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Auto news on Youtube Apr 29 2018

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Dad's favorite toy

We have a lot of stuff up here. Yeah, that's why it's time for sprinkling first stethoscope

Can't get rid of that. What's this? Oh?

That's my old fish tank I used to have lots of fish. I didn't know that I'd kick Wellington whale

saltwater Serge always in motion to save the ocean

Hmm not exactly and it to show you guys how it works don't worry dad

I'm sure I can fix them up. I'll just take them down to the clinic and see what's wrong. That's great the feedback soon

Saltwater Serge, Wellington whale I'm doc McStuffins

And this is see always in motion to save ze ocean

Do not belong

That's me that looks like you could use a cuddle for love

Don't know what an addict is but already I don't like it

It's the vex my dad's name is Marcus. Huh must be a popular name

Oh, I loved our kid you really know how to play with us home?

every day

At least I do actually I relearned stuff every day, too

Oh, I wish we could see Marcos again Serge. You can just know it oh

This is such joyful news it has been many days or months or years


Know if I cannot do well jumps, then I will never do the gutters Serge we can fix this

It's actually good except what it's bad

This button is really worn out. I Bennis because dad played with you guys so much yeah

Gone, and neither will search

But I know what to do what button replacement surgery?

Hmm it won't hurt a bass

Sorry, Lambie these bees are for Wellington's button well while I believe you can never have enough necklaces

Probably good for now

Perfect now let's put the saddle on two Wellington's back

Now hop on search finally we are back in muscle to


With search I'm not sure Lambie

But I think he'll always love search no matter what and I know how to make sure sir did say this

But I forgot that it feels so good now. That's a happy patient time to go guys

Do you fix them doc, thank you so much

Hey, Dad, if you're not gonna play with Serge and Wellington much


and remember what saltwater Serge always says

Silly hands a dude

It's so awesome that we're making these winter charity gift baskets for my school

But we better get to work your teacher will be here to pick a lily makes you this happy

He'd be perfect for some kids who need a little cheering up? Oh?

I have to take this doctors work is never done

Check up emergency

I'm seeing things you're not seeing things my mom bought this stuff snow me to put in my school's charity bathroom

If you do say, so yourself, and I do hello fellow snow toy welcome to the clinic

I'm chilly. I'm duck and you can

Chilly we're stuff snow dudes we don't have feet Oh mystery bugs

Chilly are you okay? Oh? Yeah, it's funny. I'm filled with stuffing too. Oh well

I'm sure we have other things in common course we do where's


feeling scared

Let's put in yourself mommy love it does close to giving them a cuddle as I can get perfect. We should give kids something

Before you go. I want to give you a checkup. I don't think I need a checkup what you're turning down a free checkup

Oh, we may look alike, but well. Let me help you get up here. No need doc

Nice landing

Sorry, I guess I'm just not as good at snowman shaking first. I want to check your eyes

You definitely have good reflexes, you're what look. I know what I have to do

Chili, where are you going?

Okay, okay, you dragged it out of me. The truth is I think the dude is a better snowman than I am

But so are you?


really here amazing chilly just the way you are and

You're perfect for me. I can't replace you I

Gotta get in on this cattle chili

You're better than a boogie boardin bear eating a sticky, bun

Thanks guys, I'm so glad you don't want to get rid of me

I don't think I'd like to go live somewhere else with a job

I can't wait to meet my new kid. I'm sure that you guys are

Good but it's lovable isn't it it sure am as much as I love my perfect snowman

Me to doc me, too


Sir Kirby and the plucky princess

I've been stuck in this tower for a kazillion

Ballet okay mom be right there

Sorry, doc. I gotta go

But call me Perry will you I'm not really the princess Persephone type okay, Perry, let's get you down from there

Shall fetch my steed and rescue your posthaste puzzled I

Rescue someone hey anyone around here need rescuing doc. I don't think so, but let's rescue your hair

Oh, yeah

No need to thank me milady

Well good because I didn't need to be rescued I was already on the ground

There's somebody someday too, buddy damn Knights rescue princesses

Princesses historically don't rescue

well really anyone and

Princess wants to do everything a knight can do and what if we do it better

Forgive me princess, but that's proposal you took the words right out of my mouth so rate

We'll toast and then a rule will fence and then no really you can't be serious stupid only a knight can do

Knightly things

Okay, what do you need firstly? I need someone to volunteer to be my Squire

Ah, well the squire helps the night. They helped me up on my horse pass me my jousting Lance that sort of thing

Will you be my second Squire as Weiss I'll happily be your Hipple Squire

Okay Squires have been chosen. I think we're ready for our first ever princess and Knight competition

Nice move Knight, I thank you, I must say you had nice moves as well

Sir Kirby don't move but it might hurt too much Perry

Will you help me carry sir Kirby back to the clinic of course I?

Feel awesome I don't need to do a checkup

It's pretty obvious you have a case of break apart Atossa sir Kirby break apart of ptosis is it Belle

Seem, sweetie. I

need you

Okay sir Kirby just relax. Let's put you back together Hallie all right

How do you feel why I feel splendid lady McStuffins brother as good as the day I was bought

Thank you lady McStuffins

My pleasure sir Kirby, and thank you night

Perry from this moment forth I vow to include you and any and Knightly activities sir, Kirby I

vow to always be your



was thinking maybe princess Persephone can be the rescue where this time I've never thought about that before but I think that's

No really this game is making me thirsty

Wait it's hotter than a salamander in the sack, they're out here. We've got that right Howie

Stuffed Meister hey pull my tail

Do it oh come on nothing's gonna happen

What squeakers saying

That's it all those who are stuffed you're not supposed to get wet are you who says Sam's gonna be able to splash?

Me. That's who

Wait nothing a little strong son won't fix so who's in

You're up everyone ready

You got me sorry team that's okay bronty you aren't oh, man. I'm out of water

You are on your own while I go fill up Auto Road

Never seen green water before cool

Doc said use of water, but hey if it can splash I will win in a flash I always say

But maybe I should have listened to doc timeout everybody are you?

Okay, I don't know I can't splash water and that has never happened to people don't kid a kidder doc

Will I ever splash again?

I'm not really here you seem fine

But there has to be a reason why you spud it was there anything unusual about that

Nope nope

Nothing weird nope Sam try to splash again

Sam is there anything you want to tell me


Even though you told me not to wipe I might a chug some of them too much of a sugary drink

Can make you feel kinda black it does it to kids and it can mess up a toy to?

The Apple soda made you Souls but staying healthy is up to you. I know soda tastes good

Just don't drink too much. My mom calls it moderation. Just tell me I can

Better fill up before the final splashdown

Water or yummy soda or I always say

Come on get back in the game. Oh, it's oh

I'm gonna win this game, and I'm gonna win it we don't care about that

It was just a game and we all had fun playing. I just want to make sure you're working okay


It's hard but good as things taste now. They can make you feel pretty yucky later

Tell me about it Hey. I'm really sorry I let you next time

I'm going with water all the way cuz the most important thing is to make sure I'm always ready to play ha ha

One less thing to make sure I'm splashing food blast. I can't let Donny down Sam. Just be careful

Hey, I think serpents and was even splashy Earlham before

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffns Professor Pancake/You Crack Me Up Episode 22 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 17:12.


Doc Mcstuffns Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose! Episode 21 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 16:41.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Take your dog to work day your heartbeat sounds good

You're in great shape mom. I love take your child to have a case a proud of you itis I sure do

Good morning, Hattie. Hi Hattie a good morning dr. McStuffins hello and Misty

Now doc for your day in the office you're going to manage your own patients in a busy clinic

That sounds great if your chart sir. Oh, I have checkups of my own, but let me know if you need a consultation

Thanks, mom

You must be new yep


Curlicue, but call me Q. I do not like the curly part nice to meet you

Wow he is really into checkups you have no idea

Let's see I think he has ever touched this paper. Nope my mom uses it to keep her exam table clean

Oh, what will they think of next?

No, I think I can ways I could be hurt or sick and so many ways to cure me

You must need to bandage something. I don't know

What something here has to help cotton balls depressors?

I'm cured ly paper is for dragons

So what can I do for you? It is my fabulous hair

I'm having a hard time growing it at washcloth to wipe the walk away I

mean yuck

Okay try growing your hair shake my hand dolly cat

Um time for your first checkup, I want to start by getting your height and weight

Something is different about you keep it on

Weight good height average for a doll now. Let's take a look at your eyes

Heart sounds good now q. Can you take off your hat do I have to I can't really

It's my hair. I don't like it

It's not as colorful as Fabio's and I can't swing it like Dolly's. It's just kind of me

That's what I love about it. I can't do anything with it. Oh

You do need a cuddle Oh

For a few minutes while I talk to my mom

Hey mom do you have a minute sure hon, what's up?

They finally found your pigtails and purple headband

Oh, yeah, and now I love my hair

Just how curly find what works for her

And she'll see how beautiful her hair is just reminded me that there was a time. I didn't like my hairstyle look

I love your hair, and your headband is awesome. I love it

Love my new hairstyle

Right in here Nia go soft guys when I'm done with my exam. Can I play with her of course you can?

Thanks doc I'll meet you by Haddie's desk in effect

Could you guys call me curly Q now being curly is part of who I am and I kind of love it

You got it curly. Hue that means you've completed your toy doctor residency

Thanks mom this was the best take your child to work day ever it's not quite over yet

It isn't so proud of you itis doc. Thanks mom oh

You sure this isn't make Hattie cry Bay

Blazers bike

Thanks for taking me skating mom

You're getting good. It's a real workout. Just keeping up with you. What's their space want to see I do?

Wait the bike came with a helmet for him to wear. I'll go grab it is it okay to go play with Carlos

He's sure honey. What happened. I don't know I'll try again

three two one come on rocket bike

I'm back in the yard. Okay doc

So I'm star Blazers idea

Kazowie, I remember you you're doc McStuffins doctor to stuffed animals and toys

You could put me over and if I remember right alien

Astronauts keep their hearts in their foot. That's right wanna listen

alien astronaut in the galaxy

I've never met a rocket-powered anything that I can't pilot. I'm gonna ask you to take a ride on your bike. I need to observe

Zoey how we won Zoey Mike

Are you sure I'm the problem, maybe there's something wrong with the rocket Mike but

No offense. I mean cuz ow you have a fabulous looking Viking outfit, but this fight could be dangerous

With me no don't worry doc we'll find out what's wrong with you

Maybe I'm not the best alien astronaut in the galaxy after all

Okay zero

Reflexes are part of being a good pilot, so I want to check Oh II flexes are just fine

Another thing that's very important to a pilot is your eyesight. I'd like to run some tests. He already told me my outfit looks

Here's the cards some of them a flower that comes from the Sun. Oh

Leave them come from the Sun, it's just the name of a flower that grows on our planet the tail

On earth these are frogs. They are really quite harmless

They are universally

Well zero your eyesight seems to be just fine

kazow any

Other I didn't you see it's easy when you've had as much astronaut training as I have

In fact as an alien my antennae give off these signals that let me run bonds your antennae aren't showing at all

They're not

Well, they should be now. It's covering my eyes

I can't see a thing I can't pilot the case of helmet no fit OSes, but what can I do dark?

I can't pilot my rocket bike without wearing a helmet

I know are you sure this is the right helmet for star blazer zero is this the hell would I gave you?

Sorry, this is the helmet for my football action figure we oh that fits so much better

I didn't realize that fit was so important. It's really important. I'd never go skating with my mom unless my Amex

What do you think doc am I clear to give my rocket bike another try star blazer zero?

You are clear for bike off. Hey Doc you were great. I think you're ready for me to take you back to Carlos

Thanks, doc. I may be the best alien astronaut in the galaxy, but you're the best hero



Blazars back

Okay all McStuffins meeting there was a weather report on TV

That says a big storm is coming our way is it gonna pull the house over no way aired, and we've got each other right?

Right, so we'll all be fine

Makes me feel better mom dad

Somebody I'll hurry

Barring an all time eating because there's a big storm coming oh dear

I was reading about this as the earth gets warmer and warmer big storms

Go you need to simmer down so we can hear Doc's plan


Thanks, Howie. I'm going to evacuate you that means I'm going to take down

Six arms I declare that you shall be my buddy

Buddy buddy, I gotta find a store buddy. This burns family. Okay. Doc like we're all

Buddy buddy

Of all free cuddles doc doc wagon there's simply no room for a big reptile like you

No no room for Rocky. Don't worry. I'll carry you

You are a very good nurse

That said we should look for a safe place

If we might get to the clinic we can

Okay, let's get a quick headcount to make sure everyone's here Lambie stuffy sir, Kirby oh uh

They must have fallen off the wagon I've gotta go save them

You're mine off all this wind I

Guess doc won't mind if we enter one page into the big book of boo-boos

Why don't you draw something me there sorry doc we can't let you go out with the storm blowing like this

You might get hurt. You can get your toys when the storm is over


It's still scary. I hope Hallie and chilly are okay

I think it's time for a big McStuffins family bear hug Teddy be -

It's kind of dark and scary in here good thing. I have an emergency clinic kit right here

You find Hallie and chilly

No, the storm is too fast for me to go out looking for them, but I'm sure they're okay

Wow looks like the storm blew past, I think we can start cleaning up and dock you can make sure your toys are okay

I'm so glad you're okay. I

Was scared but then Hallie let me draw a picture in the big book of boo-boos

I love your drawing why have you a checkup to make sure you're okay?

But how can we do that the comic is a big mess we can clean up later for now?

I'll use the mobile clinic just a little dirt. Nothing a hippo can't handle you have a diagnosis doc

I sure do your symptoms are jumping out of the wagon?

So how do you two feel now well duck we were a little nervous during the storm

Spritzy Mitzi oh

It's a scorcher out here today. I can't wait to get wet and cool the sprinklers until the Sun

Wait I can't wait we're gonna run in your sprinklers, and then we're gonna run out

My eyes are all spinny

Try closing them now my fats are all spinny get this water

On it hey dot come inside so I can put more sunscreen on you coming dad. I'll be right back

But it looks like something's stuck

Right there. Oh, yeah. It's a pedal oh

Snap you're right

Are you sure?

Doc wouldn't mind as sure as the Sun is hot you guys want to boogie down and get cool

And I want to pull you down and sprinkle you

It's my clinic so I can check you out

All the best sprinkling day of the year, you know the waters not supposed to gush like that

I'll get you back out here as soon as I can

The doc is in yeah it does, but you're not a real snowman

Remember so I forgot again my Heat's getting to my brain. I don't worry chilly I couldn't call you if I

Spritzee you've got a strong heart your eyes are a little misty

But that's not I'm gonna take a look at your tentacles

You gotta be needing my dragon bravery and some of my snowman bravery fish isn't lunch

But still you can have it from over here. You know so I don't get this in English doc

It's just a fancy way of saying a pebble got stuck in one of your sprinkling holes and two little holes

Turned into one big hole is it doc or am I gonna be boxed up forever?

Well of course if it was my last sprinkle at least it was with my friends. Honey. Don't give them nothing

Just a lawn ornament with holes

There's no crying and sprinkling, but there is cook yo my girl your tweezers doc

Thanks, Hallie

There the pebble is out hmm hard awesome now

We're gonna tape the crack with a really strong tape so the water won't get out

There we're all done, that's just want to understand what happened out there. Did you know you had a pebble problem well

Stuffy kind of told me the pebble was in there when you went inside

Like I never thought of it that way, but I get it now

Next time I'll speak up thanks no problem


For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffns Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose! Episode 21 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 16:41.


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