Shane: Good Morning! Tamara: Thank god you're here, I've got so many questions for you! S: Let's get into it!
T: Who's your favorite superhero? S: The Hulk T: What was the best concert you ever
attended? S: Oh definitely Coldplay, twice! T: twice!? Where's your favourite place in the world?
S: Las Vegas! Morning Sandy! Sandy: Good morning Shane!
T: Thanks for stealing one of my questions Sandy! (laugh)
T: If you could be any animal which would you be? S: ah, a monkey.
T: What's the last book you read?
S: How to read body language. T: What are you passionate about?
S: My beautiful family. T: what's your favorite movie? S: bad boys. T: What's the craziest thing
you've ever done? S: Bungee jumping New Zealand. T: What are you
currently watching your Netflix? S: Narcos. T: me too! Dead or Alive who would
you most like to have dinner with? S: ooh tough one, Simon Sinek. T: What's the best meal you've ever
had? S: Mum's lasagna. T: if you could visit anywhere in the world
you've never been where would you go? S: Mount Everest. T: if you were a crayon what color
would you be? S: Green. T: what's the most helpful way for you to get feedback? S: Just
come and talk to me. T: And what is your favorite family tradition? S: It'd definitely
have to be Christmas dinner. I've got a question for you! T: Yes? S: Don't you have a report for me, to do? T: Whoopsies, got
to go!
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