Move over flat earthers, theres a new conspiracy theory in town, and its called the hollow
Yes, according to hollow earth theorists, the earth is not full of liquid hot magma,
it is actually hollow, and that's where all the dinosaurs are hiding.
Honestly, I'd believe in the flat earth before I'd believe in the hollow earth.
What is good this is inform overload where we sometimes make light of conspiracy theories.
I'm charlotte dobre and if this is your first time here, smash the thumbs up, subscribe
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Hallooow hollow earthers.
Sorry if you stumbled upon this video looking for proof of the hollow earth, that is not
what you will find here.
Instead you will find me, charlotte dobre, conspiracy theory lover and truth seeker.
And today, I'm going to tell you about a phenomenon known as the modern hollow earth
Hollow earthers believe that our earth, is not a solid sphere, but hollow.
They also believe that the moon, sun, stars and other planets are also hollow.
Pay no mind to the fact that you can see these objects and analyze their cores.
Apparently you can actually travel to the center of our hollow earth.
There are 3 entrances to the middle of the earth, one at each of the poles, and another
entrance is somewhere in the Himalayan mountains.
Inside it, you will find valleys, lost tribes of Israel and dinosaurs.
Guys that's what happened to the dinosaurs, they all went inside the earth?
It all makes sense.
The godfather of the hollow earth is Edmund Halley, the same Edmund halley we named halleys
comet after.
Halley was a 17th century scientist who proposed that planet earth was hollow, and its outermost
crust is only about 500 miles thick.
He also believed that underneath the crust, there are several rings beneath our crust.
For an image, the earth to Halley looks like a dartboard when you slice it in half.
So halley did have some scientific reasoning behind the hollow earth.
When you go to the poles, compass readings can be thrown off, so he thought that maybe
there are other poles underneath our poles that are throwing off the readings.
the theory was updated in the 1800s by John Cleves Symmes jr, who proposed the idea of
the several entrances to the hollow earth.
He planned to visit the hollow earth but US president Andrew Jackson actually had to step
in and stop him.
There are actually people who claim to have seen the center of the earth.
Olaf Jansen, Norwegian sailor said that he found the entrance at the north pole back
in the year 1811, and he and his father lived there for 2 years.
He also said that there were super humans that lived in the hollow earth, 12 feet tall.
Then came the 20th century, and scientists debunked the hollow earth.
Darn scientists ruin everything don't they.
the study of plate tectonics made it obvious that the earth simply couldn't be hollow.
I mean where does all that magma come from when it spews out of volcanoes.
Despite being debunked, the hollow earth theory persisted.
More and more books and theories were published like Marshall Gardners 1913 book A journey
to the earths interior.
The hollow earth theory is growing in popularity, according to author of the book World Top
Secret: our earth is hollow, Rodney Cluff.
He said, I get emails from people learning about it every day.
Its definitely growing in popularity, certainly not in the millions, but maybe in the thousands.
Alright, thousands isn't that bad, I feel like we could knip that in the bud before
it becomes too much of a problem.
So this guy, Rodney cluff, he actually organized a voyage to the hollow earth in 2007, with
the purpose of finding the gateway into the center.
The voyage cost 20 thousand dollars to take part in and was supposed to leave from Moscow
to Murmask and then eventually, the north pole where they would spend 3 days looking
for the entrance.
Honestly that's better than most flat earthers can do.
Flat earthers say show me the curve I say, show me the edge.
At least hollow earth theorists are actually trying to find out if their theory is true.
Cept for mad mike hughes, bless his soul.
So what exactly did these hollow earthers discover when they went searching?
Well, awkward, the voyage was actually cancelled.
Rodney cluff believes that within the center of our hollow earth, there is an interior
sun hat is divided by day and night sides.
Rodney cluff also believes in these super humans, that he dubbed, the guardians of our
He was quoted saying, they regularly spy on us using spacecrafts and flying saucers.
They want to keep an eye on us and stop us from starting nuclear war.
The majority of ufos actually come from inside our planet.
As much as I'd like to think that there are 12 foot tall superhumans at the center
of our earth that are watching over us and probably on the backs of dinosaurs, there
probably isn't.
Like I mean, I aint no scientist, but if you dug a hole, and kept digging, your shovel
is essentially going to melt from the heat produced by the earths core.
That being said, there have been people who have claimed to have seen the hollow earth.
Like a german u boat operator and admiral that flew his plane into the opening at the
What do you think, could the earth be hollow, let me know in those comments.
For now, its that time again, comment time.
Penguy – hello wazzup I watched the ad by the way the whole thing.
Thank you, you get a feature just for that.
Good Noodle – study finds water, when doused on ones body, makes you wet.
No way, dude, that will be the next IO video.
Amy Daugherty – I just realized your last name means good in polish.
It also means good in Romanian, my dad is Romanian.
Derek Li – can you do an Asian accent.
Joe Abdi – charlotte ur not real.
I think im real.
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