Brett Kavanaugh Accuser May NOT Show Up To Senate Hearing Makes NEW Demand
I think he's just a wonderful human being I mean I I think it's horrible
what the Democrats have done it's a con game they're playing econo they're
really con artists this they're trying to convince and you know they don't like
they don't believe us themselves okay they know he's a high quality person
they don't believe it's just resist and obstruct they're playing a con game and
they play it very well they play it actually much better than Republicans
that was president earlier today talking about the Democrats delay tactics on the
Kavanagh nomination it's this simple it's a battle between those who value
the core principles of this country and those who only value cheap political
victories now from day one Republicans have treated the confirmation process of
judge Kavanagh with the seriousness it deserves Democrats they have not they
created chaos at judge Cavanaugh's hearings interrupting as you saw dozens
of times there were constant outbursts from left-wing protesters disrupting the
proceedings and much more now just days away from a formal vote after all of the
hearings were over and Senator Dianne Feinstein she drops a bombshell an
allegation from a woman accusing judge Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct going
back 36 years when they were both in high school now Feinstein knew about
these allegations since July she kept them secret
now she kept them secret when she met privately with judge Kavanaugh she kept
them secret when she questioned Kavanaugh publicly and Feinstein used an
allegation serious allegation of sexual misconduct as a political ploy to delay
and disrupt Cavanaugh's confirmation now despite all of this to their credit
Republicans have rightly taken these accusations against judge Kavanaugh
seriously as they should a public hearing featuring both Kavanagh
and his kkuk user professor Christine Ford has been set for Thursday tonight
there is still a chance we now have news Ford may not appear Senator Dianne
Feinstein said she cannot guarantee that she will show up
the Ford has concerns about the independent female attorney hired to
question both Ford and Cavanaugh Republicans clearly are trying to do
everything in their power as they have been doing to accommodate professor Ford
in an op-ed on former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich he
wrote quote if not judge Kavanagh then who this is the question Republicans
need to ask themselves as they prepare for Thursday Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing joining us now is new Cambridge don't forget by the way his new book
Trump's America it's available now part two of which talks about all the
challenges the president will face mr. speaker I want you look at the fact I am
Feinstein had this literally had this in July she didn't bring it up till now
then the people that Professor Ford mentioned all of them deny it and then
you got the New Yorker article where miss Ramirez admit she was inebriated
very early slurring her words gaps in American memory etc and then you have
the new face of the Democratic Party says all I'm going to reveal gang-raped
by in the next 48 hours I don't know what what are the American people to
think and so many Democrats rushing to judgment no presumption of innocence
look I think what the American people should think is that you have a
Democratic Party so desperate to stop the Supreme Court from becoming
conservative that they are prepared to lie to smear to be hysterical to break
Senate rules to do whatever they have to do what you're watching is a party
totally desperate and you've got to put this week in context I was struck
earlier today that Arthur Miller's great play The Crucible
which is about the Salem Witchcraft Trials Axia relates to what's happening
to judge Cavanaugh what he's being put through is almost like a medieval
torture somebody shows up thirty-five years later everybody in the audience I
don't think about this close your eyes for a second and ask what were you doing
on June 12th 35 years ago the truth is you almost certainly don't know and the
fact it is this hearing is a farce there's nothing that Cavanaugh can say
which will convince Chuck Schumer to vote for him and I think that dr. Ford
has no evidence other than her own word which is going to count
she can't they can't provide any witnesses she can't even tell us to the
best of my knowledge what was the date where was the house who all were there
the people she names all say they weren't there now at what point is the
burden of common sense on the accuser and if it's a burden of common sense
this hearing wouldn't even be held it's only in the current hyper environment in
which senator Hirono can say men ought to just shut up I mean think about the
level of venom in that sentence you have an entire effort by the
totalitarian left to to bludgeon us you saw it last night as you reported with
senator Cruz and his wife I mean what has happened to America when random
left-wing totalitarian think they can violate private property
trespass on a restaurant go in and intimidate a citizen who's simply trying
to have dinner and they think they're heroes and apparently the police aren't
called nobody's arrested for trespass nobody's arrested for intimidation we're
watching a period where what we ought to understand is this is about raw power
and if the left can't stop Cavanaugh we will not get another conservative
justice in our lifetime on the Supreme Court you talked about his four decades
as an exemplary husband father friend judges bent over 220 people that have
come out and said this guy is a cut above a gentleman's gentleman
and that I'm listening to these lawmakers many of them when they say I
believe in the case of Professor forward or I believe miss Ramirez but they're
really saying is they don't want to hear anything they don't believe in due
process they don't believe in the presumption of innocence and I gotta be
honest how does a lawmaker say he has to prove his innocence we've had lawmakers
say that senator Coons said he has to prove his innocence from 40 years ago 36
years look look there's a whole block of left-wing Democrats whether it's Coons
or a Schumer or it's a variety of other people on the Left they're hopeless they
have no interest in the truth they're involved in a struggle over power
they've got to pay off their activists base there there's no possibility that
they're going to vote for judge Kavanagh but what I am fascinated with is let's
say you're the senator from West Virginia or Missouri or Indiana or North
Dakota or Montana now you're from an area where there are a lot of common
sense everyday folks who like Donald Trump who believe Donald Trump's doing
the right thing who want to have a more conservative Court you
see the newly the junior senator from Alabama do you really want to line up
with Chuck Schumer and the left away with Booker and his pathetic portrait of
Spartacus which is a historian I found particularly offensive II clearly had no
idea who Spartacus was I think these senators who are from states where
there's a lot of common sense a lot of conservatism a desire for more
conservatives we have not heard a single one of them yet and I will be very
surprised if we don't have a number of them vote yes remember when when the
Clarence Thomas character assassination was under way 11 Democrats ended up
voting YES for Clarence Thomas and I think we may find all of a sudden once
year through Thursday there's several of these Democrats from Trump States decide
in the end you know she didn't prove her case I'm going to vote yes he deserves
to be on the court he also has a 40-year track record I think your observation is
Right 42 days in the election ah I can tell you that people that I hear from
three hours a day on radio and that watch this show they are angry because
instinctively Americans believe in due process they believe in fundamental
fairness they don't believe in a rush to judgment we have seen in high-profile
cases Duke Lacrosse Ferguson Missouri Baltimore Freddie gray Trayvon Martin
Cambridge police we've seen a lot of rushing to judgment where a lot of the
same people have been wrong again and again but as far as the Republicans go
it seems like it's coming down to four people for them and they have control of
this that would be bob Corker that would be Jeff Flake I think susan collins
probably had the best comment of anybody saying with Dianne Feinstein's it is
unfair to everybody in this case and lisa murkowski i don't know what to
expect from any of them tonight
well I don't need that I mean I think Thursday is important only in the sense
that unless dr. Ford is overwhelmingly convincing and unless judge Kavanagh is
overwhelmingly disappointing I suspect all four of the Republicans will end up
deciding that there is no case adequate to say no at the same time I believe as
I just said that there are five or six Democrats who are on the bubble who have
to go home and explain why they voted with with Schumer and why they voted
with Warren and why they voted with Booker and I think that this could be a
very expensive vote in terms of defeating five or six or seven Democrats
because I think their states are going to say to them you know there's no proof
here the justifies voting no on judge Kavanagh all right Mr Speaker we
appreciate your time sorry you couldn't make it here you're in DC but you
wouldn't even come see us and we're outside and the capital bond is
beautiful no all I tell you is Calista had a better offer Wow all right I don't
blame her I don't blame you a good choice good to
see you sir Thank You penny young Nance's president and CEO of Concerned
Women for America she sort of piece arguing that Christine Ford's account of
an assault by Brett Kavanaugh is missing essential details the rest of us need to
assess it penny young man's joins us tonight
hey thanks all for coming on it's great to be here thanks so I think most people
watching this came into it with a pretty open mind
I know feminists always say no one believes the woman but most people I
know want to believe that's right but it's hard because there are missing
details what should we know that we don't in order to assess well first let
me tell you I'm coming at this as a woman who has been a victim of an
attempted rape and a physical assault when I was pregnant with my first child
and a running path in Virginia I have written a whole chapter in my book about
that issue I've testified before Congress advocating for women and
victims of sexual violence advocating for the Debbie Smith act and written
numerous you know up ads about this this is an important issue to my heart but I
care about justice and that's the missing piece here we do
believe that a person is innocent till proven guilty in this case and it is
we've got judge Cavanaugh and in a possible position people have noted this
you know I would like to believe that women are always morally superior to men
as the head of Concerned Women for America but the Duke Lacrosse case and
lena Dunham's book and you know even going back to classic literature to like
to kill a mockingbird we know that's not always true because we are broken people
the best that we can do is try to get to the truth and I'll show you that not
every woman always tells the truth in every in sadly that is the case of
course it is and we know that you don't immediately become more moral because
you because you're a woman that's why justice must be blind justice has to be
blind to everything gender race socio economics age and we're counting on that
and if we get away from that notion it is dangerous for our nation it's
dangerous for everyone in our country if the presumption is that people are
judged on the basis of their sex or race right well they're immutable
characteristics that's not a component you say that's right
it absolutely is not now listen I believe that I believe women and I think
we have a right to use our voice in a speak up and as a victim we have to have
the opportunity to come forward and share our perspective but we also need
to understand that we deserve to give justice to everyone in this nation and
concern women for America is therefore Judge Cavanaugh we still support him if
something changes if we actually is proven that he's a sexual predator or
anyone sitting on the Supreme Court today we would be the first people
calling for impeachment we would be leading the charge but that's not where
we are and so we strongly are still in support of him in fact we're doing a
women's for Cavanaugh rally Thursday morning behind the Senate Russell
Building 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. any of your viewers that when it come would be
welcome this is an important moment for conservative women to speak up on this
issue penny Nance thank you very much for that
thank you thank you god bless you and God bless america
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