Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 1, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jan 29 2018

My name is Anna Morgan Couch and I'm a senior double majoring in Spanish

International Trade and Finance. I started out in the College of Liberal

Arts with a major in Spanish International Trade and so with that

major I was taking classes in the College of Business. I started

realizing that the College of Business had great access to resources and

really good job placement. So I took a finance class with Mandy Harrelson and

loved it. I sat down with her in office hours a lot and we just started

discussing opportunities in finance and how I could combine that with Spanish.

She single-handedly helped me set up this job that I've taken now with Crestmark Bank.

She recommended me for an interview and I interviewed with the company.

I was interested in them, they were interested in me

and she really helped me and coached me along the way.

I also did the resume workshop with Ms. Jan Moppert. Getting my resume

together, honestly, was something that was really stressful for me because I had a

lot of different things that could go on it. I didn't know what belonged and

what didn't. She is a guru when it comes to that kind of stuff and she

helped me figure out what I needed to put on there and helped make the format

look a lot cleaner. It's a lot more put together and so that relieved a lot of

stress going into the job application process.

At the end of August I received

an offer from Crestmark Bank, which is a full-time position as a junior field

examiner. I took that offer and I'll be moving to Nashville in the spring and,

again, that was just really because of the help that I had through the OPCD

and through Mandy Harrelson just coaching me and getting me to the place

that I needed to be.

One thing I wish I had done from the beginning is getting to know other

College of Business students. It would have made me a lot more

comfortable at networking events like Career Fair. Just walking in and seeing

familiar faces of other students in the College of Business I think would have

helped my confidence level. I would say that the resources offered

by the College of Business are superior to any that you can find anywhere else

and those resources are free to students in the College of Business. It's so

important to take advantage of that and just to realize how many opportunities

the College of Business is giving you and how much they can do for you if you

just take advantage of those resources.

For more infomation >> Anna Morgan Couch: Student Success Spotlight - Duration: 2:33.



when he lost courage when he felt like just giving up just lie down and not get

up again he would recite it and it would give him the what he needed to keep


the other night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole I learned it

when I was in school yeah did you believe yeah I think whatever God there

may be from my unconquerable soul the fell clutch of circumstance I have not

cried aloud under the bludgeonings of fate my head is bloody but unbowed

beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the shadow of the shade

he had the minister of the year's finds and shall find me unafraid matters not

how Strait the gate now punishment charged the scroll I am the master of my

fate I am the captain myself your job as an actress to give it your best shot

each every time so yes I'm going into it with the idea that I'll play it to the

best of my ability and they wouldn't give it to me

the role if they didn't think I was capable of pulling it off oh I wouldn't

take it if I didn't think I was capable of pulling it off like I don't say his

first time when I was 8 years old I played a little boy blue in a pageant

power one of the things that was aware of that

I own the stage at 8:00 so no it isn't far off in America but we still and we

still here don't abandon the idea that it isn't finite it isn't finite if you

were born where were you born me yeah Baton Rouge Louisiana batteries General

Hospital you know Louisiana I was born in Memphis Tennessee

I had a long haul from where I came from to here but here we are right so proof

is in the proof of the pudding is in the eating and here we sit at the dining

table but it's hard to when you say that to some people because they say oh there

you go with a pull yourself up by the bootstraps thing and you know you're

just being respectable not everybody can do that

look everybody can but it doesn't courage courage is the

key to life itself a lot of people who are born in

situation of us survive just I'll never get out of this so they won't I say to

people say well I would like to have done so and so and so so you could have

done it so when I couldn't get out of here man the bus runs every day exactly

right yeah you exist if there if there if you can conceive it in your mind if

you can think of it you can do it that's the human condition again we can imagine

that we can do it right and I think that that the condition of each individual

human got on spades the very first time when I was 8 years old I was brilliant

then I got on stage again four years later when I was 12

brilliant again so by the time I was 13 it was pretty much a foregone conclusion

and everybody else's mine teachers parents that acting was gonna be my

thing I hadn't

like made a conscious decision I'm going to be an act I don't think you do I

think you just that's what you do there for us because I was it as it turns out

I was romanticizing that whole idea you know we were refighting World War two

as I was growing up so we had all these heroic movies and I fell in love with

the idea of flying and then when I got into the Air Force had just big

eye-opener that racism was rampant there also and that I didn't I not is

qualifying or suit it's it's better word for military life

that kind of

unquestioning obedience to a lot of things that I think of stupid didn't

quite go over well so when I got out I was I was an early discharge it was

almost dishonorable you know because I just really didn't fit but the catalyst

actually was I did get to sit in a jet trainer because I had a lot of people

behind me to get me into flight school in this town but sitting there it

occurred to me that this is absolutely not what I want it's it isn't movies

it's for real these you know this little red button on a joystick controls guns

with real bullets and I'm sick I said that for quite a while and knew that if

I made a strafing run and needed a camera here and I needed the people to

be able to get up and go back to number one so I got out of that plane on the

runway at North Island Air Station a Naval Air Station and I walked away from

that and towards acting I knew that it was all about the movies it was all

about the movies their little horn Tooting I can do for myself is merely

having the courage to keep going

back in the hall there young people young actors struggling we because I go

along with it want to assure them that it's best to keep going don't don't give

up I tell kids it's the surest way to lose is to quit and in this business

it's really difficult because there were so many talented people out there

scrambling to get through that first Dewar that being able to get there and

do it is stroke of a lot of things including luck well as I said I went to

the movies all the time I've seen the movies and at some point it struck me

rather dramatically how much I wasn't in the movies would you give purely in an

acting sense to yourself 30 40 years ago same advice I gave myself 30 to 40 years


Act there are unfortunately those of us who say well I want to be a star

that's way out there in the ether somewhere I want to be a working actor

you can pull that off so act work work I someone asked me and watts and you were

about to do it what would you do if you weren't an act if you didn't make it as

an actor what would you do I have no idea I would act somewhere maybe I'd be

driving a cab maybe I'm working somebody's yard whatever I'm doing I'm

going to belong to somebody's little theater group

I will act because I'll die if I don't I

auditioned I don't think I even got to audition I interviewed for the movie the

thing the remake so I read the script and I go back for the audition and the

producer or the director one was said did you inscribe that say yes what do

you think I said well you've got 11 people at the South Pole eight of the

scientists and then you have a cook a mechanic and something else

they're all black none of the scientists are what do you think I think neat let's

just add and get that job the other night that covers me black as the pit

from pole to pole I learned it when I was in school you know did you believe

yeah I think whatever God there may be from my unconquerable soul

the fell collective circumstance I have not cried aloud under the bludgeonings

of fate my head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears

looms but the shadow of the shade yet the Menace of the year's finds and

shall find me unafraid matters not how Strait the gate how punishment charged

the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain

For more infomation >> THE 10 TRUTHS - MORGAN FREEMAN [MOTIVATION] - Duration: 10:47.



For more infomation >> SAMARA MORGAN'I GÖRÜNTÜLÜ ARADIM! (AÇTI) - Duration: 10:45.


Good Morning Britain viewers divided over Piers Morgan's Trump interview and 'apology' - Duration: 4:00.

Good Morning Britain viewers divided over Piers Morgan's Trump interview and 'apology'

The ITV breakfast programme, today hosted by Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway, exclusively revealed that Trump was prepared to apologise for retweeting racist hate group Britain First.

Controversial broadcaster Piers said of the interview: We have to give Donald Trump the benefit of doubt over his retweets.

Hes a very busy guy and he fired off a few retweets.

I thought it was right and proper that he should apologise.

I think its a significant climb down from the president. In a clip, Trump said: Of course I didnt know Britain First was racist and fascist.

"I will certainly apologise if you would like me to." Donald Trump I know nothing about them, and I know nothing about them today, apart from I read a little bit.

It wasnt a big story in the United States.

Sometimes when you do retweets, they can cause problems.

I am often the least racist person that anyones going to meet ever.

I wasnt endorsing anybody. Without any prompting, Donald then started talking about radical Islamic terror, before telling former newspaper editor Piers that he didnt wish to offend the people of Britain as he loved Scotland..

But Piers pushed for an apology, which Trump attempted to do in a roundabout manner.

If youre telling me theres a few horrible racist people, I will certainly apologise if you would like me to. Trumps apology split Good Morning Britain viewers, with fans taking to Twitter to air their views.

While some believed Donalds apology showed he genuinely was sorry for retweeting hate, others were less than impressed.

Call me old fashioned, but I would certainly apologise if you'd like me to do that is not an apology, slammed one fan.

Really dont think Trump has listened to anyone, said another.

Donald Trumps excuse for not knowing about the tweet is nonsense, blasted a third.

Startlingly, others praised Trump for his gung-ho attitude.

I like Donald Trump! said one viewer.

Hes straight talking and theres no wishy washy trying to please everyone, just says it like he is. What did you make of Trumps apology? Good Morning Britain continues weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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