Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 21 2019

Mini Backpack Love for tissue Holder

Hallo! It's me, Indar, Mom of Ayaran.To day we will make mini backpack from fabric scraps.

We can use it as tissue holder

How to make it? Let's start!


2 pieces outer and 2 pieces inner

2 pieces cotton twill tape for upper holder and cover. 2 pieces for straps. take a look at the pattern for dimensions.

we also need an elastic band 5 cm, to hook the button

let's start sewing

mark the centre of the fabric. make a small cut.

take a look at the pattern for the position.

start sewing from the two upper tapes, then continue with the straps

put back part and the front part of the backpack.

sew the bottom of the backpack.

mark the position where to fold the fabric.

I marked 2 cm from the bottom

fold over, joint the front part and the back part. make sure seam allowance is folded neatly

pin it

do the same on other side

sew from the bottom to the top

flip it inside out. put aside

sew inner. here i used another technic. i sew all around the edges but the top

then i will make boxes on the corner

put the same dimension for the width of the boxy with the previous one (the outer part)

hold the fabric as shown, and feel with your finger that the seams are in the same line. then sew it.

you can take a look at my previous tutorial about making pouch from scraps

do the same to another corner

cut the excess

put the outer in

put the seam neatly and pin.

sew all along the edge but let some unsewn for opening

put outer out

tidy it up then topstitch all along top side

handsew the button

for fixed position, put the tissue inside. I got 6.5 cm from the top on this case.

tada!! our mini backpack for tissue holder is done. so adorable with it's love button.

you can sew it for your wedding souvenir

thank you for watching. don't forget to like, subscribe and share. your comments will be appreciated.

see you on my next tutorial, assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

For more infomation >> Mini backpack Love for tissue holder - Duration: 10:07.


Tên lửa "mini Pantsir-S1 Made in Vietnam": Tự hào bước tiến lớn của CNQP nước nhà - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Tên lửa "mini Pantsir-S1 Made in Vietnam": Tự hào bước tiến lớn của CNQP nước nhà - Duration: 5:29.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 最难搞定的月亮姐姐,这跑酷很犀利 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 最难搞定的月亮姐姐,这跑酷很犀利 - Duration: 3:18.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的小女孩,为了去看望奶奶,却陷害奶奶中毒倒地了 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的小女孩,为了去看望奶奶,却陷害奶奶中毒倒地了 - Duration: 2:19.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界故事:可怜的小女孩,为了学习,每天却要遭受父母的打骂 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界故事:可怜的小女孩,为了学习,每天却要遭受父母的打骂 - Duration: 3:09.


MEET MY DAD | MINI VLOG - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> MEET MY DAD | MINI VLOG - Duration: 8:40.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 植物大战僵尸年年有余版,猪吉祥立大功 - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 植物大战僵尸年年有余版,猪吉祥立大功 - Duration: 8:14.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的国王,为了把公主给嫁出去,却把公主嫁给了恩人 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的国王,为了把公主给嫁出去,却把公主嫁给了恩人 - Duration: 3:16.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界故事:父母嫌弃儿子带回来的女友很丑,最后父母却后悔了 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界故事:父母嫌弃儿子带回来的女友很丑,最后父母却后悔了 - Duration: 2:36.


Benefit They're Real! Mascara Mini - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Benefit They're Real! Mascara Mini - Duration: 3:42.


Bring a Friend for Free at Grouse Mountain - Mini edit from the Park Vlog #006 - Duration: 3:06.

Hey, what's up y'll.

So, in today's video is just another quick shout out to show you guys what I've been

getting in the park.

This past two weeks we had two days, two Fridays actually at Grouse Mountain, that we could

bring a friend for free.

Free daily ticket pass for this friend, and I took one of mine.

Both days we got some shots.

One day it was really good for park.

That is the videos you guys are gonna be watching right now.

And, the another day was super powder.

So, yeah that's gonna be it.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

This one was sick.

We fall but we don't give up.

I'm still gonna get these 270 exits from Board slides.

So, that's it for today's video bois.

I just wanna show you guys the dump we have been getting in the city right now.

Vancouver is gonna be a chaos.

So, that's it what we have for today guys.

I hope it keeps dumping like that.

So, that's it.

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE with your friends the video.


For more infomation >> Bring a Friend for Free at Grouse Mountain - Mini edit from the Park Vlog #006 - Duration: 3:06.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:女同学为了抄试卷,放学后暴打同桌,最后却变成了乞丐 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:女同学为了抄试卷,放学后暴打同桌,最后却变成了乞丐 - Duration: 2:29.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的大公主,为了心爱的人而放弃王位,却变成了乞丐 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的大公主,为了心爱的人而放弃王位,却变成了乞丐 - Duration: 3:09.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:被好朋友抛弃的穷女孩,辛苦等了十年,又重拾回了友情 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:被好朋友抛弃的穷女孩,辛苦等了十年,又重拾回了友情 - Duration: 3:36.


Cute Mini Pomeranian White Dog #11 - Adorable Dogs Video - Duration: 10:36.

thank for watching !

For more infomation >> Cute Mini Pomeranian White Dog #11 - Adorable Dogs Video - Duration: 10:36.


buy THIS cheap PS4 controller - Duration: 7:39.

(dramatic music)

- Today we're taking a look at a controller

that you can't normally get in the US,

and that's the HORI wireless mini game pad controller

for the PS4.

There is a wired version of this

that's been available in the US for some time now.

But the wireless option is actually a Japanese exclusive

that we had to import.

And we were actually able to get it

for only $36 off Play Asia.

It can be a little more money depending on where you look.

But that puts it at about half the price

of the MSRP of a brand new Dual Shock Four.

What's really intriguing about this

is that we've talked about a lot of different

third party wireless options for things like the Switch,

or the Xbox, but when it comes to PlayStation,

they don't really license out their controllers very much.

At least this generation.

There's a lot of stuff for the PS3,

but on the PS4, there's mostly nice, expensive,

pro controller options.

And that's about it.

The wired version of this is one of the few options

officially licensed in the US.

So finding something that's still an affordable price

and wireless and officially licensed

is actually kind of rare.

So we're gonna compare what's different about this

compared to the wired version,

aside from obviously the fact that it's wireless,

and then we're gonna really put it through

some heavy tests to really see

if this is something worth picking up

as a cheaper alternative.

First, let's take a look at what's changed

in the wireless model, from the wired.

There's actually been a lot of different

little minute changes that overall make

for some cool little minor improvements.

First off, the biggest of which is the sticks.

The original wired version of this controller

had these sticks that were made of a very hard plastic

and had these little nubs on the side that,

it did do a good job of keeping your thumbs on the sticks,

but they just weren't very comfortable.

The wireless version on the other hand

makes use of stick heads that are just like

on the actual Dual Shock Four controller,

which feels just like home.

Another more noticeable change

to the body design right away

is they actually rearranged some of the buttons

in the center area.

Instead of having the touch pad button up top

with these buttons below,

and then a turbo button on the very bottom,

they've all been removed a little bit

to now be a cross shape on the top,

which I find to be a little more natural to reach for

especially for the turbo button.

Because you're normally used to going for middle buttons

by reaching up not down below between the sticks.

Aside from those two major changes,

everything else is pretty minor but still works out

in the wireless controllers favor.

I think the D pad is just a little crisper,

feels a little nicer to use versus the one

on the wired controller.

There's also a change to the grip design.

It's the same shape.

But there's now this kind of cross hatch texturing to it

that is not present on the wired one,

which helps to make it just a little grippier.

I also really appreciate the change

in just visual design.

While they both look very similar,

the US wired ones all use just flat, solid colors.

Whereas the wireless one features this transparent look,

which is think is a great call back

to older style controllers, especially from the PS2 era.

And I just think it makes for a much

better looking controller.

Let's actually put this one through the ringer

a little bit and really see how it stands

as a controller on its own both kids and adults.

So we're gonna test a couple different recent games.

I'm gonna start with Kingdom Hearts III

because I think that's a good balance of something

that's a fun, action game.

You need to hit a lot of buttons quickly and stuff.

And if you're playing on higher difficulties

it's important to have good control.

But at the same time, it's not anything

that's super precision heavy.

So we're gonna see how comfortable this is for that.

This controller actually does have a light as well

under the touch pad, which the wired version does not.

And just like the Dual Shock Four,

it does have all the different colors

for different things depending on the game you're playing.

So right now it's glowing blue.

That's a nice touch.

Okay, so just starting out,

I'm not actually having to hit too many buttons yet.

But like I've kind of noted before

with the wired version, the grip design on this

is very much like an old school controller,

which for me there's that nostalgia feel to it,

but I could definitely see someone

used to a modern controller

thinking it's a little more uncomfortable.

It's also definitely something designed

a little better for smaller hands.

Anyone that has big hands that already

finds like a Dual Shock Four to not be comfortable

is not gonna like this.

So the sticks on this are definitely an upgrade

over the ones on the original wired one.

They are still a little close together

which feels different from a Dual Shock Four.

But the different stick heads are much more comfortable.

The front facing buttons on this one feels good too.

You rely on these buttons a lot more

on something like Kingdom Hearts and other action games

like Dove May Cry coming out soon.

And they're snappy.

They're not like the highest quality out there.

But once again, $30 controller.

You know, I have to say, so far at least

for something like Kingdom Hearts,

this works really well.

I think I would still personally prefer

to use a Dual Shock Four.

But if I'm just looking for a cheaper option to use,

if I need to replace one,

or again like with the wired ones,

these are something for kids,

this is getting the job done really well.

So let's try it on something a little,

little harder.

Next we're gonna test this out on Resident Evil 2,

which is definitely a different kind of experience

from Kingdom Hearts.

The really big test on this one

is gonna be the shoulder buttons,

which is honestly one of the parts of this controller

that worries me a little bit more

because it's not like you have a proper trigger or anything.

It's just these small older school shoulders.

Which might not work as well.

Also, while we still use the sticks in Kingdom Hearts,

that's a lot more faster pace than just running around,

whereas in this game it's a bit more

about precision and aiming.

So we'll see how this works out.

Okay, sticks feel fine.

It actually is a lot like the same experience

as using a Dual Shock Four.

My thumbs are maybe reaching in a little more

because they're placed closer to

the center of the controller.

As far as how the game is reading and everything

it's basically the same experience so that's good.

Yeah, I mean the buttons work.

It doesn't feel quite as satisfying.

You're not really getting that trigger pull feeling

that you get used to.

And obviously these aren't analog

so there's not any kind of degrees of pressing down.

It's just push or don't push.

I don't think I would recommend necessarily

buying this controller for FPS games,

especially if you're doing anything competitive.

Now one more test I wanna do is trying this out

on retro games because when I see a controller

shaped like this where it's very much

sort of old school SNES style,

I think, maybe it'd be awesome for retro.

So, I'm gonna test it out on one of my favorite

recent indie titles, Blood Stained Curve of the Moon.

If you have not played it yet,

it is some amazing old school Castlevania fun.

One of the things that felt a little different

about this controller versus the old wired one

is that the D pad felt like a bit

of an improvement, a little snappier.

And now that I'm actually playing a game

where I'm focused on using it,

that's definitely the case.

It feels a lot more like I'm using

an old school SNES pad.

It definitely feels naturally when playing a game like this.

It's not uncomfortable at all.

And again, all of the front facing buttons

on this one feel pretty nicely crisp.

I've definitely used better ones

on like pro controllers,

but for an affordable option that's,

you know, just meant to be kind of comparable

to a Dual Shock Four, it feels really good.

Honestly the only buttons I've been hitting so far

that bother me are all of the kind of extra options buttons.

Options, share, the home button.

They're not particularly great.

They kind of have this awkward softness to them.

They feel cheap.

But considering none of these are important

for actual game play, it's pretty forgivable.

I gotta say, this controller surprises me.

I went in really thinking that,

yep, it's a cheaper alternative controller.

It's probably not gonna be that great.

It'll be okay for the money.

It's actually really good.

I like the sticks on it a lot.

I like the front facing buttons.

The D pad is solid.

The only real two things about it

that are marks against it versus say,

a Dual Shock Four, is the lack of a more modern grip design.

It's just not super comfortable.

If you like that retro vibe,

where it's something like an older school controller,

it works for that.

But if you just want comfort, not so much.

And the lack of triggers is kind of a bummer.

It still worked for things like FPS

but it's definitely not optimal.

So depending on the kinds of games you wanna play,

this thing can work pretty well.

There is one other thing though about it

that does bother me a little bit,

and this is just more of a pet peeve thing,

it didn't come with a cable.

Overall, this is a great little pick up.

If you just want an alternative wireless controller

to have for your PS4 either as a backup

in case something goes wrong with your Dual Shock

or you need a replacement and you don't wanna spend

that much money,

you want something for a kid to use

but you don't want a cable leading into the system,

this is an awesome import.

For more infomation >> buy THIS cheap PS4 controller - Duration: 7:39.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的妹妹,总受哥哥的欺负,哥哥却因此被得到了惩罚 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的妹妹,总受哥哥的欺负,哥哥却因此被得到了惩罚 - Duration: 3:25.


Mini Quad 49 - FIRST START INSTRUCTIONS - Quadro Pocket Quad - Duration: 4:25.

so make sure is in up and down postion

next to the petrol tap you will find choke lever

Hi Guys and welcome back to Mini Bikes Store video blog

in today's video I am gonne show you how to start for the first time

the Mini Quadro 49cc mini quad from Nitro Motors

this is brand new product from Nitro motors

it comes with 2 stroke 49cc pull start engine

it also comes in the version with electric start

this is the version without electric start

and I will show you step by step how to start the quad for the first time

with the quad you will receive the mixing bottle

you have to mix petrol the unleaded 95 with 2 stroke oil for motorbikes

in the Ratio 25:1

on the mixing bottle you will find few lines

you have to add fuel up to this line


and then the second one

you can see the small one here it says 25:1

then you top up oil up to the second line just here

next close the bottle and shake it well

so now we have the fuel ready you can put that fuel in to the tank

before you put the fuel in to the tank make sure the fuel line is properly connected

now you can add the fuel

this quad has no ignition

so you do not have to be worry about ignition but you need to be sure

that you put the kill switch in postion like this

without the kill switch the quad wont start

and you can check the OFF switch make sure is not stock inside

next here we have the petrol tap

in up and down position is open

so make sure is in up and down position

next to the petrol tap you will find the choke lever

just here

you have to pull the choke lever all the way up and leave it up

next put the left hand on the thumb throttle just here

you may need to press it little bit while pulling

this is an easy pull start so don't pull agresive just pull gently few times till the engine starts

after the quad starts you need to push the choke lever all the way back down

and leave it down when you use the quad and now you can start it again

so after you start the quad for the first time

you need to adjust the engine's idle speed

usually when the quads are new the idle speed of the engine is to high

so you need to lower it

this spring here with the spring on it on the carburetor

that's where you adjust engine's idle speed

so to lower the engines idle speed you need turn this screw in to the left

little bit, start the quad

by turning this screw in to the right you higher the engine's idla speed

so you need to regulate the engine's idle speed to be as low as possible

this is very important for the clutch which is located just here

if the engine's idle speed will be to high

the clutch will be in half open position and will burn out very quick

so that's how the quad should run like

so this are the steps you need to follow

to start the Quadro 49cc from Nitro Motors

after you start for the first time we recommend that you start

the quad and leaving running for few minutes

you have to braking properly engine for arround 3 tanks

so don't go on the full throttle for first 3 tanks

if you like the video don't forget to subsribe to our youtube channel

if you are looking for mini quad for your child

you can check our website the link to our shop is in the description

we have largest selection and best prices of mini quads in Europe

so thanks guys for watching and see you soon

For more infomation >> Mini Quad 49 - FIRST START INSTRUCTIONS - Quadro Pocket Quad - Duration: 4:25.


【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 汤米救妹妹,元宵节也不消停 - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> 【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界 汤米救妹妹,元宵节也不消停 - Duration: 6:31.


東京発3ピースロックバンド Plot Scraps、待望の2nd Mini Album『FLAWLESS YOUTH』を4月24日(水)にリリース決定 - Duration: 4:15.

 2019年要注目 新世代3ピースロッ バンド、Plot crapsが前作『 ital Sign 』から10ヶ月ぶり なる 2nd Mi i Album『F AWLESS YO TH』を4月24日 水)にリリースする とが明らかになった

 新作にはセルフ イトルとなる「FL WLESS YOU H」をはじめ計5曲 収められる。尚、今 のリリース解禁に合 せて、ショート・ト イラー映像と、ボー ル・ギターの陶山良 が新作へコメントを せているので、ショ ト・トレイラー映像 合わせてぜひチェッ してみてはいかがだ うか

【陶山良太コメン 】 なぜ曲を作って るのか。なぜバンド やっているのか。な ライブをしているの 。1st Mini Album『Vit l Signs』を った後に根本から考 直して、それから産 れた作品です

音としては "万人 愛されるポップミュ ジック"を、歌詞と ては"誰かの希望に り得る作品"を作り い、という最初から っていた事に当然の に行き着きました。 分の頭と美意識だけ 到達したのが『Vi al Signs』

それを携えて、真に かの生きる希望にな 音楽を世に放つ為に たな一歩を踏み出し のが今作の『FLA LESS YOUT 』です。2枚目です 、ある意味でPlo Scrapsの真 音楽はこの作品から と言えます

アルバムタイトルの FLAWLESS OUTH』には色々 意味が込められてい す。M3の同名の曲 そもそも卒業ソング して書き始めた経緯 あります。"完璧な 春" "傷のない若 "と捉えた場合、そ ままの意味で捉えら る人はそのままでも 晴らしいと思います 、殆どの人は「果た てそうだろうか?」 一個考えてしまうの はないでしょうか

完璧な青春なんて、 のない若者なんて有 得ない。高々、今ま の人生における失敗 んて失敗とも呼べな くらいに、気するま も無い。という、額 通りでも逆の意味で えても希望に繋がる が大層気に入ってお ます

珠玉の5曲となって りますので、全国の 様よろしくお願いし す。 陶山良太(V cal/Guita ) 東京発3ピ スロックバンド P ot Scraps 待望の2nd Mi i Album『F AWLESS YO TH』を4月24日 水)にリリース決定

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