Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018

It initially appeared as though Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill would easily

cruise to re-election in November.

But then everything began to go off the rails for her as she made a series of campaign blunders,

such as flying around the state in a private plane while on a purported "bus tour,"

admitting that she'd sacrifice rural votes "in the boot heel" of the state in favor

of urban votes over health care, or publicly announcing her opposition to then-Supreme

Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

McCaskill was also exposed by Project Veritas' undercover videos for being less than truthful

with Missouri voters about how liberal and progressive she really was — and would continue

to be, if re-elected — a problem she only compounded when she made a big deal out of

the videos and succeeded only in ensuring that more voters became aware of the issue.

All of that resulted in her going from having a solid lead in the polls a few months ago

to now being several points behind her Republican challenger, state Attorney General Josh Hawley.

As she desperately tries to regain support, McCaskill's latest campaign ad sought to

distance herself from the "crazy Democrats" that were pulling her party too far to the


That ad didn't go over well with her own Democratic base, however, which compelled

McCaskill to try and walk the fine line between her progressive leftist base and moderate

centrist voters via an interview Monday with Fox News anchor Bret Baier.

During the interview, McCaskill appeared to throw some of her fellow Democrats under the


Asked about her voting record on judicial nominees under the Obama administration and

the Trump administration, McCaskill bragged that she had actually voted in favor of "over

70 percent" of Trump's nominees, unlike her "knee-jerk" colleagues who "get

up every day and try to figure out how to fight the president."

Baier then referenced the "crazy Democrats" campaign ad and asked McCaskill to expound

upon that and identify who she believes are the crazy Democrats.

"The crazy Democrats are people who walk in restaurants and scream in elected officials'

faces," McCaskill said.

"The crazy Democrats are — we have a state senator here in Missouri that actually advocated

for the assassination of President Trump — that's a crazy Democrat.

"I don't do those things.

I'm not somebody who thinks we should ever be uncivil.

I think what most Missourians want is for us to listen to each other, figure out where

we can compromise, not scream in each other's faces, not call each other names.

So I'm really talking about civility here, I'm talking about being polite, having good


But that response didn't really answer Baier's question, so he sought clarity by asking specifically

if there were any "crazy Democrats" in the Senate.

"Well, I would say this — I would not call my colleagues crazy, but Elizabeth Warren

sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks

and credit unions," replied McCaskill.

"I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff."

"So, I'm not afraid … I've done those kinds of things which do separate me, I think,

from some of the 'knee-jerk' folks that just are against the president no matter what,"

she added.

This interview was a blatantly obvious effort by McCaskill to do damage control with the

crucial midterm election only a week away.

McCaskill's once-comfortable lead over Hawley disappeared when she was accurately and repeatedly

portrayed as an out-of-touch progressive leftist who will, more often than not, vote in lock-step

with Democrat leadership and oppose President Donald Trump at nearly every turn.

While that portrayal may serve her well in deep-blue urban centers or endear her to elitist

liberals on the nation's coasts, it doesn't play particularly well with the majority center-right

population of the state she purports to represent.

It is unclear if this naked ploy to distance herself from the "crazy Democrats" that

have become far too numerous in her own party will help McCaskill's failing run to retain

her Senate seat, or if it will only serve to enrage her own base while — at the same

time — failing to win over the moderates and conservatives she desperately needs to

be re-elected.

For more infomation >> McCaskill Sees Her Seat Slipping Away, Throws Fellow Dems Under the Bus - Duration: 4:28.


Puppy Dog Pals | A Seat at the Theatre Part 39 - Pink Pig - Duration: 10:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Smells like sidewalk. Yep. I'd like to get one ticket for today's show, please

I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold too well that's not great at all

But there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob can have a seat at the theater just like you wanted

So I guess we'll have to take Bob's seat to the theater with his he still want mom sleeping hissy

You coming on a mission, too?

Which way is that theater from here, it's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy? It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay

Then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory then let's get Flopsy straight through it

To get to that theater you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay, the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did the Sierra where they're doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won

This is what the people who play get ready to go out Oh beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck

We need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizens a dog sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree. Oh

And as you take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Do you think you'll be coming back? No, we want a mission? Yeah should have guessed mission


Yeah, clean Gazoo. Can't sit on a regular. Nobody failed

Your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater, which is exactly what you did. Bob is going to that show

For tonight, come on

Our new mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

What's this

hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As queen of dog. Sylvania, I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too


We'll see you tonight at our Hanukkah party, right? Oh one missin will do

We light the Chanukah candles after sunset when it gets dark enough to see the first stars of the night and potatoes. Check Oh

Paxton realistic eggs out of the fridge

The garbage compactor mash the potatoes all bingo is just trying to help

Have that special food, but if anybody can chase down rolling things like eggs from potatoes, it's us the Chanukah mission

Okay, we need to find eggs and potatoes in the ground

The farm will have potatoes

We need to be home with the ingredients before Bob gets there so hit it off

Hey kg

You know the fastest way there. I was hoping to see you before I left you're leaving we're gonna miss you buddy

But I'm glad you found a family. Oh, yes, but who knows? Maybe I'll see you around

Good luck on the farm, which means we don't have much time. Then let's double our fuckin tolerance lit-up

Arf is the meeting place arf is helping the Honda Commission. I need some eggs

So Bob can make latkes for Hanukkah partly Omega eggs 'true

Chickens you can answer ancient

Look at that potato

Potato a little and brown and lumpy just like those extra potatoes there

We need to get these to Bob soon. How fast can you get us home? I feel the need

Hopefull loves boats he bulls we need them for boss not anymore

ARF we'll stop them with knowledge Prince. We're gonna eat them robot dogs

Oh, yeah, it's finders keepers bumble. Oh, yeah, right Finders Keepers

We're smaller than those big dogs

Bumble Steve you like to play fetch

The sunset

Hmm it's a miracle they made enough latkes our ancestors. Thought they only had enough oil for one day. I

Love it when we accomplish your mission

We're happy to be here too. She's not talking to us Roley. No way

Hi guys and now your next-door neighbor

Mom dad, I see a star

we light the Chanukah to remember how our ancestors worked together and lighting the candles reminds us to stand up for what's right -

But our favorite part of Chanukah is spending time with friends and family

I'm guessing that meow meat

Now that I fix the bridge

Remember captain dog as always just a phone call away

This sounds important the Great Pyramids of Egypt have mysteriously disappeared

triangular and pointy but now they can't be admired at all because

Those giant pyramids have just disappeared. No

Where don't things go this is terrible

Try to stay dry today did you see how sad Bob was about those pyramids being missing

Well, we're gonna make sure upset Oh smile lands there instead wanna come. Oh, no. Thanks

I really just want to sit here in this warm

By me I guess we'll have to change that on all the posters and brochures holes in the underground passages

The engine some of those underground passages you might find a mummy


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