FB.com/AIMAvietnam ► Xe điện gấp AIMA MINI E-SCOOTER giá 3 triệu đồng ► 267 Trần Khát Chân - Hà Nội - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
RM - FOREVER RAIN (Mini Cover Español) | Gaby Hiroshi - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 最强武器爆料,你还在用98k吗? - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 更新优先知,这些隐藏功能你知道了吗? - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
HEADSHOT MONTAGE #2 | Mini Militia - Duration: 2:06.So, Yeah, like fps is a
What can I say, there's nothin like the rush of huntin down people and killin them
I mean, my hearts beatin (x2)
But I still shootin, I still getting the headshot, SNIPE!!
【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界生存 矿洞里的小神仙,遇到就好运爆表 - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 世纪足球赛,人鱼公主没有脚怎么踢? - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
[Ktown4u Unboxing] THE BOYZ - 3rd Mini Album [THE ONLY] All Versions 더보이즈 언박싱 Kpop - Duration: 5:06.Hey, What's up, guys! My name is Jay The official unboxer of Ktown4u
which is the world's best Kpop online store
Before you watch my video please click like and subscribe my channel
Also if you want to buy this album follow the link in the upper right corner
You guys enjoyed my video? Please click like and leave your comments.
It really helps me to conquer the world with unboxing Kpop.
I'll see you soon. Bye~
[Ktown4u Unboxing] MAMAMOO - 8th Mini Album [BLUE;S] 마마무 ママム 언박싱 Kpop - Duration: 2:28.Hey, What's up, guys! My name is Jay The official unboxer of Ktown4u
which is the world's best Kpop online store
Before you watch my video please click like and subscribe my channel
Also if you want to buy this album follow the link in the upper right corner
You guys enjoyed my video? Please click like and leave your comments.
It really helps me to conquer the world with unboxing Kpop.
I'll see you soon. Bye~
[Ktown4u Unboxing] RED VELVET - 5th Mini Album [RBB] 레드벨벳 レッドベルベット 언박싱 Kpop - Duration: 2:58.Hey, What's up, guys! My name is Jay The official unboxer of Ktown4u
which is the world's best Kpop online store
Before you watch my video please click like and subscribe my channel
Also if you want to buy this album follow the link in the upper right corner
RETRO ARCADE RS-07 Chinese clone of neo geo mini, unboxing review and I show its interior ... - Duration: 11:15.Hello viejuners! welcome to my channel! Does this song sound like? [singing] big orange writes
fine bic crystal writes normal two scripts to choose ... hehehe, I know I sing very badly: D
but my daughter likes;). Today I bring you today at popular request the
depth analysis and disassembly internal of the retro arcade rs-07
a Chinese console that claims to be clone of the neo geo mini and in the
video I show what can get to do and carteriticas that you have and to
end of the video, I think you're going to hallucinate, I recommend you stay until
the end and you will see what can reach do, come, let's go there
we will start with the unboxing of the engines as you see is a little bit
Crushed I suppose of the trip from China It has been hard for our little friend in the
outside we can see a summary interesting about the characteristics of what
what is the console carries a 64-bit operating system the
4.3 inch TDT screen and supports these platforms to emulate
well cp 172 that are recreational neo geo in cambodia pance super famicom game boy
color game boy mega drive inn is apart Well, some more things between them
interesting as we can see putting a external microsd card to put the
extra games or whatever we want supports music playback in several
formats and apart we can also visualize photos we also see a little
a summary of what is inside the box
there is a console two controls a cable av a usb cable and the manual in this
part you can see the look you have and the connections that have opened the
box we will see then the first thing that we see is the small manual manual here
we can see then the cables that the mini usb cable parallel to the
console and be able to charge the battery that we can put if we keep digging in
the box here we have a cable for connect it to the television the cable to
uwe with a composite video cable like many of the Chinese consoles that
usually tend to sell lately here we see the controls that it takes
good controls a little small or prejudice but good later on
video you will see how such performance won priori the touch of the buttons and the
cruceta because the relations are bad not they do not look bad and finally, because
console the console as you see is a kind of mini vaart or neo style
geo mini leads to six action buttons the cl wants to be and the lever
analog the lever feels a bit soft a bit compared to the one
is to neo geo mini the console that I've
bought as you see is black plastic translucent but optionally you can
catch buy it in white that model as you see is good it looks like
rather more to the neo geo mini Japanese looking carefully at the console
we can see that it has a speaker bottom just below the lever and
the the keypad and here below to the side you can see then a compartment for
a battery a battery of the type of 18,650 which can be between 2000 and 3000
a thousand buts now so this is one thing very interesting that it will not take energy or
mini this console allows to work with a battery without being connected to
current on the side we can see that they have volume control to graduate
the level of volume at our whim in the back we have then where
both the majority of ports that the console arrives at two usb ports for the
controls an output to connect the cable av so that way we could
connect it with solita then to a large television also carries a
microsd slot to be able to put in a memory card and thus add games
extra to see photos or music after
we can see a power connector mini usb to feed it and apart from
charge the battery and set aside well here you see the typical power button
we use it I'm going to put the two consoles of mini eye and the clone
this Chinese confronted so you see a little the difference at the aspect level
of size you can see that the minin annex win the height by the plastic visor
that carries and good screens too are different between the two consoles the
of the neo geo mini is 4 x 3 of that format and that of the retro arcade is
panoramic format the retro arcades a little wider than Gemini give so
which is a little more comfortable to play and good now at the level of pulsation of
buttons then I think they are at the level they are both very similar that yes the
lever is noted as I said before la la so that they are also not softer in
the retro mayor that not in the mini that it looks more quality where we serve the
console we found a menu in the which can we move to load games
and some little thing more by the way before nothing I recommend you change the language
of the menus because if I do not I do not know that You know Chinese I think we do not know
clarifies jce a lot we go to this option and among the
languages that are available is the Spanish or English as you want and what
They put in Spanish creating a forum seen that some of those consoles
they come from the factory with the games in hidden and you have to do a spell
magical to activate them and make them visible we will go for it we will go
to system info and we will press this key combination in order it reads
what is art xl rp I have done this we will go to the menu
main and we'll see some of the games if we go to the folders that
there are classified by emulators to see the full list we can see all the
3000 games that there are in some cases the games that come in the console come
in Chinese the recommendation that he would use is download the software in English from this
console on the web and install it for they have a tutorial explaining the
detailed steps basically consists of disassemble the console in take out a micro
sd you carry inside and write the software in there with software from
writing of images as you see the systems that the machine carries
the arcade system game boy advance super nintendo mega drive nes and in color and
game boy the games in general you are or moves them decently except
some game boy games apart and super nintendo now you will see what I tell you
problem as it often happens in consoles of this type that emulate other
platforms is not the hardware really is usually the software as is the case
so good now you will see the first that I speak to you very likely several
several games platforms and you'll see what what do I tell you?
great game the audio is very good Image looks smooth moves well either
does not have any kind of problem good how is game boy and game boy color
well three quarters of the same as already wait for these platforms are easily
memorable and go great is going very well problem we have when we execute
games from game boy to bread as you see the audio because in some cases it has
effects in other cases in games are left very well and they do not have any kind of
problem we can also see it with super nintendo games that most
they do not go wrong what happens that there are some that have slowdowns and defects in
the good audio this console is that there people developing the software
alternative to replace the one that comes from the factory
since the hardware is like that of the china console rs 97 that by the way the
I have my way and already in videos later I'll do an analysis then
since they were already working for this machine a laptop and the hardware is
just like this retro arcade that they have a lot of work done about it
so based on a distribution of linux called link books so good at
I developed an alternative firmware for these two consoles which is then
have included a post of several emulators that make it work
fairly good rather better than emulators that
comes from the factory they are even doing tests with an emulator
playstation 1 and they say it's going pretty all this is in the testing phase
so good he has some bugs still as they comment in the forums and
Above all, they talk about having many problems with the theme of the controls
external and such but good is a matter of time to solve all the problems
what they have so that the whole system stable on the screen with solitaire
see is not bad in the camera is not appreciates but
it's pretty good that I do prefer the of the neo geo mini given that good
young and has a resolution and a format that was the same as the
original games of neo geo so they do not have to scale anything and it looks like
a tad clearer what is the neo geo mini anyway
this retro arcade this with chinese is not He sees the problem that I give him
I see is that the emulators that comes from you can change many things of the
aspect then stretches you what is the native resolution of the game adapts it
to the screen to not be 43 well clear stretches it and deforms a little
legs but good this this is You can solve by modifying the software
with the alternative sugar that is developing the thing changes and quite
on the lever and buttons and such the gameplay itself is not bad
I believe that the lever can be improved but it is passable that the controls that it carries
of series to me they do not finish convincing me I find them very small although the
both the crosshead and the buttons they respond well arrived at this point
billionaires worth it or not retro mayor good for me yes that
it's worth the truth is the relationship quality-price is acceptable to think that
the annex of my level is worth the order of 130 euros here in the west takes 40
games and does not take loving extras if we you want to buy us
separated this with Chinese is worth between 55 and 65 euros according to the store where
and it goes to 3,000 games a lot more than the of mini eye and although some do not
the most perfect of series they are playable, it also has two controls
extra already included to see at a general level this clone of the neo geo mini good the
quality of the plastics and everything is not comparable with the original neo-convention
worth or not are not excellent plastics the material qualities are not but
I believe that for the price that is good already gives us a face that is pretty
well it is acceptable besides it has this chopper plus console
we can tweak the and modify the software thing that good the old ones
addicted to messing up gadgets and we it comes is good
with Chinese takes the option to put paraguay drums battery out there lasts the
Battery about four hours approximately by the way to me has
come with him with the pack is worth buy it I came with the battery
I do not know if you buy as there are several prices if you buy something like that be more
cheap just do not come with the battery that yes we can assure you one of
the things that surprised me the most this console to be able to modify it with the
alternative software is that you expand much the possibilities as
you can put this ex arcade this this carca of this TV more than 200 that is
compatible with raspberry and with pc what You put it on and it detects it
it's price you're playing games arcade with a stick as god sends as
this one and it's been going milk and over everything there is also something else that has
surprised very much that is that the alternative software carries as standard
Mr. wake and do not see how it moves the little machine moves it great back very
curious the power of in the machine like this costs juana way 1 and moves it but
perfect as you already know my videos lately they need a lot of love
so 56 likes this video and overcomes 2500 likes I will do a tutorial shortly
how to modify the console put the alternative software and explain you a
little because the capabilities that it has and is where can you get there hoeness ship we
we see the next video, see you later alligator!
How to Build a Cool & Cheap 3D Printed Mini Drone - Duration: 7:10.Radio-controlled drones are extremely popular and you can them in all shapes and sizes.
And today, we'll show you that 3D printers and drones are a perfect match.
3D printed drones are light, agile, fast, customizable and above all: easy to fix
The props and electronic components are well covered, so when you crash, you will usually
need only some extra 3D printed parts.
And you can easily print plenty of them!
Also, drones in stores seem to be cheap, but important equipment is often missing - like
the RC transmitter, so the price is usually much higher than what you see at first.
So let's print and build a small 90mm drone that fits in your palm, but it's powered by
a 2-cell lipo battery, so it has a nice kick and can be unbelievably fast.
Equipped with FPV camera and Racerstar 1103 motors, this little beast is suitable for
both indoor and outdoor flying.
Plus, with all important accessories included, we'll squeeze the costs just under 160 USD.
We've selected a reasonably priced setup, however there are tons of different brands
and parts, so feel free to pick a different configuration, but keep in mind the weight
and dimensions.
FPV is optional and you can buy it later, if you want.
Let's start with the frame.
It's our own design and we printed it on the Original Prusa i3 MK3 with PLA Prusament.
It takes less than three hours to print everything and the assembly is super quick.
Take four short pieces of filament and insert them into four holes in the lower body
The ESC board has three soldering pads for each of the motors.
You can solder the wires in any order you want, because we can invert the motor rotation
with a software tool.
Then solder the JST connector for the battery.
Place the ESC onto the printed frame, the arrow points towards the front of the drone
Wrap the motor wires around each of the arms and secure the motor with four screws
Before you connect the flight controller to the ESCs, add four small spacers.
Keep in mind that the header has to meet the pins.
Also, double-check the directional arrow.
It's time to add the camera.
Our camera has four wires - 5V input, ground, video in and video out.
Check the instructions for your camera to learn which cable is which and solder them
onto the flight board
Now let's move onto the RC receiver.
Take a 3-wire cable and solder it to the receiver pins according to the manual.
Locate the RC input pads on the Flight board and solder red, black and yellow wires from
the RC receiver
Use a zip tie to fix the receiver in place
To bind the drone, press and hold the binding button on the receiver and connect the battery
Then enter the binding mode on your RC transmitter
When the light turns solid, it means the binding was successful
Now we can finish the frame.
First, attach the camera holder to the top body with a zip tie
Carefully push the camera through the central hole and insert it into the camera holder
Take two zip ties and push them through the lower and upper body, but don't tighten them
completely yet.
First, add the battery holder, make sure everything sits in the right place and then tighten the
zip ties.
If you want, you can secure the battery with a sticky velcro or you can use a different
method of your choice
The last part is about configuring the software.
Connect the drone to your PC with a microUSB cable, then download Betaflight tool from
Github and run it.
First, place the drone on a leveled surface and calibrate the accelerometer
Then, go to configuration and change the ESC protocol - in our case, it's DSHOT600
Next, set the Receiver mode to serial and the provider to SBUS or IBUS
We need to enable the receiver port, it's usually UART1
After saving the values, the transmitter should now communicate
We will use the 3-position AUX1 switch to set up arming and flight mode switching.
However, you can set arming to one switch and flight mode switching to another one,
the choice is yours.
We have to make sure the motors rotate in the right direction.
Two clockwise and two counter-clockwise
If any of the motors spin the wrong way, download BLHeli config app.
Open the app, connect the drone and change the direction of the selected motor
Don't forget to save the values. Then run the motor config again.
Finally, attach the props.
There are two different kinds - clockwise and counter-clockwise propellers.
Install them in the correct order and you're all set up!
Happy flying!
Red Velvet Release 'RBB - The 5th Mini Album' and "RBB" Music Video | Billboard News - Duration: 1:04.We talked about the teaser earlier this week and now we can enjoy not only the song,
the music video but the entire project as Red Velvet has dropped
'RBB - The 5th Mini Album.'
The visuals for the title track "RBB (Really Bad Boy)" have a spooky horror vibe and
see the five member group bust out their dance moves in a variety of settings from a pink
room with a checker-pattern floor, to a foggy prop-filled pumpkin patch with the
Hollywood sign lingering behind them. The members go on to escape wolves, pose inside
picture frames, and sing from low-hanging clouds. The EP features six upbeat
tracks which Billboard deem "Harmony-heavy, electropop."
For more, you can head to billboard.com and if you have any thoughts on the new project
or video, I'd love to hear from you down in the comments.
Until next time, for Billboard News - I'm Kevan Kenney.
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