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Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!
Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!
Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!
If You're So Smart Why Aren't You Happy? - Duration: 7:35.Knock-Knock, Hey I want to talk to you today about three things that will
improve your feeling of happiness! You in there?
It's the Dr. Jim Show!
Is the News important? I think it's interesting if I don't get any news or
I don't watch the news or read the newspaper, what happens to me?
Well, I tested this. I just changed one thing in my life. I tried to go without
any news for a week and I still knew what was happening in
the world because other people were telling me what was going on. If somebody
famous died or something came up that was important people let me know and
this was a time when there was an election happening. It was many years ago
and it was my first experience with this and I realized that I felt so much better
than my friends did. My friends were often depressed talking about all of the
election stuff, but where did they get all this information?
Of course from the TV!
And the news they must know! That they must know! This whole idea of must know
doesn't mean we are stupid if we opt out, but the news itself is not
designed to tell us anything positive. It is designed to inform us of things
that are negative. If you sat and watched and counted, the top story is negative,
the second story is negative, the next story is negative-- everything is negative!
Until the very end sometimes they put something positive on if there's
time! So then let me ask you. Do you want to be happy? Do you want a happy life if
you have time or do you want a happy life period?
If so, you might try the same thing that I tried. No news--and see what happens.
Negative talk and gossip and being negative is also very similar to the news.
If you stop doing that-- talking negatively, what's going to happen
to you? It's interesting. You're going to feel different and that's a big tip!
The second big tip to improve your happiness: I recommend, well here's what you do.
It's simple. Say thank you. Be grateful. Have gratitude. it's that
feeling inside of deep thanks. A strong feeling of thanks and every day.
I thank my body for working appropriately. I'm happy that I have a
place to live. I'm grateful that I have nice furniture, that I have a good bed, all
these things that I have I am grateful for. I'm grateful for what I have and
that's great! I notice the things in my life that are good that's the second
thing. The third thing if you do for a week
you're going to notice a huge difference in your life. Every day of your life for
that week say thank you to anyone, but you don't just say "THANK YOU" Be specific!
Call your mom! Yeah through video phone or if she's hearing,
through the videophone service or use your telephone if you are hearing.
whatever you use, that's fine talk-- with your mom!
and say thank you for raising you and maybe it's not your mom maybe it's your
dad who raised you. Fine call your dad or your grandma.
The point is--inform that person, maybe it's an old friend the next day after
you've talked to your parents you call your aunt and your cousin the next day
someone in your family then the following day you call your friend you
who you were raised with, Someone who you had a positive experience with. Say thank
you for that positive influence on my life. Thank you for saving me maybe from
trouble. Many of us have one or two people in our lives who really, without
that person, you might have a completely different life right so say thank you. if
you do that you will feel differently. It's fascinating. If you do that you feel
better plus they feel better too! you both feel
positive! BLING
Now one thing many of you would say is: Ok I'll just send an email
It doesn't work. It needs to be a communication face-to-face or through
video or through the telephone if the person's hearing, that's fine but you
must communicate. Have a real life conversation! Many of us hate
talking on the phone. We prefer text and so on but you don't have the same
emotional content when you do that so number one, Avoid the news. AVOID THE NEWS!
2. Be grateful! Be thankful for everything and tell yourself this
and thirdly, thank real people in your life! Thank your mom, Thank real people in
your life for what they have given you, what they have taught you, if you do
these three things for a week, you will feel differently.
Now you want all the words? You want to keep improving?
And have so many words in your head you can't hold them all?
Don't miss the next episode. Love you! if you want to see more like this
hit subscribe! It's right there in the corner!
Thank you! Hey Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you! Ahh Thank you! Thank you!
Máy Chiếu Gia Dụng Thông Minh - Smart Projector FHBC-02 - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
TCL 32" LED Smart HDTV w/BuiltIn Roku, HDMI Cable 2Yea... - Duration: 16:13.-------------------------------------------
Mt Smart Stadium transformation | Auckland Council - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Smart Cities Challenge $5M Prize Category - Duration: 1:02.Hi, my name is François-Philippe Champagne, and I'm your Minister of Infrastructure and Communities.
I want to talk to you about our exciting Smart Cities Challenge.
Today, I am reaching out to the five finalists in the $5 million prize category.
The Biigtigong Nishnaabeg, Pic River First Nation,
The Cree Nation of Eastmain,
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne,
and Yellowknife.
I was inspired by your Challenge statements, and I am so excited to learn about your progress so far on your final proposals.
What have you been up to? Who have you been meeting with?
Tell us. I am sure Canadians are as excited as I am to hear from you.
Chief Michano,
Chief Cheezo,
Mayor Mitchell,
and Grand Chief Benedict,
Mayor Alty.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
11-29 2 Cents: Dogs Aren't Smart? - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Smart Forfour 52kW Pure Cool & Audio Automaat . - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Black Friday: Consumerism or Smart Buying? - Duration: 12:59.Instead of sitting home and overthinking
I thought of going around the city of Thessaloniki this morning.
This is not such a cold November's morning in Thessaloniki.
It may be a rainy day but for the time being it isn't raining.
Let's home it stays that way, although I do have an umbrella but you never know.
I think I've shot a lot of b-roll for this video
but you never know if it's enough before it's time to edit.
See how thoughtful my dad is of me?
I'm considering including him more and more in these videos, in the episodes
and have a segment dedicated to his funny quotes...
So, is today's one a vlog?
I dunno, I'm just documenting things
such as the pigeons, or my dad's message
or everything else I've shot till now.
I tried doing an episode on Black Friday, sort of a documentary
but I needed tons of b-roll, for which I would have to go downtown inside the stores
which isn't one of my strengths, my favorite thing...
And in the end that episode was left unfinished
and I'd rather do something like this.
Usually on Monday mornings I'm at home preparing my little one for school
but she's sick today and stayed with her mother
so it was one of the few chances I have to go out very early in the morning.
And since every video that respects itself has drone shots
let's show some of those!
In fact I cheated a bit since these were shot yesterday over here
at a location I am visiting often to test out my gear
which leads though to footage that I never publish.
Thus, today's video was a good reason to show what I shot yesterday.
Because in that Black Friday's episode
I said a few things that I think it'd be nice to be heard
and because today isn't a regular Monday but it's Cyber Monday
I suggest we listen to some parts of that episode.
I'll insert some B-roll to with them so that we don't get bored
which I believe won't be too relevant to the story but I'll try filling the gaps somehow.
Black Friday is the Friday right after Thanksgiving in USA
and the past few years it has been a trend in Europe and inevitably, in Greece.
For many it's the celebration of consumerism,
since, with the excuse of the big deals that shopping malls offer
on the majority of their products
they end up buying things they don't need
and would never think of buying.
For other it's just another day, some snob it
while for some unfortunate folks it may be their worst day:
for the people working in the malls.
For people like me though, it's the day,
or should I say the week given the deals are available before and after that Friday
going past Cyber Monday, that is the Monday right after that weekend
when we renew annual subscriptions of software
and buy products, services and other gear
that we have singled out all the previous months!
For example:
For editing my photos I use Lightroom
for video editing and for producing these videos, I use Premiere Pro
and for filling and signing official documents of my company, I use Acrobat.
All these are pieces of software by Adobe
for which I pay an annual subscription, the so-called Adobe's Creative Cloud.
This week, like every year
I'll renew my subscription
since I know for a fact that I'll keep using all that software in the next year
saving me a big chunk of money.
For running and developing websites
one of the many services that help me is MyThemeShop's themes and plugins.
Here also, by paying a reasonable amount of money in my opinion
I get many tools that will save me time during the launch of a new website.
In 600 meters, turn left.
Of course, there are also one-time deals that we can benefit from only once.
In that fashion, WPEngine, where I host my websites
although they offer great deals these days for new customers
we, the old ones, cannot take advantage of.
Obviously, by doing so companies try to win over new customers on Black Friday
who will be "forced"
to stay customers in the future by paying the full price.
However, that isn't necessarily a bad thing for me
when the service justifies it and is truly worth it, like WPEngine in this instance.
Obviously, I would love to pay 8 instead of 12 months
for hosting my websites for a year
especially when I'm paying for their most expensive plan.
Yet, I haven't found a better solution
I'm hugely satisfied by their services and customer support
while moving websites to new servers (after the first year) is never an easy task.
In addition, by paying up in front, I am charged for 10 instead of 12 months.
It's something after all.
Thus, Black Friday is a good day
to cut down operating costs of a business
especially when it's a web business.
Since internet services are the core of their costs
I believe it's no-brainer for a web entrepreneur to take advantage of Black Friday's deals.
Quickly... Quickly, I'm goin...
In a hurry, before the Service store closes for the day I'm going to pick up the lens
which I had dropped in Skyros during the summer
and the glass was damaged and in general, photos were coming out not that sharp.
So, I hope they have fixed that.
On the other hand, it's easy to be carried away and make unreasonable purchases.
We all feel we need a new camera, a new TV
a new keyboard, a bigger hard drive, or even a drone.
Usually though, deals are offered on older products
luring us to visit the stores for that reason
and ending up buying more stuff, quite often in non-affordable prices
especially, on newly released products.
Matt talked of that phenomenon in a recent video
which was the spark for me to shoot mine today.
Yet, since Matt is a passionate minimalist
obviously Black Friday wouldn't have been his favorite day.
In my opinion we don't have to go to the extremes
and usually the middle ground is the best option.
In simple words, like it's not appropriate
to run over other people on stores' Friday opening
and to charge our credit cards up to their maximum
buying useless stuff just because it's Black Friday,
in the same way I think it's irrational to buy things impatiently two weeks earlier
or during Christmas season just to say
we haven't been victims of the Black Friday's frenzy.
More often than not I recommend not doing what the crowd does.
In this occasion as well, I'll suggest doing what only a few do:
to make a plan of our future purchases quite a long time before
and to keep an eye for deals only on items and services
we have previously singled out that we really have a need for.
As always, our goal is to make more money and not save money
since there's that much you can save
while in making money, sky's the limit.
Thus, if a device or service helps you save time
or make more money so that you improve your way of living
you don't have to think about it. Buy it!
If now, you save some money on the purchase
due to Black Friday, that's even better! Patience is a virtue, they say!
One of the tests I did back then to check out how faulty the lens had been
was to take a picture of Bitcoin's chart
and noticed that the fonts were a bit blurry.
So, here, in a bit of a hurry I took this picture.
I think things look ok and I expect it to have been fixed completely.
I'll run more tests over the next couple of days.
In the end, I am Jim Makos
a nickname I'm using online since the first time I logged in back in 1995
and here in my YouTube channel we discuss various topics
that are more of an excuse for me to get out
and use my cameras more, it's just that today it's raining and...
You may learn more about me
and the things I've dealt with over the past 15 years
on my personal website, at
Until the next episode, spend wisely! Goodbye!
Sunrise Smart Start on November 30 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
How Does Smart AR Help a Shopper? : Smarter Demos Series - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Smart Home Favorites Are A Hit On The Gift Guide For The Holidays - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
smart NC - Duration: the first thing I'm going to hand out is just some log in
instructions to be sure you know when you leave here today where to go to find
what we're going to talk about because if you're like me I can tell you
all day long and when you get back to the desk, and be like okay wait a minute where she tell me to go
um and just a little intro about who knew it
basically we as a college I've been here five years we have an innovative
educators before who knew it, were looking for internet e-learning platforms
with the availability to be accessible whether you're at home or at your desk
or on site. But to be able to find the training at your fingertips
and we had a contract with innovative educators for five years it was turn to
renew the contract between a lot has changed in five years so we started
looking at other options and formally atomic learning is who knew it and the
time of learning kept coming up because what they're doing is a little different
than what a lot of e-Learning companies are doing they had this outcome
face model so not only do you watch a video and typically with E-Learning you watch
the video take an assessment but then who knew it you watch the video you do
an assignment so you prove it the upload assignment and then you take the
evaluation so it's not only watch video then take evaluation your actually
proving what you're doing you have the ability as a supervisor & Tara you've used this before
support you can assign trainings so you can assign training and you can also
assign an assessment just say you don't care they take business that you just
want to know that they've done it you can only assign a training and be done
or you can assign parts of a training so it doesn't have to be a whole three hour
model if you only want them to know where accessibility may be accessibility
would work even it's not only that portion they don't have to continue with
all this other information they don't save it just in time training we do a
lot of this type of you know seated training we of course lots trained we
record but you may just be at your desk and go you know I really wish that you
kind of do this they sail or there has to be a way to do
this easier in Google Docs and that's where this ring comes you can pick and
choose customize that do what you want and not whole bunch of other stuff all
right so I'm gonna take you through what it looks like how to get there
if you have any questions feel free to stop me because I'm pretty used to the
system is that I don't want to go too fast but let me know if you have
questions okay so basically the good thing about a new portal system it's
that you only have to remember one username or password so if you remember
your campus credentials you're in good shape and you don't have to remember but
Jax doesn't know login it myself
okay here's some who knew Italy so which are on the portal like we met with and
you're automatically taken to the north light that's all you got to remember in
order to get into the system there's a couple of ways that you can search for
information so your number one best friend is this search menu of you search
menu is going to take you if you can at least come up with an idea of what
you're searching for it's going to populate anything that's related to what
you're searching so let's just say we're going to find
access so none of them would come up with access like Microsoft Access can
assess ability anything that relates to the work that you population if you
click on the magnifying glass you're going to see everything that who knew it
has in their training that's related to access so you can go through that you
have a 2013 merchant and access of your computer maybe you want to know about
accessible online learning advanced access there's a ton of information that
you have at your fingertips based off of what you search for it in the search for
anything anything else you want me to search for each make they I wish I do
with training based off of eating chocolate anybody want to throw
something out there customer service customer service it's a little different
I don't know this thing so bear with me
customer service over the rainbow mr. return strength us something good what I
mean s is that I think I'm gonna take oh you've got streaming music in internet
radio I'm not quite sure how that relates to customer service so there
must be Oh at last at each service and highlight the aspects of each cost you
also have this boom gasps Snagit got everything that they can think of it
relates to customer service sometimes it may be easier to just do service and
keep it generic and see what comes up so maybe using blackboard crazy with your
customer service maybe you teach online or a hybrid
course like neither there's a ton of modules that you can use that you don't
have to pay for number one we're paying for this as a college number two you can
use this to get your professional development five hours at the end of the
year so you can use it for your performance evaluation after you after
you do many of these training modules and you do the evaluation of me and
you'll receive a certificate of completion you can save that into the
file or you can you any of the assignments that you've already
completed clicking on that button so you don't have to read
or are putting something in a file but if you forget you have a place where you
can go to find it at the end of the semester favorite if you're like me
lessons I'll see something and I think you know what I really wish I had time
to do that I don't have time right now you can say it go to your favorites just
like you do on your computer and it'll stay there for as long as you wanted to
you could run reports based on you know how many certificates and you completed
you can do start end date to find any of the trends that you've done within a
window of time this is where your performance evaluations come in you can
do it for the entire period here in the performance evaluation it'll tell you if
you start and stopped didn't complete your maybe you completed the video
portion and you didn't do that evaluation at the end this will let you
know that anytime you want to go back you can click the who knew it
icon or the Home tab that will get you back to the home screen any questions on
that so I showed you the search bar that's
one way to search there's also what's called pathways when I say pathways
think of tracks maybe you want to know how to be how to create your information
literacy maybe you're an instructor within this pathway you have three
separate projects modules feeding horses pathway meaning overarching umbrella so
in order to complete this pathway you have to take research essentials
copyright copyleft and fair use and evaluating read web resources so all
those together 811 hours yes 11 now before the training makes up this pack
that's what we're always seeing credit for everything there's also another
vision - who knew it this enroll for credit so if you are
maybe you're getting a master's degree or a doctorate you can receive credit
through the University of North Dakota for taking this pathway however as a
college we only purchase the license to do it you have to go through your
department or the foundation because I think there are 150 dollar per credit
hour in order to receive yes one hundred and fifty dollars per credit hour in
order to go through the University of North Dakota any questions about
pathways back home I will show you another way okay so we've talked about
the search bar we've talked about our path links you can also explore by topic
what that means is say you want to learn some more professional responsibilities
in communication these courses are all related to this topic so you can see the
list and it goes on and on you can show 42 more you can go through each of these
until your heart's content you can search by each one of these topics so if
you notice software and technology is here institutional strategy
instructional strategies is here they also have which is wonderful newly added
so they have content developers and Sherrill designers that are part of this
Hewitt team and customers like myself there's a lot of colleges universities
that use them they go to them saying you know we really need to train them
attendance and these developers come up with the information they create the
training but because we bought the license we also get access
in this new they've created so it's an ocean license
so these are the newest trainings that they come up with monthly a notice thing
that this is changing which is great because that means that they're
constantly adding new information you're not just going to see the same thing
every time that you search there may be someone that's in a different place are
you making a new topic that comes up if you search that just means that they're
adding content every you know every month the other thing that you can do is
look under feature this feature section is what are their clients clicking on
the most so as of right now responsible decision making is what their clients
are clicking on from all of their trainings there are entire robustus
though that is what they're clicking on most we're testing and improving social
awareness I think that's a great thing everybody needs to be more socially
aware and improve decision-making so that's the way you can search for
information you have your search tab newly added features your topics your
pathways over here will on the left hand column this is your campus training of
your certificates anything that you completed and you've
done the evaluation you can do your certificates you can print that off say
you're like me you print it you stick it on your desk you throw something away
and it was in the trash no worries go in here can you print it
off the cup we talked about assignments we talked about
okay my campus trainees if you are assigned to training you will get an
email and it's typically 24 hours after the training has been assigned to you
you will get a link to that training via your email say that you clicked and you
somehow deleted that email if you go into this tab you will see anything
that's been assigned to you any questions about that no I have one other
little special feature that is for supervisors so like Tara you will have
you will see this tab and that's a way to assign training assign assessments
track run reports that's what any questions about all right because I have
you guys for another few minutes I'm going to show you some other things and
this is what I did for Welcome Week agent night new faculty orientation and
I'm going to take our employees of it as well because it's great to know the
trains that you can get when you don't have the time to come to something what
about the other times where you may want to get out meet new people see new faces
have group activities and some traits that we do across the college we always
like shrink anything stop ends on training and ohana into Pittsboro we
also allow those can't make it to view from their desk or wherever they may be
and I'm going to show you where to go to find the trades yes I send out emails
now that everybody reads emails so it's nice to know where to go when you're
looking for something now we have a new Center for academic excellence website
it looks a lot better than the old one we're still they can change it so it's
not perfect that's okay we weren't looking for perfect so if you go to
Center for academic excellence you click on professional
all of these are the trainings that we have coming up that when you schedule
whether it's you know right now happening today or if it's in December
anything that we have created will be listed you if you want to go to a
training you need to register why do you need to register you know who can come
back well now that that anything but let's look around there's certain that
we receive and every class on luckily this is what the larger classrooms but
you know sometimes I'm stuck in whatever I can get because you know classes come
first so I may be in a conference room with 12 chairs if I've got 20 people
that show if that tells me I need to do another session also if you write to
serve for a session you get a reminder two days before the sessions supposed to
start you also get an evaluation at the end if
you don't register I have no way of giving you that evaluation
why don't was that important if I wish is a word because I assess every session
when we do and Amy knows just a thought that I do request is not my favorite
thing in the world but I have to have tracking I have to show what we're
offering who's coming did people think it was satisfactory that they enjoy it
was an excellent I have to show something if I don't have people that
register I know it's any live information out so it all goes into
compliance yes in an ATL state great job hi that's what I wondered saying so this
is where you go you can click on any one of these sections you just need your
first last name and email you're done you can add it to your calendar
easy peasy right all right the other thing I'm going to show you is my
professional the bill resources so say that you couldn't make
it to a training session you could go Hornet or Pittsburgh you couldn't do it
introduced but you really really really wanted to be there well I record any
session that I do that is not hands-on and these are screenshots of haven't yet
to those recorded trainees Denise I don't have no allowance she used to help
me with this but if you have the single sign-on portal you're lucky and one was
happy because you only have to click well board guess what you're
automatically in I teach marketing but you don't want to know about that you
want to know about professional development so under my organization's
is your professional development platform here you will see all the
recorded sessions I have ever done so I started back in 2013 and guess what
these go all the way back between 13 there is a lot of great information here
I have people that tell me all the time Dasia I really needed training on XYZ
and I'm like whoa have you checked the blackboard site because we've done that
I mean the good thing about this too is since we started this accessibility
committee on campus the majority of these are closed captioned there may be
a few that are not but I had to work staying for the previous three semesters
there's work really diligently to make sure that we are in compliance to the
accessibility so we've got everything and you're from you know travel
reimbursement I get especially when I'm in here and I really
fill out your reimbursement you know I want to teach on the heart I can't
that's how do I do that that's in here we've got IT tips and tricks Google Apps
Internet Security I mean the physical plant what are they doing what does that
matter Excel tips and tricks the college budget
you know there's we're always adding to this list accessibility with Word
PowerPoint frontline Spanish the ephemeris sessions one of those things
that I haven't ever come to me and say hey look you know I've got some
spanish-speaking students in my class I can't connect with them I feel like
there's this language barrier and don't move how to get over it so we did two
two front frontline Spanish sessions which is just how do you greet someone
how do you tell them we go back for me this simple things so that may come in
your classroom or they come in your office they don't feel like they're
alone I'm not perfect I mean the list goes on and on
MBTI but this is where you can go to find any of those sessions that we
recorded and I'll be adding a fall tab here and you'll be able to see
everything that we've done there as well we also recorded an agile mind so if it
was evening interesting blackboard tips and tricks we also did Student Code of
Conduct I'll be out in that soon this way any questions about that
okay so I showed you who do it I showed you where to go you get the recorded
sessions and then how to find the bikini calendar because I feel like I've given
you enough that would she get back to your desk you can be dangerous but not
too much to really like oh you know what she was talking about one last thing I'm
going to yell I'm sorry but I like having a reference with a bookmark
because I like to read and if you ever lose these pieces of paper hopefully he
will say that there aren't and there again it's just about who knew it and
kind of wrong in where to get there Angela I bet it got so many questions I
don't think so me neither awesome well listen you have anything or
if you need any help in this guy's for you guys too if you're in the system
you're looking for trade means you can't bonded or maybe you're having difficulty
call me about my dance shoot me an email I'll be glad to help you out we're all
learning this together but I think that you know we're down on the track up we
now have this resource we've got to use it it's just like anything else you know
I'm gonna have to pull usage reports and if we're not using it we might lose it
because in the budget so the word that I could share information where I can help
you the better views when we get out of it alright that's all I got see thank
I never dominated with that first the first thing that
Facebook Carrousel-ads - Smart Lab #34 - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Erklärvideo Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung in Österreich - AVM Smart - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Jarvish X and X-AR Smart Helmets comes with 2K front camera, Amazon Alexa support and more - Duration: 3:00.Jarvish has no small ambition the Taiwan based firm claims it will introduce the
world's smartest helmet ever made so what makes their helmet the smartest in
the world first off the company is launching two models the entry-level X
and more advanced X-AR both have an exterior shell made out of carbon fiber
for a blacked-out look and meet the CNS do tea and ECE 22.0 five standards vents
on the top of the head and on the chin provide air circulation so far the X and
X AR sound like pretty standard helmets but it gets better the X is equipped
with a built-in 2 K front camera and speaker and microphone set
voice-activated commands with Amazon Alexa active noise cancellation and
built-in navigation the enhanced X AR adds a our projection
retractable head-up display unit and a backup camera and in case you need some
company on your travels or want to hear a cheeky joke the helmet can even be
connected with Amazon's Alexa Apple Siri or Google assistant the HUD displays
such information as speed traveled speed limit for the area time weather and GPS
instructions as well as caller information should someone be trying to
reach you the helmets are expected to have a battery life of roughly four
hours they receive a 16 gigabytes removable memory card that can be
upgraded to 256 gigabytes they also feature Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capability
that's starting to get pretty smart the - Jarvis helmet models are now available
via Kickstarter the entry-level X will retail for six hundred ninety
nine dollars but during the campaign the 151st pledges will get the helmet for
$399 the X AR will hit the market with a one thousand five hundred $99 price tag
but early birds who get their hands on one of the first 250 units will only
need to pledge 890 $9.00 a $700 discount deliveries for the
ex are expected to begin in April 2019 while the ex AR will follow in September
and shipping is free in the UK and in the US
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