Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 29 2018

a file cabinet is a place to store important documents.

In fact, you might already be using a file cabinet to store

thing, such as your articles of incorporation,

proof of insurance, business permit, and so on.

but a file cabinet is so ... inconvenient.

Every time you need a document,

you have to go to the file cabinet

what if you're traveling,

at another facility,

or just working from home?

an online document storage is the answer.

your documents are secure and you can retrieve them 24/7

from anywhere with internet access.

You may already be aware of companies that have these services

such as Google Drive,

Dropbox, iCloud, and more.

but none of them specialize in the type of documents you

need to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance.

that's where Simplifya's Smart Cabinet comes in.

So, what makes our virtual file cabinet

so smart?

First, we've already done the heavy lifting for you.

Have you ever tried to go through the regulations to determine what documents you need?

it's, uh, not very straight forward, to say the least.

our team of regulatory ninjas has already done the work for you.

our Smart Cabinet tells you exactly what documents you need and allows you to upload them

all into one place.

Second, we organized the document types

into binders for intuitive access.

For example,

there's a binder called Security Records

In this binder you would upload documents such as a map of your

surveillance cameras visitor logs and other security related documents.

Third, our cabinet allows you to specify the length of time that a document might be

good for. An insurance certificate, for example, is usually only good for a year.

same for a marijuana business license.

however a shipping log might need to be

uploaded monthly.

As each document approaches its expiration,

we'll automatically send you

notifications to help you stay on top of your documentation.

There's more but you get the idea.

Smart Cabinet helps you collect

and organize the documents you need for compliance.

That's not only for today but

also for the day when those documents need to be updated.

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