Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 8, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Aug 28 2017


easily my intro

Everyone this is where he ate today. I'm here with two friends

We have Danny Austin and Kinsey Elizabeth you guys have not seen

either of them before make sure you go check out their channels are linked below and subscribe to them and

What are y'all doing on your?

Other charge saying that I realized I never said why I was in alright, so today on my channel

We're gonna be answering some questions that you guys submitted on my snapchat

I asked for questions about college because we're all in kind of like different places different experience and on y'all's channels

So my channel we're doing more of a chit chat and hopefully some people have some links with new stories

So maybe like a storytelling session, but I thought you get to do all such different college experiences on my channel

I'm gonna be doing of what I eat in a day video for the school year

So I'm going to be doing basically like healthy meals and just good idea Mm-hmm. I need to speak up Sebastian

Do you know I know I'm you film though like I like how your voice doesn't go higher goes lower almost

Podcast you say pop. Oh, no, it's soothing

I'm not all of our social media Instagram Twitter everything like that also in the description box

So follow these ladies everywhere

And they make really awesome videos and make sure you will tell them that I sent you and without further ado

Let's go ahead and get into the college advice

It's over the first question it is to give advice about how to make friends in college in such a big atmosphere

And we're gonna kind of like quickly touch on this because danny see we're talking about this more in her video what?

Yeah, yeah, I feel like good

Kenzie is like friend Central over here, but here's the thing I go to all my look

I take most of my classes online

So most of my college friends actually don't go to the school and I gonna do I mean this is bad

But I just like went to parties and met people

Yeah, I mean, I made one friends

And then we like Ostrow each other and then I I kind of made a lot of friends through her

And I'm still part of a lot of them, but I just like I don't really love that scene

But I really knew that I needed a normal college friends

So I made my stuff like yeah, yeah, okay comfort zone and just like make friends it worked out

It was literally the first night that I tried any work, so my experience was a little different because I was in a sorority

Think you have like 40 instant friends

But it's kind of funny like I actually

Didn't really hang out with girls in my sorority like that much


My like 4 or 5 best friend from my sorority but like after I made those friends like we never really hung out with like

Everyone from her authority like we always hang out with people from like chair trim like intramural volleyball

Whatever it was yeah, that's like once I made those friends. I was kind of like yeah, oh

That's mine. Yeah girl on another. No, actually I've made a lot of friends at church now that I think about that

A lot of friends at church yeah my advice especially for going into your freshman year

So I had like two girls like it from my high school and then I had

Like my roommate and then my other friends roommate

So that was like our media like a little friend group even though almost didn't know each other super well

But it is funny because those like stayed my like best friends all the way through


That's not to say like if you don't know people going into college that you're not gonna make great friends and my biggest tip would

Be just like go out like especially the first like week of school. Go around

They're like a bunch of different like clubs are like camps ministries for me putting yourself in situations where?

Like your interests will align and rousseff like the other people there at that makes sense

You know I'm saying then like you're gonna like meet people in a really natural way, so it's kind of a quick one

I guess but what happens if you hate your roommate because I'm afraid I will going into it with out mentality is bad


Yeah that too and then also just like don't assume that you're gonna be best friends like always have

You know like create fan groups like outside of that just in case something does go wrong

that same roommate freshman the software and

We like before even going into college sort of like set up expectations for like each other as far as like

Bedtimes like if one person's trying to like go to bed like which was usually mario's but earlier work with me up doing horrid

She would like go to like this like lounge on our floor and like not like Lethal exxon in her room

I don't know I feel like if you like pre communicate like your expectations, then you can avoid a lot of problems and like conflicts

But at the end of the day like when issues Arise

You just need to like have the maturity they like to talk to each other Rahman like as soon as they happen to yeah like

It a lot of things build the more like resentment

There is like at the end of the day if you're like a really really bad through my situation

That's like not repairable like everything like it's just like horrible

You can if you're in a dorm like you can switch roommates. Which is like a

Like I mean not an easy process

But like you always like there is that option so it's not like I like make-or-break situation

I don't all right, but it's temporary yeah

And even if you're not best friends like you have the next year to like move next push it again

Just like some little quick tips is how do you learn to speak up in class when you are shy?

Well, you got that on line one, so I know

I'm not shy at all say like also

Like a good motivation honestly is knowing that especially in small classes like probably like twenty to thirty percent

You're maybe not that high I had classes where it was a high fat percentage of your grade comes from participation

So it's like not failing is it good motivator for speaking up?

I feel like my like freshman year in software is a lot more reserved in classes

And then as you get older

And I think it's also feels like you're in classes with a lot order people so that can be terminating

But um I don't I feel like over like junior and senior year. I really was like completely over that

I feel like that comes both from like

Just I don't know yeah growing up like being a more confident person like not really caring like how you sound in class I guess

And there done that yeah, I I cared so much. I was I would like my


Pray that I would not get called on like literally in class freshman year would like this one class to stress me out so much

Cuz they're just cold call you and it was always something

I didn't understand because it was like a quick, okay?

Something that helps us actually being prepared so there's this one class that I was obsessed

And loved that class until I was like always on top of my game

Like I was always looking at the questions at the end of the book or like the textbook

So I kind of like knew what they were gonna. Ask him so every time he did ask something. I was like really good


They're like actually helps if you are prepared and another thing that helps is if you have a friend in that class

Like it's really nice to have like someone if you do something stupid, you're like. Oh, god my girls

It's something like LOL, and you can laugh about it

It doesn't matter was anything about you like you know

I want to know your as they are no one will be honest like like I remember any answers

I gave in college like all those nervous times like I remember in Joba

How do you manage to balance YouTube and a social life in school all at the same time?

While also maintaining your mental health one a planner is really important

but also as far as the mental health it's like when I wake up I read and write for like the first hour that I'm

A week and so I can't get on my phone. I can't like work. I can't do schoolwork

We can't do anything besides that and I always like yeah, I don't know that like calms me down

It makes me like you know think more about myself, and how like I'm feeling at home living my life

That is made like way more of an impact than I ever thought. It would it is all about like time blocking

It's like really good my manager

I do love that

But I would say like my biggest thing is having friends like also like I love my Youtube friends

And I love and would like come to La and like relate with people

but then also it's really nice to have those friends that are like kind of outside of it where they can put everything back into

Perspective and feel like okay Daniel like yeah

Like you're really stressed out about this video or whatever you need to work on like let's really think about like our life right now

I'm like what really matters

Prioritizing is the most important thing like knowing the things that like and even if these things like change by the day

They're like

Knowing like in a day like what's most important like the things that can like you'll survive if you don't get to do so like

For me schools always like they must support it up until senior year when I was at that kind of deciding that like YouTube is

What I wanted to do full-time when I graduated so like my priorities

Shifted to real like YouTube was my number one cuz up until that point like I wasn't uploading every week

So it's all about like school and like I was making like pretty much all eyes until I seen earlier

And then like that really window cut it to seven my love semester of college

Cause like actually like so fun

I'm not like my peers in here like I'm not applying to grad school like I'm not going to a job you mean

It's important. I don't think don't try but like funny prioritize for me

I like it sounds like the not it sounds like so not smart is like

I made really bad grease in here, but it's like that was the smart thing for mean

I feel like recognizing

Like where your priorities need to be and like at the end of the day like your mental health is what's most important like that

Should be a priority like that shouldn't be the last thing you know and so like don't overwhelm yourself like have like time built in

For like social things that's what relaxes you or like sitting and journaling or like whatever. I don't like it

So how does it by far the most important thing it affects everything about us, but you realize did that mean everyone especially us

How do you deal with leaving your friends and family? I'm super close to my parents

I'm scared that leaving and was going to tear me to pieces

Were you sad and how do I avoid crying a tunnel moving day wait stop?


Moved from Texas to La when I was 17

My parents were divorced so like I grew up really used to not seeing them all the time

And then I don't know I was just like I


May have been more independent of something that I am now realize my god as far as like friends and family like I've been gone

For two years and I still would I go home with I talked to my hometown friends all the time

There's still like a really big part to my life

Just because you're moving because when you're gonna lose that sometimes you do, but like like that's not it. That's normal

I just like have it you know uh I had a good point. I remember away

It's so different for everyone and my relationship with my parents got so much better your website moved away

Yes, so there's there's I figure is that and I think you'd be surprised at how many times during the day

They're gonna be able to connect with them like also. There's so many ways now like

facetime like I would always call my mom on the way to class so he

Probably spoke like two or three times a day just cuz my walk from like my apartment to campus was so long eventually

Catch up or call your high school friends

And so it's just like forcing yourself like when you're in the car or on the bus or whatever

Just give them a quick call and like kind of give them a little like update

I feel like that really helped me. You know like I didn't talk to my parents every day and again

I just feel like generally a Malecha homesick

Yeah, and like I don't know I like them

I mean there are gonna be times for sure and you like miss your family like that's okay and like they're always a phone call

away the final question is

What is life like after college actually got like the majority of questions are about like?


post-Grad life that is something like especially as you're getting towards like junior and senior year that I feel like is on people's minds cuz

you're starting to like actually have to think about like jobs and stuff, so

Kenzie is still in school, giada. I'm Sandy

Help you might watch out of school and Danny has been out for two years. She just learned she's 24. She's out

She was 23, bro

You're like. How is that possible? I also don't know so I feel like Danny can contribute the most. Yeah, it's really hard

It's like almost going into like I remember going to college

I was so nervous and like making new friends and like figure out what I want to do with my life

It's like all over again almost

Except you have the resources to do so like you know what you need to do

And then it's almost like you just you're so independent that you have to like make things happen in College

I was just like all. They're like you're gonna

Go home and live with your friends

and you're gonna go to class it with your friends if you have all these events all the time and then out sky outside of

School it's like no like it's afford like you schedule those things and kind of make them happen

You know and then also like as far as like career goes. It's just like randomly reaching out to people

I mean like hey

Let's go grab coffee and like just like see where those relationships can take you like with your exact or anyone

Networking like you have to force yourself to do that because you never know like there's so many opportunities. I've had

Because I'd like just put myself out there even though. It's like really uncomfortable for me. I feel like for you

All are really good at that, but if you're deep like always really uncomfortable, so you can I just have to like Force yourself

it's full time so it's like different than like the situation that like most of you guys are probably in or that like all my

Friends from College like you've graduated Independent, and so I've seen like to like both sides of like Post-grad life

I guess all my friends got jobs

But like the ones who like really love what they're doing than ones that like

Maybe like the job seemed great like turned out to be a little like less great

Or maybe they just like had to go with an opportunity that like they didn't fully love it's awesome

Feel like I'd be like for the other situation

It's like again kind of like the roommate advice like knowing that it's temporary and knowing that like I feel like people need to be

More realistic about like the first job you get out of college just not to be your dream job

And I feel like that's like the biggest thing I've like observed from like my friends experiences

So I feel like just being realistic and knowing like this is literally her first job, and it's not that in the world

It's probably gonna pay badly and like you may not love it, but like you have to leave work your way up

And that's just like the reality of post-grad life, so I feel like a lot of people

They're just always it's always like the next thing you know it's almost like I think you almost have the finally contentment in

your life like outside your career you realize your job is everything and like make time for social stuff and

It's what I don't know maybe too much time

Go to conclude

They love you guys so much for watching if you found any of this advice helpful

Let us know in comments below and if you have other questions about College, or just life otherwise

I'm also comment those and I will be answering them down below and don't forget again to go check out Kinzie and Danny's videos

For more college pertaining, what am I saying?

Breathe that's it. Thanks for watching good. See you next Saturday

For more infomation >> COLLEGE ADVICE Q&A! Mental Health, Making Friends, & Post-Grad Life - Duration: 13:30.


Fresh thinking: Toyota takes on Morgan with Setsuna concept! CAR+, June 2016 - Duration: 1:51.

Fresh thinking: Toyota takes on Morgan with Setsuna concept! CAR+, June 2016

The citrus-y name is the least of this Toyota concept's curiosities. Created for the Japanese manufacturer's first appearance at Milan Design Week, the Setsuna is like a posh children's push-about toy, in that it's primarily made out of wood.

Maybe a little bit of that. The idea is that compared to the cold-steel disposable inhumanity of a modern high-tech motor, a simplistic warm wooden roadster could become something for a family to treasure and cherish over generations.

Exactly! The theory goes that the Setsuna's wooden elements will age over time, shaped by the presence and experiences of the people who own, interact with and love it.

It even has a '100-year clock', which counts the passing years until a century has gone by.

They'll get splinters! But thanks to traditional Japanese joinery techniques, the 86 handmade exterior panels are removable and replaceable. And since the concept is unlikely to get past Milan, NCAP won't fret too much.

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