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Black Friday: Consumerism or Smart Buying? - Duration: 12:59.Instead of sitting home and overthinking
I thought of going around the city of Thessaloniki this morning.
This is not such a cold November's morning in Thessaloniki.
It may be a rainy day but for the time being it isn't raining.
Let's home it stays that way, although I do have an umbrella but you never know.
I think I've shot a lot of b-roll for this video
but you never know if it's enough before it's time to edit.
See how thoughtful my dad is of me?
I'm considering including him more and more in these videos, in the episodes
and have a segment dedicated to his funny quotes...
So, is today's one a vlog?
I dunno, I'm just documenting things
such as the pigeons, or my dad's message
or everything else I've shot till now.
I tried doing an episode on Black Friday, sort of a documentary
but I needed tons of b-roll, for which I would have to go downtown inside the stores
which isn't one of my strengths, my favorite thing...
And in the end that episode was left unfinished
and I'd rather do something like this.
Usually on Monday mornings I'm at home preparing my little one for school
but she's sick today and stayed with her mother
so it was one of the few chances I have to go out very early in the morning.
And since every video that respects itself has drone shots
let's show some of those!
In fact I cheated a bit since these were shot yesterday over here
at a location I am visiting often to test out my gear
which leads though to footage that I never publish.
Thus, today's video was a good reason to show what I shot yesterday.
Because in that Black Friday's episode
I said a few things that I think it'd be nice to be heard
and because today isn't a regular Monday but it's Cyber Monday
I suggest we listen to some parts of that episode.
I'll insert some B-roll to with them so that we don't get bored
which I believe won't be too relevant to the story but I'll try filling the gaps somehow.
Black Friday is the Friday right after Thanksgiving in USA
and the past few years it has been a trend in Europe and inevitably, in Greece.
For many it's the celebration of consumerism,
since, with the excuse of the big deals that shopping malls offer
on the majority of their products
they end up buying things they don't need
and would never think of buying.
For other it's just another day, some snob it
while for some unfortunate folks it may be their worst day:
for the people working in the malls.
For people like me though, it's the day,
or should I say the week given the deals are available before and after that Friday
going past Cyber Monday, that is the Monday right after that weekend
when we renew annual subscriptions of software
and buy products, services and other gear
that we have singled out all the previous months!
For example:
For editing my photos I use Lightroom
for video editing and for producing these videos, I use Premiere Pro
and for filling and signing official documents of my company, I use Acrobat.
All these are pieces of software by Adobe
for which I pay an annual subscription, the so-called Adobe's Creative Cloud.
This week, like every year
I'll renew my subscription
since I know for a fact that I'll keep using all that software in the next year
saving me a big chunk of money.
For running and developing websites
one of the many services that help me is MyThemeShop's themes and plugins.
Here also, by paying a reasonable amount of money in my opinion
I get many tools that will save me time during the launch of a new website.
In 600 meters, turn left.
Of course, there are also one-time deals that we can benefit from only once.
In that fashion, WPEngine, where I host my websites
although they offer great deals these days for new customers
we, the old ones, cannot take advantage of.
Obviously, by doing so companies try to win over new customers on Black Friday
who will be "forced"
to stay customers in the future by paying the full price.
However, that isn't necessarily a bad thing for me
when the service justifies it and is truly worth it, like WPEngine in this instance.
Obviously, I would love to pay 8 instead of 12 months
for hosting my websites for a year
especially when I'm paying for their most expensive plan.
Yet, I haven't found a better solution
I'm hugely satisfied by their services and customer support
while moving websites to new servers (after the first year) is never an easy task.
In addition, by paying up in front, I am charged for 10 instead of 12 months.
It's something after all.
Thus, Black Friday is a good day
to cut down operating costs of a business
especially when it's a web business.
Since internet services are the core of their costs
I believe it's no-brainer for a web entrepreneur to take advantage of Black Friday's deals.
Quickly... Quickly, I'm goin...
In a hurry, before the Service store closes for the day I'm going to pick up the lens
which I had dropped in Skyros during the summer
and the glass was damaged and in general, photos were coming out not that sharp.
So, I hope they have fixed that.
On the other hand, it's easy to be carried away and make unreasonable purchases.
We all feel we need a new camera, a new TV
a new keyboard, a bigger hard drive, or even a drone.
Usually though, deals are offered on older products
luring us to visit the stores for that reason
and ending up buying more stuff, quite often in non-affordable prices
especially, on newly released products.
Matt talked of that phenomenon in a recent video
which was the spark for me to shoot mine today.
Yet, since Matt is a passionate minimalist
obviously Black Friday wouldn't have been his favorite day.
In my opinion we don't have to go to the extremes
and usually the middle ground is the best option.
In simple words, like it's not appropriate
to run over other people on stores' Friday opening
and to charge our credit cards up to their maximum
buying useless stuff just because it's Black Friday,
in the same way I think it's irrational to buy things impatiently two weeks earlier
or during Christmas season just to say
we haven't been victims of the Black Friday's frenzy.
More often than not I recommend not doing what the crowd does.
In this occasion as well, I'll suggest doing what only a few do:
to make a plan of our future purchases quite a long time before
and to keep an eye for deals only on items and services
we have previously singled out that we really have a need for.
As always, our goal is to make more money and not save money
since there's that much you can save
while in making money, sky's the limit.
Thus, if a device or service helps you save time
or make more money so that you improve your way of living
you don't have to think about it. Buy it!
If now, you save some money on the purchase
due to Black Friday, that's even better! Patience is a virtue, they say!
One of the tests I did back then to check out how faulty the lens had been
was to take a picture of Bitcoin's chart
and noticed that the fonts were a bit blurry.
So, here, in a bit of a hurry I took this picture.
I think things look ok and I expect it to have been fixed completely.
I'll run more tests over the next couple of days.
In the end, I am Jim Makos
a nickname I'm using online since the first time I logged in back in 1995
and here in my YouTube channel we discuss various topics
that are more of an excuse for me to get out
and use my cameras more, it's just that today it's raining and...
You may learn more about me
and the things I've dealt with over the past 15 years
on my personal website, at
Until the next episode, spend wisely! Goodbye!
Máy Chiếu Gia Dụng Thông Minh - Smart Projector FHBC-02 - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
TCL 32" LED Smart HDTV w/BuiltIn Roku, HDMI Cable 2Yea... - Duration: 16:13.-------------------------------------------
SMART DRESS REVEALS HOW WOMEN GROPED IN NIGHTCLUBS - Duration: interactive dress has revealed the shocking extent of harassment of women
at nightclubs three women wore a specially fitted dress with sensors to
log how often and where they were touched at a party in Brazil the
information was relayed in real-time using Wi-Fi so a team could track the
harassment as it happened experts revealed the women were touched
over 157 times in the space of 3 hours and 47 minutes nearly 40 times an hour
called the dress for respect the campaign was launched by Schweppes and
advertising agency Ogilvy shot in Brazil footage from the venue shows how various
men approached the trio and touched them inappropriately as they attempt to chat
heat sensors light up as the women are grabbed on their hair back in bottoms
while they attempt to ward off their advances at one point a man holds onto
the arm of one women as she struggles to get away from him the campaign says 86%
of women in Brazil have been in harassed in nightclubs and foreign ten women from
the South American nation and also say they have been sexually harassed while
on public transport school or work juliana schultz tatiana roses in Luisa
castro were the three women who donned the dress tatiana said a woman is not an
animal to be cornered to be captured Luisa said I'm an interesting person I'm
worth five minutes of talking while Julianna encouraged men to talk without
touching afterwards some of the men at the club were shown the footage and
expressed shock and embarrassment the video has provoked a strong reaction
from thousands of women after it was posted online one respondent wrote you
shouldn't need to build a dress to get men to believe women get groped all the
time men should just believe us when we tell them that Brazilian men and all men
listen to women believe women while another said Bravo and Bravo highly
admirable work and innovation to document what we
Nuwas going on all along
Erklärvideo Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung in Österreich - AVM Smart - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Best Foundation for the Mature Face - Smart, Easy, Effective. - Duration: 9:25.Hi, Sharon Danley here with another Two Minute Tip. This week I'm doing an
update on foundation application I'm still using the same Audrey Morris Dual
Finish Powder Foundation that I have for years and it's distributed through
Burelle and other companies. Barring that if it's hard for you to acquire it then
Mac Studio Fix Powder Foundation is my next fave and it's worldwide you can
find it anywhere anyway both of these products are on line for your
convenience now I'm going to show you a before and after picture to show how my
face is aged a bit but I'm still using the same products and I'm just you know
pushing it in just a little bit more so I'll show you the before and after then
how I do it and you'll see at the end
yes this is me I'm just showing you my face before and after the foundation now
take a look at how my eye is lowered here it also makes this eye look a
little smaller because the skin is all dropping and my mouth top and bottom on
this side are smaller so let's back up a little bit here and I'll show you what
I'm going to be using foundation highlighter contour blush to foundation
brushes one for pushing in one for spreading and my basic sponge this is
for contour this is for blush and this is for fine detail around the eyes
I'm taking my sponge into my palette and I'm going to be applying it all over my
face getting the biggest part of it done I'm not using anything other than this
product i moisturized my face Oh about five minutes ago let it soak in I'm not
going anywhere so I don't need to have sunblock going down on the face now I
have some spots and things but I'm not concerned about it because this will
cover it quite well paying particular attention around the nose the chin
the upper lip and the corners of the eyes which I will address with a brush
when I finish this step
now I'm taking the foundation brush and I'm going to go in the same foundation
and just give another sweep over the eyes and start working in the corner
where I have that blue spot and especially underneath along the bottom
lash line where it tends to be a little bit white now you can see the difference
in the two eyes I have dark circles as you could see and I mean my eyes are on
the brownish dark side but I don't use anything else other than this because
it's enough and I don't have time to spend nor do I want to spend an hour
doing unnecessary makeup so now I'm taking the same brush again and I'm
going to just look for any spots that need an extra layer then I'm also going
to now use that same brush and dip into the to the highlight and I'm going to go
into the corner in around the trench and zigzag my way down in an in a triangle
shape again into the corner around the trench and zigzag down while I've got it
in my hand with what's just left on it I just do the center of the bridge of my
nose then I take that dome brush and I combine both the highlight and the
regular foundation together and push push push it in
and push in on the other side
I'm going to do the same thing around the nose now these are the wear and tear
spots on the face and into the corners of the mouth and I have a couple of
spots on my chin here that I'm just going to push in
I'm going to take the fine brush and go over any little spots that are kind of
maybe appearing or if I missed a spot then I'll get into the corner a bit more
also what I do throw a little on to my decollete so that my chest in my face
and my neck are all working as one now I'm going to take the contour brush go
into the darker color going down my chin
because that has grown over time same brush just a little side sweep down the
side of the nose because as we age our noses tend to grow and just finished
that a little bit and then I'm going to take my blush brush and what am I
wearing today red so I'm going to combine pink and orange together and I'm
going to apply it right up here in kind of a C shape
then I'm going to go over top of it with a white slightly shimmer just to give it
some Sheen not shimmer not glitter but Sheen and a couple more touch-ups now if
I had a spot that was a problem I would use some of the Mac long-wear Pro
Longwear concealer dip a little cosmetics dome flat brush into it and
let me see have a spot here so I would apply it like so use my finger to push
it in then I would top it off by pushing not dragging pushing in the powder
foundation if I needed to use a concealer so that's it I look like two P
holes in a snowbank but that's perfect because my neck my decollete and my face
all come together and it's contoured and colored enough for the base for my age
at this stage so that's it fast and easy huh and it's very effective and it
covers really really well you can go from light to heavy coverage
whichever your preferences and having a color lighter and darker than the same
in the same foundation you can blend from season to season it just makes life
a whole lot easier and not layers and layers of product of other products that
you have to fix when you have to touch up and for those in hot climates or
suffering flashes from menopause that sort of thing it's just a wonderful
product the thing is with the powder foundation your skin will glow
it won't melt. Anyway, that's it - still love with the product, still love the dual
finish powder foundation and for 72 I think it still does a pretty good job.
Fast, Easy and Oh So Chic. We'll see you next time.
TSL Plays: Guess The Song - Duration: 11:12.-------------------------------------------
Smart Forfour 52kW Pure Cool & Audio Automaat . - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Sunrise Smart Start on November 30 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
First Impressions - Omars DOGO - Smart Wireless Speaker - Duration: 2:50.This is at the price of an everage bluetooth speaker but with Alexa functionality and WIFI functionality.
Nice form factor and good placement of buttons.
The use of fabric gives it fashion appeal but I feel like it would not survive being knocked around.
I had problems with the setup because I employ MAC address filtering with no SSID broadcast, which I had to temporarily disable.
The help menu item leads to an incorrect website. I was hoping for a guide, FAQ and video tutorial.
I can get by but I have to think about the average user.
Alexa is very useful and especially useful to me as a developer who wants to tinker.
However, not all Alexa functionality is enabled for this device. For example, Alexa on this device is not "always on".
I have to press the Alexa button, to start engaging with Alexa.
Coming from ordinary and built-in laptop speakers, I can appreciate the base and fuller sound coming from this speaker.
Here is a recorded sample to give an idea.
♪ Music playing ♪
Overall, I am happy for what I got for the price. I love the portability and the sound quality.
One thing I miss, is it being waterproof and I would pay more for that. Look out for my full review in the coming days.
I have some questions that I would be forwarding to the manufacturers.
If you want to add questions to my questions then leave them below. For example, I don't know why language is limited to English and German only.
Facebook Carrousel-ads - Smart Lab #34 - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Smart Forfour 52 kW Passion Automaat . - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Smart Cities Challenge $5 M Finalists - Duration: 1:01.My name is Chris Vaughn
I work for the City of Yellowknife
We are in the small community competition
We are amongst 5 finalists for the $5 million prize
Hi my name is JoAnne Michano
I am the CEO with Biigtigong Nishnaabeg
and we are located on the shores of Lake Superior between Sault Ste. Marie and Thunder Bay
We are competing
We are one of the finalists in the $5 million prize category
My name is Stanley Gilpin I am from the Cree Nation of Eastmain
Our community is one of the small communities within the Cree Nation of James Bay
Hi, my name is Rhonda Adams
I am here with the Smart Akwesasne team from the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
So we're the town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
and we are in the competition for the $5 million prize category
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