for Kaiser Willys Auto Supply this is valve train and parts Jeep and Willys
4-134 L engine shop 24/7 at and here's what its gonna look
like when you have all your valve train installed this is a new for 134 L engine
block the go-devil it's for 1941 through 53 MB GPW CJ-2A
3A, M38 and Willys truck station wagon and the Jeepster
using a preassembled intake and exhaust manifold will help you to properly
identify where to place your new intake and exhaust valves insert your valves
into the correct valve guides I know that building these Willys and jeeps
can sometimes be a little confusing as to whether or not your wagon has a
6-226 Super hurricane or is 6-161 lightning L head motor if you have
any questions we do have an engine application guide at the bottom of our
engine section at and of course if you have any questions
please give us a call at 1-888-648-4923
or email the next step in our valvetrain assembly
is to install the intake and exhaust valve springs the spring retainers and
the split valve spring locks to do this you'll be using a valve compression tool
and what you're going to need to do is compress the spring until the retainer
goes over top of your valve tap it and the adjusting screw for the lifter now
that you've installed all of your Springs retainers and locks push your
valves into the locks to lock them in place
and finally using a feeler gauge adjust your valves to the proper clearance if
you're having any technical difficulty building your new Jeep or Willys engine
we do have a tech guide at the top of for all 1941
through 1971 Willys and Jeep vehicles and of course you can always get the right
Jeep parts and accessories 24/7 online at on behalf of Kaiser Willys
I'd like to give a special shout out to all of the great people out the Willys
reunion that helped make this engine build possible thank you
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