Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2018

Two different men have independently claimed they were involved in the sexual encounter described by Christine Blasey Ford and not Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, it has been revealed

Both men claimed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that it was they who were involved in the incident at a high school party in 1982

Ford has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed and covering her mouth while trying to remove her clothing as his friend Mark Judge watched when she was 15 years old

The Senate Judiciary Committee said it interviewed the first man who came forward

Sen Chuck Grassley released a statement on Wednesday revealing the man 'believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter in question with Dr Ford'

 On Wednesday, a day before both Ford and Kavanaugh are due to testify, the committee also spoke to another man who believes it was he who actually had the encounter with Ford in 1982 that is 'the basis of her allegation'

 The committee said it interviewed the first man who took responsibility for the assault on September 24, according to Buzzfeed News

 He was interviewed again on September 25 and 'described his recollection of their interaction in some detail', according to the committee

  The committee received an 'in-depth written statement' from the man on September 26, the same day they received a phone call from another man claiming he had the encounter

'He explained his recollection of the details of the encounter,' the committee said

 The committee did not release the identities of either men, nor did it reveal whether it found their accounts credible or worthy of following up

 Unlike many states, Maryland does not have a statue of limitations for felony sexual offenses

 Ford has maintained that she vividly remembers the assault with Kavanaugh. She has also passed a polygraph test

 'It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me,' Ford wrote in her prepared remarks prior to Thursday's hearing

  'Both Brett and Mark were drunkenly laughing during the attack. They both seemed to be having a good time

 'Mark was urging Brett on, although at times he told Brett to stop. A couple of times I made eye contact with Mark and thought he might try to help me, but he did not

' Two men independently claiming they assaulted Ford when she was 15 years old come amid more lurid revelations about Kavanaugh's time at Georgetown Prep

  Kavanaugh's nomination has opened the door to a shocking world of the children of Washington's wealthiest, who pay as much as $50,000 a year to exclusive schools which offer gilt-edged educations and entries into elite circles

And in the 1980s the exclusive all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland was almost as infamous for its parties as it was for its ability to send boys to the Ivy League

 'All of these Catholic schools were wild,' one woman who attended an exclusive Washington school for girls and whose brother attended Prep told AFP

'They have a wonderful reputation for education, and they also have a lot of bad boys

If it wasn't drinking, it was gambling,' she said.Kavanaugh has denied accusations that he sexually assaulted or abused women in some of those parties

 But student yearbooks from Prep and other schools, including Holton-Arms academy - where one of his accusers went - testify to the rowdy party culture they lived at the time

The teens of the time clearly had money to burn and their own cars to get to weekly parties students held in massive suburban Washington homes, usually when parents were out of town

The Holton-Arms yearbooks note that invitations to Georgetown Prep parties were highly coveted, where the things of importance were 'boys and beers' and the main activity all-night drinking games

'Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice, and everyone's favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two,' one student Holton-Arms student wrote

In his yearbook, Kavanaugh described himself as 'treasurer' of the 'Keg City Club,' adding '100 kegs or bust' - a reference to a pledge by a group of classmates to drink 100 kegs of beer before they graduate

 Judge later wrote an entire book about the roots of his alcoholism at Georgetown Prep titled 'Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk'

After the first beer, he recalled of an early party: 'I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated'

 He also referred to his pseudonymous friend 'Bart O'Kavanaugh' vomiting and passing out in a car after one late-night party

 Until his nomination, Kavanaugh's life at Georgetown Prep was something he would joke about

'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep,' Kavanaugh boasted in a 2015 commencement speech

But Kavanaugh has sung an entirely different tune since Ford and two other women have publicly come forward to accuse him of assault

  'The vast majority of the time I spent in high school was studying or focused on sports and being a good friend to the boys and the girls that I was friends with,' he told Fox News on Monday

 It was an image that stood in stark contrast to the wild - and horrific - parties Julie Swetnick claimed she witnessed in the 1980s

 Swetnick said in an affidavit that she attended at least 10 parties with Kavanaugh and Judge between 1981 and 1983

   She claims she saw them spiking 'punch' drinks with drugs and alcohol in order to get female partygoers incapacitated and run group sex 'trains' on them

Swetnick said she witnessed groups of boys raping the intoxicated girls, and saw boys lining up outside bedrooms to wait their turn to have group sex with the young women

'I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could be 'gang-raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys,' she said in her affidavit

'I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room,' she added

According to Swetnick, she saw Kavanaugh and Judge waiting in line during these group rape episodes

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'The insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue':

EXCLUSIVE: 'A school swimming in alcohol', beach parties,. Share this article Share Swetnick said she was also gang-raped at one of these parties in 1982 after having her drink spiked with what she believes was Quaaludes

She said Kavanaugh and Judge were also at this party, but did not specify whether the two boys participated in assaulting her

'In approximately 1982, I became a victim of one of these 'gang' or 'train' rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present,' she said

 'During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me


For more infomation >> Two men claim THEY had 'encounter' with Christine Ford NOT Kavanaugh - Duration: 12:40.


Verify: Are these posts showing Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh real? - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Verify: Are these posts showing Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh real? - Duration: 1:41.


Euro NCAP Crash Test of Ford Mustang |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 2:25.

Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more videos!

Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more videos!

Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more videos!

For more infomation >> Euro NCAP Crash Test of Ford Mustang |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 2:25.


High Drama In Senate As Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing Nears - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> High Drama In Senate As Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing Nears - Duration: 2:48.


Joe diGenova: Mazie Hirono Should 'Shut Up,' Ford's Allegations Are 'Figment Of Her Imagination' - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Joe diGenova: Mazie Hirono Should 'Shut Up,' Ford's Allegations Are 'Figment Of Her Imagination' - Duration: 6:22.


Christine Blasey Ford discusses letter she wrote to Sen. Feinstein about Kavanaugh - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Christine Blasey Ford discusses letter she wrote to Sen. Feinstein about Kavanaugh - Duration: 5:14.


GOP hires prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to question Ford - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> GOP hires prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to question Ford - Duration: 4:18.


Kavanaugh's Lawyer Drops A BOMB Reveals Ford May Be Withholding KEY EVIDENCE From Senate(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 12:53.

Kavanaugh's Lawyer Drops A BOMB Reveals Ford May Be Withholding KEY EVIDENCE From Senate

a short time ago I talked with judge Cavanaugh's attorney beth wilkinson

there are now calls not only the senate minority leader chuck schumer but all

ten Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are calling for Cavanaugh to

withdraw his nomination is he considering that at all no he's not and

it's very unfortunate that it's come to this today I'm shocked by the

allegations that were just extraordinary that they were just dropped on the

public today and on the committee if you read those allegations they mean that

tens and tens of men and women were involved with gang rape and binge

drinking and all that goes along with that for years and no one reported it

and no one reported it since Judge Cavanaugh has been in this process if

this allegation has merit I don't understand why her attorney didn't bring

it forward before and why he hasn't gone to the police the Democrats are saying

why not just put the brakes on everything and tell the FBI to reopen

this background investigation I mean that's up to the Senate Judiciary

Committee so it's up to judge Kavanaugh it's really not for it's really not he's

part of this process the Senate is in charge of this process they run the

investigation they run the hearing he has said what he knows which is he

absolutely didn't do this he doesn't even know this woman and he has

submitted himself to questions under the penalty of perjury over and over again

he said repeatedly he's never engaged in this kind of conduct and I wonder why

these people didn't come forward when Judge Cavanaugh has been in the

limelight for months months and if they thought that these allegations had any

merit they should have come forward before and there would have been plenty

of time to do whatever they want to do but you have to question the motives

when they come forward with the most salacious most outrageous allegations

the day before the hearing senator flake said today on the speech on the floor

that no matter what happens even if they get to a yes and no vote that this is

going to have some doubt surrounding it I understand what he's saying because

this process what it's become is so demeaning and degrading for our country

I don't know why anyone would ever want to put their name in the Hat for a

public office name if we're going to do this to people I think there is going to

be a pail over everyone for how they participated in this and it you wouldn't

haul out and make accusations against someone the day before they were going

in front of a hearing you just wouldn't do that normal people even when they're

opposed to judge Cavanaugh which again they have every right to be we'd never

do that and so it just makes everybody look like you know they're politicizing

the Supreme Court and the approval process I talk to a lot of people they

say it just feels bad to them no matter what side you're on

listening to judge Cavanaugh and his wife on that interview with Martha the

other night is he more indignant angry I know he's he's very upset about it

because he knows he didn't do it but you know he's a judge he's not a television

person he's not a trial lawyer like I am and so he's not used to talking about

these things and being on television and it's I think embarrassing in front of

his family and his two daughters to talk about you know that he drank at times in

excess when he was in college about dating girls and what happened it's not

a comfortable position for him that doesn't mean he doesn't have to answer

the questions he understands that comes with the job interview and he's not

saying feel sorry for him but yes he's he's he's outraged by this most recent

allegation because it suggests that for years years there was gang rape going on

and no one said anything of multitude of women and you know a large number of men

were involved it doesn't say actually he was involved

it says he was present which he was not he doesn't even know this woman but this

is a whole different level of allegation we're in this environment obviously

people are being told that they need to come forward two out of three don't

really talk about it but here you have the end of the line and there are a

number of women coming forward well I don't I mean I think some of the women

didn't want to come forward as I understand it for dr. blaze a fourth she

didn't want to come forward and someone leaked her name I feel sorry for her I

feel sorry for anyone who's associated with this process a mark judge who touch

Kavanagh was friends with you know some of the other people who were supposedly

at this party that and says did not happen and and they

don't recall it and it's of course not consistent with judge Gavin our what

they know about him and what he did way back in high school in college but

everybody is demeaned by this process and somebody leaked that information I

don't understand why this information with you know by brought forward by

mister avenatti was you know held back until today and I think I understand why

it makes everyone feel uncomfortable because sexual assault is a very serious

claim and it's difficult for women to talk about it and it shouldn't be

politicized on either side it is not fair to the women and it's not fair to

the men who can be accused or wrongly accused so when they keep saying it

needs to be investigated by the FBI what is the thought in your corner why didn't

they call the police when the day mr. avenatti started representing her no one

stopped him from going to the police or the FBI in fact as I understand it the

Senate Judiciary Committee just sent him the phone numbers of the FBI he knows

what he's doing also today the lawyer for dr. Blasi Ford

a head of this testimony tomorrow put out said she's not going to put out the

medical records and the notes but she did put out the polygraph that she

apparently took on August 7th that comes to the conclusion according to this

paperwork that it's not indicative of deception

her answers to this polygraph does that mean I think to you you know that was up

to dr. posny and again she she you know has her reasons for not wanting to come

forward before and and that's that's up to her but the notes from her that I

read about in The Washington Post were that there were notes that her therapist

made and in in couples therapy and that they don't seem to match up with what

people are saying about what happened now and so those would be relevant

because that was the first time she supposedly ever talked about this and I

would have hoped that they would turn over the notes but of course they're

saying their medical records they don't want to do that again that's up to them

you know she obviously said she wanted to be anonymous but yet in August takes

a polygraph hires an attorney what is the thinking about the reasoning behind

that I think what's that here is that judge Kavanagh knows that he didn't do

this and when these allegations come out at the last minute it's almost

impossible you know to disprove when someone says it at the last minute is he

worried that she's going to come off credible in this hearing and that

they're gonna lose one or two votes honestly he's not thinking about her

other than I think he you know understands that she didn't want to be

public about this either he wants to come forward in front of the American

public and explain that he didn't do this and he'll answer any questions that

the Senate Judiciary Committee has and he'll tell the truth and that's the best

he can do it doesn't like the process how it turned out but he understands

that you know that's his obligation and he's going to do it and he's answer

those questions before and he'll answer them again and does he worry at all

about getting onto the Supreme Court and then somehow this doesn't stop and that

they go after him continually for impeachment or something else well I

think we all worry that if we lose the dignity of the process it can affect the

Supreme Court and everybody involved but I think at this point he has had

investigation after investigation for background he's had a long period where

the public was allowed to look at him you know ask questions for the judiciary

committee senators have asked him questions in public and in private

all that's taken place and all that was there for a reason we we are there too

people are there to decide what they think and whether the Senators will vote

for him or not and they're allowed to do that but it can't be that when people

make last-minute allegations and throw you know character assassination at him

that therefore the the answer is to step back and to not you know go forward

these people deserve to have their hearing and the senators deserve to vote

as they think they should and he's in it for the long haul

yes I mean you know it's been awful for him and his family and his daughters but

it's been worse I think he feels worse for the American public and for the

process White House senior advisor for strategic communications Mercedes

Schleck joins us now so Kay all right so we have a big hearing happening tomorrow

morning judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser will testify before the

Judiciary Committee the expectations as far as the White House is concerned we

heard from the president this morning saying he believes that Republicans the

the committee could not be nicer in their handling of this how do you see

this all shaping up tomorrow morning well we've seen that the Republican

senators have tried to remove politic out of this process that's very contrary

to what we've seen with the Democrats who have tried to derail the process

while the GOP is trying to steer the process back on track it's very clear

that we know where the ten Democrats intentions are and their intentions are

clearly to score political points delay this process and stop Cavanaugh they

themselves and we saw Senator Schumer point this out is that they believe they

presumed that Cavanaugh is guilty and has to prove his innocence I mean that

is just not the American Way and as we know justice judge Cavanaugh has been

very transparent in this process he has gone through 32 hours of a hearing

lengthy written questions that he had to answer as well as these commits clothes

committee meetings and never once did the Democrats bring up these allegations

they withheld this information and now at the last minute

they're bringing this up to stop Cavanaugh it's very clear that the

messed up process here lies at the feet of the Democrats is the president

confident confident that he can still be confirmed Cavanaugh yes I president is

confident that that Judge Cavanaugh can be confirmed Judge Cavanaugh since day

one has said he's willing to testify and clear his name and clear and and stand

up for his good character I tell you I know Brett Kavanaugh and his family

personally I worked with him when I was much younger there are so many of us

women out there who would stand with bread and and and really I can tell you

he was always incredibly professional always respectful and and it's just so

heartbreaking to see how there's this character assassination and his name

being drugged through the mud because the Democrats want to stop

Cavanaugh who's clearly a very qualified judge as women as Americans I think we

can all agree we want to see a fair process play out where the president has

said he wants to hear from his accuser as well she'll get her chance tomorrow

but as far as Democrats are concerned the president making very clear how he

sees them playing through all this watch he's outstanding he said he's a gem

he's an absolute gem he's been treated very unfairly by the Democrats who are

playing a time game they know what they're doing it's a car they go into a

back room and they talk with each other and they laugh at what they're getting

away with it's a con game and that's what they play and that's about the only

thing they do well really he was reiterating what he had tweeted out as

well that this is a con game on the part of Democrats so we'll see how that all

that goes this morning Mercedes before I let you go how does the White House

think that the president's message at the UN is being perceived this week you

know it's very clear that the president is being transparent in his messaging

he's talked about the importance of American sovereignty the the fact that

we've had so many success stories when it comes both domestically and in the

international realm when you look at the fact that we've been able to make

progress in the denuclearization efforts in North Korea where we've been able to

decimate Isis across the the Middle East region there is huge success there and

at the same time we're pushing for a fair reciprocal trade deals working with

our allies making sure that they're also paying their fair share to help in the

global efforts and also sorry sending a very strong message to Iran to China to

Venezuela you know again this is a president who expects results who wants

to make sure that they understand very clearly stand for America the message we

heard this morning all options are on the table when it comes to Venezuela we

heard that loud and clear we're Sadie slap at the White House for

us thank you come back soon thank you so much thank you god bless you and God

bless america

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh's Lawyer Drops A BOMB Reveals Ford May Be Withholding KEY EVIDENCE From Senate(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 12:53.


Kavanaugh Gets the Upper Hand on Ford's Legal Team With This GENIUS Move - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh Gets the Upper Hand on Ford's Legal Team With This GENIUS Move - Duration: 2:00.


Republicans Set Kavanaugh Vote Within 24 Hours Of Christine Ford's Testimony - Duration: 4:18.

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have scheduled a confirmation hearing in committee

for Brett Kavanaugh this coming Friday at 9:30 a.m.

Eastern time.

Now, the reason that time is important, knowing that it's at 9:30, is that that is less than

24 hours after Dr. Christine Ford will be testifying in front of that committee about

what she alleges happened to her at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh nearly 35 years ago.

Less than 24 hours.

Republicans are not only not going to give the public enough time to digest what this

woman has to say, but they won't even have enough time to digest it, order hearings,

order investigations, none of it.

They want to move forward and plow through this nomination, and they don't care what

Dr. Christine Ford has to say.

They've made that clear.

Lindsey Graham expressly said that.

That no matter what this woman says, he's voting to confirm.

They don't care.

They don't care.

They don't take it seriously.

They don't believe her, so they're going to push forward and be horrible human beings,

and then make the Democrats have to come back next January, assuming they retake the Senate,

which seems more and more likely every day, and then they're the ones that have to clean

up this mess.

That's what's going to happen here.

And then Republicans are going to be sitting there with egg on their face, knowing that

they could have prevented it.

They could have ordered an FBI investigation.

They could have taken it seriously.

But instead, they were so desperate to get one victory before this year's midterms, because

they have nothing else to run on, so they are willing to put through an accused rapist

and assaulter just to try to take that back to the voters and say, "Look what we did:

a thing."

Yeah, it's a horrible thing, you idiots.

Here's what's happening: Republicans don't have anything to run on this year.

They tried to run on tax cuts.

They spent millions of dollars running ads during primaries and so far through the midterms,

trying to tell people that their tax cuts were helping them.

Well, that message fell flat.

In fact, they went to some areas of the country, their states, where they tried to find people

who've gotten money from the tax cuts, to kind of parade them out on stage.

They couldn't find anybody.

That actually happened.

They couldn't find a single person in their audience who got any money from the tax cuts,

so they've had to pull back on that.

They can't run on repealing Obamacare because they know that their constituents hate that

idea now, after they tried it multiple times last year and faced huge backlash for it.

They don't have a Hillary Clinton on the other side of the ticket to run against.

They have nothing.

What they wanted to run on was taking over the Supreme Court.

But you put up a guy that you didn't vet, you didn't look into his history enough, and

now you're refusing to look into his history, just so you can get that seat.

And it's going to cost you yours.

You put him on that seat, you're going to lose your seat.

That's basically what voters are telling Republicans right now.

It's what polls are showing.

And it's what's going to happen.

Because Brett Kavanaugh, sadly, is going to be confirmed to the US Supreme Court, unless

the man himself voluntarily withdraws his nomination, he's in, for now.

Democrats eventually are going to take back the Senate.

Maybe it's in January, maybe it's two years, maybe it's four years from now.

But when they do, they're going to launch investigations, they're going to hold impeachment

hearings, and they're going to remove Kavanaugh from the bench.

Yes, Kavanaugh will end up on the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh will also end up impeached from the Supreme Court.

Those are my two predictions, and I would say, based on all of the available evidence,

that's the most likely scenario to happen here.

But the fact that Republicans aren't willing to hear these women out, even when they've

come to them this week, through their attorneys and said, "I have witnesses that are willing

to come to DC and testify before the committee", they're not even responding to those messages.

They're ignoring it, pretending it doesn't exist.

And that is exactly what's going to happen to Dr. Christine Ford tomorrow during her

testimony, and then again on Thursday during the vote on Kavanaugh.

For more infomation >> Republicans Set Kavanaugh Vote Within 24 Hours Of Christine Ford's Testimony - Duration: 4:18.


Trump Dropped One Surprise That Revealed The Truth About Kavanaugh's Accuser - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Trump Dropped One Surprise That Revealed The Truth About Kavanaugh's Accuser - Duration: 3:25.


Grassley: Kavanaugh accuser Ford mistreated by Democrats - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> Grassley: Kavanaugh accuser Ford mistreated by Democrats - Duration: 13:33.


What Would It Take To Sink USS Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier? - Duration: 10:03.

The USS Gerald Ford is the world's largest and most advanced aircraft carrier, a groundbreaking

ship the likes of which has never been seen in human history.

Over 1,000 feet (337m) in length, and displacing 100,000 tons, it is the largest warship ever

built by man.

But is the Ford truly unsinkable as some claim, and if not, what would it take?

Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look

at what it would take to sink the USS Gerald Ford.

On the morning of April 7th, 1945 the Japanese battleship Yamato steamed towards the American

task force invading Okinawa.

The largest battleship ever built, the Yamato was the most feared ship in the world at the

time, with 18 inch guns that could launch shells over 26 miles (42km) away.

Japan had spared no expense in its construction, outfitting it with nine 18 inch 45 caliber

guns- largest caliber of naval artillery ever equipped on a warship- each capable of firing

high explosive and armor piercing shells.

The Yamato's second battery consisted of six 155 millimeter guns and twenty four 127 millimeter

guns, as well as 162 anti-aircraft guns for self-defense.

In short, the Yamato packed enough firepower to engage two or three American battleships

at the same time.

Yet once spotted by American recon aircraft on that April morning its fate was sealed-

by the time the day was done the Yamato would fall victim to an American air attack of over

300 aircraft, of which the Americans would lose only 10.

The USS Gerald Ford has drawn many comparisons from skeptical defense analysts to the Yamato-

battleships were powerful and feared weapons of war, and none more so than the Yamato,

but they were already being made obsolete by the time the Yamato was in full operation.

So too these skeptics fear that the aircraft carrier is even now nearing obsolition, and

with a further 10 planned purchases and a 13 billion dollar price tag- if they are right

the Ford and its sister ships could end up being a costly mistake for the United States.

But why do people fear the aircraft carrier is nearly obsolete?

The first answer to that question comes from the evolution of the long range missile.

In World War II aircraft carriers reigned supreme due to their ability to project firepower

far out of range of even the mightiest battleship's guns, rendering them all but obsolete.

So too now do missiles threaten to outrange the aircraft carrier, with modern missiles

boasting ranges of hundreds to thousands of miles while moving at hypersonic speeds.

The second threat to the modern aircraft carrier comes from coordinated attacks by smaller

surface vessels or drones- think swarm attacks.

An aircraft carrier is a very big, bulky ship and it is feared could fall prey to attacks

by massive swarms of unmanned speed boats loaded with explosives, or aerial drones on

a kamikaze mission to sink the carrier.

While well protected from traditional naval or aerial attack, an aircraft carrier is poorly

suited to defend against hordes of small attackers.

So could either of these tactics work?

Just what would it take to sink the USS Gerald Ford?

For a long time the primary threat to a carrier has come from submarines, which are by their

nature extremely difficult to detect and target.

Yet the USS Ford has a speed of about 30 knots (56kmh/35mph), with a classified top speed.

At 35 mph the Ford is already faster than most submarines, and any submarine trying

to speed up to catch the Ford would generate a lot of noise and be very quickly identified

by the Ford's escort ships or numerous anti-submarine helicopters, each loaded with dipping sonar

and depth charges.

While skeptics point to back in 2006 when a single Chinese submarine surfaced amidst

an American carrier group mid-exercise, it is important to note that the carrier and

her escort ships at the time were not actively looking for submarine threats as they had

no reason to.

While this could potentially have been a lethal vulnerability, a Chinese submarine attacking

an American carrier would have been tantamount to a declaration of war, and during war or

during the buildup to the possibility of war, the USS Ford and her escorts would definitely

be actively looking for subs, making it extremely difficult if not impossible to penetrate the

entire battlegroup.

The second threat the Ford would face would be from cruise missile attacks.

Launched from extreme distances most cruise missiles are designed to fly low to the ocean

on a pre-programmed track before 'popping up' to engage their internal targeting radars

and alter course for a hit.

By flying low the cruise missile avoids radar detection, albeit as soon as it 'pops up'

to engage its radar and adjust its trajectory it would give itself away to every radar in

the Ford's battlegroup.

In that scenario the battlegroup's AEGIS cruisers would coordinate a defense of the entire group,

firing salvos of SM6 or RIM missiles to destroy incoming missiles.

With 2 RIM launchers installed on the Ford, and dozens across the rest of the battlegroup,

a cruise missile would need to penetrate several layers of anti-missile defense, each extending

out for tens of miles.

Even if these somehow failed however, each ship in the battlegroup is equipped with CIWS

Phalanx Turrets, chainguns capable of tracking and firing on inbound missiles at over 50

rounds a second- the Ford alone has 3 equipped.

The best way to overcome the Ford's missile defenses would thus be to launch a large volley

of cruise missiles, but cruise missiles have one fundamental weakness- they require a launch

platform, either a ship, submarine, or aircraft.

With the Ford's 90+ complement of combat aircraft and 4 E2D Hawkeye early warning radar planes,

the carrier could cast a protective bubble of surveillance hundreds of miles around the

entire battlegroup.

Easily spotted, there simply exists no naval or air force in the world that could survive

long enough to get in range of a Ford carrier and its battlegroup.

Even during the Cold War Soviet military doctrine dictated the sacrifice of dozens of Tu-22M

Backfire bombers in kamikaze missions against American carrier battlegroups.

Few if any were expected to survive the attempt to attack an American carrier, and the US

was so confident of its ability to defend their carriers that their own military doctrine

dictated the widespread use of carriers in a conflict against the Soviet Union.

Ballistic missiles prove a much bigger threat however, as they can be launched from thousands

of miles away making their launch platforms difficult if not impossible to neutralize


While typically reserved for delivering nuclear weapons to major cities, modern ballistic

missiles such as those developed by China and Russia purportedly have the maneuverability

to alter their course on their descent trajectory and thus accurately target a small, moving

target such as an aircraft carrier.

Yet while touting its arsenal of hundreds of DF-21 'carrier-killer' missiles, these

types of missiles require long and complex 'kill chains' made up of several key links

that make it possible to A) Spot a carrier, B)

identify the carrier, C) track the carrier and D) accurately target a carrier.

These links range from aerial radar platforms, tracking satellites, command and control centers

down to the actual missile itself.

China has to date not shown the capability to master every link in this long and complex

chain, nor its ability to defend these varied assets from attack, which would thus disrupt

their entire capability.

Even so, a Ford's battlegroup is well equipped to defend itself from ballistic missile strikes

as proven by recent tests of the SM6 missile carried by the group's AEGIS cruisers.

While a saturation strike of dozens of missiles would have a good chance of overwhelming the

carrier's defenses, it's unlikely China or Russia could protect the vital communications

and tracking elements needed to guide those missiles in the first place long enough to

actually hit a fast moving Ford Carrier.

The last threat to the American Ford class carriers comes from swarms of drones and speedboats

laden with explosives.

An emerging and very real threat, both of these attacks would require a carrier to be

operating extremely close to hostile shores, something which a Ford carrier would never

do during war time.

A swarm of fast attack boats would likely not have the range to find and then close

with a carrier battlegroup on the open seas, and even if they did they would have to face

a gauntlet of helicopters and escort ships laden with .50 caliber machine guns.

While in simulations swarm attacks against American carriers have proven it can be a

devastating threat, as long as the carrier battlegroup remained outside of coastal waters

it would likely be out of range.

Never ones to leave it up to chance however, American defense companies have already begun

testing and deploying directed energy weapons and other similar systems to protect from

just such threats.

The USS Gerald Ford is the first in the new line of Ford class carriers.

Carrying over 90 aircraft, to include two squadrons of F-35Cs, Ford carriers will be

the most formidable weapons of war ever created.

Yet as technology continues to advance it may be shifting the advantage to smaller,

faster weapons such as anti-ship missiles, prompting a retaliatory arms race in defensive

weapons such as lasers and railguns.

In the end only combat will prove if the Ford class carriers will continue to dominate the

seas for America and its allies just as the Nimitz carriers did before them, or if the

supercarrier has finally seen the end of its days.

Do you agree with our analysis?

How do you think this would all play out?

Let us know in the comments.

Also, be sure to watch our other video called – Smallest Aircraft Carrier In The World.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, and as

ever, see you next time.

For more infomation >> What Would It Take To Sink USS Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier? - Duration: 10:03.


Dershowitz on what to expect at Kavanaugh, Ford hearing - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Dershowitz on what to expect at Kavanaugh, Ford hearing - Duration: 4:44.


Dr. Ford's Prepared Remarks To Senate Judiciary Committee Released | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Dr. Ford's Prepared Remarks To Senate Judiciary Committee Released | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 6:42.


Ford Polygraph Results Just Released Did They Just Blow A Huge Hole In Her Story?(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:15.

Ford Polygraph Results Just Released Did They Just Blow A Huge Hole In Her Story?

and also tonight Christine blase Ford's legal team releasing the results of a

polygraph test she took in August the former FBI agent who administered that

polygraph test Jeremiah Hannifin Nicki likes to go by Jerry it's here to

describe that session and tell us what Ford told him great to have you with us

tonight thank you okay let me ask you a couple of things you've been doing this

since 1995 I understand you spent about an hour and a half to two hours with dr.

Ford in this process and only asked two questions so we'll get to that but part

of it was getting her written statement which I think we have we can put up for

folks but also you did an interview with her about all of these allegations

before you then administered the test first of all how were you approached

about the test how does that work who pays for it believe it or not was Monday

night August 6th at 8 o'clock at night I got a call from Deborah Katz and Lisa

banks I had done some work for them in the past and they asked if I could do a

polygraph test the next day I told them I had a commitment I could do it later

on in the afternoon and they said they had a client who was in from out of town

that was leaving later on early in the afternoon if there was any way they said

it was important any way I could try to rearrange my schedule so I did I was

able to rearrange my schedule for the next day I called them back and and I

said I could do it the next morning and that's when they told me about the facts

that they had a client who was making allegations back in high school that she

was assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh so we we discussed the details that night and

we discussed the questions that I we both thought were appropriate to ask in

these situations I've done these kind of tests before with no victims and

normally what we'll have them do was write out a statement about the facts so

my introduction to this case was 12 hours before I actually conducted the

polygraph so does it work that her law firm pays for your services and it's

done because you want to maintain that attorney-client work product privilege

okay okay so she in addition to providing the written statement which

we've put up and it basically tracks with the facts that we've heard publicly

for the most part you did and then spent quite a bit of a time with her doing an

additional interview before you would get to the part where you'd actually ask

her the questions so I want to ask you about a few of the things that are in

your summary in the summation at one point you say she

States mark was laughing meaning mark judge and coaxing Kavanagh on this is

the period where she says Kavanagh was on top of her

blase recalls making eye contact with Mark and thinking he may help her did

she explain that at all where she felt through most of her account that he was

a bad actor is there a reason that she felt like making contact with him in

some way would help her I understand and again it's just might we're talking with

her I think what she said she made eye contact she thought legitimately maybe

he and I think she said at some point I was canoe is conflicted I thought maybe

he was gonna try to help me when you do your interview before the polygraph

specially on a victim you don't ask a lot of follow-up questions okay it's you

know it's kind of a heinous thing that that's happened that they're alleging

okay she was interviewed in depth the day before by by Lisa and Debby I'm

assuming and so you want to get the general facts so to continue to ask

questions and pry it can you don't want someone to get too emotional especially

a victim so when you ask that question which is a good question no I just let

her state than Avenue okay she also said according to your summation on a couple

of occasions mark would come over and jump on the bed while this was all

playing out the last time he did this all three became separated and blase was

able to get free and run to the bathroom I've always been intrigued by this did

she say that he was piling on to the two of them he was jumping on the bed

separately did you get any indication I think at one point that she told me

during the interview that you know he would jump on the bed and sometimes they

I think the phrase she used is kind of you know hit each other a little bit and

then he would jump off in the 30 and he and Bret Markham great yes exactly and

then the third time apparently he jumped on the bed it caused some separation in

as she described in the pile which she said I don't know if was my strength

that it was enabling me get off or it's just that I was free and they were so

inebriated that I was able to go into the bathroom and lock the door

okay but there was something going on between Brett and Mark that just in

horseplay or something I would describe it probably a sports play okay because

she describes him to is laughing that they were laughing there was this whole

thing but she felt in fear for her life is it in a statement that she has to you

at one point so these are the two questions that you after she put

together the statement and then you interviewed her these are the two

questions you asked is any part your statement Falls she said no did you

make up any part of your statement her answer was no I don't know a lot about

polygraph tests but to me reading this from the outside it seemed that I would

expect many more questions is this standard to just have the - yes it is

and you know especially we need to do it's it's very rare in law enforcement I

spent most of my obviously my career in working with the FBI you don't normally

give polygraph tests to victims you represent victims okay and you believe

them unless you have some corroborating evidence that there's something about

these persons allegation this person's allegations that you found some

corroborate that you don't believe so when you do polygraphs the most valid

polygraph test Yemen is what we call a specific issue polygraph it's this you

phase polygraph examination it's taught at the department defense polygraph

Institute you're addressing one issue the one issue here is her statement okay

and you have to address that one issue only asking two questions so the

protocol that I followed people think I'm gonna come in and take a polygraph

he's going to ask me 10 questions was it Brett Kavanaugh exactly but you just

look at the overall same you look at you overall as you ask two questions and

that is the most validated polygraph is it possible for someone to pass a

polygraph test based on the conviction that they believe what they're telling

you is true you're not getting to the veracity of what they're saying you're

getting to their belief about what they've told you right exactly

okay very interesting thank you for coming in jury it's great to meet you my

pleasure nice to meet you too all right so we

have a big hearing happening tomorrow morning judge Brett Kavanaugh and his

accuser will testify before the Judiciary Committee the expectations as

far as the White House is concerned we heard from the president this morning

saying he believes that Republicans the the committee could not be nicer in

their handling of this how do you see this all shaping up tomorrow morning

well we've seen that the Republican senators have tried to remove politics

out of this process that's very contrary to what we've seen

with the Democrats who have tried to derail the process while the GOP is

trying to steer the process back on track it's very clear that we know where

the ten Democrats intentions are and their intentions are clearly to score

political points delay this process and stop Cavanaugh they

themselves and we saw Senator Schumer point this out is that they believe they

presumed that Cavanaugh is guilty that has to prove his innocence

I mean that is just not the American Way and as we know justice judge Cavanaugh

has been very transparent in this process he has gone through 32 hours of

a hearing lengthy written questions that he had to answer as well as these

commits clothes committee meetings and never once did the Democrats bring up

these allegations they withheld this information and now at the last minute

they're bringing this up to stop Cavanaugh it's very clear that the

messed up process here lies at the feet of the Democrats is the president

confident confident that he can still be confirmed Cavanaugh yes the president is

confident that that Judge Cavanaugh can be confirmed judge Cavanaugh since day

one has said he's willing to testify and clear his name and clear and and stand

up for his good character I tell you I know Brett Kavanaugh and his family

personally I worked with him when I was much younger there are so many of us

women out there who would stand with bread and and and really I can tell you

he was always incredibly professional always respectful and and it's just so

heartbreaking to see how there's this character assassination and his name

being drugged through the mud because the Democrats want to stop Cavanaugh

who's clearly a very qualified judge as women as Americans I think we can all

agree we want to see a fair process play out where the president has said he

wants to hear from his accuser as well she'll get her chance tomorrow but as

far as Democrats are concerned the president making very clear how he sees

them playing through all this watch he said he's a gem

absolutely treated very unfairly by the Democrats who are playing a time game

they know what they're doing it's a con they go into a back room and they talk

with each other and they laugh and what they're getting away with it's a con

game and that's what they play and that's about the only thing they do well

really he was reiterating what he had tweeted out as well that this is a con

game on the part of Democrats so we'll see how that all that goes this morning

Mercedes before I let you go how does the White House think that the

president's message at the UN is being perceived this week you know it's very

clear that the president is being transparent in his messaging he's talked

about the importance of American sovereignty the the fact that we've had

so many success stories when it comes both domestically and in the

international realm when you look at the fact that we've been able to make

progress in the denuclearization efforts in North Korea where we've been able to

decimate Isis across the Middle East region there is huge success there and

at the same time we're pushing for a fair reciprocal trade deals working with

our allies making sure that they're also paying their fair share to help in the

global efforts and also sorry sending a very strong message to Iran to China to

Venezuela you know again this is a president who expects results who wants

to make sure that they understand very clearly and for America the message we

heard this morning all options are on the table when it comes to Venezuela we

heard that loud and clear Mercedes slap at the White House for us

thank you come back soon thank you so much thank you god bless you and God

bless america

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