Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 28 2018

INSOLITE - Des recettes de cuisine, un mode d'emploi Ikea, il y a très peu de choses que Morgan Freeman ne pourrait pas rendre intéressantes en les lisant à voix haute

Du 4 au 29 juillet, l'acteur américain prêtera sa voix pour effectuer les annonces dans les transports en commun à Vancouver, au Canada

Celui qui a incarné William Somerset dans "Seven", l'allié de Batman Lucius Fox et Dieu dans "Bruce Tout-Puissant" va faire vibrer les passagers avec ses cordes vocales légendaires sur six trajets de la régie des transports Translink, comme l'a rapporté le Vancouver Sun le 23 mai dernier

Dans des messages enregistrés, l'acteur au timbre inimitable rappellera les règles de civilité dans les transports en commun dans le cadre d'une campagne publicitaire de Translink pour promouvoir de nouvelles méthodes de paiement bancaire pour les usagers

Un extrait des annonces que les Vancouverois entendront: "Bonjour, passagers du bus", dira l'acteur oscarisé pour "Million Dollar Baby"

"Ce bus est non fumeur, mais je suis sûr que vous êtes déjà au courant". "Bonne nouvelle, Vancouver

À partir d'aujourd'hui, vous pouvez utiliser votre Visa pour aller n'importe où TransLink se rend

" Récitées par Morgan Freeman, les messages publicitaires intempestifs devraient être plus supportables pour les usagers

La voix de l'acteur ne sera pas utilisée pour annoncer les différents arrêts, bien que le baryton aurait pu avoir l'occasion de faire état de ses talents de narrateur

Devenue un véritable phénomène Internet, la voix de Morgan Freeman a été détournée pour décrire toutes sortes de situations, même les plus absurdes

Morgan Freeman narre la vie d'inconnus dans la rue:

For more infomation >> ✅ Morgan Freeman sera la voix des transports en commun canadiens - Duration: 2:29.


All about Morgan Freeman and TransLink - Duration: 5:31.

Hi I'm Megan Edwards for BareTalk TV. Today we are talking about a huge

scandal about Morgan Freeman being accused of sexual assault by eight women

and its ties to vVancouver because Morgan was [going to go] the voices for TransLink

ads temporarily for this summer, and they have decided to cut him

off completely, and then Seth Rogen said, 'hey if you don't have him, why don't you

have me? Cuz I'm from Vancouver, I can do it!' and TransLink said 'okay, DM us or

we'll DM you and we'll talk about it. 'So what I mean, let's start with like the

main thing, Morgan Freeman being accused of sexual assault, thoughts? - Terrible.

I mean sexual assault, I mean there's been so much of it happening to with

Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman, and these big actors that we'd

loved and respected coming out with all these allegations, it's you know

It's really unfortunate. - It's so disappointing to when you're like a huge

fan of them and you like 'I love this movie.' And they're like, now this movie's

tainted, from because of his actions and he really only - I heard of one situation

where he was trying to get a girl to lift up her skirt and ask him what she

had under her skirt and he only stopped when another actor Alan Arkin I believe

his name is, said 'you know, stop it.' - Well a lot of this is about a sense of power,

right? An entitlement and I guess maybe you have that sense of power until

somebody calls you out on it and so stop, so maybe maybe that's what it is but we

see more and more women coming forward now because the first one did the first

few did, if we now have reports that there's eight I'm not going to be

surprised in the coming days that there's gonna be more than that, it's

hard to be the first one to come forward, but yeah we've all

read about some of the the things he said and to those women and it's

kind of like, if something starts really small, so maybe in your head you justify,

'well this isn't wrong I'm only asking to her to lift up her skirt. ' Well then it

goes a little further, 'Okay now I'm doing this,' but that's

how, okay psychologically speaking, that's how people get away with things

because they start small and they can justify small things and they can

justify small steps from that sometimes until somebody calls you on it and until

you get caught and then that power has been taken away. - No matter what kind of

work environment you're in though, you don't ask

to lift up your skirt, whether you're a big movie star whether you have power,

whether you're here with us, it's just common sense, it courtesy,

it's disgusting. - Well not everybody has common sense though,

right? - Well you have a quote though.' - I said to them I'm gonna hide a quote under my leg and if it's

appropriate to use it, well okay well here's the quote because I was reading a

lot about this and I'm very interested in the whole times up and me too movement and,

I'm very very interested in that I take very good care of the the girls that I

teach and I'm very aware of all these things so one of the things he said is:

'Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I'm not someone who would

intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy. Making women feel

uncomfortable was never my intent.' So just that the way that to me that that's

worded, 'well it's not my intent, but I'm gonna do it anyway because I want to. My

intent isn't to make you feel bad, my intent is to do something I want to do.'

So in reading it like this, it's not like okay what I did was really wrong, it's

like well that's not my intent. - It kind of brings me back to the Kevin Spacey

when he had came up with his allegations and then ultimately used himself being

gay as the reason why which threw me very to be very angry obviously because

you know being gay that's extremely offensive it's like oh yeah because I'm

gay I can you know, sexually harass teenagers, and other people. That's

absolutely no excuse, it makes it more disgusting, there's no justification in

all for any form of sexual harassment. - And I hate too when people are like, 'well he's 80s,

old.' I'm like 'so just because he's 80 doesn't mean he can't respect women, like

you know 60 years ago you could still respect women, you didn't have to say

that kind of shit.' - We have to understand to that but for a lot of people because

they've been getting away with things like this for so long, they're not really

sure what sexual harassment is. So asking someone to lift up their skirt in some

guys minds, 'well that's not sexual harassment, because I'm not touching her.' -

He may just not be educated on that. - Well, a lot of people aren't and we

have to, we have to be the ones to say 'hang on, no no, this is wrong.' - Yeah -'These

are the definitions of what harassment is," and in people's minds they

have understand it, 'no, no, no, no, the thought of it is wrong.' - So really quickly,

so we talked the basic part of the the story about

Morgan Freeman, now he's been cut off the TransLink ads, he's done, and Seth Rogen is

like, 'hey like, what about me?' I think that would be hilarious because he has such a

stoner voice. - I vote Seth, can anyone imitate his giggle, his laugh, I can't. -

ahaha-ahaha-ahaha- Station Nw West aha-haa - I just kind of think it would make just the

experience of crammed transit, just more fun, a little more tolerable. -

Yes, he is from, Vancouver! - He is from here, so what can we start something here about, 'vote for Seth.' Like

I don't know can we start that? - Him or Ryan Reynolds would be really good. - I like, I

like, I think he's neat. -I think he is good too. - Perfect choice I think. - Well, what do you guys think? Do you

think that Seth Rogen should voice the TransLink VISA ads? Do you think someone

else, like maybe Ryan Reynolds should, and what do you think about the whole Morgan

Freeman incident. Comment below, I'm Megan Edwards that's BareTalk TV.

For more infomation >> All about Morgan Freeman and TransLink - Duration: 5:31.


Dark Secrets Of Morgan Freeman | ⭐OSSA - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Dark Secrets Of Morgan Freeman | ⭐OSSA - Duration: 3:18.


Morgan Freeman-Skandal: Belastende Videos aufgetaucht - Duration: 2:45.

Der Verdacht, Morgan Freeman (80) habe mehrere Frauen sexuell belästigt, verhärtet sich: Am Donnerstag berichteten US-Medien, dass acht Damen den Schauspieler bezichtigen, sich ihnen gegenüber unsittlich verhalten zu haben

Freeman soll nicht nur obszöne Bemerkungen über ihre Körper fallen gelassen haben – die Vorwürfe reichen bis hin zu schamlosen Berührungen

Zeugen sollen die Vorfälle bestätigen können. Nun sind belastende Videos aufgetaucht, die die Unschuld des Hollywood-Stars nicht gerade entlasten werden

Die Clips zeigen den 80-Jährigen im Umgang mit verschiedenen Journalistinnen. Bei einem Pressetermin zu seinem Film "Ruth & Alex" 2015 sagte Freeman zu Reporterin Janet Mock: "Ich weiß gar nicht, wie sie das immer fertigbringen

Sie haben ein Kleid an, das auf dem halben Weg zwischen ihren Hüften und ihren Knien endet, und dann setzen sie sich mir gegenüber und schlagen die Beine übereinander

" Janet fehlten die Worte: "Ich, als farbige Frau [.] war so enttäuscht, dass jemand, der als 'Großvater der Nation' gilt, so ein geschmackloses Verhalten an den Tag legt", erinnerte sie sich bei CNN anschließend an das Interview

Eine ähnliche Szene spielte sich ein Jahr später ab: Der "Million Dollar Baby"-Darsteller traf auf Reporterin Ashley Crossan vom US-Magazin Entetainment Tonight

Im Laufe ihrer Unterhaltung fragte Freeman die Frau: "Haben sie Interesse an älteren Männern?" Als sich der Oscarpreistäger dann für das Gespräch bedankte, spielte er auf ihr Aussehen an: "Das Vergnügen war ganz auf meiner Seite

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