Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 3, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Mar 1 2018

The Really Weird World Of Smart Meters

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Probably when those who either question and/or oppose AMI Smart Meters thought the situation

couldn�t get any more weird than it is regarding misinformation and lack of transparency about

the so-called �consensus science� that dominates technology, medicine, pharmacology

and vaccines, the makers of one high-profile Smart Meter, Landis+Gyr seemingly has outdone


The website Blacklisted News featured an article titled �Smart Meter Company Landis+Gyr Now

Using Copyright To Try To Hide Public Records.� What happened to transparency, especially

in high tech science? Is there information they don�t want the public to know?

As some background information, back in 2016 L+G took some legal action, which was chronicled

in the Tech Dirt article ��Smart Grid� Company Demands MuckRock Turn Over Info On

Anyone Who Might Have Seen Public Records Docs Involving It.�

It would seem that L+G executives and legal department don�t understand the meaning

of �public records� or they may be desperate to use legal harassment tactics to prevent

information getting out that consumers and others have every legal right to know about

products L+G manufactures and sells.

Enforcement tactics regrettably include consumers being forced�against their wills and by

duress techniques, e.g., no AMI SM, no utility service to your home�by state laws, public

utility commissions and utility companies to be placed on to homes, businesses and everywhere

in between. What is it that I�m not getting when AMI SMs are not mandated in the 2005

Energy Act [Public Law 109-58, The Energy Policy Act of 2005 �1252 Smart Metering],

as that would be unconstitutional?

Furthermore, it�s a known principle in U.S. law that if a state law allows something,

but federal law does not allow/permit it, then it�s illegal! What happened at state

levels mandating AMI SMs? Clue: Check out the UN�s Agenda 21 and 2030 and why AMI

SMs are an integral part of the global surveillance state!

There are numerous informational links embedded within the Tech Dirt article I encourage readers,

especially those who have actions opposing AMI Smart Meters, to research as you may find

some clues and nuggets of information that could help you define the issues you are opposing.

As an example, a Tech Dirt link to Stop Smart Meters! features an �Interview with EFF:

How Smart Meters Violate our Right to Privacy� wherein the Electronic Frontier Foundation

discusses �free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in a digital age.�

Then there�s MuckRock, the online platform that �files, tracks and share public records

requests,� a most readily accessible and valuable resource for any legal action being

researched which, according to Tech Dirt, is

the platform that makes it easy for journalists and others to file FOIA requests.

For more infomation >> The Really Weird World Of Smart Meters - Duration: 3:49.


How to Avoid Crashes at intersections | Crash Analysis Smart - Duration: 7:59.

Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about

flashing traffic lights, intersections, and t-bone crashes. Another video in the

crash analysis smart series. Stick around, we'll be right back with that information.


Hi there smart drivers. Welcome back. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today

about flashing traffic lights, intersections. and t-bone crashes. Now

just as a cautionary note if there is a good possibility that the drivers in

this crash did in fact die or were seriously injured they did not emerge

from the vehicles in the footage that's available so just take that as a

cautionary note before I show you the video now just before we get started

here if you're new to smart drive test we help drivers get a license regardless

of class help veteran drivers remain crash free and CDL drivers to start a

career as a truck or bus driver so be sure to hit that subscribe button as

well hit that Bell that we arranged the notification when I

get the video is up for you so here in the crash the camera is looking

northbound in the city of Spokane Washington in the United States and the

vehicle proceeds northbound through the intersection and from what I can see in

the footage here the vehicle is speeding actually both vehicles I think are

speeding so the vehicles heading northbound the vehicle comes from the

west and is heading eastbound through the intersection the two vehicles

collided in a t-bone crash and none of the occupants from the vehicles get out

it's a serious crash because the vehicle heading northbound hits the other

vehicle almost directly on the center post of the it's a four-door car that it

hits and just on that Center post where the two doors meet the back door in the

front door so the back of the front door and there's a post there where the back

door hinges on and that's where it hit it right on in a direct hit on that

vehicle I mean it was it was almost you know it's one of those crashes that a

couple of seconds either way and it would have happened as it did now one of

the things that you don't see in the video is to the left of the camera you

think that the vision is obstructed of the of the driver heading northbound the

vision is not obstructed as you can see here in google maps of this intersection

it's an open field so had the driver heading northbound looked to the left he

or she would have seen that vehicle coming the same

with the vehicle heading eastbound if that vehicle had a look to the right

they would have seen that other vehicle coming now the other piece in this and

the discussion on the original video and I'll leave that down in the description

for you is the flashing traffic lights and in some US cities and cities in

North America and other places in the world there are flashing traffic lights

between certain hours so it's sort of like midnight to 6:00 a.m. the traffic

lights flash and the vehicle heading northbound had the red light the vehicle

heading eastbound had the yellow traffic light so both vehicles should have

slowed and scanned the intersection before proceeding

and so it's an air on both parts first they didn't slow and scan the

intersection and second they didn't look across the open field to see if there

were any vehicles coming and the other piece that I want to iterate here and to

underscore is the fact that you need to scan intersections even if it's not the

middle of the night you need to scan intersections to make sure that somebody

isn't running that intersection and that you're not going to collide with them

flashing traffic lights just because you have the right-of-way doesn't mean that

you're going to be right and that is proven here in this and one of the

things that we teach new drivers before they take off from the intersection in a

passenger vehicle scan the intersection it's a little different in CDL Vehicles

and CDL vehicles they start to meet vehicle moving and then scan the

intersection to make sure that there isn't anybody coming because commercial

vehicles are slower and one other point about intersections finally is is that

40% of crashes occur at intersections so if you're going to be involved in a

crash there's a one in two chance that you're going to be involved in crash at

an intersection and again the last point that I want to make about this is t-bone

crashes these are often fatal because there isn't anything along the side of

the vehicles on either side that is going to protect us so if you're parents

with young children and you can put them in the center at the back that's the

best place for them because as I said there's nothing there that door panel is

about this wide and it's Hollow there's this thin piece of metal on this side

and there's some plastic on this there is nothing there that is going to

protect you in a t-bone crash and this is why I I emphasize this point again

and again when you're coming into the intersection on the left-hand turn or

you're proceeding straight through the intersection make sure that somebody is

not running that light and the other reason that these two vehicles collided

so heavily on this collision on a t-bone crash was because it was single

direction traffic on both roads so both roads in other words were one-way

traffic and that's why that vehicle is right over to the left-hand side in that

lane because it's three lanes in one direction and you can see that here on

Google Maps so again the points that I want to reiterate scan the intersections

especially when it's flashing traffic lights do not assume that the other

vehicles are going to come to a stop scan the intersection even if you're in

heavy traffic in the middle of the day scan the intersections some cities in

North America in the middle of the night will have flashing traffic lights to

just facilitate traffic flow and the last point is on left-hand turns and

going through intersections t-bone crashes be very very careful on t-bone

crashes because there is nothing in the vehicle that is going to protect you and

one of the things that I argue is that the reason that we've reduced traffic

crashes our traffic crash deaths in the last half century is because

improvements in roads improvement in automotive safety and technology and

we've restrained people and finally the other reason that we've been that we've

reduced fatalities and car crashes is because of medical advances advances in

medical science and hospital procedures and those types of things and I'll put a

link down in the description there for an academic article that I wrote that

argued that and that's the reason we still have the same number of injuries

in crashes as you can see here question for my smart drivers have you been

involved in a crash because somebody didn't scan the intersection leave a

comment down in the comment section there all that helps out the new drivers

and the veteran drivers working to be crash free if you like what you see here

share subscribe leave a comment down in the comment section as well if the

sup Anya head over to the smart drive test website and pick up defensive

driving smart hits a course for new drivers and veteran drivers that want to

remain crash free it's a two hour course and that will help you to understand the

dangers on the roadway how to protect yourself and give you strategies and

information about how to put skills and abilities in place that will keep you

crash free so head over to smart drive test comm and pick up that course and

look down in the description there for the coupon and you get 30 percent off

that course I'm Rick with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good

luck on your road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the

right answer have a great day


For more infomation >> How to Avoid Crashes at intersections | Crash Analysis Smart - Duration: 7:59.


DRAGON SMART CITY - 0905.517.086 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> DRAGON SMART CITY - 0905.517.086 - Duration: 1:08.


asus smart phone like iphone x URDU|HINDI - Duration: 2:09.

thanks for choosing mr.hansome ali channel plz subscribe my channel and support me

For more infomation >> asus smart phone like iphone x URDU|HINDI - Duration: 2:09.


Kouy Theavy - Smart about Money #SuccessReveal - Duration: 24:03.

Kouy Theavy - Smart about money

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Kouy Theavy - Smart about Money #SuccessReveal - Duration: 24:03.


Bollywood diva Sridevi Funeral Full Video Sridevi Death By My Smart Tube - Duration: 4:22.

Indian movie first 'superstar heroine as whom are assumed to be, the শ্রীদেবীর

funeral in Mumbai, the state status has been completed.

On the noon until his body lying down was the city of a sports club - there him the

end of respect to the crowd was countless people.

Bollywood and Southern movie of renowned তারকাও came to him in the last time like to see.

Before Saturday night in Dubai a hotel in 54-year-old Sridevi died.

Forensic the report was accidentally বাথটাবের water down his death.

Eighties during a period was, when the Southern heroine শ্রীদেবীর love was

about the whole of India.

Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, etc. in tongues about আড়াইশোরও more photos by

suddenly he one day movie from the world voluntary-retired to go.

Fifteen years later, a little bit short again in Bollywood back was right, but in Dubai

sudden him to death billions of fan from forever snatched was.

শ্রীদেবীর less than the age of famous Photo সাদমা the hero

Kamal Hassan, his memories to the said, today that the Photo ঘুমপাড়ানিয়া

গানটাই just think explore coming.

Last month, two suddenly the show was - artists as a rule out very a passion show, but both

on that day one another, embrace the.

 Kamal Hassan it yet শ্রীদেবীর co-actor, but he who personally know until,

much of the thousands of people on the Mumbai celebration sports club favorite নায়িকাকে

tears finish away said.

Far Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka or শ্রীদেবীর own state Tamil Nadu also came to many.

ভোররাত from many was waiting নায়িকাকে once the last time the eyes of the will see


Red শাড়িতে wrap was his body, and in around sorted was heroine of the choice

of colors সাদায়.

Bollywood শ্রীদেবীর first hit Photo হিম্মতওয়ালার

hero, veteran actor জিতেন্দ্রই the countless ভক্তর of mind, it

was: "শ্রীদেবীর I still time to go did.

So much less at the age of, too soon as he went on."

হেমামালিনী, line as team-mate actress or Bollywood more all দিকপালরা

about all were the hang শোকমিছিলে.

As unique খেরের words, "শ্রীদেবীকে of' was' by to say it never thought."

শ্রীদেবীর famous Photo Mr India choreographer Saroj Khan again said,

he today once again the children of the loss of mourning found.

Cricket star সাচিন তেন্ডুলকরও came to the generation of representative is,

of whom adolescence and youth spent শ্রীদেবীর one after another blockbuster picture to see.

Afternoon at three by India তেরঙ্গা National flag tight শ্রীদেবীর

body is taken ভিলে পার্লে ক্রেমেটোরিয়ামে.

শববাহী the truck in front of and on both sides of

the heroine leads portrait, and moving car on the side of crying ছুটছিলেন

numerous people.

Afternoon at five in complete the status and Hindu style his final reform is completed.

শ্রীদেবীকে respect to own voice 'কভি আলবিদা not

কাহনা' song singing social media posted মালয়ালি girl Priya

Express ভারিয়ার - just two weeks ago Valentine's day on a video clip

thanks to the overnight দেশজোড়া contact got.

For more infomation >> Bollywood diva Sridevi Funeral Full Video Sridevi Death By My Smart Tube - Duration: 4:22.


Who is Kamaiyab?(কামিয়াব কে?)By My Smart Tube - Duration: 3:49.

Who is Kamaiyab?

The person who has been released from the fire, and the person who has been admitted

to Paradise, he is the one who has been killed in the Hereafter, that is Kamiyab.

If people take the furniture of the world, talking about furniture, thinking about furniture,

looking at furniture but being influenced by the effects of furniture and making utility

goods, they think that it is a mistake of human being.

If it were a lot, it would have been difficult.

If Kamiyab were to be killed - then Pharaoh Kamiyab would be killed.

They could not be Kamiyab, nor was it destroyed.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) Those who succeed in responding

to the invitation of the Prophet's Companions ratyeka hayechenayemana (R :), tabeina, tabeina


Those who were poor, tried to fulfill their daily activities, tried to fulfill their requirements,

according to the judgment of Takdir, 50 thousand years ago, they own some goods, owning some

high-rise buildings, owning high-rise buildings, using good clothes, a lot of money in marriage

Our society considers them to be Kamiyab, and it is said that the family has gone up.

Today they are not as much as the soul dedicated to the day, Shamsuddin was tayalluka with

gechenaallahara away from the family neiei prakita way to succeed, but not; Nakam, this

family has not gone but has read it.

On the other hand, a respected family owned a lot of money, had a car and house.

Because of lack of goods, the goods were left without hands, cars and houses were left without


Today is common house, but now All of this family gets engaged in the day's work, the

prayers are over, the people in the mornings, they are satisfied with the judgments of Allah,

even though the society thinks that this family has been destroyed; This was astabe paribaratii


Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (R :) was the owner of how many shops, he was the owner of wealth!

How big a noble man was!

He reached the state of sacrificing for the day.

He said that he had to give a cloth to the child.

When the clothes are cluttered out of the clothing store, the salam comes from Allah

on that day.

Kamiyab If there were kamiyevi in ​​the land,

then Muhammad (sa :) was the richest person of the world, but Muhammad was not rich.

Rasulullah lived in the house of the family.

He used to sleep on the leaves of the fruit.

If there were Kamaiyab in power, (Peace be upon him) was the king of the whole world,

whereas the Messenger of Allah (S :) was not the king of the whole world.

If there was a Kamiyabhi in the degree, Muhammad (S) was the master of the largest degree,

but he With the success of any furniture naataeba worldly educated person knew the faith and

deeds, with no sampaka sampaka neikamiyabira

For more infomation >> Who is Kamaiyab?(কামিয়াব কে?)By My Smart Tube - Duration: 3:49.


A freaking smart dog Aidi - Duration: 0:18.

woman: put it here, put it here

woman: you go to pluck the car key

close the door too

really good

For more infomation >> A freaking smart dog Aidi - Duration: 0:18.


Episode 2 | Following the Digital Thread: Creating a Smart Part and Managing Its Life Cycle - Duration: 6:38.

(low tempo electronica)

- [Mark] There's an old aphorism that says

an airplane is millions of parts

flying together in close proximity.

At One Aviation, their business depends on

each of those parts living up

to its individual mission.

So the Technical Review Team spends

lots of time discussing ways

to make each part better, lighter,

and more durable.

Today, they're discussing the bell crank.

- So it should be pretty quick

to do the analysis.

- Okay, wonderful.

- [Mark] Ah, the bell crank.

It's one of the many, many parts

needed to keep One Aviation's planes

and its business flying.

That makes it a great entry into

the digital thread.

But first, just what is a bell crank?

- [Ryan] There's the bell crank up in there.

- [Mark] So we've got one here,

and I got one here.

- [Ryan] So what you'll see is

there's a push rod that's attached

to either end of this bell crank

that it's pivoting about.

And what it's doing is driving a

double action of the door so that

when the gear starts to move the doors open,

and as the gear clears the doors themselves,

the doors will start to sweep closed again.

- [Mark] Huh, okay.

Now that we know what a bell crank is,

how do you design one?

Or anything, for that matter?

Well, let's start with how we used to do it.

- So when I jumped in, we were kind of

in a transition phase between

working in a more paper based, or

on the board, and moving into the digital era.

- Okay, so literally on, I mean you guys

were drawing this stuff.

- Right, mylar prints, ink, French curves,

we were kind of at the tail end of slide rules.

Storing them in a drafting room,

a check in/ check out system that was very manual.

It wasn't configuration controlled

in the way we think of today.

So, a lot's changed in the last 20 years.

The visibility that you get,

we referred to a drafting room earlier on,

there may be only one copy of that print.

Now, in the digital age with PDMs,

with a data manager that we have,

we can have multiple people reviewing the same thing

(in unison) at the same time.

- So the system's got a control.

The PLM,

the digital thread is going to have control

over configuration management so that

no one gets the wrong print.

- Right.

- So it's not just about getting a design

out the door quicker,

it's about evolving that design

over time in a way that lets you constantly

deliver an improving product to the market.

- Yeah, we're all about customer experience.

So we want to make sure that whatever we offer

to the customer, is of the best experience

that we can possibly offer.

- As you can hear, designing a part

in the digital thread is not just about

the software, or even the engineers.

It's about the seamless flow of information,

and the right information, at that.

What's even more interesting, is that the

digital thread is nonlinear.

Even though I'm here in the front

of our little demo, I could easily be

in the middle, or even the very end

of a design cycle.

To learn more about how a part enters the digital thread,

I met up with Barry Chapman, in his hometown

of Chicago, Illinois.

Barry is the Vice President of Aerospace and Defense

for Federal and Marine Industries at Siemens PLM Software.

And he has an informed perspective on this topic.

Barry, I want to understand,

we talk about this notion, the digital thread,

end to end, cradle to grave.

How does a part actually get into the digital thread?

How do we start?

- The first way to start from the beginning

is you design the part.

If you design the part in the system

you're right.

But now you can scan parts.

So you could digitally scan a part

that's existing.

- When you scan it I'm going to

get the external dimensions

of this thing and I'm going to bring it in,

and I'm still going to be able to

manipulate it in this digital world

to either clean it up or get what

I need out of it. - Right.

- And that's what different now than

in the past.

In the past you just take a picture

and you call it a dumb part.

Well now it's no longer dumb, now

it's a smart part.

You could actually take it and manipulate it,

and you could change dimensions on it,

you can change the curvature of the part,

you could actually manipulate the part

and create something new on it,

or modify the existing.

That's what's unique now.

- So scanning is one way.

But I also want to learn how to design

a bell crank from scratch.

In this case, the digital thread really shines.

Here we can draw on the data and design

requirements for this and other products

from across One Aviation's portfolio.

- Okay so on the left we have our Product Data Manager

which currently at our company is Team Center.

And on the right we have NX, which is

our design software.

And what's on the screen specifically here is

a digital twin, or an electronic copy

of what I'm holding in my hand.

We're still in 3D space.

But on this file, if I actually switch to

drafting for this file, now I have

- This is your drawing space.

- This is our drawing space.

Now, ten years ago, or in the past

what happens is this actually comes before this.

Every file inside NX has a modeling space

which is a three dimensional environment.

And then it has the flip side, which is the

two dimensional environment.

So the design process actually happens

entirely in the digital world.

And then we move to the point of cutting chips.

- Meaning fabricating the product.

- Yes. When you set up a drawing,

you're telling a story to somebody.

And that story has to be in the context

of the audience.

So the audience here is going to be a whole

bunch of different folks all the way

from the manufacturer, the supply chain

that teaches people that have to buy it,

to the people who have to inspect it

to make sure that it conforms.

- Can you draw something simple for me?

- So let me start with a blank page here.

What you're going to see is, as I draw this part,

the real part is going to start really popping out to you.

- So I'm going to guess those are holes that you

just drew that are going to be in this ultimate part.

- As a matter fact, of the corners of the part.

So if you can imagine, what I'm drawing is this,

the outside shape in this outside shape.

So now what I have is a sketch

that I've extruded in 3D space.

So now I have a solid.

- So now I've actually gone from two dimensions

to three dimensions.

- Absolutely.

I've taken a two dimensional sketch,

and turned it into a three dimensional object,

in 3D space.

- How is it that I can use tools like this

to think about achieving the goal of

light weighting this part?

- That really is dependent on the level of

analysis that you're willing to throw at it.

Right now, we are looking toward where the

topology optimization would be something

that just becomes ingrained in our normal process.

- Okay, so what I take away from that is

we've got to go learn something about topology optimization.

- Absolutely.

- [Mark] Coming up, we'll learn how topology optimization

can help One Aviation create the next generation

of lighter, better bell cranks.

(low tempo electronica)

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