Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about
Smart Sunday and passing your road test. The second in the series of Smart Sundays. I have to stop clapping
my hands - that's my new thing to not to clap my hands. So anyway,
the sound should be good here. I have double-checked the microphone because
I've done that a couple of times now with the live feeds. I've forgot to plug
in the microphone when I got started here so I so BLISK I think I'm saying
that right is going to the National Guard congratulations on that and that's
very exciting he got his license on the 3rd of August so congratulations on
getting your license and passing that congratulations to all the other smart
drivers who have got their license in the last couple of weeks Sam is here
from Ruki driving rookie auto driving school
and bronx new york city and the new piece of information that I learned in
last week is that in New York City and I want to ask Sam this question you can't
turn right on a red light in New York City now Sam does that apply to
Manhattan proper or does that apply to Bronx Brooklyn Queens and the outlying
suburbs as well so maybe you can just figure that out and Big Muddy boss is
here from Las Vegas how is Las Vegas is it hot there in the summertime big money
boss are you sweating like crazy in the desert I know that they say it's a dry
heat but I mean you know when I stick my head in my oven it's a dry heat too but
King Julian Trinidad and Tobago that's exciting King Julian are you going for a
license down there and Trinidad and Tobago just leave that information for
me as well I don't know what happened with the YouTube channel this week of
the YouTube channel great news don't get me wrong don't get me wrong in terms of
what's going on here the channel exploded this week I mean exploded
we had 260,000 minutes of watch time two days ago on Friday so incredible just
absolutely over-the-top incredible in terms of the success of big money boss
now I'm hoping it's not a bubble that's it's pretty short money it's your short
time I'm hoping that it keeps going so okay questions somebody asks somebody
said they got the test Bryce got is his test I got my license last Friday
excellent thank you so much and God bless you as well for that
congratulations on getting your license and yes I'm happy to hear that you're
still watching the videos Bryce because there is a lot of information here about
learning how to drive I do you know jokingly say to people that I teach
people how to pass a road test but I'd like to think that there's some
information that I'm in parting as well that's helping people to learn how to
drive and to drive safely twelves nation how do you deal with angry drivers
unfortunately angry drivers are going to be part and parcel of learning how to
drive so you need to sort of take a deep breath when you've got angry drivers
because it's gonna happen you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna impede other
people and they think that you know that they need to be in front of you so the
first thing you need to know is you need to know that it's going to happen
because if you are prepared for it saying to yourself people are going to
be angry then when it does happen it's not going to be a big surprise you're
going to say okay this was coming now it's happened if angry drivers I'll tell
you a story about angry drivers three years ago I went through a divorce with
my kids and it was an incredibly stressful time in my life I'm driving
back from work I'm working at a town I'm about an hour and 20 minutes north of
town and I am NOT doing the speed limit to say the least and coming back to get
to get my kids and I go into a parking lot
it's a busy parking lot of the AMW and I have to go around in a circle to come
back to get my kids because it's raining and they're standing over on the
sidewalk underneath the canopy under the drugstore
and there's a van across the parking lot blocking my path around the parking lot
to come back to my kids so I start honking the horn for this person to move
out of the way the guy gets out of his van walks across the parking lot opens
the door of my car and I had my left hand on the steering wheel he put his
hand on my wrist and I looked at him and calmly said to him you need to take your
hand off my wrist he took his hand off my wrist slammed the driver's door and
said some Verret not very nice things to me and went back and got back in his van
and moved his van I would recommend that if you are in that situation of road
rage lock your doors do not make eye contact with them do not talk to them
simply call the police and have the police come and deal with the situation
if it gets out of hand because unfortunately there have been incidents
as a road rage where people get incredibly angry to the point that they
cannot control their emotions and there are some places in the world a lot of
places in the world actually that unfortunately they're going to have
weapons they're going to have a tire iron they're going to have a gun
perhaps they're gonna have a club or some other things so do not engage at
all do not open your doors don't look at them don't talk to them simply ignore
them and if you have a cell phone with you in the car contact the police that's
how you deal with angry people okay so anytime is still got your license but
learning King Julien you'd be taking my test pretty soon excellent before yours
in well and we're really happy to hear that that has helped out sweet 15 I have
a week's worth of lessons this week here I'll just put the chat up here for you
and then everybody else can see it as well there we go and then they know what
I'm looking at yes any time do not engage but yes no eye contact no nothing
Steve absolutely in terms of you have a road rage situation do not
engage with the person because if you engage with the person that's simply
going to increase their emotion their anger and they're going to become more
angry and here's the other key piece of information about people that are angry
do not tell people who are angry to calm down
a person who is upset and you tell them to calm down they rarely ever calm down
and the other thing you need to know about angry people is is that angry
people can only stay angry for about two minutes if you do not engage with them
and you do not interact with them they can only do it for about two minutes so
if you're nodding if they're standing outside your car on the door and yelling
and screaming they're only going to be able to do that for about two minutes
before they run out of steam and they're gonna go off somewhere else so just one
more quick story when I lived in Australia I worked in a butcher shop on
Saturday mornings and there was a big husky guy there you know broad shoulders
short squad he probably weighed about 220 pounds
you know the barrel chest and whatnot he came in one Saturday morning and he had
a black eye and I guess somebody cut him off in traffic and it was a 55 year old
bricklayer with you know calloused hands and you know blue denim shirt on and he
got out of the car and went right up and the guy the bricklayer got out of the
car he didn't even hesitate he just punched the guy right in the face and
unfortunately when he told me that story you know this 220-pound guy that
probably nobody would ever mess with I just realized how quickly it happened
when when there's a road regions so do not engage in terms of road rage ah yes
Steve the Internet yes unfortunately there are angry troll people as well on
the internet and I get some of them on my channel and you know you just don't
engage that's the best you know one of the best things that I've learned in the
last little while is not to engage with people who are angry because sometimes
you just don't have to engage so that's a good strategy
Buran I'm extremely nervous teach me how to get rid
well unfortunately burn you're not going to get rid of that very much and I'll
another story here when I was doing martial arts when I first started doing
martial arts my sensei insisted that we go to tournament well I
hated going to tournament because first of all I have this immense competitive
streak in me and I never won at tournament so I didn't like going to
turn it as well when I first started going to tournament I was strung like a
harp string I was tense I was anxious and and because I was one
of the lower belts and I just started martial arts you went at the end of the
day so you would get there at nine or ten o'clock in the morning and then you
wouldn't do your kata you wouldn't do your presentation until three or four
o'clock in the afternoon well by that time you're just over the top in terms
of anxious and fearful but my sensei kept encouraging me to continue to go to
these things and continue to train and it's the same thing with what you're
doing in terms of a license and feeling anxious and feeling nervous in terms of
driving you have to get in the vehicle and you have to practice because when
you get nervous and you get anxious you're going to do what you have
practiced so practice driving and the more that you practice the more
comfortable you become with driving the the tension and the fear is not going to
go away but it's gonna be there and when we get anxious or we get tense we do
what we practice and that's what my sensei used to say to us all the time we
do what we practice especially when we get tense so the more you practice the
more driving you do the better you're going to be when you get fearful or you
get under pressure in those types of things hey Miguel any time thank you so
much for that and the mus yeah doing my three tests for my learner's permit this
primont excellent airbrakes theory as well I'm in Montreal is there a written
part for the airbrakes theory test
thanks for the compliment yes I believe anthem astaire is in
Quebec as well and there are some practice driving test questions for air
brakes for the theory on the smartdrive test website so head
over there and have a look at that today well who else has a question as Steve is
a big rig yes bigger vehicles tend to
win big money boss had an anger thing yes you do get angry and you somehow
have to control that anger when you're driving so just try to breathe and say
to yourself really is this worth it Ramy surrey bc i passed my road test route
last week thank you so much yes i saw that that was awesome i'm really happy
to hear that you did pass your road test down there in surrey king julien yes
people will break windshields but at least if they're breaking the windshield
that you're going to be fairly safe because it's not likely that they're
actually going to get through the windshield to be able to get a hold of
you so yeah let's see who else we got here Majin self-driving cars that's an
excellent point self-driving cars I wanted to talk about
self-driving cars because I've had a couple of comments come through on the
shifting theory video about the fact that self-driving cars are going to come
forward and that truck drivers bus drivers taxi drivers anybody who drives
for a living transporting Freight or passengers or
services is going to be out of a job because of self-driving cars now some of
you may or may not know sorry I had something fall around the floor there
some of you may or may not know that my dissertation my grad my University work
looked at the transition between motor traffic and horse-drawn traffic and
there was a huge transition social protest against that because you have to
understand that there was a huge infrastructure in place with the horses
and the transition from horse-drawn vehicles to motor traffic was not an
easy transition and it took place over the course of a hundred years now coming
back to self-driving vehicles just bear with me for a minute the
infrastructure for 12 self-driving vehicles is enormous
you need computers satellites GPS tracking all kinds of things in place we
are not going to have autonomous vehicles in place in the next 50 or 100
years self-driving autonomous vehicles are a long long way off and it was
interesting because in preparation I'm actually going to do a video on
autonomous vehicles and self-driving vehicles because let me tell you don't
get me wrong I'm the first one for autonomous vehicles fine I want
autonomous vehicles there is nothing more that I want them to get in a
vehicle and tell it where to go and let me let it take me there but there are a
long long way off 50 years hundred years and I was looking at the crash that
killed Joshua Brown in Florida with the Tesla last year on the seventh of May in
2016 and it was interesting that they blamed the driver they said that there
were no less than eight warnings for the driver to put his hands back on the
steering wheel so unfortunately they've passed the responsibility off to the
driver in terms of the crash that Tesla had in May 2016 which is a little bit
I'm still trying to get my head around it in terms of the psychology of it
because if I'm in an autonomous vehicle I want the the autonomous vehicle to
drive I don't want to have to put my hands on the steering wheel to pay
attention so we're getting there okay
yes self-driving vehicles in the wintertime
I mean and the other question is is that if you're talking about tractor trailers
and you're talking about buses and those types of things I mean let's just talk
about tractor trailers for a minute because I was having a discussion with a
mate of mine this afternoon
how is how are you gonna get a tractor trailer into a loading dock and backed
into a loading dock I just I don't know because it's so it's such a specific and
exact maneuver that I just don't know how an autonomous vehicle is going to do
that big money boss how is the video coming
on curves and highways yes it's on my list
this week I'm going to do the garage the backing into a garage
video for you I'm gonna get that one done for you I'm going to do the
autonomous video the autonomous car video and I'm gonna do the highway video
so I'm gonna get those done those are on my list they're on the priority they're
at the top of the list I got a few other things I got to do this week
unfortunately I got to go down and deal with my tenants and victory yet again so
where we're working on that okay this is an excellent point that Sam
made I mentioned at the introduction that Sam is with rukhi auto driving
school in Bronx New York City they will not make you Park between two vehicles
they're in New York so just know that and most jurisdictions are not going to
make you Park B between two vehicles most the time they're gonna take you
into parking lot you're going to park off posts or you're gonna park behind
one vehicle okay Oscar look at the video on controlling speed I'll put it down in
the description box for you after on terms of how to control the gas pedal
the throttle and that will help you with that so we'll do that William how far
objects are in the mirror when you're looking in the mirror and the vehicle is
behind you you should be able to see the entire front of the vehicle and the
lower half of the mirror that will give you a good indication of how far away
and then the other thing is is to make sure that before you change lanes or
whatnot that you shoulder check to move over to make sure that you have an
adequate gap behind you okay
Tony do you have to parallel park perfectly no you don't have to parallel
park perfectly they do want you sort of 8 to 12 inches from the curb ideally
however if you nudge the curb like just bump the curb and then realize oh my god
I'm at the curb and you pull forward that's not a big deal
you can pull forward and adjust and then back into the space it doesn't have to
be absolutely perfect but you will get some demerits for that but it's not
going to be terminal in terms of failing your road test if you do hit the curb
and the body rocks over the chassis of the
vehicles and that's a lot to make fail or you push the wheel up over the
sidewalk then unfortunately that's a fail but know that your road test does
not have to be perfect you don't have to do a perfect score from first the end
you are allowed a certain amount of demerits on your test and you'll still
be successful on passing your road test so know that the purposes of your road
test that it doesn't have to be so know that okay big money to us when is your
next time to videos coming out hopefully tomorrow I just I got backed up with
holidays so I just had to take a little bit of a break okay definitely tomorrow
for sure we'll get one up and get that going for
you I think I can get the parking into the car for you fairly simple so on
antha mas UPS driver for 16 years I've never driven a tractor trailer should I
take ten hours or 20 hours practical course all anthem Asst in terms of
driving tractor trailer o anthem Asst where are you and ours 10 or 20 hour
practical course 4 ok so you've been a UPS driver are you driving one of those
UPS vans that are kind of like those the large cargo vans just leave me a note
there and all yeah as steve says here more hours is better the more seat time
you can get the better because you have to realize that when you take a
tractor-trailer course there's five components for the tractor-trailer
course right there's turning shifting pre-trip inspection hook and unhook and
then there's backing out those are your five basic components of your
tractor-trailer course the shifting is going to eclipse everything you're for
the first few days you're just going to be stuck in on that gearbox but turning
getting the vehicle around an urban area and turning corners is going to be your
biggest challenge in terms of learning how to drive a tractor trailer because
there's a lot of off-tracking in a tractor trailer and how you navigate
around the corner is going to be your biggest challenge and as I say the
students when I'm teaching them how to drive tractor trailer but the tractor
the truck can go anywhere in the row but the trailer has to stay in its lane
and that's your goal in terms of preparing for a road test and that takes
a bit of that takes a bit of time in order to be able to do that so know that
the turning is going to be your most important feature of your
tractor-trailer course however shifting an on synchromesh transmission is going
to be the bigger thing and if you haven't seen the shifting theory video
here on the channel have a look at that already ok when driving a motorcycle I
can I can lane split Sandra where are you Sandra that you're saying you can
lane split because I know that they do that in California and they do it in
other places I know they do it in Australia what not so yeah just let me
know we're here ok who else you got here Brent when should I start turning my car
when pulling out of a parking spot so I don't swipe sideswiped the vehicle okay
Brent Bret sorry you need to be you need to be in front of the vehicle so where
you are sitting in the driver's seat you need to be able to see the front of the
vehicle before you start turning the steering wheel is what you need to do
that's when you start turning the steering wheel okay
sweet 15 are you able to adjust your mirrors when you're parking on a road
test it is not recommended okay if you have a newer vehicle
I rented a 2017 Nissan Murano there a few weeks ago are back in May rather
when I was in Ontario and I noticed that when you put the vehicle into reverse
and you're backing into a space the mirrors adjust automatically now I
don't know if you have a newer car that you can do that but on a road test there
are some driving instructors that will get you to just three just the mirrors
when you're parking however myself and I believe Sam as well
do not recommend that you are adjusting mirrors while you're preparing to
parallel park or to reverse stall park because examiner's just kind of get you
know they're kind of frustrated because they're pressured because they have a
certain number of tests that they have to get done in a day and if you're
spending you know 30 40 seconds adjusting mirrors to park it kind of
annoys them a little bit so I just yeah have a look at that yes Tim my my
shifting video is still killing it it is two hundred and eighty thousand minutes
a watch time on Friday so yes it is still killing it then a yak why do
driver test inspectors insist on driving in Residential's is it wrong to drive at
40 in a 50 kilometer zone in Canada Vinny AK posted speed limits so there's
three speeds that you need to drive for the purposes of a road test okay you
need to drive the posted speed limit you need to drive the flow of traffic or you
need to drive the speed that your vehicle will do so for example if you're
in a bigger vehicle like a tractor trailer it's not going to go uphill at
the posted speed limit so whichever one of those three is less that's how fast
you travel for the purposes of a road test now saying that if you're in a
residential area with a lot of cars parked along both sides of the roadway
then yes you can drive at a slower speed if the conditions the road conditions
warrant it so you can do that so just know that for the purposes of the road
test that you can drive at a slower speed if you're in a high pedestrian try
area you can also you can also drive at a slower speed there as well so know
that okay so you don't have to drive at the posted speed limit all the time if
the conditions warrant it then you can in fact drive slower so okay so Sam is
from the Bronx yes Sweeney is from Harlem in New York
that's awesome yeah Sam asked a good question we are
people from so Sandra lives in New York so Sam can talk to that a little bit
about that dude motorcycles in New York City Lane split is that an acceptable
driving culture in New York City that motorcycles lanes but split while
they're down there who else okay so I answered Sweeney's question
Majin is from Houston big money boss bicycle lanes you're talking about
bicycle lanes right big money boss because if you're talking about bicycle
lanes I just put up a video a couple weeks ago about turning right at
bicycling I'm wearing my very spiffy bicycle lane outfit so I did that for
you Atlanta Steve is from Atlanta Georgia
okay Freemont what do you do if the police pull you over well you pull over
in a safe place first and foremost you if you're on a
busy highway you don't have to pull over to the edge of the road you can go down
the road and pull off on an exit ramp or you can pull into a fueling station or
some other place and the police appreciate that that they're not
standing out on the side of the road trying to talk to you while they're you
know giving you a ticket or warning or whatnot and so the other thing with
police be polite this comes back to the road rage thing
and the anxiousness thing in the fear and whatnot do not be belligerent
because I will guarantee you if you are a belligerent to a police officer you
are almost always going to get a speeding ticket because they're just
kind of like well if you're not gonna be nice to me then I'm just going to give
you a ticket so if you're nice to them a lot of times they'll just give you a
warning so know that
as well look at the video here on being pulled over and I'll tell you there's an
interesting story in there about me being pulled over in North Carolina by a
police officer because I was speeding when I was driving truck
Sweeney okay so did that answer the question
during the driver's test Tony asked during the driver's test when the
instructor asked you to turn specific direction you usually have to change
lanes in order to turn are you does your give you lots of time to change lanes
yes the driving instructors are the driving examiners rather are quite good
at giving you plenty of notice they're going to give you at least a block now
some driving instructors McKell where is Mikkel from that just popped off their
Wake Forest North Carolina that's awesome so I'll have to tell my police
story about being in North Carolina yes going back to driving examiner's on your
road test they're going to give you plenty of notice when you need to change
lanes to prepare to turn right or left at the intersection and sometimes some
driving examiner's not all driving examiner's but some will say at the
controlled intersection turn right and the reason that they say controlled
intersection a controlled intersection is designed as his digs designated as an
intersection with a sign a stop sign a yield sign or traffic light so that's a
controlled intersection or they might say at the intersection at the next
intersection turn right and when they say at the intersection they're just
saying at the next intersection there's no control there because oftentimes it's
a you're turning on to a minor road off a major road and there's no controls on
the major road for you to observe so they'll just say at the next
intersection turn right so that's directions that they'll give
you for the purposes of taking giving you directions during a road test all
right and and there are I have seen on YouTube a few actual road tests where
people have snuck cameras and and are videoing the road test I wouldn't
suggest to do that because it's not you know you could have your road test
halted or stopped because you're recording it so Narges if you're at a
t-junction and there is a car waiting to make a left onto the vertical road and
you want to make a right and there is no sign besides a stop sign do you have to
wait or go if you're making a left and they're making a right you can go Narges
but what I recommend and what I say to all students in terms of a defensive
move and sure make sure that that car is committed to that turn if the car is not
committed to the turn do not pull out in front of them because they may change
their mind and may just proceed straight through and if they proceed straight
through unfortunately you're in the wrong so always make sure that before
you pull out into the left lane are make up pulling out for your left turn make
sure that that other vehicle is committed to the right turn okay a
shimmer I pass my New Jersey's road test in May congratulations that's awesome
and Indiana justice what is the best way to pass the knowledge test yes Justice
Breyer my tagline pick the best answer not
necessarily the right answer is key to the multiple choice tests that you're
going to be required to pass your theory test now when you take your theory test
study as sublist says here study yes that's perfect now the key fundamental
tool of passing the theory test is find the practice test questions here on the
Internet and some of them will be specific and some of them won't there
are some of my smart drive test website just go down the column on the right
there and pick the menu item and do the practice tests now go and do the
practice test see how you do and don't read you think my microphone came
unplugged okay okay you know working working I
think it's showing it's working here so anyway okay um
theory test yes do the practice driving test questions see which ones you get
wrong and then go look up that specific information in the driving manual don't
read the driving manual from cover to cover good ring identify the gaps in
your knowledge go to the driving manual and then look up the specific specific
information that you don't know and just keep doing the practice driving tests
over and over again okay can everybody everybody can still hear me so my volume
got turned down somehow okay so you can't hear me excellent so I did check
that it was still plugged in knowledge tests we've done that fire wreck can I
pass a school bus if I'm not in the lane next to the school bus absolutely not
absolutely not the only time that you cannot that you
can pass the school bus is if you're on a / way that has a physical barrier
between the two lanes of traffic otherwise you if the school bus is
stopped with the flashing lights and this stop sign note you must stop until
the vehicle or the school bus turns and lights off and the stop sign retracts
that's the only time that you can go now New York State we come back to New York
State being yet different again even if it's a divided highway you still have to
have stopped for a school bus however a lot of people in New York State do not
stop and if you look at some of the information here on the internet they
say that there's a high number of drivers that do not stop for school
buses in the state of New York and I can understand that because do I stop for
the school bus or do I risk being rear-ended and I think I would rather
you know on a divided highway that's split with a physical barrier I don't
want to take the chance of being rear-ended so I would just proceed Steve
thank you so much excellent well that's good that you can still hear me Brett
when I turn left I will take my right hand and kinda
just hold the wheel at 7 o'clock position one hand until finish the turn
is that okay no that's not okay bring both hands on the steering wheel for the
purposes of a road test and most places in North North America are going to be
hand over hand look at the videos here on steering wheel hand position and how
to manipulate the steering wheel some of them some driving instructors
some driving examiner's will want you to manipulate the steering wheel back
others will allow you to just simply open your fingers keep the steering
wheel in contact with your palms and let it come back through your palms slide
through your palms because it will do that automatically and then just adjust
slightly so no that's how you could do that you cannot one-hand the steering
wheel there's no one hand there's no palming the steering wheel for the
purposes of a road test both hands on the steering wheel at all times and
you'll know that I struggle to keep both hands on the steering wheel when I'm
teaching people how to drive so okay DV lottery guide so pretty much every left
turn at an intersection is a yield turn right it's a little more complicated
than that do have a look at the two videos on left turns here and they'll
give you some more information about that and if you have more questions
leave me a comment and I'll be more than happy to get back to you and answer that
question for you Majin what if four people stopped at a
four-way stop sign intersection at the same time okay so watch the video here
on four-way stops most people will come it's very unlikely that four cars are
going to arrive at a four-way stop at the same time but if the if the four-way
stop gets busy what happens is the alternating lanes are crossroads take
turns going through the intersection so know that and just to have a look at the
video here and four-way stops and I'll give you some information but basically
what it is is sort of you know if you had four cars that arrived at before we
stopped at the same time it would spur from be whoever's bold enough to go
first and then the rest of them are gonna kind of give them the right of way
because remember as I say all the time again and again right-of-way is never
taken the right-of-way is always given okay you cannot have the right-of-way
unless somebody else gives it to you so just know that
okay um fire Rick which which place would be the best place to practice
controlling my car on empty parking lot fire wreck or some other closed circuit
area where there's very little traffic if you sometimes if you're in an urban
area churches will not have very much traffic during the week Church parking
lots rather and they're not too upset about you doing that
those are good places to practice other types of parking lots around theaters
and those types of things because theaters don't have much parking in cars
parked in there during the day and those types of things so those are good places
to practice there's lots of mall parking lots that you can go in and practice if
the other place that you can go in practice slow speed maneuvers is to go
outside of the city and some of the rural rows are Y a rural roads and those
types of things I always have to think between rural and urban I put that
definition so you can go out to some of the rural roads and that will help you
out as well and so you can find a place out there that will have a controlled
area Tony does the driving test instructor pick which parking spot you
back into they may not they may just say Park all along over the building there
or whatnot Sam might be able to comment on that whether they give you specific
space that you have to back into one of the things that I recommend when you're
backing into a space is try and park beside another vehicle because that's
much easier than trying to park into a space that there aren't any vehicles
around you because if there's another vehicle that you're parking off it gives
you a reference point and it's much easier to back into a space if if
there's another vehicle there because you can use that as a reference point
big Bubba trucker yes and leave yourself enough time to be a curious driver it's
easier to yield the right-of-way at a four-way stop if everyone arrived at the
same time than it is to create an accident yes and as well just done that
no to what big Bubba said doesn't take any time out of your day to be nice to
people right if you let people in and those types of things really and you
know pay it forward and you know because driving is a social experience and
unfortunately too many of us we kind of get into that negative frame of mind
where it's like a person cut me off and you have you ever noticed that when
you're driving that the person in front of you is you know driving like a
bonehead and the person behind you who's driving slower is driving like a
goofball so you know we're always thinking that we're perfect but just you
know as I say try and relax sit back take a breath be nice to people so ah
yeah and does taking time out of your day
okay a shimmer I will get that to you just send me an email Rick at smart
drive test and I'll get you a copy that okay and we can we can go forward from
there DV lottery another question I'm in Ohio I passed maneuver maneuverability
but I failed the road I scheduled another BMB location do you think I
might have to retake the maneuverability I'm not following that in terms of Ohio
this when you're saying maneuverability is that do they have two parts to the
road test in Ohio because I'm not familiar with what the road tests are in
Ohio so just explain to me a little bit what maneuverability is and I'll be able
to comment on that for you otherwise I'd have to look it up for you on the DMV
website okay mystery queen what tips do you have for a person who hasn't driven
in years and wants to start back where I would start Mystery Queen as I would
strongly suggest that you go to a parking lot get some of those 36 inch
one meter tall pylons and just go to the parking lot and just get comfortable
with the primary controls again so just drive straight down the parking lot back
up down the parking lot and just you know get used to the steering wheel
used to the throttle and the brake and those types of things so that's where I
would start with that and then I would and then before you venture out onto the
roadway I would find a mentor or somebody that can help you with that or
a driving instructor you're going to take some driving lessons but I would
really start in a parking lot or a closed circuit area or a really you know
low density traffic place that would allow you to get comfortable with the
vehicle first because you really want to get comfortable with the vehicle first
before you get started
science leaks thank you so much for that you know I'm going really glad the
information is helping people to get their license and passed a road test and
reduce stress and anxiety because that's really the goal of the channel list and
really help people do that uh feely tres I saw a video of a chopper with a
spotlight chasing a motorcycle what do you do if this happens so are you one of
the other cars on the roadway where there's a high high speed chase with a
with a helicopter because if that's the situation that you have you saw my
suggestion would be just to move off to the side of the road and let the
motorcycle and the helicopter go by because it's essentially an emergency
vehicle situation is what you're doing okay okay so a lottery guide yeah pretty
much parking and the other is just a driver on the block so just okay if you
booked it at another location you're probably gonna have to do that again is
my suspicion but you might just want it what I would suggest is you just contact
the DMV Center where you're taking your road test and just ask them that
question and they'll be able to give you specific information because I won't be
able to give you specific information for that that road test so just do that
and they'll be able to give you more specific information about
all right yeah and I sublist this is the other thing is that schools don't go
back into session for another two or three weeks so school parking lots are
another place that you can go for closed circuit areas or doing slow speed
maneuvers that's another place that you can go to do that
yes and for driving schools there's some talks some discussion here on this about
road tests if you're taking driving lessons with a driving school it's going
to be the driving school that will book your road tests because they have blocks
of time that they book with the DMV centers the licensing centers and your
driving school will book the road tests for you now if you book your own and you
have a driving instructor you need to tell your driving instructor that you've
booked a road test and win that road test date yes and just know that as well
that's funny so well we're glad you're back Sam
that's that's great okay a shimmer what is professional driver's license a
provisional driver's license allows you to drive just it's a temporary license
it's not gonna last very long so just take note of what the date is on your
provisional driver's license and there's going to be some conditions as well on
your driver's license depending on whether that's prescription glasses or
other types of things or whatnot so have a look at the fine print oftentimes
it'll be on the back if you turn it over it'll be on the back of the license so
have a look at that so Sam we had a question earlier about lane splitting
with motorcycles do they do that in New York City do they lane split with
motorcycles in New York City is that something else that is something that
new drivers are going to have to deal with on a road test and when they're
driving in New York City and the outer suburbs Queens and Brooklyn and whatnot
I don't think that's a requirement hi-tech I think it is a requirement when
you're doing a cattle hauler that you are driving really fast though
so Jennifer when you have a road test that has a fork and you have a stop sign
in the left and a yield in the left what do I do to stop and then yield or is the
stop sign for the other road in the fork Jennifer you'd have to send me the
specific intersection and I'd have a look at it on Google Fran I'd be able to
give you more specifics just more specific information so send me that and
I'll have a look at it and then I can give you more specific specific
information about that right now I guess I can't comment on Toni yes they're not
supposed to lane split in New York but they do it all the time yes I know that
they're not supposed to Lane split until you do it and it's part of the driving
culture there's a lot of things in terms of our driving culture that are
different than what the laws actually allow and motorcycles are one of those
things so yes Tony your question about Hill parking yes it is the three-in-one
rule the only time that you turn the wheels out towards the center of the
road is uphill with a curb and then you let the vehicle roll back until the back
of the front steer tire touches the curb so it's a three one three and one rule
that's the only time they rope towards the sin of the road the rest of the time
they're in towards the shoulder of the road so it's so just have a look at the
hill parking video there and that will give you more information about how to
Hill Park successfully for the purposes of a road test
I used to BLISK yes you would be able to handle driving in New York there you
know it's fairly easy I drove a truck around there for six months you know
with a 53-foot trailer on it up and down Broadway and down into lower Manhattan
and Bronx in the Queens and I'll tell you a funny story about driving in New
York City I was going on I was going to Long Island because I was going to Long
Island City mm-hmm excuse me in the big truck so I I come in through Jersey and
I come across through Brooklyn and I went up the BQE and I headed out east on
the beach on the Long Island Expressway while I thinking that Long Island City's
on Long Island and I got out about mile 30 mile 40 mile more at 45 and I got on
the CB radio and said does anybody know where Long Island City is and somebody
one of the other truckers come back and he said to me he said you know that
three or four miles west of the brooklyn-queens Expressway in Queens he
said that's where Long Island City is so I had to turn around and drive back
forty-five miles back to Queens because Long Island City is in Queens just if
you're ever going to New York City know that Long Island City is not on Long
Island Big Bob it never again yeah well did some interesting experiences and I
mean the Long Island Expressway is affectionately nicknamed the Long Island
so Sweeny 15 they say if you drive in New York and drive anywhere we do have a
lot of people who don't signal or signal a yes
well signals are optional in most vehicles especially after you get your
driver's license now driving in New York actually I found driving in New York
City actually a lot easier than driving in Boston in driving Atlanta Georgia or
driving in Toronto Ontario Canada those places I found much more daunting than
driving in New York City especially Boston especially if you get into the
old city inside of the Ring Road in a big truck gives you get in there and you
have a delivery to an office building because when I drove truck I delivered
office furniture and you would drive down the street in the inner city
and all sudden the road would end just end you're in a big truck 53 feet 75
feet long and and the road ends and you got a backup so Sam says you get used to
driving in New York City and Sam would know he's a driving instructor teaches
new people how to drive in New York City all the time so he has he has the brake
on that yes big Baba they do have signals in new cars okay Erica how do
you know how wide to turn especially on a tight street when cars are parked
Erica are you in a commercial vehicle are are you in a car let me know that
because if I it's it's in a commercial vehicle like a boss a coach or a
tractor-trailer then it's different than if you're in a car so just let me know
that information and Tony if cars and trucks are parked on the side of the
road and obstruct you your way are you permitted to go over the solid white
line yes now no if you deed that's a good question Tony if you deviate out of
your lane for the purposes of getting around other traffic you need to signal
you need a mirror signal shoulder check into that other lane you need to observe
you need to signal you need to communicate that you're going to move
out of your lane and deviating to the other lane even if it's a little bit you
still need to indicate to other traffic so Sam I getting students that are a
nervous wreck no doubt yes when I first drove into New York City I
had to get on to Broadway to go down into Manhattan and I asked one of the
other drivers and he said you just get off the exit on/off the George
Washington Bridge and it was four times that I went to New York City before I
actually found the exit off the bridge the George Washington Bridge because the
exit in normal thinking is not off the bridge the exit is actually on the
bridge and I drove right by that two or three times it had to come back around
before I finally figured out where that exit was off the George Washington
Bridge to get onto Broadway if he ever said the exit is on the bridge
my life would have been easier because you're driving a 75 foot truck and it
just doesn't turn around in a parking lot somewhere you actually got to go up
to an exit and come back around so yes I can understand them being a little bit
nervous because the first few times I was in New York City it was a bit
nerve-wracking but mind you I wasn't in a car either so okay
Sweeny 15 Sam teaches at the rookie auto driving School in Bronx okay oh yes so
Erika I'm in a car so oftentimes when you're turning say you're turning right
Erika at on a street that has a lot of cars parked on either side generally
before you turn the steering wheel you have to be in line with the front of the
vehicles that you're going to be turning around so that's a good indication the
other thing I would strongly suggest Erika if you're not comfortable with the
primary controls and sort of where the vehicle isn't space in place look at the
fundamentals of driving video here on the channel and again after I finished
the video here I'll put it down in the description for you and go to a parking
lot and get some of those 36 inch tall pylons the meter tall pylons and work
with those and just get more comfortable with parallel parking and backing around
corners and those types of things as well if you practice backing up that's
going to improve your overall driving so know that as well
okay and let's see who else we got excuse me I'm just gonna drink a water
here out of my spider-man cup there we go
Oh excellent common door hamed nor you passed your Reseda all licensed that's
excellent that is awesome news just leave a comment for me and I'll put that
on the website because I want I'm starting there anybody who's passed the
road test and putting it on the website as well so we have a good you know
successful smart drivers on the website which is really great a shimmer if you
get your license suspended do you have to take a road test I think in some
situations you do actually have to take a road test to get your license back
after it's been suspended it depends on the conditions and what happened whether
you have to take a road test or whatnot so there you go
Tony when you turn left and have a green light on the turn to wait for anyone
going through the green before turning yes you do yes you do and again Tony I
would really encourage you to look at the videos on turning left at a complex
intersection those will help you over by Eric why don't bicycles ride on the
sidewalk bicycles believe it or not are considered part of the road the road
landscape they're considered a road users so that's why they're they're
considered you know so they because they travel fast and pedestrians are supposed
to be on the sidewalk bicycles are actually supposed to be on the roadway
and some of them travel pretty quickly I know when I ride my bicycle that they
are pretty quick so there's the website so you can go over there and have a look
at the website so and if you have any questions about the website or you have
any anything that you want because I'm still working on it and those types of
things now the other thing did I put this up for you yes I did put this up
for you let's see if I can get this for you yes here we go we're just gonna I'm
just going to show you this course that I'm working on right now
and then we'll go we'll go from there so here's the course this is the course I'm
working on right now this is called passion road test first-time
guaranteed this is for new drivers I'll just turn this off as well here we go
okay so passion test first-time these are the lessons I've been working on
this and I'm my goal is to have this done by the end of the week for you
so the first this is the there's going to be a glossary of terms like painted
islands controlled intersections uncontrolled intersections secondary
primary controls and those types of things so anything that you're not sure
of or don't know the term for I'm going to put it into the glossary for you
lesson 1 goes over the vehicle and its primary and secondary controls there's
some test questions just two or three test questions for each one of these
lessons maneuvers required for a road test so the types of maneuvers that you
need to do parallel parking three-point turn reverse stall park those types of
slope speed maneuvers so all the videos are there for that road test rules of
the road so turning at controlled and under uncontrolled intersections turning
at t intersections and those types of things are the lessons that are the
information that's included in that lesson and then turning and merging how
to turn right and left at complex intersections and in residential areas
and then how to merge correctly how to change lanes all that information is
there there's a mock road test and then there's road test do's and don'ts and
the road test do's and don'ts are stopping behind other traffic so you can
see the tires making clear contact with the vehicle are the tires making clear
contact with the payment rather not driving over painted islands when to
merge correctly and how to merge correctly in those types of things and
don't block intersections those types of things so those are the types of
information that are there there's also a driving toolkit here there's lots of
good information in terms of a guide for mentors who are helping new drivers how
to learn and that is available free on my website but if you buy the course and
the course will is going to sell for $36.90 so that's going to be how much
the course is going to be pass a road test license checklist so this is for
road test day when you go down for your license it gives you a checklist of
things that you need to got and consider do you have all your
identification do you have your prescription glasses have you done a
pre-trip inspection on the vehicle if you're taking your own vehicle and not a
driving school make sure you ask the instructor if they or she did a pre-trip
inspection on your vehicle before you go down for your road test winter driving
checklist trailering contract for life and if you haven't signed one of these
contracts for life this is put out by MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving and
it's a protection it's just an agreement between you and your parents or friends
or family whoever that if you've been out drinking that you can call them at
any time and they'll come and pick you up and then it works it's a it's a
relationship between both use of the it can work for them as well
there's bonus material how to drive a manual car driving in the winter and how
to pull a trailer so all of this is good bonus information and then there's a
final exam for the course here as well and there'll be a quiz and all of the
questions there's a bank of approximately 200 questions that can
draw from all the questions have feedback whether you got it right or
wrong so you don't have to go back to the manual look it up and this is an
international course this will work for just about anywhere in the country now
there's going to be obviously some specific information that you'll need
for your area and again I encourage you to make sure that you do a mock road
test seven to ten days before your road test and that way you're gonna get the
specific information and you will get feedback from the driving instructor
that will be able to give youth it specific feedback about the road test in
the area where you're going to be taking that so that's that's a course that I'm
working on now and as I said I'm hoping no I'm not hoping I will have it up by
the end of the week so that's the course that I'm working on that would be
available to smart drivers and it's guaranteed pass road test first time
because there's a lot of fear and trepidation around being tested in those
types of things and we don't like being tested we don't like somebody looking at
us and criticizing our driving so that's available as well and that'll be
available and as I said it's going to be $35.99
that course and it's pasture road-test first-time guaranteed or your money back
after 30 days if you're not successful Steve yes even though you know how to
drive and you know all the road rules yes learning how to drive a car is mmm
in some respects it is but you have to remember that you're also brand-new to
driving so it can be a little bit daunting for new drivers who are
learning how to drive so yeah I know I'm I need to think about that now because
now that's a good that's a good question is it easier to learn to drive a car
learn to drive a rig because when you learn to drive a rig you already know
how to drive so I'll give that some thought
King ah good good luck in your road test the day after tomorrow it's going to be
great yeah we're running up to the 60 minutes here so I'm gonna wrap this up
here pretty quickly because I'm starting to my brain is starting to slow down on
fire wreck you call someone if you're drunk driving or about to be drunk
driving now fire wreck that's a good point that's an excellent point if
you're drinking make the decision about how you're gonna get home before you
start drinking not when you are drinking because when we start drinking or
imbibing we make bad decisions because we're already intoxicated so make the
plans to get home or however you're gonna get home before you start drinking
that way it's more likely that you're gonna get somebody to come and get you
or you're gonna walk home or you're gonna take a taxi or whatnot cuz you've
already put those plans in place so if you're planning on going out and
partying and drinking those types of things make the plans or the get
somebody to help give you a ride home before you actually start drinking and
that's good advice I said like I learned how to drive my grandfather's Tahoe well
that's almost as big as a rig so King you were very welcome and good luck on
your road test and as I said if anybody has any questions big Bubba
thank you very much big Bubba that's an awesome compliment I try really hard to
get people the best information and try and break it down as much as possible
that's the reason I wrote the air break manual that I'm gonna get to you here
right shortly as well that's another thing on my list of priorities that I
need to get done because just you know I try and make things as simple as
possible for people and I don't know why there's a yellow tinge in my thing maybe
it's telling me we're at the 60 minute mark and I need to wrap this up so if
you have any questions by all means leave me a comment in the comment
sections I try and get to those every night
within 24 hours 48 hours at the most with my comments so I'll get back to you
as quickly as I can if not send me an email at Rick at smart drive test comm
on August 30th second time good luck on your road test a shimmer if you get a
CDL no you don't have to use it for a job and fire wreck you're most welcome
yes sometimes you have to intervene with students I yeah you gotta sort of move
their leg or you simply just push the gear selector in the new neutral and
grab a hold of the steering wheel and you know intervene but I often times I
try and get them comfortable before we take about on the roadway and hopefully
I can talk them through it but I have it as you said yes we have had to intervene
on different occasions so yes everybody have a great night thanks very much for
showing up thanks so much for your time again if you have any questions at all
drop me a note I'm more than happy to give you a hand all the best for those
of you who taking your road test congratulations to all of you who have
passed your road test in the last couple of weeks and all the best good luck on
your road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right
answer have a great day I know
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