Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 22 2019

Did you take something of comfort

with you to Everest?

I didn't bring it with me with the

purpose of having comfort but

ended up being very comforting

and those are definitely wet-wipes.

In the Hot Seat today we have

physiotherapist Adrienne Chan.

Adrienne has worked with a

wide array of athletes

and sports including

ultimate frisbee, powerlifting,

kendo, kayaking,

you've done it all.

A really interesting fact about

Adrienne: she recently hiked

to base camp at Mount Everest

so we're gonna get to know her

a little bit better.

You all set?


How does being able to work

with all these different sports impact

how you approach physiotherapy.

You have a better understanding

of what the movements are like

and how injuries occur

because you kind of understand

them from a very daily

routine and practice.

In your opinion what impact

can physiotherapy have

on a power-lifter's performance?

Actually power-lifting is what

segwayed for me into physiotherapy.

There's a lot of biomechanics

involved in just understanding

how every part of your

body works in which movement

and how to change the

technique can help improve your

lifts drastically.

There you go!

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