Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2018


All across Texas, manufacturing is thriving.

And TMAC is the innovation partner that startups,

early stage, and established companies count on to work smart and grow smart.


From offices statewide, TMAC's expert consultants work with small and mid-sized

companies to develop and improve their products, processes,

technologies, and people. Taking a product from bright idea to market reality

with research, regulatory assistance, efficient prototyping, and

testing. Making manufacturing smarter, faster, and more

efficient through supply chain optimization and process improvement that lowers

costs, improves quality, and boosts productivity.

Harnessing technology to improve safety, quality, and efficiency

at every level, and in every function, always with a focus on cyber

security. Coaching, developing, motivating,

and retaining the leaders and teams that can delight customers and fuel

long term success. TMAC experts are

manufacturers hands on partners. They don't just create a plan for improvement and walk

away. They're in the trenches, helping create sustainable breakthrough

solutions that transform performance for today, and for every day ahead.

From aerospace and defense, to electronics and assembly, food an beverage,

metal fabrication and more, TMAC works with companies to boost

sales, save time and money, and create and sustain jobs.

The result, profitable growth that lasts.

Launching and operating a successful enterprise is tough, with hundreds of complex

elements, and conflicting priorities. And TMAC knows the key

isn't just mastering how things work, it's knowing how they need to work in tandem

for long term growth and sustainability. From operations to

strategy, TMAC brings all the pieces together so Texas companies

can work smart and grow smart.

For more infomation >> TMAC Work Smart. Grow Smart. - Duration: 1:56.


How to move towards an Industry 4.0 plant? Introducing CONNECT Industrial Smart Hub by Desoutter - Duration: 4:59.

Hello Everyone, we are very proud to present to you

our new Industrial Smart Hub named CONNECT: a DESOUTTER 4.0 solution.

CONNECT is a platform which manages all items, actions, and information related to your assembly line

activities to accelerate your transformation by boosting your Flexibility,

boosting your Uptime, and boosting your Productivity.

The CONNECT is a multi-tool solution provider:

simply activate a Tightening Unit in the CONNECT for each tool.

A Tightening Unit is the eco-system of one cordless tool,

and all items, actions, and information related to it.

Two CONNECT versions are available:

One version is the CONNECT-W, which embeds a wireless access point.

A CONNECT-W can activate up to 10 Tightening Units,

which means that up to 10 cordless tools can be connected and used on one CONNECT-W.

The other version is the CONNECT-X, which requires an external wireless access point.

A CONNECT-X can activate up to 20 Tightening Units,

which means that up to 20 cordless tools can be connected and used on the CONNECT-X

CONNECT offers a single point of connection for communications between the factory network

and up to 20 cordless tools, reducing cost of ownership

and simplifying installations for easier line rebalancing.

The entire family of Desoutter Wi-Fi tools are compatible with the Industrial Smart Hub.

All new tools in development will also be compatible.

We have designed the CONNECT to be "future proof".

In addition, dedicated error proofing accessories

including, stack lights, socket trays, operator controls, and remote user interfaces help

assure 100% reliability of the process control.

With a volume of only 4 liters the CONNECT is a compact and powerful solution,

easy to install anywhere in the plant desired.

Indeed, you can install the CONNECT in the workstation,

at the end of the production line,

on the process manager's desk,

or even in the server room.

With this INDUSTRIAL SMART HUB approach,

your assembly line will be free from cables,

your workstations will have more space available, and imagine

...if all the CONNECT's are in the same room, there is no need to walk the line to check each station

...just go to the CONNECT area and focus only on what you need to do.

That will Boost your Productivity!

If you need to have feedback from a workstation,

we have a solution with the Desoutter SIGHT remote HMI,

which you can finetune for each screen for each workstation according to your requirements.

Cordless tools can move easily to maintain or improve

the quality and productivity level of your assembly line.

It can be for tool calibration,

maintenance, or reassignment to another workstation.

Optimizing the process to Boost your Productivity

also requires the flexibility to rebalance

the line and relocate the tools easily.

With RFID easy pairing, Desoutter cordless tools pair with any CONNECT

and are ready to work in a fast and effective way!

And obviously, you can add a new cordless tool whenever you want

without disrupting other tools already running on the line.

Nowadays, things are moving so fast that we must constantly adapt to meet new challenges.

Industrial devices are also subject to this trend

so Desoutter designs accordingly.

That is why we have implemented feature management with the CONNECT

to Boost your Flexibility!

With feature management, you can finetune

each tightening unit according to the requirements for each workstation.

This means that depending on the needs, you can activate

and allocate a feature on one tightening unit and not on the other one.

In the end, you get what you really need

And if, after a while, one feature is no longer of value on a tightening unit,

thanks to our easy feature rebalancing,

you can reallocate this feature to another tightening unit

on another CONNECT very quickly and easily.

Feature management is a scalable solution which allows you

to upgrade your workstations whenever you want.

If a Desoutter feature fits perfectly with your new requirements,

you have only to activate it and you are ready to use it!

Thanks to our Desoutter software package,

Tightening strategy, Assembly process, KPI management,

track and trace solution, full traceability and more are available

available in order to support you in your quality and productivity approaches .

CONNECT is an Industrial Smart Hub conceived and designed to

strongly support and accelerate your transformation

towards an INDUSTRY 4.0 factory.

Choosing the CONNECT on your production line

guarantees to Boost your Flexibility,

Boost your Uptime,

and Boost your Productivity!

For more infomation >> How to move towards an Industry 4.0 plant? Introducing CONNECT Industrial Smart Hub by Desoutter - Duration: 4:59.


Big ideas start out small. smart fortomorrow - Duration: 1:28.

Autonomous driving?


Everyone talks about the future of driving.

But no one talks about the drivers of the future.

That's why we invented a new car.

The smart fortomorrow.

A car equipped with every feature the future has to offer.


and fully autonomous.

And now we put it to the test.

Hello Jordan.

I'm not Jordan!

I'm Captain


Ok, Jordan.

The car of the future will automatically recognize synergies for car sharing.

Calumn needs a lift to the slide.

Shall we pick him up?

No, he can walk.

He needs to exercise.

The car of the future will make the streets a safer

and a more peaceful environment.

Hurry up, Charlotte!


I can't let you crash.


It will be able to adapt to all the driver's wishes.


More pink!



Pink with sparkles!

Almost all of the driver's wishes.

How do you do that?

For more infomation >> Big ideas start out small. smart fortomorrow - Duration: 1:28.


Smart® Tool+ : The intelligent, dieless crimping tool - Duration: 1:05.

Eliminate dies.

Eliminate mistakes.

Eliminate doubt with Smart Tool +, the new intelligent dieless crimping tool from ABB.

Simply scan any Color-Keyed brand Smart Connector, and Smart Tool + automatically senses its

size, and applies the ideal level of compression depth and force, ensuring a secure crimp.

An in-tool indicator confirms the crimp and saves the data.

You can then immediately download that data via bluetooth to the app on your mobile device.

Later, when you have access to Wi-Fi, you can upload the confirmation data to the cloud

database making your reporting quick, easy, and accurate.

It's the new Smart Tool + from ABB.

It helps make every connection a verifiable success.

For more infomation >> Smart® Tool+ : The intelligent, dieless crimping tool - Duration: 1:05.


How Smart is Cristiano Ronaldo? Intelligence, Education and His Story - Duration: 2:40.

How smart is Cristiano Ronaldo?

If you're a fan of football, you probably have heard of Cristiano Ronaldo.

From the moment Cristiano stepped on the field his coaches and audience knew he was bound

for greatness.

Even if you aren't an avid follower of the sport, you have probably seen the news headlines

of his record-breaking contracts and appearances on popular ads.

One thing is for certain, he has become a worldwide sensation and has become one of

the highest paid athletes in the world.

While his physical ability is amazing for sure, how smart is he?

An easy way to evaluate a person's intellectual ability is by finding out what level of education

they have.

In Ronaldo's case, it's not so black and white.

While he did not graduate from an elite college, his ability to leverage the connections he

gained from football into astronomical endorsement deals proves that he is not dim-witted.

Let's take a quick look at Ronaldo's life journey.

Ronaldo was born in Sao Pedro, Portugal to a family of 6.

From an early age, it became apparent that Ronaldo was destined to become a football


His parents worked to support Cristiano's football training, his father at one point

worked for the amateur team that he played for!

After progressing through the ranks of youth football, he quickly became the focus of many

scout's attention.

Eventually, after receiving a small contract with a local team, he and his scouts were

able to convince his mother to give her blessing for him to pursue football full-time.

While many would argue that his success on the football field can be attributed purely

to his talent, one must consider the attributes also required to be successful in any competitive


His ability to perform under pressure when the blame of a nation is at his heels can

be seen in the countless successful penalty kicks he has completed.

Ronaldo's fluidity with his team and ability to construct a planned attack with his teammates

shows great potential in terms of foresight and planning.

These attributes that he has displayed on the field can be directly related to many

activities that are considered "smart".

If these examples are not enough to convince you that Cristiano Ronaldo is smart, take

a look at his annual income.

The fact that almost half of the income he made in 2017 was from endorsement deals shows

that he is able to leverage the image he has built from his career in football.

The fact that he was born to a lower-class family to become one of the richest men in

the world in his life shows that not only he plays football well, but can also manage

money wisely.

Want to see more interesting videos?

Hit that subscribe button below and don't forget to like the video.

For more infomation >> How Smart is Cristiano Ronaldo? Intelligence, Education and His Story - Duration: 2:40.


There's A HOLLOW Earth Theory That Makes Flat Earthers Look Smart - Duration: 5:54.

Move over flat earthers, theres a new conspiracy theory in town, and its called the hollow


Yes, according to hollow earth theorists, the earth is not full of liquid hot magma,

it is actually hollow, and that's where all the dinosaurs are hiding.

Honestly, I'd believe in the flat earth before I'd believe in the hollow earth.

What is good this is inform overload where we sometimes make light of conspiracy theories.

I'm charlotte dobre and if this is your first time here, smash the thumbs up, subscribe

and notification bell.

You should also follow us on instagram, our links are posted in the description.

Hallooow hollow earthers.

Sorry if you stumbled upon this video looking for proof of the hollow earth, that is not

what you will find here.

Instead you will find me, charlotte dobre, conspiracy theory lover and truth seeker.

And today, I'm going to tell you about a phenomenon known as the modern hollow earth


Hollow earthers believe that our earth, is not a solid sphere, but hollow.

They also believe that the moon, sun, stars and other planets are also hollow.

Pay no mind to the fact that you can see these objects and analyze their cores.

Apparently you can actually travel to the center of our hollow earth.

There are 3 entrances to the middle of the earth, one at each of the poles, and another

entrance is somewhere in the Himalayan mountains.

Inside it, you will find valleys, lost tribes of Israel and dinosaurs.

Guys that's what happened to the dinosaurs, they all went inside the earth?

It all makes sense.

The godfather of the hollow earth is Edmund Halley, the same Edmund halley we named halleys

comet after.

Halley was a 17th century scientist who proposed that planet earth was hollow, and its outermost

crust is only about 500 miles thick.

He also believed that underneath the crust, there are several rings beneath our crust.

For an image, the earth to Halley looks like a dartboard when you slice it in half.

So halley did have some scientific reasoning behind the hollow earth.

When you go to the poles, compass readings can be thrown off, so he thought that maybe

there are other poles underneath our poles that are throwing off the readings.

the theory was updated in the 1800s by John Cleves Symmes jr, who proposed the idea of

the several entrances to the hollow earth.

He planned to visit the hollow earth but US president Andrew Jackson actually had to step

in and stop him.

There are actually people who claim to have seen the center of the earth.

Olaf Jansen, Norwegian sailor said that he found the entrance at the north pole back

in the year 1811, and he and his father lived there for 2 years.

He also said that there were super humans that lived in the hollow earth, 12 feet tall.

Then came the 20th century, and scientists debunked the hollow earth.

Darn scientists ruin everything don't they.

the study of plate tectonics made it obvious that the earth simply couldn't be hollow.

I mean where does all that magma come from when it spews out of volcanoes.

Despite being debunked, the hollow earth theory persisted.

More and more books and theories were published like Marshall Gardners 1913 book A journey

to the earths interior.

The hollow earth theory is growing in popularity, according to author of the book World Top

Secret: our earth is hollow, Rodney Cluff.

He said, I get emails from people learning about it every day.

Its definitely growing in popularity, certainly not in the millions, but maybe in the thousands.

Alright, thousands isn't that bad, I feel like we could knip that in the bud before

it becomes too much of a problem.

So this guy, Rodney cluff, he actually organized a voyage to the hollow earth in 2007, with

the purpose of finding the gateway into the center.

The voyage cost 20 thousand dollars to take part in and was supposed to leave from Moscow

to Murmask and then eventually, the north pole where they would spend 3 days looking

for the entrance.

Honestly that's better than most flat earthers can do.

Flat earthers say show me the curve I say, show me the edge.

At least hollow earth theorists are actually trying to find out if their theory is true.

Cept for mad mike hughes, bless his soul.

So what exactly did these hollow earthers discover when they went searching?

Well, awkward, the voyage was actually cancelled.

Rodney cluff believes that within the center of our hollow earth, there is an interior

sun hat is divided by day and night sides.

Rodney cluff also believes in these super humans, that he dubbed, the guardians of our


He was quoted saying, they regularly spy on us using spacecrafts and flying saucers.

They want to keep an eye on us and stop us from starting nuclear war.

The majority of ufos actually come from inside our planet.

As much as I'd like to think that there are 12 foot tall superhumans at the center

of our earth that are watching over us and probably on the backs of dinosaurs, there

probably isn't.

Like I mean, I aint no scientist, but if you dug a hole, and kept digging, your shovel

is essentially going to melt from the heat produced by the earths core.

That being said, there have been people who have claimed to have seen the hollow earth.

Like a german u boat operator and admiral that flew his plane into the opening at the


What do you think, could the earth be hollow, let me know in those comments.

For now, its that time again, comment time.

Penguy – hello wazzup I watched the ad by the way the whole thing.

Thank you, you get a feature just for that.

Good Noodle – study finds water, when doused on ones body, makes you wet.

No way, dude, that will be the next IO video.

Amy Daugherty – I just realized your last name means good in polish.

It also means good in Romanian, my dad is Romanian.

Derek Li – can you do an Asian accent.

Joe Abdi – charlotte ur not real.

I think im real.

This is the end screen, it means this video is over, so if you wanna keep watching io,

you should check out this playlist we've put together for you.

And if you enjoyed your time here, smash the thumbs up, subscribe and notification bell,

and I will see you in a future IO video.

For more infomation >> There's A HOLLOW Earth Theory That Makes Flat Earthers Look Smart - Duration: 5:54.






Demonstration hos Smart Lift - Duration: 1:36.

Som du nævner, då kigger vi jo ikke på renheden.


Vi håber på det bedste

I satser på

I satser på at bundfaldet, det bliver liggende tilbage


Det gør det ikke


Ikke i olie, men det ved I begge to alt for godt

Fordi olie det bære alt for godt.Det bliver liggende.

Målet det er jo ligesom at få fyldt den her pumpe op.

Og det vil vi gerne gøre ved at undgå at skulle løsne de her fire bolte

Og jeg tror, at bruger vi nu den her fine lille punmpe i stedet for.

Så kan vi bare tælle til 16

Og så ved vi, at vi er der hvor vi skal være.

Så tager det jo ikke mange minuttter at fylder 10 pimper

10 - 20 pumper

Det er hurtigt overstået.

Det andet det tager ikke lang tid

Det her, det er en lille motorpumpeenhed

En 24 volts pc

motor, der sidder med en lille halbliters tank på.

VI har ca et kvart tommer hul at skulle fylde i

Det er derfor jeg mener det er et lille usædvanligt projekt.

Retirslangen den er passet til så den kan gå ned i tanken

I håb op at vi ikke får al olien retur igen med den samme


KOnklussionen er, at den løser opgaven.

Spørgsmålet er om den løser opgaven til vores muligekundes forventmonger.

Og han kan bruge den til det den skal bruges til.

For more infomation >> Demonstration hos Smart Lift - Duration: 1:36.


Sunrise Smart Start - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Sunrise Smart Start - Duration: 1:47.


Smart City-Coupé Smart & pulse *Panorama* Lichtmetaal - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Smart City-Coupé Smart & pulse *Panorama* Lichtmetaal - Duration: 1:11.


In-Wash Inspira Smart Toilet by Roca - Duration: 0:31.

Your hands, water.

Your face, water.

Your body, water.

Your clothes, water.

Water, water, water, water.

Your car, your street, your city.

Everything water.

If we wash everything with water,

why don't we wash everything with water?

In-Wash, the best from Roca that washes you with water.

For more infomation >> In-Wash Inspira Smart Toilet by Roca - Duration: 0:31.


Table Talk: look smart - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Table Talk: look smart - Duration: 11:00.


Video: 'Smart parts' for amputees: Medicine's next big thing? - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Video: 'Smart parts' for amputees: Medicine's next big thing? - Duration: 1:44.


Start using the Nucleus® Smart App for the Nucleus 7 Sound Processor - Duration: 2:42.

Designed specifically for the Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor,

the Nucleus Smart App is the first ever mobile application

to control a cochlear implant sound processor

directly from a compatible Apple or Android™ device.

You can monitor the status of your equipment

and battery life

and, for added reassurance,

the 'Find my Processor' function can help you to locate

a misplaced processor.

To get started, download the app

from the Apple App Store

or Google Play Store.

To start using the Nucleus Smart App,

log in with a Cochlear Account.

We recommend that you do this before your initial activation

so that you're ready to use the Nucleus Smart App

when you receive your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

If you've purchased a Cochlear product from the online store,

or have used a Cochlear online service in the past,

you may already have a Cochlear Account.

If you do not already have a Cochlear Account,

tap 'Create New Account'.

Then, follow the instructions in the Nucleus Smart App

to set up your Cochlear Account.

To start using the Nucleus Smart App

with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor

you'll need to pair your sound processor

to your compatible Apple or Android device.

To pair your sound processor, follow the instructions

in the Nucleus 7 Pairing Guide

or watch the 'How to pair' animation.

Once you have paired your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor

with your compatible Apple or Android device,

follow the instructions within the Nucleus Smart App

to 'Set up your processor'.

When setup is complete, you will be ready to use

the Nucleus Smart App with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.

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