicely.

-That's right. -How do the members themselves feel?

How do you feel about it? Are you satisfied?

Yes, PD Saerom and Writer Hayoung.

-They did a better job than i have expected. -Right?

It came out really prettily.

I am satisfied.

The quality was better than expected.

I was surprised it came out so nicely.

As i was filming, the members were calling my name like this.

It had a significant effect for my expressions.

Thank you.

For Chaeyoung and Jiheon's video.

-Our PD Rom was personally in charged of them. -That's right.

I have a question for the two of you.

You can speak up now, do you have any complaints at the time?

To be honest, PD Rom in the beginning.

Was a little here and there.

-I was greedy. -Yes, whenever someone say "if you do it this way, it will be pretty".

She goes like "oh really?"

But the results came out nicely so i have no complaints, thank you.

I have no complaints with Saerom unnie

-The wind was strong when i was filming right? -That's right.

The waves were not helping.

So i thought that was a little disappointing.

But it still came out pretty.

On the other hand, Saerom's video was totally opposite to her usual self.

-No.. -It felt really calm.

It must have been hard acting that way.

That was not acting.

I had a really fun time filming THE100.

There were moments where a screw came off and was acting silly.

But in reality, i am calm as well.

So i made use of that in the filming.

We have only watched 3 videos so far.

-That's right. Excited right? -Let's watch the next one.

-Shall we watch the next one? -Then let's watch together~

Is she a baby?


-It's cute. -Looks cool.

The baby horse at the side..

Her dimples came out.

What's wrong with me?

Isn't it so pretty?

It's Hayoung unnie.

She has a warm heart.

I like this song.

She is frozen.


I am not scred.

You look a little nervous.

This is the usual Seoyeon.

This looks so pretty.

So pretty

Our Seoyeoni is so pretty.

The videos this time was Hayoung's, Seoyeon's and mine.

One of the things that i wanted to do when going to jeju.

-Is horse riding right? -That's right.

I felt so happy to have my wish come true.

-This was the first time our members saw me horse riding right? -That's right.

-Only heard of it. -How was i?

Even before going to jeju island.

Jiwon was saying that she wants to ride horses.

It was the first time for me.

But i can understand why she liked horse riding so much.

She was cool, a little bit.

Jiwon unnie, even before going to jeju island.

-Kept saying she is so good at horse riding. -When did i?

She said she was an expert at horse riding.

So i was expecting a lot.

But i felt that our levels were similar.

You're exaggerating.

I was just kidding. Just as the VRC showed.

Together with the mother and baby horse.

She was so pretty, the background too.

So i thought, that was the difference of having experience.

I will take that as a compliment.

That day, jiheon.

-Cried alot right? That's right.

That was broadcasted too.

She is afraid of animals.

How was it riding the horse?

That was not my first time horse riding.

I rode a few time before.

But the horse this time was really big.

The horses we rode was probably the 3rd biggest.

-Top 3 biggest? -It was really big.

So i was afraid.

I feel i will ride well next time on smaller horses.

Besides Jiheon, Hayoung seems a little scared too.

It was my first time horse riding.

Instead of being scared, i feel a little intimidated.

Since it's my first time.

But the horse was so cute.

And i really love animals.

So i had fun filming it.

-I can feel that you enjoy it in the video too. That's right.

For Seoyeon, it's just like her usual self.

Playing the guitar and singing.

-IU sunbaenim's song came out as the bgm right? -Yes.

I would to hear Seoyeon's voice too.

Then a song i listen frequently to.

I will sing a small part of IU sunbaenim's Peach.


(IU - Peach)

As expecting from our team's singing vending machine.

Comes out whenever it is pressed.

That was very nice.

Continuing, the last 3 videos.

Let's watch together~

wow it's cute.

-Mario. -Cute.

Back then Jiwon manager..

What were you filming?

Hello, hello.

-I was the main writer for this. -I was the main PD.

"Shall i listen to the sound of the sea?"

That was not the atmosphere then.

Jisun unnie is so pretty.

Besides the videos.

Nakyung took lots of pictures at the time too.

But where did all the pictures went?

That's not it.

I took lots of pictures at the location.

Perhaps when the chance arise, i will pick out the pretty pictures.

-And release them. -I will be anticipating.

In Jisun's video, even calling..

Who were you calling?

I was calling mr krabs.

To be honest, instead of that video.

I thought it should have been a cooking video.

You look happy when you are cooking.

When cooking,

It is not 'small daily happiness' but just my daily life.

This is my 'small daily happiness'.

We have watched all the videos that we helped produced.

When watching the videos, the fans have send in many questions.

We will answer them now.

First question.

"Among the different roles, who is the member that did the best?"

Everyone did well.

I have someone.

-Jiwon, who had the role of manager. -Me?

She was running all around.

And being a really passionate manager.

So i thought manager Jiwon did well.

Thank you.

Anyone else?

I wanted to try Saerom unnie's concept.


Saerom unnie did a calm/peaceful concept.

-I am usually the calm and quiet type right? -Err...?

So i wanted to show my true self in the VCR.

In the comments, they are asking if there are concept that we like to try.

-Just as Chaeyoung mentioned. -Then can you follow what Saerom did?

-Innocent. -Reading a book.

-We will call for you. -Please call for me.

1,2,3 Chaeyoung.


This was Chaeyoung learning to be calm.

Is there anyone else?

Any concept you want to try?


Where she dance around cutely with her feet.

I wanted to try that concept.

When i was doing that.

Do you know what i did?

-How, how? -It was all planned.

It was planned, u know our song.

Bingle bingle, this.

Was that a spoiler?

We will have the next performance.

Seoyeon will be introducing for us.

The next song.

Will be '22nd century girl' from our To. Day album.

It has the meaning of running towards you in time.

It is a fantasy song.

-I want to listen to it now. -Now, right away.

Then we will listen to the next song.

Everyone, it is disappointing.

-But it's already ending time. -Already?

Time passes so quickly.

From the first recording of THE100 to this concert now.

How is everyone feeling?

From the first recording to now, many things have happened.

I felt happy that we were able to have lots of memories.

-Also, this is the first mini concert for us right? -That's right.

I was so happy.

I was proud that we were able to improve a little.

It's has been a long time since THE100's first recording

As we watch the broadcast together.

We thought "ahh we did that last time right".

We had a really fun time.

It is disappointing but let's have our final words to the fans, one at a time.

Starting from Chaeyoung.

This is our first time preparing for a mini concert.

There are many insufficient and inexperienced parts.

But we practiced really hard while thinking of the fans.

Even though it may not be perfect, please watch it well.

To the VLIVE viewers watching our first mini concert.

Thank you for watching.

Also fromis_9 will continue to work hard in the future.

Please look after us, thank you.

We were really nervous since it's our first time.

But we prepared really hard.

And to successfully wrapped it up, i feel proud.

We will show you our improved image in the future.

Please look after us, thank you.

Thank you for watching over us.

We will be the unchanging hard working fromis_9 in the future too.

Thank you.

We made many memories while filming THE100.

I hope we will be able to make many memories with our fans in the future.

We will work hard to have a concert where we can meet physically with the fans.

Always thankful.

Through THE100, we made many memories and had lots of fun.

We will show you better stages and performances in the future.

So please look after us in the future too, thank you.

Through THE100, we were able to have this mini concert which we always wanted.

We were able to work hard because of the support from the fans

We will always retained our first mindset.

Fromis_9 who are always working hard.

-Time really passes quickly right? -Yes.

It's disappointing but being able to successfully wrap up feels good too.

This first mini concert where we practiced hard for the fans.


Finally the day is here.

Able to wrap it up nicely, thank you.

We will be the hard working fromis_9 in the future too.

We have the last song left.

Hayoung will introduce the song.

The last song is called 'clover'.

We have been preparing since being in jeju.

We made the choreograph ourselves.

And prepared the acoustic version.

The completed performance.

We will be showing it here.

I can't wait.

We will have our farewell here with the last song 'clover'.

Thank you for watching.

-1,2,3 let's do our greeting? -Yes.

1,2,3 Thank you.

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