Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 1, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jan 28 2018

Has the President read Natural News � or is he just smart?

He doesn�t get the flu shot, and here�s why

President Trump is either really smart, an avid reader of Natural News, or both � how

else can you explain the fact that he has never gotten a flu shot?

During a 2015 interview with Sirius XM�s Opie and Jim Norton, Donald Trump was asked

whether or not he gets the flu vaccination, to which he replied: �I�ve never had one.

And thus far I�ve never had the flu.

I don�t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body.

And that�s basically what they do.

And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.�

Trump continued, �I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu.

You know, that helps my thinking.

I�ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.�

This proves that in addition to being a competent president and an incredibly successful businessman,

Donald Trump is smart when it comes to medicine and vaccination as well.

As Natural News has explained numerous times in the past, there is a plethora of information

out there that suggests that the flu vaccine isn�t as effective as many medical experts

make it out to be, and in some cases even does more harm than good.

As reported by Natural News founder Mike Adams in October of last year, a medical study that

was conducted by researchers at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that

women who received the flu shot actually had weakened immune systems in subsequent years,

meaning that they became more susceptible to the flu and other viruses rather than less.

�Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody

responses in the current year,� explained the study�s lead researcher Lisa Christian,


The study provides further evidence that supports what Natural News has been arguing all along

� that contrary to the official narrative of the flu shot industry that seems to believe

that the vaccine offers bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable

to viruses and influenza infections.

This creates a vicious cycle, of sorts, whereby people become more susceptible to the flu

because of the flu shot, go in for more shots for �more protection,� and the entire

scenario repeats itself without end.

One month before reporting on this groundbreaking study, in September of 2017, Natural News

published another article on the risks and dangers associated with getting the flu vaccine.

Mike Adams provided readers with some pieces of evidence that, quite frankly, are difficult

to refute.

For one thing, the Health Ranger noted that there have been photographs taken of a 2013/2014

influenza vaccine box that admitted, in very small print so as to make it as difficult

to read as possible, that mercury was added to the vaccine as a preservative.

Furthermore, a screenshot that was taken straight from the official website of the Centers for

Disease Control admits that vaccines still contain ingredients such as Aluminum, Antibiotics,

Egg Protein, Formaldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and Thimerosal, which is a mercury-containing

chemical compound.

In addition, lab results that were collected in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab confirmed

that the flu vaccination has nearly the same level of mercury claimed by the manufacturer.

With all of this information and evidence regarding the risks of the flu vaccination

readily available, it makes sense why Donald Trump has never gotten a flu shot.

Perhaps more and more Americans will follow in his footsteps, or, at the very least, read

both sides of the argument before making a decision

For more infomation >> Has the President read Natural News – or is he just smart He do - Duration: 4:23.


How to make your Home Smart . Control everything from your Smartphone - Duration: 6:58.

How to make your Home Smart

we are going to use only ESP8266 and 5V 8 Channel Relay Module

We are going to connect them together using some Female to Female Jumper Cable

here is what we have to connect together

we have to upload the code using Arduino Program and a Laptop

make sure that all the settings are ok before we upload the code

i didn't want to show the other part of the code because all my Wireless information are there

Lets test it out :D

Let's create another Switch connected with relay 5

Works perfectly

you can choose between a switch and a Push Button

thank you for your attention

For more infomation >> How to make your Home Smart . Control everything from your Smartphone - Duration: 6:58.


4-Way Flashers & Driving a Manual Car Smart - Duration: 9:16.


Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about...

what am i doing? Housecleaning for manual transmission. We I did a video on

Wednesday about that and talked about putting it in neutral when you're

sitting at a traffic light. And I just wanted to talk to people and make sure that they

are aware of the survey. as well I wanted to talk to you quickly about four-way

flashers and when you use four-way flashers on your vehicle had a

discussion over on the smart drive test mastermind group at Facebook and

certainly and went on the replay here look down in the description and I'll

put the link to that mastermind group over there go over there and sign up and

join the discussion it was a really great discussion there were correct

answers on everybody's part and I just wanted to tune into that and talk about

that a little bit you'll probably notice in the background here on in a different

place in the world and I'm actually visiting my good friend Tim Davis here

in Hollywood on Vancouver Island Callwood is one of the suburbs of

Victoria which is the capital of British Columbia so that's what we're gonna do

today I'm going to talk a little briefly about the manual transmission so we've

got an overwhelming response with people in North America who put it into neutral

delight and then just hold the foot brake now a lot of people from Europe I

know it's a different culture over there especially in the UK that they put the

manual transmission into neutral and then put the handbrake on so that is

something different that they do there so if you those people from Europe could

check out the survey and post the response that would be really great that

would be helpful because as I said I'm gonna do a follow-up video on that and

talk about your throw bearing in your clutch and see whether that actually

prolongs the life of your clutch and as well one of the other things we're going

to talk about now is it just talked about poor weight flashes and when you

use four-way flashers Victoria Eagle posted it on the in the mastermind group

if she was backing up in a straight line whether she had to activate the four-way

flashers and if you're backing up in a straight line in a passenger vehicle no

you don't have to activate the four-way flashers on your vehicle you simply put

into reverse and when you put it into reverse on a passenger vehicle the

reverse lights will activate and as soon as the reverse lights activate that

indicates to other traffic and other drivers that you are reversing now if

you are in fact turning while you're reversing then you need to activate a

signal ie parallel parking for example because you're going to move the vehicle

to the right if you're on the right side of the road if you're on the left side

of the road you're gonna move the vehicle to the left so you're gonna

activate the appropriate turn signal for backing up to indicate to other traffic

that you're reversing not only are you reversing but you're also going to move

the vehicle laterally so you need to activate your turn signal now when do we

use four-way flashers and passenger vehicles anytime that you are a hazard

or obstruction to other traffic and I know that doesn't give you a great

definition of when to use your four-way flashers on a vehicle you don't want to

use your four-way flashers to just you know I don't know tell other traffic

that there's bad weather for example we other drivers know that it's snowing out

and that we're all driving slower so if you're keeping up with the traffic flow

don't activate your your flashers that's a personal pet peeve of mine so Paulo I

am really good Oh

Paulo you're still waiting for my email about yes I my apologies I'll answer

that as soon as I get off the livestream here at Paulo I do apologize about

answering back ok and so for Bay flashers passenger vehicles as Jake

pointed out over the mastermind group anytime that you're in a funeral you can

use for every flashers anytime you're pulled over on the side of the road use

your four-way flashers if you're broken down or those types of things to

indicate to other traffic and the reason that you use the four-way flashers is

because our eyes are attracted to light and movement so Bernice you're most

welcome and keep you are most welcome thank you for the comment and as you may

or may not know I'm also on my phone here because I'm away so anyway I'm back

to Puerto Rico so anytime you're a hazard of obstruction to other vehicles

on the roadway anytime that you're going slower than the flow of traffic and it

is bad weather or you have some sort of mechanical

down on your vehicle he's gonna activate the four-way flashers if you are using

your GPS or you're looking for a location and you're driving slower and

you're looking around and trying to find the location then activate your four-way

flashers to tell other road users that you are going slower and that you're

looking for something and you may have an unpredictable action so those are the

times you activate the four-way flashers I also if you're pulling a trailer and

you're gonna back up with a trailer then you want to activate your four-way

flashers when you backup it is an excellent technique to put in place

because as Jake pointed out over in the mastermind group that commercial

vehicles and vehicles pulling trailers they don't have reverse lights so

activate your four-way flashers as well and as Jake said any time in a

commercial vehicle that you're backing up you want to beep the horn and you

want to activate the four-way flashers that will indicate to other road users

and traffic and that I'll tell you that one sec so that will indicate to other

traffic and road users that you're backing up and will also get their

attention that you're actually going to do something unpredictable okay so those

are the times that you use the four-way flashers and actually what I think I'm

gonna do now that I'm talking about this is I'll just write a good blog post a

little blog post and I'll put it over on the smart drive test website about when

to activate four-way flashers and for the most part on your road test for

those of you taking a road test unless you're taking a CDL license you're not

going to activate your four-way flashers on your passenger vehicle unless you're

doing an emergency stop and I know that's something they do in Ontario and

as well for the yeah okay Dan that's an excellent question and you still hear me

I knocked my headphones though because I was waving around my hands yes four-way

flashers yes you can thank other drivers with you for your flashers that's an

excellent question often times if somebody lets me in or I

want to say thank you I just flashed the four-way flashers three times to say

thank you to other drivers that they let me in so yes that is an excellent point

for four-way flashers you can use them to indicate to other that's excellent

Bernice I'm glad we were able to help you out there

so yes so you can use your four-way flashers just fly

some three times Jose no you're not going to use your four-week flashes when

you're reversing in a straight line or when you're turning to backup for

reverse parking you're just going to activate your signal you're not going to

put your four-way flashers on unless you're doing a emergency stop that's the

only time okay so the Honda CRV I had a question about the Honda CRV the Honda

CRV is a 1998 Honda CRV and it currently has three hundred and seventeen thousand

kilometers on it now it does have a couple of things that needs to be

repaired it needs a new muffler and it needs a new windshield what else does it

needs one other thing but I mean all it needs there's a little bit of rust on

the passenger side of the back corner panel so there you go no Marco as long

as you're not you know lugging the engine too much as long as you're not

you know much around a thousand rpm then you might want to consider shifting down

but for the most part as I said in the last video that I put up on Wednesday

you essentially want the highest gear for the lowest Rev that's going to give

you the best fuel mileage so that's what you need to do in terms of driving a

manual transmission all right so we're gonna wrap it up there if anybody else

has any questions just leave them down in the comments there if you're watching

on the replay and you have any questions leave them down in the comment there all

of that appreciated and I would like to thank all of the smart drivers over on

the Facebook mastermind group and be sure to join that look down and the link

there I'll put that description down there for you as well because it's

really you the smart driver that makes this channel possible makes the topics

possible and allows me to help you to be better drivers and help you to learn how

to drive and for all the really great compliments and those people who have

got their license then you know that just helps you out Jose thank you so

much for that that god bless you as well and you know because all of those

comments make this better and give me topics to talk to you about and help you

through challenges that you're facing in terms of learning how to drive or be a

veteran driver who's working to be crash free so if you like what you see here

share it subscribe leave a comment down in the comment section as well and hit

that thumbs up button leave a comment down there like I said all of that helps

out and head over to the Facebook group and join

the mastermind group and as well join the discussion because all of that helps

us to be better drivers and gives us great topics for discussion I'm Rick

with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good luck on your road test

and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer have a

great day bye now

For more infomation >> 4-Way Flashers & Driving a Manual Car Smart - Duration: 9:16.


Which Smart Speaker Should You Buy? - Duration: 3:37.

Smart Speakers are a new technology.

It started back in 2016 with Amazon's first Echo speaker.

Fast forward to 2018, and companies such as Google, Sonos, and Microsoft have created

their own, with one from Apple underway.

But which one should you buy?

I am assuming that most of you know what a smart speaker is, but for those that don't,

a smart speaker is a speaker with voice control and that company's voice recognition AI.

The two most popular smart speakers right now are the Amazon Echo, and Google Home,

in which the base model is tall with a powerful speaker (the Echo costing $99 and the Home

costing $130), and the mini model is smaller and cheaper (Both Echo and Home minis cost


When you say "Alexa", or "Ok Google", the speaker activates and you can say your


They can do stuff like play music, set timer and alarms, control your lights and smart

things, ask for the weather, get it to tell you a joke, and the list goes on.

So now you're probably wondering which one is better.

The Amazon Alexa looks sleeker, while the Google Home looks like an air freshener.

The Alexa also has more built-in microphones then the Home, allowing it to better hear

and understand your commands.

Not only that, but Alexa has way more skills than the Home (over 15,000), and is compatible

and integrated with many other smart products, while Google only has about 160 'services',

and is not compatible with apps like Hive and Uber.

However, the Home can stream to a Chromecast, and you can control YouTube videos with the


It also has the power of Google's search engine, so it answers questions better and

smarter than Alexa.

So, coming back to the original question, which one is better?

The Amazon Echo and the Google Home have similar features, but the Alexa is a newer 2nd generation

device, and is $30 cheaper than the Home, so it's a clear winner.

However, things with the Dots and Minis are different.

They are priced exactly the same, but the Home looks cooler, has a bit better speakers,

and has this broadcast feature that I just learned about, where you can say something

to one Home device, and it will broadcast that to another Home Mini.

This one is hard, but I would lean to the Home Mini, unless you already have an Alexa

device, in which case buy the Echo.

And finally, the big boys.

Echo Plus v. Home Max.

This one is, umm… well I actually don't know what to say.

The Echo Plus is like an Echo, but with a better speaker.

The Home Max, however, is a Home, but with a very, very good speaker.

Oh, and did I mention that the Echo Plus costs $150, and the Home Max costs $400?


That's a $250 difference.

You guys judge that one yourselves.

Now, let's talk Apple, or more specifically, the HomePod.

It is similar to a Home Max, in terms of that is focuses on the speaker, instead of the

voice assistant.

This is further proved by Siri, which is the worst AI of these three, and needs a serious


It's cooler than the Max, because it has a LED waveform on top, has a powerful A8 processor,

and looks a bit better, for a price of $350.

However, I wouldn't recommend the HomePod, as it's released has been delayed for a

very long time, and its AI isn't good when compared to Google and Amazon, and it hasn't

stood the test of time.


Even though smart speakers existed for two years, there are a lot of information on them.

I currently have an Echo Dot, I like it, even if the speaker is not the greatest.

Did you like this video?

Leave a like and subscribe!

Also, which smart speaker was your favorite?

Comment down below, and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Which Smart Speaker Should You Buy? - Duration: 3:37.


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For more infomation >> New Zealand vs Pakistan, 3rd T20 | Pakistan Batting | smart sports pk - Duration: 0:37.


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