sorry welcome dollars it says my name is Chelsea Gary I'm the program coordinator
in the office of student experience our speaker this afternoon will be Miss Pemra
Cetin she is with us from the VCU School of Medicine and is the financial aid
director and associate assistant Dean of Student Affairs before she begins just a
few reminders you all have an evaluation please take the time to fill this out we
do take those seriously so we want to make sure that we get those back from
you before you head out also hopefully you grab some information about our iGrad
financial literacy online resource we really encourage you all to check that
out it's free for all Health Sciences students also if you register for an
account you have the chance to win free money that's $250 a semester so if you
have any questions if you have any questions about that feel free to stop
by the resources table on your way out
but without further ado please help me in welcoming miss pemra cetin
thank you Chelsea Hi everyone
as Chelsea mentioned I am the assistant dean for student affairs and financial aid for the
School of Medicine so how many of you are medical students ok so my students
are here I know we had about 40 hours RSVPs but hopefully
so we have been partnering with the officers in experience since last year
to give some additional resources to NCV campus on different topics that one of
them is obviously today budgeting and sparks planning
I think majority of it is common sense and you already know it so we will
probably reinforce or refresh some of the things that we already know and
maybe come up with some new ideas how many of you are undergraduate are there
any undergraduates in the group okay so dental I have dental students
Pharmacy okay Health Sciences I know I have my medical students any any other
program I'm missing its ph.d program okay so welcome you all and so I would
like to introduce you to Jessie Jessie is in Health Sciences and she has a little
bit of discomfort about financial matters because she is not really making
a budget she's not spendimg her refund based on her oh you know paired budget
she has no clue about her loan balance and she also has no clue about her
credit information do any of you feel like you're more like just Jessie you
could be honest okay I won't hold it against you so you're like I'm just getting what the financial aid
people are giving me and I'll be able to have to pay this when I graduate so I'm
not even worried about you can be as honest
you want this is your safe environment okay so the so we know some of you are
that way and some of you are in our office all the time that you might
drive us crazy but so so it is fine the the goal of this presentation is
obviously to start thinking about what you can do to change that
so Jesse's situation is probably not unique majority of you could be thinking
like this however the fact that she has no idea about her student loan history
is not forgivable because as students I want you to know that you have access to
your own personal student loan history at any time you want all of your federal
loans are listed on nslds website which is the national database system you do
not have to take notes because this presentation will be can be emailed to you
you already gonna be posted on me of some student experience website so you
can have this presentation at the end not learning knowing about your credit
is also not a good excuse because you can go to any old credit
and you can find out about your credit and it is a safe website to get your
credit so if you feel like you're Jesse please look at these two resources and
you will find out about your information now meet there Derek is a medical
student who's in the last year of his medical education for this patient
interview season now and then he will move on to residency and even though he
has done all his homework he kept in touch with the financial aid people he
was lucky enough to get a couple of scholarships but he's an out-of-state
student as you know out-of-state pays a lot more than the in-state students and
now he's faced with a huge amount of student loan debt
and even though he feels he follows everything and he did everything right
he is a little bit concerned about the amount of debt that he is going to graduate
with how many of us are in that boat okay some honest people okay I am little
concerned about the debt that I'm gonna have so we're gonna talk about hopefully
a couple of things that will ease your mind now professional schools have very
detailed exist counseling so I know some of you are dental I know mrs. Kennedy
does that when you're at the final stage or right before you graduate we do
that here at medical school but if you're attending a program that does not
have like either group or in-person counseling you can contact the financial
aid person of that school and you can request in for some counseling before
you move away from campus okay so it's usually very beneficial to have that
conversation with a financial aid person I know professional schools of this
management straight but not all programs do it in a mandatory manner so budgeting and some of the
components to understand when it comes to budgeting so your budget obviously
the main made up your income and expenses and your expenses are
categorized is like this so you have your fixed expenses you have your
flexible expenses which makes up your total expenses and then you have your
monthly income and your disposable income monthly income is basically
everything you have as income disposable income is what's left over after the
taxes are taken out so these could be new to you because you most of you may
not have earned income yet or all your life you were you want straight through
all the schools that you attended and maybe other than a couple of part-time
jobs they don't have you know regular jobs to
reach to that level yet but this is what makes up your budgeting your income and
obviously your expenses fixed expenses are always fixed since your students
your tuition is your fixed expense it never changes that you have no power
over changing it you're flexible expenses could be you have to I know you
have to I don't know maybe sign up with one of the cable providers or majority
of the students are not using cabling or you go just online to do stuff so maybe
Hulu membership Netflix membership something like that that is not a
necessity but you may choose to have it and you may maybe depending on what you
choose the expanse may change for you you may when it comes to fixed expenses
as a student you have the rent expense which is your major expense if you're
not living with your parents you may choose to live with a roommate or choose
to live in a little bit of a cheaper apartment to control that fixed expense
so so you may look into those things as well so you can play with it a little
bit what is budget you know what's budgeting
obviously budgeting is a spending plan for your money
so a budget takes income and expenses into account and provides estimates for
how much you may have spent over a given period most of you will be talking about
budgeting per semester because I know it means you be paid and we charge your
money based on the semester so majority of you are dividing your money ovals
over fall spring and then if you're attending summer that that's another
award that we do and you get your refund so your you will need to since you're in
budget main income is financial aid you will need to think about in terms of
semester based budgeting because that's when you get paid right
so when you think about budgeting you will also need to take into account okay
fall semester could be less number of months than the spring semester for you
or vice versa so whatever refund you're getting you
will divide it among those months and obviously you have your fixed expenses
in your budgeting you will need to have some cushion for your emergencies but
you don't necessarily have to borrow against your total cost of attendance
unless those emergencies that happen so what I'm trying to say here is you're
all given a certain cost of attendance that is the maximum financial aid you
can borrow if it's mostly made up of loans so if you are able to stay below the
maximum cost of attendance per semester then you're fine and majority of you do
that I see that majority of your are very conscientious about your
borrowing however if you're an out-of-state student and your cost of
education is much higher and you're out to get an apartment which is a little
bit more expensive or you're the kind of person who can't do well with a roommate so
you need to have your own place so it is very possible that you are borrowing up to the cost of attendance
and therefore you need to divide that maximum refund that you get per semester
over the number of months based on your expenses and you're going to think about
all of those fixed expenses that you can't change which is your rent and tuition
fees and any other school related medical expenses and the other expenses which
could be a little bit of luxury that you may be able to change so I already
talked a little bit of this these are your choices you know when you're
looking at most of the time as the doctoral students so understanding your
needs and wants is a big thing on budgeting right so some of the things
are your wants you may not necessarily need to spend like some of the things
are on your other expenses list are your needs that you have to spend there's no
way out of it so rent obviously is what I need because you have to look somewhere
unless you're living with your parents is anyone living with the parents okay
that's very good you're saving a lot of money don't worry about leaving your
parents house yet save as much money as you can so there is nothing wrong with
you living with your parents even if you're in medical school if you can but
for those who don't and I know most of you don't you have your own rent so it is
an expense that you have to pay every month food obviously you have to eat to
survive a little something for the girls manicure
some may think that it is a necessity but maybe you can do it more you know
not every weekend but let's often as a student gym membership is big among the
guys they have to do the gym membership but you don't have to have one here
why because we see you gives you gym membership to VCU so it's all there
so utilize it to the max vacation okay
of course you're studying hard you deserve vacation but you're not supposed
to go on your vacation with student financial aid refund right so you're not
supposed to have these extravagant vacations on your financial aid refund
why because these are student loans you're borrowing against your future so
when you're planning a vacation and majority of it is coming from you're
student loan think about it and as far as I'm concerned if you're doing that it's
best that you don't share it with me or with the financial aid people new
cars so some of you are in it in some type of education that requires you to
have your own transportation I know medical students go to different
rotations you may be in a program that also requires that so you may need to go
train somewhere else other than the school campus so so cars are sometimes
necessity when you start a professional program so you most of you bring your
own car or you're you're good for a year or two without a car and when
you're in the third or fourth year you you need a car and what if what if your
old car breaks down while you're going through your education so now that
you aren't counting on having a car expense but now you're forced to buy a new car
and your parents can help you a little but you're gonna have to come up with all
these expenses so these are things to consider gifts for friends forget about
it you are all students you don't need to buy gifts for your friends you're
working off a budget that you're borrowing with
a little bit of a high interest rate from the federal government
why I said that because the student interest rates have been a little bit
higher than the market right so private student loans right now are providing
cheaper interest rates if your credit is good however you are majority of you
here I would say 90% of you who are here today are in some type of Health
Professions field when you're in Health Professions there are some loan
repayment programs that you may benefit in the future that's why we would like
to keep you in the federal student loan borrowing but the federal student loans
are good and they come with a lot of benefits but interest rates that you're
currently borrowing are at a little bit higher rate than the market so that's
why it's another reason you need to be conscientious about your borrowing and you
need to be conscientious about your budgeting so that hopefully you
don't always borrow up to the maximum that's available today right dining out
okay you're gonna have to do one or two things that it's just some type of
pleasure so you can't avoid everything but this is the main post most of you
have eating out basically when you're especially away from home if you're
packing your lunch that saves a lot of money so I would strongly suggest that
you prepare your own lunches here and there you will have
do many dinners outside but very most of you will be spending so much money on
your lunches if you're always eating out so I strongly suggest that you pack
their lunch some of you may have credit cards which is a good thing
if you're using your credit card to build credit history or you're using
your credit to use it for emergencies that's fine
you can also use your credit card to keep your track of your spending so you
can charge everything and at the end of charging everything if you're paying you
it in full that's fine that is if you pay the credit card bill within the
grace period whether it's 25 days sometimes it's 25
sometimes it's 30 depends on the credit card now that's fine it helps you to
build your credit as well as keep track of your spending why is it important to
keep track of your spending you can look at some of the things maybe you are
unnecessarily spending or charging and maybe next what do you change that and
maybe you have a aha moment hey you know I've been spending so much on lunch
eating out now I would have had to pack my lunch kind of thing tuition and fees
there's nothing you can do about it so tuition and fees are set by the by the
school and since we're a state institution is set by the Board of
Visitors based on the recommendation of the school so whatever tension piece you
have that year unfortunately I have to pay for it we have been good at keeping
our tuition increases to minimum but unfortunately the times have changed we
had a little bit of tuition increase in the medical school or especially the
out-of-staters this year so you need to you need to worry about that too
health insurance how many are still on your parents out insurance ok so once you're no
longer able to be on their insurance that's gonna be another cost per year in
most cost of attendances or budgets financial aid budgets we do provide
health insurance allocation corrigan so with the university does not
automatically charge you the health insurance but majority of the COTS
Professions programs require that you have a passenger's because you're
dealing with patients right so they have to shoot the delegate and then the cost
of attendance for you and you go out there and search for the health
insurance that you wanna purchase but that's that's a mandatory cost for you
so question your needs and wants that's where I'm coming with all of these items
so why do I want it if you're about to spend money on something number one
remember it's your financial aid money that you're borrowing against your
future number two why do you want it would this change your life if you had it
and which things are important and essential to me okay so do you have to
have that manicure so that you know is there any way maybe you can do it
yourself or do you have to sign up for ACAC rather than utilizing VCU
gym so or maybe it's as easy as you know achieving your health care goals maybe
it's as easy I was taking a walk okay so think about all of these things and
think about the interest rate on the most that you are borrowing so I suggest to think
about it for a day before you make that non-essential spending and if you still
have to have it do it and suffer the consequences because you're going to suffer the consequences there's nothing I can do at
that point if you thought about it you still want to do it you're all adults so
you're gonna do it okay so let's talk about where you're at with your life so
your reality is majority of you or all of you this is a true statement if I
said all of you have no income at this point because you're old full-time
students it's not a true statement so some of you are working okay so some of
you are working but I would still think that majority of you have no income so
you are relying heavily on financial aid you may be receiving some help from the
family but I know if they have already paid for your undergrad probably
they're done you're there like okay I'll help you some but you're pretty much on
your own in the professional or graduate school
and some of you may be working like I said part-time or occasionally having
the full time job so but pharmacy dental medicine
I don't know if I'm missing anyone else we do not recommend our students to work
while in school because it will greatly affect your success I know for sure
medicine would we tell our students you cannot work so if you do your grades
will suffer you're success will suffer and we don't want that to happen why
because most of you will have to take probably boards
medical students to move on with residency and how you did in medical
school affects how how well you will be matching to the specialty program that
you will match dental students may want to move on to postgraduate dental there
are so many other specialties that you can even be more specialized rather than
general dentistry so how you're doing in all of these schools will affect your
future careers so that's why we don't recommend you work that's why you don't have
the other income that we might earn if you are working part time as students so
again even if you're an undergraduate student which I think we don't have any
undergraduates but in case we have one or two I'll say working two modules
affect your GPA which will then affect your success in getting to the
professional school that you may want to get into it's almost the undergraduate
degree is almost absolute now nobody continues their likely that at least
having a master's degree so I see a lot of people now not leaving at the
undergrad level and moving onto masters or more so what you do as a
student at the undergraduate level will definitely effect you so your choices so if you rely
on financial aid I always say always apply to the beginning of the cycle
majority of this group right now is graduate or professional students and
honestly there's not much free help other than two scholarships that you may have
other than maybe something that you can find on your own or what the school
itself is providing definitely listen to the financial aid person because each
school is awarding their scholarships differently so here we have a separate
application and which is called profile I know dental is not doing that and I
know other schools are not doing that so whatever school you're attending
definitely follow the instructions that they are telling you to be at least
eligible for a scholarship if you're eligible for a scholarship even if it's
just $5,000 per years it does reduce the amount of loans that you're borrowing
right so it helps you with your future debt and you still get the cost of
attendance that is dedicated to you for your expenses but the variation of what
you're getting at least you will have a little bit of less debt upon graduation
again graduating on time saves you a lot of money so if you graduate from your
school's on time that is less expenses for you right so if your time within
your school is extended what is that what happens you have to pay at least a
semester or two more tuition you may need to borrow more loans and now your
expenses that we talked which is the fixed expenses tuition and
fees and your rent that now that you're you're here one more year so it's going
to go all up being successful graduating on time definitely gives you you know
it's a plus you don't have to spend as much so if if you're going to attend a
masters or a PhD program or a professional school if you're staying in
state school you're saving a lot of money but if your heart is attending to
that out-of-state school don't let borrowing defer you from your goal because
maybe you know you think the curriculum is a better match for you and you rather
attend there it would never hurt you to be in touch with the financial aid
office because the financial aid office may have something that you don't know
or you're not aware even a simple email to whoever your contact is in the school
that you're attending may provide you some type of guidance so keep in touch
with your financial aid people it could it could be hey what's available to you
and they may not tell you anything that's free that's available but it
could be a future advice don't have to pay your student on it could be sit down
with one of them work on a budget sheet for you for a year it could be any of
those help areas that you get help from the financial aid office if you make
usually if you make an appointment we have time to sit down with you at the
School of Medicine we try to see whoever walks into our office
immediately but if it's like hey can you sit down
with me and work on a budget with me we will do that but it's best probably to
make an appointment your personal goals so at this point your personal goals
will definitely affect your budget so I gave you a sheet that has the majority
of the goals the highlights of the goals your goals here at this point the main
job that you have is your obstinance so your main goal I would suspect is
educational you have social financial family health and recreational so these
aren't the types of goals that shape your life right so I don't know if I can
have probably a couple of minutes to work on an exercise so I told if you
think about your personal goals and what they are if you can identify what's most
important to you it can affect your future budgeting and you can budget
around those expenses or get rid of the expenses that aren't awarding you you
know from reaching those goals so these are your basic goals basically your life
is based on you can think of what are those goals and what goals are important
and how to prioritize those goals if you can take maybe at least a couple of
those goals maybe I gave you one two three four five six goals and maybe it
answered the three most important wants to you and I'm not going to ask anyone
to share so let's take two minutes and on the sheet just for your own good
write down what goals are important to you and what are you trying to achieve
it could be as simple as pass the exam pass the boards finish the years pay my
rent on time you know so it could be as simple as that I'll just give it two
minutes okay two minutes is up I know this is so rush but I don't have so much
time it's only a 45 minute presentation so
one one one more question before I move on how many of you actually create a
budget to spend your financial aid so you don't run out of money okay I see a
few hands how many of you don't create a budget but you don't run out of money on
your good even though you don't create a budget okay how many of you don't create
a budget and you always have financial problems and you always have to go get
more loans more loans because you didn't do and plan well nobody's brave enough to raise their hand
okay that's fine so how many of you can share what you came up with I'm
not going to force any more is that anyone who can share you wanna share it
okay we have one great person okay so and you hold any of the goals that
okay so for financial goals she has had her credit card debt paid and start
investing okay it's very important to see the picture and to have your goals
and have them clear why because based on what you have in your mind and what you
want to achieve you're gonna work towards is right so if
you didn't have my credit card that goal you're not gonna work towards it so
seeing it is half of the achieving that's why it's very important you'll
have a moment with your self and you look at okay when it comes to help what am I
trying to achieve you having your health or having less burnout while in school
may mean doing something more than attending the VCU gym okay so so those
are the things how everybody has their priority is different obviously your own
students or your education goal is very important but other than that your
financial goal is important that's why we're all here now it could be something
else that's important to you in your life that is affecting your budgeting
and spending and until you it's clear to you and you build your budgeting and
spending accordingly they're not going to be able to achieve those goals or
control your other expenses that are not important to you so that's why just do
that this exercise by yourself and you know come up with whatever you think is
important to you and prioritize accordingly so depending on where you
are in life right your budgeting and spending decisions change right so I'm
going to skip the undergraduate parts because I think all of you
professional and graduate students so as a profession student and your budgeting
and your spending relies on okay you know you're gonna finish school
maybe while in school you may have some emergencies and maybe you need to take
some tests before you get your diploma like medicine does the boards
does dentistry have anything you have the boards to pass as well okay so all of
those maybe extra costs for you maybe you need a prep course hopefully not or
maybe god forbid you failed it and now you have to take it again it's another
expense for you so those are things that as a professional student that are affecting
you when you're in here early in your career your choices will differ the
things that are important to you probably will change because now you're
no longer a student you have a little bit of income hopefully or if you're in
a profession where you need more training that you're not making as much
money yet but you're stuck with all these student loan debt which applies to
medicine unless dental also chooses to do post grad dental so in early career
you're more worried about establishing yourself in life right okay
finally I have a career finally I finished school I have all these fixed
expenses but I also want to do a couple of other things with my with my income
and my money that that is about when you it may seem early but that is when you
should also be started started thinking about retirement right whatever little
money you have as as a professional early in your career you start thinking
about your retirement and whatever the employer is offering you I would suggest
try to maximize it if you can mid career you're now making more money
you may have kids in school you may be a parent by then
so you're thinking about other expenses in life you're thinking about the cost
of maybe you want to keep your job so you don't want to be a stay-at-home mom
or dad so you're still working that's the cost of daycare that there's saving
for kids education they're saving for life's emergency is always see for
life's emergencies because those things always happen the roof may leak in the
house that you just bought the car may break down I actually had my car break
down two days ago I was sitting nicely on the 3rd street for two hours
waiting for a tow truck so those things happen it was the
alternator by the way if anyone is wondering so those things may happen a late career it's
definitely you don't want to be in a situation where you're in your late career and
then you are about to retire in a couple of years but you're finding out because
you didn't use your budgeting and smart and habits wisely and you didn't save
enough you need to now work extra number of years and you cannot retire
don't say it will never happen to me I don't say I'm in a profession where I
mean I will make a lot of money it can always happen to you I'll give you an
example we I will not say where and when I had a student who had a medical
student who graduated with half a million dollar debt don't say how that
happens and when I sat down with the student and calculated the value of her
loan repayment if she pasted out-of-pocket she were paid over 20
years and it will cost her up to 1 million
so for someone who's starting her life like this it is very possible even
though she may be in a well paid specialty that she may need to work extra years to
achieve that retirement goal purposes so the decisions that you're making human
as students now but you're financially borowsing I can only say that because
that's the main income that you have or with any other income that you may have
the decisions that you're making right now or going on that vacation with that
credit card rather than you know with your saved money is is going to
drastically affect you in your future you you never want to be in a situation
where you don't have the financial freedom that you want so you can
actually do the things that you want in life
well we already talked about this I'm not gonna talk about it again think
about it also in terms of time frame when it comes to your goals to achieve
those goals obviously short term could be very short
mid term to be 2 to 12 months and long term could be a year and longer it
wouldn't hurt to make plans based on what you want to achieve that you can
you can look at 5-year plan and you can look at where you want to be and see if
I mean you can do a mental plan obviously if you like or put it on that
paper and then refer back to it 5 years later and see if you have achieved any
of those things that you thought you wanted
she again prioritize your goals why I keep saying all these girls go scores
all the time is because you're budgeting and your spending habits will shape you
know all of these goals if you're gonna be able to achieve that more now ah
the basic goal obviously is get out of debt or don't be in debt right it's
almost inevitable if you're a professional graduate student that
you're gonna have some student loan debt okay that is that is reality right now
majority of the students have student loan debt and it's even in every election
that the candidates are talking about we're gonna make College free because it
is it is it is a major thing when it comes to education now so it is the fact
that majority of you will graduate with debt you may have other debt as well
such as credit cards and and down the road when your early career mid-career
you may have the first house that you buy after you buy your first house you
may want a nicer one so here that is a part of your life always it's not
realistic to get out of your mortgage that fast because majority people cannot
afford it in in a very short time but maybe you can make it a goal of
getting move out of your other debts such a such as credit card debt fast
student loans is a different subject you may want to get out of it fast depending
on what you're doing or if you're utilizing one of the resources that are
available to you at the comes your repayment such as public service loan
forgiveness maybe you will take the longer route for a reason definitely
same money for retirement as early as your first job as early as residency for
medical students whatever the hospital is offering you make sure you match it
up to the max okay so save at the maximum level as early as possible so
Bob will that give you eventually your financial freedom
financial freedom is the best thing to have why because you can do basically
anything you want to but if you're thinking about changing jobs you can
change your job because you have the freedom you don't have to stay in that
job that you're so miserable because financially maybe this job pays more or
you can't afford to relocate so on and so forth so it gives you all the
freedom that you want budgeting sheet I give you a copy of
this budgeting sheet could be as simple as this you can write your monthly
expenses on a sheet every month and see where you're spending or it could be
like this on an Excel spreadsheet this is an actual budget i sat down and did
with a medical student okay so this is a true story basically okay this is an
actual medical student who kind of had to borrow up to the maximum as you can
see there is a cost that I can't get over the parking cost so where she's
renting she's paying hundred and twenty-five dollars parking per month
which is a huge cost I gave this to you for you to see you can do an Excel
spreadsheet on a monthly basis based on this is cash from financial aid but to
get to be on refine edge phase spread it over the number of months and some
months she has higher expenses because at some point our medical insurance with
the parents is gonna hand so she's stuck with the insurance herself at some point
she has the board board exam that she has to take
that's an additional cost that month so you could do this by yourself or if
you're not comfortable you can make an appointment with one of us and get help
for the first time if you like so I just wanted you to see how it works okay I am
almost done because we want to finish on time
the most common rule is fifty twenty thirty when it comes to budgeting 50
percent of your income should go to your living expenses 20 percent your
financial goals could be you know paying on that credit card debt and thirty
percent of your income should be used for a flexible spending so so maybe one
one month you're going out two times for dinner one time you you're going out
with friends and spending money on dinner and movie let's get crazy okay all of those things
okay I'm being sarcastic because you're students and you shouldn't spend so much money
cannot you cannot be burned out you need to enjoy life as well right so you need
to do the things that also charges your batteries so I'm not saying don't do
them at all just do them in a manner that's not gonna affect you in the long run so
seven tips for effective and stress-free budgeting obviously I kept saying
understand your goals this is from different resources everybody is saying
understand your goals because that ties in to your budgeting and spending and how you're going to
spend your money track spending for a week that actually may give you an epiphany
moment okay I do an exercise with the undergraduate students I have
a two-day workshop we track there's that we send them a workbook and check their
spending for us for a week they end up with so many aha moments so this you
may have an aha moment on your spending if you keep track it for a week use the
three category budget so if you want to change something in your budget and you
have a financial goal that you want to achieve select three items that you can
control and maybe you can spend less on those to achieve your other goals okay
so you cannot target everything because not everything is up to you to
spend you have your fixed costs but maybe select three of them and see what
you can control charge it I mean it in a nice manner which is charged it to see
your spending okay so not charge it to charge it and go on that extravagant
vacation but charge it to see what where is your money going Savers always save
always save always have emergency cash if you're a financial aid students now I
know that's not a correct statement some of you are not because some of you are
PhDs who are already having income but whatever income you have always give
yourself first even if it means I'm gonna put away $25 every month and I'm
not gonna touch it kind of thing even if it is as little as that because over
time that will grow again Elizabeth Warren made that famous Senator Elizabeth Warren
try the 50 20 30 plan and use the right tools so I give you some tools here this
presentation we'll be posted on the website as well
as it can be emailed to you if you request it so I gave it some tools here
you can go online and look at these apps and I think this concludes my
presentation so if you need to reach us these are our contact information my
office is actually at the fourth floor of this building any questions
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