Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 30 2017

Nowadays there are many cool gadgets that deal with smart home.

But unfortunately they are really expensive.

In this video I am going to show you, how you can control wireless sockets with your

raspberry pi, so you can build your own smart home devices by yourself.

Besides a Raspberry Pi, you will need a few wireless sockets.

Make sure you have some with these switches at the back.

With the first 5 switches you can set a system code, that should be the same on every socket.

When the switch is at the top it has the value one.

And when its at the bottom it has the value 0.

In my case the system code is 10010.

With the other switches you can specify, which socket it is.

In my case the switch over "A" is at the top.

So this is the socket A. Furthermore you will need a 433MHz-transmitter.

Connect the GND pin to a ground pin of your Raspberry Pi and the vcc to a 5v volt pin.

Finally connect the pin for the data with the eleventh gpio pin, which is GPIO 17 btw.

Then open the terminal and update Raspbian.

After this step, you will need to install the git-core-package.

At next, clone the wiringPi-library.

Then go to its directory and type "./build".

After this step, go back to the normal directory.

Once you've done this, clone the raspberry-remote.git.

Go to its directory, too and run the command "make send".

For controlling a socket with your Raspberry Pi, you will need to write "sudo" and "./send".

Then write your system code.

Moreover type in the number of your socket.

A is 1 B is 2 and so on.

Finally write a 1, if you want to activate it or a 0 for deactivating.

And as you can see here, I can can control my sockets with these easy commands.

So I can connects other electrical devices to the sockets, that can be controlled with

the Pi.

Thats all for this video.

If you liked this video, please subscribe to my channel.

Have fun with your Raspberry Pi and see you in the next video.



세상에서 제일 말 잘듣는 강아지 Ep.3 smart dog good boy プードル スマート犬_딘이누나♥#207 - Duration: 1:52.




james dean



real dog

fake dog

lego dog


lego city

how to lego

small dog

tiny dog

toy dog

smart dog

good boy


happy time

For more infomation >> 세상에서 제일 말 잘듣는 강아지 Ep.3 smart dog good boy プードル スマート犬_딘이누나♥#207 - Duration: 1:52.


Smart study Vs Donkey study by KG vines - Duration: 3:02.

he is looking outside . :P the window

what is this ?

he is ignoring his teacher :D

Rohit ,what are you looking outside the window ?

girls are passing there

look this student , he is studying

I think You can't study

live your life today

tomorrow will be test

anyone get less marks in test then i will make him a cock

until , you haven't completed your file .

tomorrow i will check that files and Brings your files

Donkey study / Hard study

smart study or smart student study method :P

tomorrow will be test .

Homework ?

i have to do something.


something tricky

Sir ! Sheet !

Sir sheet !

Sir I have done !

*shocking and emotional track*

hello baby Riya !

i am ill baby and i have to do my homework urgently .

Mr. teacher will punish me.

You feel happy if i will be punished by my teacher

please do my homework baby .

Now he has so much time for study

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