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Auto news on Youtube May 1 2018

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Goodbye Alan

Enough Kevin, let me go telson um

Come & get it

Get away from this Tennyson is not going to be

No, I'm not none of us are I

Got off easy. You should have seen what he did to the others Pierce help

No, I won't help you if you won't use your powers to track him down

I'll just go find him myself, but it's Kevin wicked won't let you hurt him

out of my way

He's come out of this kind of thing before

Remember what he was like when he was little do you he's worse now than he ever was


Won't laugh at this I quit there's no way you can be chromastone with your kind of powers think so

fostro gravis

If you think for one second that Kevin wouldn't drain you dry

Cloud Oh Doris game over cousin check and

You know why you lost because you care about not hurting me I

Said where

But float the heel we can't let been destroyed Kevin we've got to find a way to cure him

Ben is right

I know he wait what you are a plumber Gwen and let Ben do what needs to be done

But grandpa I can't help you Gwen

Then I'll find someone who can

I never thought I'd see you like this Michael. You're not catching me at my best

Perhaps if you bothered to where's Tennyson he's busy and beloved busier enough with the chitchat

You think I'm defeated I


Can still I'm not here to fight you Michael. I'm here to help you

Why would you do this for me? He couldn't convince me so she ran to you something like that you agree with her no

Kevin's a menace your friendship aside the only responsible move is to take him downwards

Kevin was a sociopath when you were kids

but you trusted him anyway look how that worked out he's turned into a fine young man a

Hero, at dozen times you did fine for a while

But then I let my fame go to my head. I've been as big a jerk these past few months as I ever was

I have grandpa. I'm sorry about what's going to happen to Kevin really? I am, but this isn't kid stuff anymore

playtime's over

Why do you keep following me around?

You've done business with Kevin before sure you know I laugh he really put

They're always out back order I am NOT playing games volcanus

Where is Kevin even if I knew I wouldn't tell you you didn't sleep, please

Keep it up. They're gonna spill something all right

Just listen for a second, will you

But I came what are you doing here?

Then he's going to act like he's our friend again, right

He's the only one who can help Kevin sure

But I can help because you don't understand Kevin are the same

Uh-huh you're both. Evil we both have an insatiable

craving for energy and you're evil

That craving is his weakness

Michael has a plan to cure Kevin

I already don't like it

To save a piece of it the energy absorption thing you used to cure Kevin before



Unfortunately it no longer worked Zeus is a moment too long now for the last time. Are you going to help me find Kevin?

Cuz if not whatever else he does it's on your head

You brought him here no, I named so we could talk you and me


You shouldn't come here


Don't make me hurt you Kevin give it your best shot

You something charmcasters that monsters I gotta stay oh, yeah, you have to do this to you


Who are you to challenge the might of sermon

We appear to be at something of a standoff, I don't really see

Then Tennyson what a marvelous fight

So I'm fighting serpent right and after I clean his clock look when you have to treat a car like you treat a woman

go on

No, I sense I've made him the things that I disappointed you somehow Oh cut it out oh

Come on, Gwen. Don't pout as if anyone could be unhappy on the day

I get my own that gigantic dent you put in my front bumper okay timeout. I've got an idea

I've got my license all teacher

Okay, Ben Tennyson. Are you ready for your close-up?

Sure what kind of game is it going to be platformer handheld or pc FPS RPG No all of your

Transformations do and what are we waiting for?

We want this to be as realistic as we can make it it's like a big nerdy traffic accident

I shouldn't look then I can't turn away

Are you?

The little guy lame Ben

You were already famous, but when we're done you'll be famous and rich

Should I stay in this gear or should I downshift

Wonder what my game will be like I hope it's like sumo slammers for tournament edition wonder if my game will get a sequel

First is the hit second third

Was not who I was going for I can still make this work

Behind you

Why would that thing attack me counter every one of my moves, and then go after someone else before running away

The stalker was winning. Why did you recall it? Then you need to see?

tonight on the harangue nation

exclusive footage of Ben 10's latest rampage this carnage is typical of the destruction Healy

Kind of a coincidence with the robot today

There's no way some TV blowhard like harangue could be behind a robot like that

But how else could he have gotten that video footage. Hey Tennyson. My name is mr.. Webb. I'll be administering your driving test today


Now if you're feeling nervous don't be it could be a lot worse how start the car huh and pull carefully into traffic

You do

That what's fine is Tennyson if you could just let that get away from you


come out come out wherever you are I

Love the idea of having online co-op in my video game, but

I'm sorry

From you I just want to borrow your phone so I can call a cab I

Can't have much power left

Jesse has to figure out how to beat the stalker

This time runs out tomorrow

It'll be the television event of the century the end of that's why I've spent

36 million dollars of my own money to put a stop to it tomorrow night Ben 10 8:00 p.m.

Washington Mall

Welcome America to a very special LIVE edition of the will harangue nation

America you've seen all week our ends now

Who's me

It's obvious everybody loves to watch been Ted

Right you are and it's close to the end of the hour better wrap this up

Wait a minute that's how you did it think been something you've never done before

Broke the robots uplink we've lost control

And if the police ever find out what's left to the robot we could rebuild


He's kind twist the facts, but I'm not angry about that

We're the 170 million dollars of my own money that I spent it's a small price to pay and span to smoothies on me

Yeah, you can pay for it with the video game money. You're not getting oh

That's right. I'll Drive I

Got shotgun no way I'm sitting in the back


For more infomation >> Ben 10 Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 61 - Morgan Gibbs - Duration: 16:48.


Awesome Stuff! | April Favorites | MORGAN MULLINS - Duration: 11:38.

yes get it together hey guys what hey guys welcome back to my channel so for

today's video I wanted to go ahead and talk to you about my April favorites I

know you guys were quaking waiting for me to come out for this video I know so

I have another 10 things look I got it in frame this time 10 things that I want

to share with you guys because I think they're awesome now almost all of this

is makeup surprisingly well not surprisingly but there's a lot of makeup

in this so I'm gonna wanna share with you guys at the to skincare products

that I have first and then we will kind of jump into the rest which is makeup so

let's get started alright so the very first product that I want to talk to you

guys about is this one right here this is the summer fridays jetlag mass so

this mask is basically blown up all over social media I'm pretty sure an

influencer created this I'm an asshole for not knowing that and I'm like trying

to be an influencer regardless but I love this mask I bought it because I've

been having a lot of issues and my skin not being hydrated lately and I heard

that's exactly what this is for and that's exactly what it does the best

part about this mask oh my god if you're lazy get excited you can put this mask

on and you don't have to take it off I know I'll wait for you to pick your job

isn't that amazing so I will literally put this mask on at night wake up the

next morning and my face is baby ass it's fantastic so if you ever need like

quick hydration or something that just really gets that skin nice and supple

and hydrated and looking great this is the guy to do it so moving on to our

next product this is by the body shop and this is their lip butter so the body

shop is I think really known for at least that's how I know them for their

body butters they are literally the most moisturizing long-lasting body butter

I've ever used in my life there are stuff claims that it lasts for 24 hours

bitch it'll last until you wash it off like a week later they are amazing so I

figured I would give this a try and it's basically the exact same thing only for

your lips I really love this product it's really high

reading it lasts forever oh it was good lasts until you shove your face full of

food which I do pretty often so I apply it pretty often but well it's on it

feels great okay so now jumping into the makeup portion of the video so the very

first product that I want to mention is one that I actually did a review on

because this is a dupe for another product that I absolutely love this is

the this is the makeup revolution concealed in define concealer remember

this is the product that is the shape tape dupe I love this concealer guys

like I liked it in that video but I loved it I'm wearing it today it looks

high-end in my opinion I freaking love this concealer it's like eight dollars

and the applicator is pretty much identical to shape tapes so everything

about this is fantastic the price point is fantastic the way it applies to

fantastic the way it blends is fantastic it is fantastic so if you haven't tried

this what are you sleeping on well obviously you're sleeping on this but

like what are you waiting for very next product that I wanted to mention is this

one right here um because I don't spend any time

sleeping or enjoying free time I'm always busy doing something I have to

use this so I am a fan of color correction because I desperately need it

I have dark circles that they're just big okay they're just big so I use this

product right here to help conceal them I will show you what the product itself

looks like it is just kind of this creamy coral like salmony color and this

is by NYX obviously this is our dark circle concealer and corrector and it

just makes me look so much more awake and alive and it really hides that color

so I'm being pulled for my dog here wondering what the hell is happening

okay okay no mommy finish it in okay new

motherhood would be this rewarding okay so in the last month's video I included

a lipliner that i am in love with but I

didn't mention those why do I just keep jazzercising but I didn't mention the

lipliner that I actually apply before that lip dyes it's like the shirt before

the shirt

this is the Catrice lip foundation and what it essentially is is it's kind of a

I guess just kind of foundation I guess really what it's called so what you do

is you put this down over your lips like as a regular lip liner and you then you

apply the lip liner that you actually want to be wearing overtop of this and

it helps it to last so long I don't understand the black magic behind this

lip liner and lipsticks in anything like that from me as far as my lips go barely

lasts like ten seconds oh my god I'm annoying myself so the next product that

I want to mention is an eye liner and this one is by Mac this is the actually

called Studio chroma graphic pencil crayon multi usages I have mine in the

shade NW 25 and NC 30 I don't know how it can be both but it is but that's what

it is right here this is what it looks like it's just kind of basically a nude

pencil I like putting it up here in the inner waterline to kind of just really

make me look awake and live and just good I like this better than using a

white because I think white on me just looks really unnatural and using this

nude color does look more natural and it just makes me look better yeah but

that's what I essentially used to force you just kind of help me say just trying

to help myself look more awake and alive and less dead so the very next part that

I want to talk about is one of my favorite blushes honestly of all time

but I kind of put it away during the winter months because I just don't view

this as like a wintry type blush to me it just screams spring and summer and

just happy things so this is Milani baked blush in the shade Luminoso just I

think everybody on planet earth if you're in the beauty

has heard of this blush it's just beautiful it's like this gorgeous peachy

coral shade and it has a sheen to it I'm wearing it right now if you can tell

maybe not so much this light is kind of diffusing the color oh hi

if I didn't just give away that I'm wearing away again I don't have a glue

down anyway I really like this blush like I said for this time here or type

of year this type of year that sucked so far

it's fucking winter still for this time of year I really like this blush because

it's just very springy and just this is the Too Faced chocolate Soleil bronzer

this is the one that I have just like everything else that I happen is a big

nail gouge in it but somehow you can't see it on camera what nice I look like

I've got it together but this was for the longest time actually my favorite

bronzer ever hands down period I didn't think there was anything better but what

the code the shades that I actually had was milk chocolate and since I self tan

a lot more and I've been on the Sun a lot more my skin is just a smidge tanner

darker than paper so I went ahead and opted to get just the middle shade the

milk chocolate and I love this oh it smells like chocolate it's made from

cocoa that's fantastic so I love this bronzer you said I'm wearing it today

but you may not be able to tell this is my favorite bronzer of time of life

smells like chocolate reminds me of the beach reminds me of happy things anybody

hate when things make that noise alright two items left oh so this is a lip gloss

and this is actually the one that I'm wearing right now this is the Maybelline

vivid hot lacquer I have mine in the shade T's it's very light light light

light light nude as you can tell by obviously the lip that I'm wearing if

you like kind of this color just shine

the home trying to say if you like this then I use this okay I think this wig is

sucking the brain out of my head cuz it's on so alright so the very last

product that I want to talk to you guys about is something that's actually like

really near and dear to me because I actually made it myself kind of I could

didn't make the makeup oh the pallet like I put it all together and it's like

my little creation anyway I'll show you so this is my Z palette I have featured

it in a couple videos that I have made recently like tutorials that I have

actually pulled a few colors from this and actually use them in the tutorial

and I just kind of keep gravitating back to it even though I keep getting all

these brand-new palettes that are so beautiful and I just want to use them I

still somehow always gravitate back to this guy so this is what it looks like

right here I'm sure I have mentioned it in a favorites before I just I love this

because it's literally every shade that I love it's every shade that I can ever

need to make a look I can do so many things with this palette and it just it

makes me so happy just looking at it it's so so satisfying so if you guys

would want me to make a video about this and kind of explain or not explain but I

tell you what each one of these colors are if you'd be interested in like a

particular color that I have in here I would gladly tell you what shades I have

squished into this thing and if you are curious this is the extra-large Z

palette that's how you can fit what is this five rows of two four six seven I

don't know what five x 7s 135 or something like that

guys I'm not math smart I'll tell you that right now yeah it's 35 like I said

if you're interested in knowing the exact shades that I have in here I will

gladly tell you but it is part of my favorites because this is something that

I have been grabbing and loving and just it's just cute and I love it and it's

like travel front well I know because it's the size of my face not exactly

travel friendly but if I take this with me anywhere I know that I have every

color I could possibly need I can do any look that I could possibly want

okay guys that's pretty much it I kind of spent through that one because I

really didn't want to take a bunch of time doing a favorites video as much fun

as they are I just don't think we need to like drag them out you know ah not

cute so thank you guys so much for tuning in to this video please don't

forget to subscribe before you go notification male or right next to this

you get notified it was a good time that I have known otherwise YouTube won't

tell you like I said thanks so much for tuning in to this one guys and I'll see

you in the next one bye

For more infomation >> Awesome Stuff! | April Favorites | MORGAN MULLINS - Duration: 11:38.


Ben 10 Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 60 - Morgan Gibbs - Duration: 16:58.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

Previously on Ben 10 Ultimate Alien sense the missing aliens with you rad Galapagus

The aliens are all

You want some more

Let go of me that the best you can do because I didn't feel a thing

I'm as enfold herbal as by thousands Armour Tennyson. Can't hurt me nothing can

When she's okay

Wake up Ben Tennyson


Agador is long gone

His eventual goal is why I am here

Where I say that was in a situation so dire that perhaps I should risk giving Ben my new Omnitrix

new Omnitrix gimme, I'll kick a grigory's bar ever ah

I've wanted a chance to apologize to you for months, but right now

I've got to stop a Grigore if you're not here to help. We'll catch up later cases. What about old plumber headquarters

Some of them have mothballed starships listen to me a Grigore will be looking for a ship with his new powers

He doesn't need one

Well screensaver

It is not a screensaver. It is the single most important item in the universe Oh



Extending through 17 dimensions with it one could travel anywhere

Powers that will allow him to survive the arduous quest for all of the pieces of the map

I don't see why it's so important that he doesn't get a map

It's more than just a map it's not the map Quinn not now Gwen. I'm fine

you're not fine a

Grigory's electrical attack has damaged her entire nervous system. It won't survive that long not without treatment

You have given much to the Galaxy max Tennyson

Now you must read

If Hagrid or can reassemble the map he can travel to the forge of creation and gain the greater has the map got it

We only have to stop a Grigore one time out of four and he's done yes, but you must succeed

That much power in Agra Gore's hand on course to the montero system

Where are we going again an ancient temple on the planet MacDill tea? Oh?

This is weird in the temperatures

3,600 degrees on the night side it's a little cooler

Welcome to the twilight zone

But the atmosphere is either frozen into liquid or on fire who could live here the column is fine too quite comfortable

They're cruel, I'm better at it than you are a lot of room between that and good yeah, Glenn

So we're plumbers and we need to go inside the temple this is unprecedented

Strangers are not allowed in this place. Oh

Human you'll still be in your protective suit right. That's how it used to work

Before it broke if it doesn't you've only got ten minutes

We'll be out in no time grab one of the artifacts

An idea let us handle it tangible counsels intangible

Temples defenses we'll make short work of them

How much time before you revert, I'm at

Traps love to be careful if I'm lucky I've got any five minutes left before I change back

No time to be careful. Let's just run through here like maniacs

This way

I was thinking instead of opening

Ben hurry up, this is totally acid

Really because I think there's something in there

She's made out of stuff you can't hurt

Close the map is that way

Guess it was my turn, st careful they probably got poison on them

It's behind this door

Think I've been

Wake up

We've got to get her out from under here, am fat

Particularly when you're doing my work for me. What are you talking about? This temple is a dangerous place, so?

She doesn't look well at all

I swear out. I'm afraid. This is the last time

Why do we always Park so far away?

Half his face, I forgot my sunblock

Egregore got the map we lost we didn't lose

We live to fight another day an egregore better watch his step

Absorbing my Ultimatrix is driven Kevin every bit as crazy as he was when he was a kid

It's too late to take him back the only thing we can do now is take him down

Argit, why'd you jump in the way like that?

No, that's okay

Snap out of it right snap it how about you take it from the top I?

Needed some equipment for a new project. I'm doing so I flew to earth to see what I could borrow from my old pal Kevin

It's me

Hey, you don't look so good. I'm fine taking care of some old business

Oh double-crossing me betraying me, this is the last time argent

The last time

from us

Protection lock me up throw away the key. I don't care. Just put me somewhere Kevin can't find me

We're not running a weasel relocation program

Such an ugly come on. There's got to be someplace. You could put me maybe some police protection

We could take you to the plumbers academy. That's the closest fortified plumbers facility to earth where they train new plumbers

If Kevin figures out that argit got away from earth he'll come after him I'm counting on it

Just what pops Riedl ordered acid until it is safe to move about that would you go already?

What was that?

Maybe he hasn't read the Big Chill instruction book let a man

Do this you've got the powers of a ghost come in already

Are your friends a friend of mine wouldn't protect argit?

We're trying to protect you

Because you couldn't stop him because he's too strong

Because he was gonna kill us that's right. I just wanted to hear you

Thanks for letting us drop in on such short notice ah

Anything for a Tennyson how's your grandpa?

He's on Galvan Prime recovering from an injury

So you decided to turn my Academy into a war zone without asking me no well sort of

Okay, yes

Anything for a Tennyson right oh?

What's the matter with you I

Must have ate something at all gets a new color scheme. No, I'm gonna first

Hang on. It's just around the corner

This is not a prison or a battlefield. What do you say about that did I ever mention that I saved the universe?

Come on there's got to be a records room a data center, so

Hey argent

Attempt into what you might call improve ourselves and make our daddy proud

Silly doesn't have us whacked again

Unfortunately our prove our dilemma considerably woohoo we ain't gonna front no more

Gotta be here somewhere



Pardon me sir is this where they keep the cadets mad wow?

They even spelled their own names wrong

We seem to have fallen into good fortune grub 1 essays nobody'd ever believe that 92

Ok you got me, but I can explain

Get off my station

You were right Magister, I thought your cadets would soften up Kevin for me, but this is my fight

So I'm going to finish early, right

That can't be good what of course you know no siree

We ain't never had the pleasure meeting that particular individual. Oh fuck

We're what you call plates. Whatever. What kind of weapons do you have?

That could work for old times sake I'll make this quick

Where is that that is what you call nuclear fusion grenade it oughta blow up Kevin real good

How could you Kevin he was your friend

Yeah, he was

Give yourself up Kevin the only reason you're alive is because of what you used to mean to me

You can get up now

He's dead son

No, he's playing dead come on argit. Show's over managed to survive so long


Well if you'll excuse me we have some unfinished business

such as you assaulted two of my cadets ah

Now that way is genuine Kade. It's or are. I am having a very bad day

Maybe we can't



For more infomation >> Ben 10 Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 60 - Morgan Gibbs - Duration: 16:58.


Ben 10 Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 62 - Morgan Gibbs - Duration: 17:03.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

What's the plan

I'm thinking we are in trouble

Losses keep it from happening learn something. I only expect to live another

3,000 years I don't have time to wait for you to learn something this is of your repeated failures should

Egregore get the last piece

He will go to the forge of creation, which you still won't tell us anything about it is beyond your comprehension

You're yelling at us and telling us how stupid we are that's not helping us find a Grigore, so it's not important Ben

Tennyson you are

Hedra I'm sending you there now do not fail the universe again, Ben Tennyson, no pressure

Stay as close as you can if azmuth is right the perplexing hedron's should slow him down


Any landing you can walk away from am I right

Maybe a Grigore took care of him did he need to it seemed like this place practically let him come in

So which way did he go? I'm thinking here. It's the only hatch in the landing bag. How do we open it? Oh?

That's handy great a lot of doors

Artificial gravity how do you know?

We're getting nowhere I say we head back to the ship and see if we can track a Grigore with our sensors Roger that

Came out of there you think that's weird take a look at this

Okay, you know what that's impossible. Oh, we could do doors locked

Mine too, but they're all locked bet I don't care


You're sore

If you're gonna give me the wrong guy all the time why do you even have a dial?

It had to be human

Maybe not your shield deflected that laser. Just before it buzzes through no I get it

You're right I do feel better



a grigora

I'm assuming you have a plan as long as the Ultimatrix works. I do so no plan real

We still don't know where Gwen is. Don't worry. She can take care of herself

I know that's part of why I like her doesn't mean. I don't want to take care of her anyway

They'd be nauseous with all the sincerity

Yeah, okay guess there's a reason guys don't talk about this stuff

Unless you

Thanks for sharing that with me Kevin when Gwen hears about it never happened

More water

One of Tennyson

Hey, I'm talking to you, but I have no interest in anything you might say

And you have problems of your own

Why don't you guys get a room this place is full of them

How did you find me possible wandering around in this maze I

Don't think so there's a pattern

Spill it's the guard things what about him we beat them easy, huh?

The guards only appear when you're going where you're not allowed to be towards the map

Uh-huh so we ignore any door that opens for us and only go through the doors when the guards appear awhile back

You're complaining that you were cold. That's when I was frozen and

You've got a deadly robot spider crawling on you

After you


We have one

Yeah, and who's we again? Those who stand against?

Then maybe you can tell us why paradox really hit the map to keep egregore and others like him Ben Tennyson

Protect it with your life

Go now, what about you not your guns go go?

What are you doing we should have been gone

I'm asking you one last time. Where is the map?

Give it to me

I've got it. Let's go i'ma course not

Then the map last map is mine

a few minutes of bear

My whole purpose was to protect that map I thought I'd succeed it

But I see

Arenado, but we're not gonna lose the war a Grigore has the map

But we're not gonna just stand around and let him use it are we no

You're right

To teleport you to my ship

You think you can assault plumbers that just walk away

Actually yes

But it hyperdrive spinning up you're not getting away again

Very only just get me away from here


Can't believe you just drink up um um

lamb and sardine

Land sardine smooth meat smoothies aren't man food a meat. Smoothie is pretty much the definition of baby food

Now that you mention it oh

Yeah now I remember

What's wrong

What do you got it, it's like he said agra girl was here

We set a trap for him brought four squads of our best men Prince. He must have brought rad with him

He stopped here to call his ship down

You can see where the plumbers waited for him


Yeah, he didn't system

Look at where the sand shiny. That's from the transmat beam. He used to travel up to his ship

I've got to save those aliens from Agra Gor he's halfway across the galaxy by now

Not in that ship. He is it I shot out his hyperdrive. It was Gipp. Probably less the rate

It's leaking he has to land for repairs

But you've got a couple minutes to talk to me in private right sure think he can manage mad

depending on why a

Grigore is an awesome ocean like me maybe I just feel


Our responsibility is to Ben he promised. I'm not entirely trustworthy

I was about to come looking for you kid

Ambush get him hard

Then how did you magnets for what it's worth you were

Bring in the prisoners said they're holding pens up right here

Nothing I can't find a trace of them Gwen

I think they want us to pull over

The Air Force has assigned me to handle all of the weird stuff

weird stuff

aliens monsters


You know that three hours ago someone set off the old security system. We sent troops to investigate, but they're being kept away by these

They've got a kernel error. I'm not very good with rank

How'd you get in here? Where's my I took it from you before I arrived

disgusting things

Entropy pump the power source of my old time portal which was not by the way a failed experiment

He intends to use it for his own purpose. Why don't you just go back in time and destroy the engine or something?

Traveling in time weakens the fabric of space the reality in Los Soledad is already paper-thin

I'm a time traveler. How do you know? I won't eventually say it first

All right, then you and your team can give it a try, but if you fail

Try to remember who your friends are hey if you're giving out free future advice

I want some I could tell you not to lean against the chronal randomization


Yeah, we are

Who wants to go save the world?

But we're dependable

Good call with no soldiers around we can go all out

Thought you said all out

If the rate we're going we'll be inside before a grigory even knows we're here I need more time Oh


What's wrong with this I know Dilip aigis doesn't even know how to fight

It's just waste bivalvan egregore must have transported him away

My other buddies are look chef remember for our first I

Continue to take them back to Ausmus

But you forced me to improvise

You're overloading that entropy pump in a few minutes. It'll blow

not without more power

You can't do that is that why you it's not a lie

It happened to me when I was a kid you won't be able to help yourself

You won't be

You're sore


Workmen that's because my plan succeeded



For more infomation >> Ben 10 Best Cartoon For Kids Episode 62 - Morgan Gibbs - Duration: 17:03.


Diversity of Thought Powers Creativity | Our People | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 1:24.

[energetic music]

Ashley: Hi, my name is Ashley, and I'm part of

the Chase Associate Program.

which is a two-year rotational management program

that allows you to have three completely different

experiences in two years.

It really helps you discover new abilities

and even just new things that you want to do.

The Model Lending Innovation Team and what we do is

we look at what can we do to improve the customer experience,

what new products are customers looking for?

In my particular role, I'm on the Marketing Team.

I work on portfolio marketing, anything from banners to emails,

to see what kind of messaging will drive the behaviors

that we're looking for within each product.

We really need to improve that customer experience.

It's so important to have diversity

on the Lending Innovation Team.

You can't have innovation without diversity of

thought, experience, perceptions.

We really have to question, what can we do differently?

And if you don't have that diversity,

and you have everyone saying the same thing all the time,

you can't come up with anything new and innovative.

Whether you're an intern or a new hire,

people really value your ideas.

And that's why we celebrate diversity at Chase.

For more infomation >> Diversity of Thought Powers Creativity | Our People | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 1:24.


Parents respond to Friday brawl at middle school carnival in Morgan Hill - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Parents respond to Friday brawl at middle school carnival in Morgan Hill - Duration: 1:54.


Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott in 'car crash' interview with Piers Morgan on GMB - Duration: 5:01.

Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott in 'car crash' interview with Piers Morgan on GMB

The 64-year-old Labour MP joined Good Morning Britain presenters Piers Morgan, 53, and Susanna Reid, 47, live from central London on todays programme.

The shadow Home Secretary was called in to discuss Amber Rudds resignation in the wake of the Windrush scandal, and she was also quizzed on Labours position on immigration policy.

But her telly interview was far from smooth, and Piers was far from satisfied with her answers.

He started: I cant work out what your view is.

Would you want to see people of that category and given amnesty? Diane retorted: What Im saying to you, is the immigration and national department is not fit for purpose.

I dont blame the staff but it is the department that needs reviewing and reorganising..

Piers snapped: With respect thats not an answer to my question.

What is Labours policy.

Do you think they should be removed from the country? Its not a difficult questions. He then added: Im just going to ask one more time, should illegal immigrants be able to stay in this country or should they be removed? Diane replied: No Piers, The logical fall out, is to try and work towards an immigration and nationality. But Piers wasnt having any of it and persisted: Im not trying to trip you up.

Im just trying to work out what Labours view of illegal immigrants is: whether they should stay in the country or whether they should leave? I dont know why youre finding it hard to answer the question. The dad-of-four later went to Twitter to slam Dianes appearance on the show.

"Im just going to ask one more time, should illegal immigrants be able to stay in this country or should they be removed?" Piers Morgan He wrote to his 6.51million followers: it is so odd that she would find my question unreasonable and impossible to answer.

Shes the shadow Home Secretary! Social media was sent into a frenzy during the heated debate and viewers were quick to comment on the debacle.

One person slammed: Why cant Dianne Abbott answer a question? Cannot abide that woman. Dianne Abbott has no shame.

Can hardly string a sentence together, added another.

A third laughed: Piers Morgan is expecting a direct, intelligent response from Diane Abbott.Good luck with that. Bloody hell! Diane Abbott in another car crash interview! noted a fourth.

  Amber Rudd resigned from Parliament last night amid claims that she set about targets to deport illegal immigrants.

She phoned Prime Minister Theresa May this evening to tell her of the decision just hours after calls for her to step down intensified.

Ms Rudd telephoned Theresa May to tell her of the decision amid intensifying opposition demands for her to quit.

A spokesman for 10 Downing Street said: The Prime Minister has tonight accepted the resignation of the Home Secretary. Catch Good Morning Britain weekdays at 6am on ITV.

For more infomation >> Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott in 'car crash' interview with Piers Morgan on GMB - Duration: 5:01.


1881 MS64 NGC SMint Red Cross Clara Barton Morgan Silver... - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 1881 MS64 NGC SMint Red Cross Clara Barton Morgan Silver... - Duration: 3:33.


Ant McPartlin is 'going through a midlife crisis', claims Piers Morgan - Duration: 4:21.

Ant McPartlin is 'going through a midlife crisis', claims Piers Morgan

Good Morning Britain host Piers, who earlier today slammed Diane Abbott live on air, has spoken frankly about the fallen star as new photos show hes out of rehab.

Despite reports claiming he wont be back on TV until 2019, Ant, 42, was pictured beaming away as he played with his dog Hurley.

Not wanting to cut him any slack, Piers said: I dont feel any sympathy for him over what happened, and nor, knowing him as well, do I think hed want or expect any.

But its awful to see a good mate going through such a turbulent period in his life. Ant was fined a record-breaking £86,000 after pleading guilty to drink-driving in Wimbledon Magistrates Court earlier this month.

"He's clearly going through a crisis in his life and needs proper time and help to sort himself out" Piers Morgan While the fine is the largest on record, the amount is less than the ITV regular is said to be earning a week.

Court documents claimed he rakes in approximately £130,000 over a seven-day period.

Admitting hes not besties with Ant, Piers added in his Event magazine column: Im not one of his closest friends by any means, but we worked together for four years on Britains Got Talent and enjoyed many a pint and laugh together after long audition days.

As a result, I can attest that Ant McPartlin is one of the good guys in a business full of nasty pieces of work.

But hes clearly going through a crisis in his life and needs proper time and help to sort himself out..

The claim comes just weeks after Piers told Daily Star Online that Ant is causing havoc.

Only Ant knows how he was really feeling, he explained.

I guess that it is clear that he is not quite right and people that genuinely care about him just want him to sort himself out properly.

When you are getting into cars in what appears to be that kind of state and you are hitting other cars with kids in it it is a massive wake-up call. Never one to mince his words, the outspoken star added: Ant has to sort himself out because at the moment he is causing chaos..

Meanwhile, Declan Donnelly is set to host Britains Got Talent alone for the first time ever.

The dad-to-be has stepped up to the plate and agreed to front Simon Cowells talent contest when the live shows start next month.

However, a source told Daily Star Online they are apprehensive about the plans.

Dec stood up to the plate and continued [Saturday Night] Takeaway like a pro, but BGT is a whole different situation.

Takeaway was his own show, whereas with BGT he is dancing to someone elses tune..

For more infomation >> Ant McPartlin is 'going through a midlife crisis', claims Piers Morgan - Duration: 4:21.


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For more infomation >> Workers' Compensation: Our Job | Attorney Matt Morgan | Morgan & Morgan - Duration: 0:31.


Piers Morgan Twitter: Good Morning Britain star continues HEATED debate with Diane Abbott - Duration: 3:54.

Piers Morgan Twitter: Good Morning Britain star continues HEATED debate with Diane Abbott

Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid interviewed the politician during the ITV breakfast show Good Morning Britain today.

During the chat, the 53-year-old quizzed the politician about immigration and illegal immigrants.

But, the former Britain's Got Talent judge was left frustrated as he probed Dianne on Labour's policy - who failed to deliver a direct answer.

Following the interview, Piers sent a message to the politician from his Twitter account, insisting that he wasn't aiming to "trick" her.

The post, which was shared with the journalist's 6.

51 million followers, read: "I wasn't trying to trick you @HackneyAbbott.

"It was a simple question: would Labour let illegal immigrants stay in Britain or deport them?.

"You criticised [Amber] Rudd for her failure to 'get basic facts right' yet couldn't give me a straight factual answer to this fundamental question.

However, Diane was clearly not convinced by Piers' explanation of his intentions, and soon shared her thoughts.

Replying to the broadcaster, she penned: "Viewers watching will make their own mind up about what you were trying to do.

"As for me I will keep campaigning for justice, not treating the #Windrush generation and others who have a right to be here as if they were illegal.

Retaliating at the Labour Party politician's comments, Piers then directed another tweet at his Twitter followers.

Sharing a clip of the interview on Good Morning Britain, he wrote: "Diane Abbott says viewers will make up their own mind about the way I conducted our interview today.

"So here is our full exchange about illegal immigrants.

Let me know your thoughts…".

The television personality soon sparked debate online, with the tweet scooping more than 1,200 comments within just two hours.

Elsewhere in the programme, Susanna and Piers were left shocked as co-star Charlotte Hawkins unveiled her old headshot.

It came as the Good Morning Britain favourites all shared snaps of themselves from the beginning of the career.

Marking this weekend's Old Headshot Day, viewers were treated to the throwback snaps during the live show.

And, as Charlotte stunned the team with her monochrome capture, a surprised Piers said: "Oh my god!".

Meanwhile, Susanna exclaimed: "You look like Marilyn Monroe!".

For more infomation >> Piers Morgan Twitter: Good Morning Britain star continues HEATED debate with Diane Abbott - Duration: 3:54.


What is Labour immigration policy? Piers Morgan frustrated as Diane Abbott fails to answer - Duration: 3:49.

What is Labour immigration policy? Piers Morgan frustrated as Diane Abbott fails to answer

Piers Morgan interviewed the politician on Good Morning Britain following the news that Home Secretary Amber Rudd resigned amid the Windrush scandal.

Appearing via video link, Diane faced a series of questions from Morgan joined by Susanna Reid on immigration and illegal immigrants.

Piers probed Diane on Labour's policy as she failed to give him a direct answer.

He exclaimed: "Well we spent the first half of the interview talking about that and I don't think it's unreasonable given the recent scandal to ask the shadow home secretary what your immigration policy is.

"You don't want to answer for reasons that are your right of course, but I think viewers might be interested in knowing what your opinion is.

However, Diane then became defensive as she said: "No, no, no Piers.

Piers retorted: "I'm not trying to trap you.

I'm just trying to ask you a simple question.

What do we do about illegal immigrants in this country? Do we let them stay?.

"Boris Johnson suggested amnesty but you said no to amnesty so the only logical fallout for no amnesty is that we get them all out of the country isn't it?.

Diane continued: "The logical fall out is in, it's to try and work towards an immigration and nationality department which is more fair and efficient.

Piers then replied: "You keep saying that but Diane I am honestly trying to work out what Labour's view of illegal immigrants is.

"I don't know why you're finding it hard to answer that question.

Susanna Reid chimed in on the debate as she questioned: "You've already said that there should be targets?".

Diane stated: "Yeah, of course there has to be targets but for specific areas of Home Affairs for instance deporting foreign national prisoners.

However, Piers was evidently baffled by the encounter as he turned to his co-host once the interview had finished and declared: "Well, I'm none the wiser.

Piers later took the debate to Twitter where he addressed the politician.

He wrote: "I wasn't trying to trick you @HackneyAbbott.

It was a simple question: would Labour let illegal immigrants stay in Britain or deport them? You criticised Rudd for her failure to 'get basic facts right' yet couldn't give me a straight factual answer to this fundamental question.".

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