Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 22 2019

You, Suzuki Sensei, were one of the teachers

who helped our group create

the graduation project Return the Favor.

So, I would like to show you the final video,

and receive comments about it.

Is that ok?



The music suits the atmosphere.

Thank you!

it"s really good.


The music is done matching the visuals.

As I mentioned before, Japanese would not be able to put color to the trees like you do here.

But you have Momiji(red leaves) in Japan!

I said that before but...

Is it so different?

I don't know. It is the atmosphere...

The atmosphere...

I added purple trees.

Why do the red ones stand out that much to everyone?

It makes me curious...

In this version the mist is not fixed yet.

Yes, correct.

I will change that.

The eyes are fixed.


But I need to fix the mist in all this scene.


It makes me remember the voice recording day.

Mister Dragon made a huge effort!

Oda Sensei mentioned she likes the skid part.


I think it is good thanks to Suzuki Sensei's help.

In here when it turns black...



Why did you add it?


Not to show that Wendel is tearing the cloth apart.

I added the sound, but I don't want to spoil it exactly.


Since later I show the cloth in the Dragon.

"What is that sound?" "Oh, the feather is there."

"Aaaah the cloth!"

Those are the thoughts I want to provoke.

Maybe I should make the sound louder.


Like "Krrrrrsh"

Yes, you are right

Without that people has doubts.

Now it is difficult to get it.

We come from white, show a cut,

then black, then another cut.

It is difficult to understand it...

About the ending...


It reminds me of the Jungle book.

Really? You mean the style?

No, the illustration itself.

It has a similar atmosphere.

I can't remember it.

Disney's Jungle Book?

Yes, Disney's.

Maybe... when the kid is with the wolves?

Hmmm maybe?

Probably I am wrong.

I don't know!

But generally, when I looked at the storyboard,

it already felt like "ooooooh". (continuous????)

I guess.


You were specially strict,

with the number of drawings.

More than the amount... it was with the movement.

There were ways to do the same with less drawings.

In Japan we don't use those many drawings.

But I wanted to make it move properly.

Well, I understand that.


But in the result, the amount matches well

the movement.

Thank you!!

What do you think?


Fifty fifty?

But given the time we had, I am proud of it.

You were pretty strict about,

the planing and scheduling.

It was tough, right?


When I sad "this is until X day".

But it went farther.

"Ok, I made changes, now is until Y day."

That was tought.

Before that, I used to work on art projects like that,

by myself at my own speed.

But this time I had to consider

about each one's skill level and timing.

It was the first time I struggles like that.

Makes sense.

Any advice?

More than advice,.... how can I say it.

Everyone has a style

when they are drawing/working.

For example, Karaki, Matsubara,...

Tokano and Oda.

Just think about these 4 people.


When you think about theirs styles.

You know the answer, right?


With that in mind,

you can think on the best managing style.

You can see all that naturally.

NAME is good at cuts that are

difficult and interesting.

She will work on them properly.


But I learned that by trial and error!


That is how the schedule broke.

That was the problem.

"Know your team".

Yes. Keep an eye on that.

When I looked at the video storyboard,

I noticed that the animation timing was somehow weak.


The change from cut to cut was like:

Cut ___ Cut ____

That felt odd.

The flow would be bad.


I saw that.

But you kept adding changes to the key animation video.

The place where he stabs the spear to the ground.

Where Wendel runs away.

On screen, it can't be that slow.

That full scene was slow.

I had a problem making the

key animation video.

For example, in the spear falling,

you make 1 drawing with the spear up,

and 1 with the spear stabbing the ground.

But in the video,

up is there a long time and

down would stay there for such a fast time.

It moves fast to the next cut.

It is very fast.

So in the video I let the spear in the ground for longer.


I was afraid people wouldn't get what's going on.

What should I do in these cases?


Advance the spear down?

In the video test,

you can't never really judge the final look.

The cut changes.

Exactly, people can't see the action in between and gets lost.

So I could made everything a bit longer,

or advance the key animation drawing inside the cut.


Then people has time to see what happens.

And move on.

I struggled a lot there.


Obviously, until you make the

inbetween animation video,

you can't know how it really looks.


I was actually strict on the timings.

I watched various graduation animated shorts online.

They generally look very slow.

And I hate that.

But if my cuts were too fast,

you can't get the story.

I pushed very hard and made many changes.

But if I made too many changes, the team would struggle.

Also, in the final screen, you have color.

Things are way easier to catch.

The image sticks to the eye better.

That is right.


even if the test videos feel fast, it should be ok.

Even for myself,


I watch these pictures many times.

The eye gets used to them.

That is also a problem.

And then, how can I say it...

It feels slow.

It is difficult to judge the speed.

That is why I showed the video to different people.


But most made contradictory comments!

I really didn't know what to do!

I saw it too many times myself too.

I saw it so many times that I got motion sick.

That is how it gets, right?

What to do then?

In those cases, just go back to the original plan.

Think "What did I want to do?"

Remember the feeling when you did the storyboard.

And you also had the music.


So you can't change times freely.


So the cutting...

But the music came with pieces.

So I had some margin.

For example: If I add more slow motion here, I can cut there.


I did that various times.

That wasn't such a struggle.

You get better at it the longer you do it. Pile up experience.

"If I do this here... " "ah... maybe...?"


"ah... it has to be slower"

Even after I finished it,

I can't tell if it is slow or fast anymore.

I get the feedback from others.

"Ahh, I see. Really?"


"Then it was good I guess."

That's how it got.

Is it the same in your case?

I think so.

You look at it for a long time.


- Time after time. - And I saw yours from the key animation.


We saw it too many times.

But comparing the picture I got when looking at the storyboard for the first time ,

with this finished version.

It is not that different.

Thank you very much!


I put such emphasis on that.

As a whole, I did not feel anything strange when I saw storyboard.

Thank you!

Isn't that because you made a big effort.



You see...


This type of experience is rare in life.

I will make this happen again.

I mean... since it"s a part of a class, you can be as picky as you want.


Working in your own thing,...

You would have to make some compromise at some point.

Only if you build your own company (project).

Right. Then you can do what you want.

But if others don't like it either...

Of course!

... then it won't work!

It was a great experience for you.


You saw how I acted as an animator director.

Is there any other advice you'd give me?

You must have seen me do mistakes.

You did things a bit too much in your own.

Everything was like "I have to do this!"

It is natural, since it is your original project.

Hmmm but...

"Trust more in others"?

More than "trust",...

More like, if you don't finish X, others can't start Y.


That's the situation.

The story origin is in your head only.



Of course you think "I have to be the one doing this"...

But,... well. Everyone made an effort in the in betweens.


And I did not do in bettween painting at all.

They did such an effort. I said it clear "I can't do the painting".

"If I do the painting, we won't meat the deadline".

"I TRULLY entrust you this part.!

Of course...

The team worked so hard.

Even with the retakes.

I just saw you at classes with animation drawing.

That is true.

I didn't see you all paint or do backgrounds.

I don't know how that went.

Maybe that is why I think you did too much alone.

But that is true. The rest of the team did painting and other things.

Something else I am not sure about were the slow motion parts.


The current slow motion parts are well done.

You did cut the number of drawings

that were necessary for the slow motion.

That is true.

For example, before we had a hand...

How many drawings did I set for it...?


But it was jst this tiny movement!

And similar cuts...

You saved the team by making me cut drawings.


I did.

What would you say was good?

"You did this well so keep doing it!"


Were there good things?

You finished it at this level. Isn't that amazing?


Thank you very much.

If you got to this result,

it means you did things right.

hahah, maybe?


You wouldn't be here otherwise.

And everyone still looks healthy. (not overworked)

That's true.


And that is what I think.

You definitely look so quiet today.


That is how I am at work.

I mean, when I work, I don't speak!

At school, when I draw I am quiet too.

That's true.

But I have to also teach.

That makes sense.

I guess I am a bit different in both places.

As a last thing, would you draw Wendel?

Draw what?


The boy from the anime.


He's called Wendel.


Oh, this one is Oda Sensei's drawing.

Can I see?


It is cute!

Isn't it?!

So cute.

Here's the character sheet.

By the way, do you have comments on the character sheet?


You see a lot of these.

You made these designs digitally, right?

Yes. Well, the lines were done with pencil, and I paint it digitally after scanning.

Although, the eyes have a texture we added digitally.

Is it ok?

Eh? "Is it ok"?

Of course, I'll draw him.

For more infomation >> Anime Studio Director Suzuki Sensei Comments on Graduation Short Film! Interview 3/3 - Duration: 15:15.


Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.4 169PK High Executive *Ideale caravantrekker | 1850KG geremd trekvermogen | O - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.4 169PK High Executive *Ideale caravantrekker | 1850KG geremd trekvermogen | O - Duration: 1:13.


Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort | Rijklaar € 11.500,- | Korting € 1.399,- | Prive Lease € 228,- | - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort | Rijklaar € 11.500,- | Korting € 1.399,- | Prive Lease € 228,- | - Duration: 0:49.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:12.


Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort Airco Rijklaar - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort Airco Rijklaar - Duration: 1:10.


✅ Dani Suzuki dança e encanta frequentadores de restaurante - Duration: 0:59.

Na última quarta-feira (20), a atriz Dani Suzuki foi ao restaurante Coco Mambo no bairro Recreio dos Bandeirantes, no Rio de Janeiro, e encantou os presentes ao dar um show de zouk na companhia de um amigo

Os dois dançaram durante o tempo em que estiveram presentes no local, se divertiram e a atriz, muito simpática, ainda posou ao lado dos bailarinos do restaurante

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