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Their royal pugna's
It's my mom's birthday party tonight, so we're all gonna treat it like a queen okay?
How you been got of this paper crown to wear?
We don't know how to do that yeah, and we're gonna find a queen to look alone
How they have a queen in England, maybe you should go there, Missy? She's got a
Perfect mission is some issue. Let's go
Now those men in the furry hats are the Queen's guards Frank
And it's their job to keep anyone from getting through the palace gates
Maybe if we can get those guards to smile or laugh. They'd be so happy they let us into the palace
Then we'll give them something to laugh about
If we can't get past those guards
We'll never get inside that palace unless you look through that doggie door right there that dog you won't right way, huh?
Crumpets worth cream puffs coat eyeful bottom the third at your service
But you may call me Gump it pretty. Please well, since you said pretty please
I don't see how chef like me can say no
To eat biscuits at tea time one must never eat their biscuit until after they've been given permission oh
This is a challenge. He's not real good at waiting nope
Can I have a biscuit please?
There is no greater compliment to the Queen than to sit still in her presence. I remember on one such occasion
We were sitting still for a second
That means walk like this
Everything's alright then
This is a royal mess we didn't mean to make a mess
I'm so sorry it pops but tea time with the Queen is starting soon
And I need to straighten the whole way before it begins whoa what's going on looks like Bob's
Wait a second
Fancy table with biscuits it for tea
It's the Queen
Has it you inspired by purse Rolly, that's the cleanest purse. Oh, is that what this thing is
Good just like him just take one the way you've been treating to do
If we go out there, so no we're not krumping although, I do like a good Scratchy behind the ears oh---but
Where are you good doggy?
Thanks for filling in until I arrived
Bob's mom like a queen Lilliana
Hold on it was a really good trip I say
Here you go kasib doggy biscuits go ahead boys eat those treats
This way mom got the birthday party
Thank You Rollie I always like to have this right by my side and we even learned a special birthday song just for you mom
ready Pop's your special day comes only once every I
Feel like I'm Queen good work jack jolly good YouTube champ
Good and Gimli time for the birthday portrait remember to sit still
You guys sat perfectly still they must know it's my special day Wow we look great. Yeah
Ice ice buggy
Finished mowing the backyard free to play in now. I just want to pour myself a big glass of iced tea before I leave I
Can't stop thinking about delicious iced tea
It's more than cool, it's cold
Doesn't matter where it is. How are we supposed to get that Antarctica place Aref showed us on the wall. I don't know
What if this ice do you think will be best for Bob's iced tea
I don't know, maybe we should ask those things those are sliding my tortoise
Varna mister looking for ice well you're talking to the right penguin I can go find you the best ice there is
How do you do that sliding all over the ice
We get storms here, they blow everything around and turn everything why
Or not forever at all who do mr.. Penguin go
I wish we were warm toasty. Well, then let's see what else is in this box
Yes, so we can't let it get away
Because it wasn't
You know and we can see if he found Bob's ice
But wait what if he follows her traps and comes through this cave think you'll hear
So it's a good thing Bob. Put this ice drawing thing in my collar in case you ever need jostling and ice
I think I smiley face too hard
That's mr.. Penguins say penguins do so they don't fall back nothing one man's ever gone a clack like that it wasn't you?
Found the eyes you were looking ball do you have my egg?
Oh you boys did a great job onto my egg and taking care of my little girl. Well. I went out looking for your eyes
Go ahead take oh you are
We'd love to see you and play with you my brother, and I have to get home as fast as we can
How are things on the bottom of the earth cold icy helps if you are old ah
Did you get the ice Bob needs for his iced tea you sure did the best there is here?
Good idea, Missy this is gonna taste so good
Does this mean we finished our mission yep
That was your flight a little bumpy and landing how I wish I could be with you
So I invented this to do the kinds of things I do if I was here hi bingo. Hi Roley I
call him arf which stands for auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all I
Even programmed him to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work
No more mad
Hmm he looks friendly
Wanna meet arf maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means
Think of that yeah make a mess so ours gonna have fun cleaning it up
Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up
The floor
Okay Wow if Bob came home from work and saw a mess like this
Bob also programmed our to beg, I don't think we have another listeners
Yeah, either need a longer leg shorter neck
Because Bob only program are to clean up after bingo and Roley not to clean up after his II and I've
So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
puppy dogs died
It's not gonna be fun Roley it's going to be worse
Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. We're gonna do all their washing
Quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine?
Like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine, I guess my new invention really worked, huh?
Which is why I'm gonna be the first one there on your part. Let me wish the won't take the stucked revoir
I'll go along with that
Dagger II knows you're looking for someone to throw that stick
I wish I had time, but I'm heading out to buy stuff for the big game. That's on TV
Besides if do you think you could put in this machine Bob said whatever we want
Wait a minute, what are you guys doing with Bob special beach ball Bob special one?
Okay, Rolly Rolly know our mission is to get bob's baseball
Leave us alone cupcake not a mission yahoo fetching the bombs baseball well
I wouldn't want to get in your way, which is why I'll have Rufus get in you wait for me
Okay got some chips in my fruit smoothies for the game just need to make a quick stop
This is got to be the hardest game ever played
This is bad that join can lead anywhere. If only we knew someone who knew where that drain rings out to
Rolly we do
Okay, so if we follow this drain through this pipe up back and around
That baseball you're looking for should be coming out right about
How all baseball fans and welcome to teddy peppercorn day?
Really solid sleep oh
Hey there well looks like you've been having fun with that touch machine
Is that my special baseball I can see why you'd want to play with that it's so Rolly
Well I guess I never turned this thing all the way around before to see that it was there
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