hello guys and welcome to a new video today we will talk about Volvo v60 this
is the new Volvo that come let's Martin last month on the market and then we
have the lift gate here with button that's what I want to show you and you
can actually open it with your foot too so this is really great good helpful
when you go to shopping and you don't have any hands-free so that's pretty
cool so the new Volvo v60 trunk this is the first that we can talk we have your
LED light and place for the medical kit the trunk look big with a lot of space
you can actually pull these two if you wanna have known now in the prior
something like that down here you have everything flat this is what I like
about the car that's everything that we have some hookers here in the red and
look at this you can put a lot of luggage here and you have all kind of
option to carry stuff here and you even have a place under here as you can see
you can put there some things in the car so the whole ball have always a lot of
space this is the bigger one a bigger than before mondo he'll have free LED
right in the trunk and now you can close the trunk trunk it's
around 526 I think leader and here is the new LED light very much you have
some plastic and it's red light reflector and they're LED lights to the
number I don't have to say a lot about Volvo because you already know that the
ball will have very good quality on the materials and everything so I just have
to say that Volvo with the last model they did a great job and it's a
beautiful design and it's really more spacious and look at this these lines
they make the car a little bit more sporty too much much nicer
they come with Michelin tires as standard and this is looking freaky well
the color border there simple in good quality and I like the car on the white
and the white it's looks pretty nice look at this design look at these lines
down here it's really beautiful it's a nice car and here we have
interesting lines to protect upper part of the car I think from the Stone
they make it a little bit and outside so it's looked pretty good I like the fact
that it's all in white even this protection plastic down here it's in the
white and that's give the car a little bit more style and quality and I find it
pretty nice so some chrome here up here you can put an extra trunk so you can
carry a lot of stuff with you it's really practical this the Volvo v60 like
all other Volvo now I just want to show you the LED light from the front this is
my favorite looks so beautiful there we have the new technology with high beam
automatic high-beam and all other cornering light and stuff to get this
front looks so sporty so beautiful I really like this chrome line here on the
side and the decide to look nice now I think it's more beautiful than then some
of the other cars here on the light we have two volvo sign and down here we
have another fog light that's looking nice so what do you think guys about
this front please leave a comment there and I want to see what you say about
this front but I like it very much the front of the cars look so sporty so nice
now you can just watch for yourself and just see from behind here it's look nice
the white color on the Volvo v60 it's looking very nice and I'm pretty excited
to see a new Volvo v60 on the real and it look much much better than in the
video and in reality it's this pretty nice and from the back to the back it's
nice too I like this car I wish they'd make it in the future
electric that would be pretty exciting now the interior we will talk a little
bit later about it's pretty beautiful and high quality Volvo look on every
detail in this car and they take care of every lines and every point like for
example on this door here you can see the lines you can see how beautiful this
is and how much quality and how much time they invest in this car we have the
also the digital display there - digital display and cockpit - so this will be an
interesting review about so here in the front you can see the GPS in the middle
you have a lot of option you can see the sign recognition there you have two
temperature and all kind of information about the car the light at time in what
gear you are here on the steering wheel you can actually control the the digital
display and here on the left you have also two
around a lot of auction lot of option that you can control the digital cockpit
the steering wheel has a very good quality like always on all four and the
position of driving it's comfortable and pretty very good visibility
I like this chrome lines here on the dashboard you can see this great plus
here it's soft everywhere nice quality materials all over the car I like to
show the cars I know I have a lot of you say to me the video is too long but I
know there are many people there that want to buy a car they want to see in
detail every single thing and I try to to show in detail everything here the
multimedia display here you have it's very simple on Volvo to work with very
intuitive you can actually you have here a lot of option a lot of for example
here is the GPS that can show you parking place and all kind of stuff
where you can go here we have some safety assistant and it's very easy to
use you just click it you have two cameras here in the back you can see the
lines we don't have on this car 3d cameras but you can take it as an option
and you can have it as an option so the visibility in the black it's pretty well
if you have a camera you don't need nothing else because it's easy to park
with the camera here we have the the button in the middle when you push it
you go in the main screen so here what kind of option for steering wheel
for reading the sign you can see there and sitting and blind spot Lane Assist
and yeah you know what I mean here in the middle and you push it you
go to the main screen in the main screen all you have to do is just press what
you're interesting in and change the language to you have there the
navigation system to work pretty nice the screen it's glossy it's work really
good and really fast you have a 3d map there and you also have a 2d map so it's
pretty easy to use now going back and I go to the left we have some extra
information here about the consumption and about the car so here is the status
of the car you can see the oil how many petrol you have here the wheels if
everything it's fine with the car there you can see the errors here we have the
button the blinking button kind of small here it's interesting I was I preferred
it a little bit more in the middle like on the other cars but it's okay here you
can control them multimedia you can play the radio and the music here in the
middle down here we have some place very small place for the keys or something
like that and here also the cup holders and 12
port right there and place for your mobile against there here is the start
engine button here's the handbrake electric ten breaking out of hold and
down here we have some two USB port and a place to put your stuff it's pretty
useful pretty nice like I said the dashboard and everything it's very good
quality I want to tell this again down here - we have a nice chrome that's like
plastic here but it's pretty nice down here we have some plastic and here is
the space yeah a lot of space there and LED light
I like these details I like to know that they're it's LED light everywhere in the
car or not like on the Hyundai where it's led only in some parts and some
parts they're not so this car have led everywhere so Volvo respect their
premium status so yeah so guys I know that you comment always that it's too
long but for some people they want to buy this car they wanna see every detail
and I try to show everything up here we have some information and here is all
the intelligent to reading this sign road and reading the other car in the
front and land you have the microphone the mirror with LED light great great
now what can I show you the doors the doors handle are like plastic we can
hear it and here you can save your your seat I like to sit and you can save your
position for the next time when you come in the car here we have the soft
material almost everywhere actually here are the button here is the mirror I just
been in the black buttons they look simple here we have a space for or there
we have another led LED light it's pretty nice there are good consumption
so the position in the driving seat it's very well very good and you can adjust
it in different ways the seat so you can find perfect position of down front back
one kind of position so it's pretty easy to use and intuitive yeah it's great
so visibility it's good the the position is good you can stay with your hand
there have a lot of space the mirror are big as you can see here it's big mirror
and pretty nice to see in the back really easy so I like that the mirrors
are white to the same like the car I tell you I like this that means it's a
premium car and look at this shit I think the Volvo seats are the best I
think are the best almost the best on the market so good quality and this
leather is strong strong leather and they are so tiny and it don't take
so much space in the car down here we have the Volvo logo on the doors with
LED and here you can adjust that's it this is the electric art and that was
the interior guys the doors are open and closed with little finger you can have
the key in your pocket and you can open it and the quality on the doors it's
pretty good when you close it and open it in the back let's go in the back a
little bit to see on the doors design look good we have soft material the same
gray glossy plastic here the button for the window it's pretty simple and black
leather we have led LED light to see what you have in the pocket down here we
have a little bit plastic to protect the interior with rubber and down up here to
plastic and here it's a soft material kind of soft where you can stay so let's
go inside inside here we have the adjustable kinematic here in the back we
have four four four options for every passenger in the car to adjust the
pneumatic and air depend on him look at look it down there the LED light under
the seats fantastic here we have the USB and twelve volt port and all kind of
charging so it's pretty cool here we have some rest
with some space to put some stuff there here LED light nice quality the upper
part it's very good quality too now as you can see there there are so tiny miss
it look at this so times so good quality
they are not big and heavy they are so tiny and so good quality here the phone
do you have some space in two cupholders I like that like that you can leave your
hand there the space in the back here it's a little bit stronger it's not so
soft that's a little problem but the space is
huge on the head on the legs it's also good place and on the feet to a lot of
space for the feet so I'm not complaining it's pretty nice here back
here car it's pretty good down here I don't like the fact that this is big the
new electric car this is not here anymore in a Santa Fe done by Santa Fe -
we don't have this in the middle for the exersaucer
this is a - for the factory you have a lot of space you have the camera from
the back - so you don't have to worry about this here you can put this up for
your head so that was my review guys thank you for watching
aiwei - next time please subscribe and take care of yourself
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