(low tempo electronica)
- [Mark] There's an old aphorism that says
an airplane is millions of parts
flying together in close proximity.
At One Aviation, their business depends on
each of those parts living up
to its individual mission.
So the Technical Review Team spends
lots of time discussing ways
to make each part better, lighter,
and more durable.
Today, they're discussing the bell crank.
- So it should be pretty quick
to do the analysis.
- Okay, wonderful.
- [Mark] Ah, the bell crank.
It's one of the many, many parts
needed to keep One Aviation's planes
and its business flying.
That makes it a great entry into
the digital thread.
But first, just what is a bell crank?
- [Ryan] There's the bell crank up in there.
- [Mark] So we've got one here,
and I got one here.
- [Ryan] So what you'll see is
there's a push rod that's attached
to either end of this bell crank
that it's pivoting about.
And what it's doing is driving a
double action of the door so that
when the gear starts to move the doors open,
and as the gear clears the doors themselves,
the doors will start to sweep closed again.
- [Mark] Huh, okay.
Now that we know what a bell crank is,
how do you design one?
Or anything, for that matter?
Well, let's start with how we used to do it.
- So when I jumped in, we were kind of
in a transition phase between
working in a more paper based, or
on the board, and moving into the digital era.
- Okay, so literally on, I mean you guys
were drawing this stuff.
- Right, mylar prints, ink, French curves,
we were kind of at the tail end of slide rules.
Storing them in a drafting room,
a check in/ check out system that was very manual.
It wasn't configuration controlled
in the way we think of today.
So, a lot's changed in the last 20 years.
The visibility that you get,
we referred to a drafting room earlier on,
there may be only one copy of that print.
Now, in the digital age with PDMs,
with a data manager that we have,
we can have multiple people reviewing the same thing
(in unison) at the same time.
- So the system's got a control.
The PLM,
the digital thread is going to have control
over configuration management so that
no one gets the wrong print.
- Right.
- So it's not just about getting a design
out the door quicker,
it's about evolving that design
over time in a way that lets you constantly
deliver an improving product to the market.
- Yeah, we're all about customer experience.
So we want to make sure that whatever we offer
to the customer, is of the best experience
that we can possibly offer.
- As you can hear, designing a part
in the digital thread is not just about
the software, or even the engineers.
It's about the seamless flow of information,
and the right information, at that.
What's even more interesting, is that the
digital thread is nonlinear.
Even though I'm here in the front
of our little demo, I could easily be
in the middle, or even the very end
of a design cycle.
To learn more about how a part enters the digital thread,
I met up with Barry Chapman, in his hometown
of Chicago, Illinois.
Barry is the Vice President of Aerospace and Defense
for Federal and Marine Industries at Siemens PLM Software.
And he has an informed perspective on this topic.
Barry, I want to understand,
we talk about this notion, the digital thread,
end to end, cradle to grave.
How does a part actually get into the digital thread?
How do we start?
- The first way to start from the beginning
is you design the part.
If you design the part in the system
you're right.
But now you can scan parts.
So you could digitally scan a part
that's existing.
- When you scan it I'm going to
get the external dimensions
of this thing and I'm going to bring it in,
and I'm still going to be able to
manipulate it in this digital world
to either clean it up or get what
I need out of it. - Right.
- And that's what different now than
in the past.
In the past you just take a picture
and you call it a dumb part.
Well now it's no longer dumb, now
it's a smart part.
You could actually take it and manipulate it,
and you could change dimensions on it,
you can change the curvature of the part,
you could actually manipulate the part
and create something new on it,
or modify the existing.
That's what's unique now.
- So scanning is one way.
But I also want to learn how to design
a bell crank from scratch.
In this case, the digital thread really shines.
Here we can draw on the data and design
requirements for this and other products
from across One Aviation's portfolio.
- Okay so on the left we have our Product Data Manager
which currently at our company is Team Center.
And on the right we have NX, which is
our design software.
And what's on the screen specifically here is
a digital twin, or an electronic copy
of what I'm holding in my hand.
We're still in 3D space.
But on this file, if I actually switch to
drafting for this file, now I have
- This is your drawing space.
- This is our drawing space.
Now, ten years ago, or in the past
what happens is this actually comes before this.
Every file inside NX has a modeling space
which is a three dimensional environment.
And then it has the flip side, which is the
two dimensional environment.
So the design process actually happens
entirely in the digital world.
And then we move to the point of cutting chips.
- Meaning fabricating the product.
- Yes. When you set up a drawing,
you're telling a story to somebody.
And that story has to be in the context
of the audience.
So the audience here is going to be a whole
bunch of different folks all the way
from the manufacturer, the supply chain
that teaches people that have to buy it,
to the people who have to inspect it
to make sure that it conforms.
- Can you draw something simple for me?
- So let me start with a blank page here.
What you're going to see is, as I draw this part,
the real part is going to start really popping out to you.
- So I'm going to guess those are holes that you
just drew that are going to be in this ultimate part.
- As a matter fact, of the corners of the part.
So if you can imagine, what I'm drawing is this,
the outside shape in this outside shape.
So now what I have is a sketch
that I've extruded in 3D space.
So now I have a solid.
- So now I've actually gone from two dimensions
to three dimensions.
- Absolutely.
I've taken a two dimensional sketch,
and turned it into a three dimensional object,
in 3D space.
- How is it that I can use tools like this
to think about achieving the goal of
light weighting this part?
- That really is dependent on the level of
analysis that you're willing to throw at it.
Right now, we are looking toward where the
topology optimization would be something
that just becomes ingrained in our normal process.
- Okay, so what I take away from that is
we've got to go learn something about topology optimization.
- Absolutely.
- [Mark] Coming up, we'll learn how topology optimization
can help One Aviation create the next generation
of lighter, better bell cranks.
(low tempo electronica)
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