Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 30 2018

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Know what? No, you know football with a face on it if I didn't have you to talk to

Friends the skull of the pirate bellybutton the skull of the pirate Bible player when the face on it is right

Did someone say wish?


Super creepy bro. Even that suits creepy. Yeah

I wish that we were off this table charlie

But why would you leave a place that can make your greatest wishes come true?

To do is imagine your true desire and the island will bring at your life

And this bush right here any questions. Nope, we wish to wish the wishes great

You're giving off some mixed signals here, bro. Yeah, should we wish for something or not? Right get it

It really sounds like your warning is not to wish for stuff. Oh, I know

I wish me and my boy beastie were famous musician become reality. You want me to go in the creepy bush

Well, I got worse for days upwards on MV

Come on how often do you see your best bud become a star?

How's your wish bro, thanks for your support dude, I love you, bro


Mr. Robin

I have done both along and also the hard thinking on this the Venice step into this bush and let your dream become reality

I guess I can work with this

Hahahaha it looks like the little kitty. Oh

What a wondrous wishing that was all right, what is your life's wish and don't make it weird

You can wish for anything you can imagine and you want cake you knows it

Tell me starting to hurt. Nope. Wish you had some milk

No, that is not the lesson you're supposed to learn that wishes can it's my turn to have a great wish weird

I think that happens I wish to get off this island and go home step into the solutions let your dreams become reality

Give me a shower. I am right

I'll throw your bro

What's up with the TV

Huh? We've been here less than a minute may already hate everything

You might say that I was right you should watch out for what you wish for

Friend Robin, well, I learned my lesson and this wish already so we ich then I hope you will reciprocate my


so yeah lesson learned I'm canceling my

Is everyone okay

Do not worry

Because we're stranded on a deserted island, which means I buy that brick that's settled now

Smart professor breath. Why don't you put that sturdy Midwestern frame to work and get us some coconuts?

For more infomation >> Best Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids - Emily Ford #78 - Duration: 4:26.


Best Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids - Emily Ford #79 - Duration: 4:26.

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I wonder how many ponies I could count to me

158 ponies like ponies

Me I have run out of things to do on this island and very tiresome. Yeah, I hate it here

I think we should go back torn. Have you all lost your minds maybe but I'm not sure it's lived up to expectations


Island adventures are what's exciting Island? Well, you can keep your island adventures. We're all about tisk tisk tisk

Don't you remember this dude? We're sick of Island adventures. Yeah, they're really lame

You guys just need to be reminded of how much fun we've had this week. Wait a minute. This island is fake

There y'all are how did we not notice that before there's anything real here

I believe it is the unicorn upon its cloud of dreaming. Oh

Hey there girl bears now we need to find a way out. How about this is the start of another

What is this place

Control freak I should have known the cruise. I captured your boat wife's your memory. I was starting to get bored watching even your normal

Invited something, you know interesting for once sorry, but this maniacal miniseries is over control

But your audience won't be happy audience it's with this ridiculous stunt and

Greatest villains. Have you been on the Internet brutal brutal?

people on the Internet are accurate indicators of popularity or success, but they won't let you

This is gonna be joy way better than another island Titans go


There's only one thing we can do

Island adventures ended up paying off after all Titans an island extra


Don't know why we don't fight more your special summer event is over to something super cool than genre appropriate at the end

I am buying team jackets. Sorry I'm talking about crew jackets. So everyone knows that we work together

You gotta put our logo on the back

Because it's going to have

Morning, this all sounds awesome, but puffy sleeves and embroidered names don't come chill

So we have some later but the later is not until the later. Yeah

That makes sense, here you go

Guys we should get some pizza to celebrate how good's we look in a gallon of rich tip guys

Wait, shouldn't we be eating later? You mean we might need that money. You didn't want us to waste

We should get tattoos to commemorate jacket pizza day we shouldn't just jump into a decision

For more infomation >> Best Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids - Emily Ford #79 - Duration: 4:26.


Ford Explorer 2019 Tại Việt Nam, Xe Nhập Mỹ Giá Hơn 2 Tỷ Có Gì Hay Ho? - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> Ford Explorer 2019 Tại Việt Nam, Xe Nhập Mỹ Giá Hơn 2 Tỷ Có Gì Hay Ho? - Duration: 16:20.


LOTR Saga | Quest 3 | Flight to the Ford | Part 2 - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> LOTR Saga | Quest 3 | Flight to the Ford | Part 2 - Duration: 14:45.


How to make big ford mud truck with flotation - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> How to make big ford mud truck with flotation - Duration: 4:41.


Best Cartoon Animation Compilation For Children & Kids - Emily Ford #77 - Duration: 4:26.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

We could ever eat

On that

Side of the island it is a different

That's good

I bet these

We have found something quite remarkable and now have only two options amusement park sounds like too much work


Most people don't know that they also love to have their chins fresh. She's got one two, three horns and a solid bone

He decides to run 20 miles an hour and it's just the name means weirdest finger

Awesome, but pterodactyl litera debt

Diligent like me the Velociraptor is the only done

Big deal push-pull anyone can open a door team the Patera Tata can fly all above the world's trouble

There's only one way to decide which dinosaur is best nice

These dinosaurs have miraculously survived here for millions of years and you want to make them fight each other


bad dinosaur


Now.that their treat we can see which dinosaur is the best

These beautiful dinosaurs are creatures of flesh and blood. I can't believe you want to pick these magnificent beasts against each other

Seriously the only one who knows what she's doing. Yeah

I know it sounds pretty far-fetched. But I do who has the strongest smartest and best door opening Dynasty

Open the door. We need to hide in here. It's our only chance

Sweetie stop he's a weak

It's our only hope those dinosaurs are worthless when it comes to opening doors, trust me

I am buying team jackets. Sorry I'm talking about crew jackets. So everyone knows that we work together

You gotta put our logo on the back

Because it's going to have

This all sounds awesome, but puffy sleeves and embroidered names don't come chill

So we have some later but the later is not until the later. Yeah

That makes sense, here you go

Guys we should get some pizza to celebrate how good's we live in a gallon of rich Jim?

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