Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jan 2 2018

This Rigid Industries dual D-Series A-pillar light mount kit is for those of you that have

a 2007 and up JK, that are looking to mount a set of D-Series Rigid Industries lights

on the A-pillar, but not just one set.

You want to have two sets, two lights per side.

These are designed to work specifically with those D-Series lights, so if you have a different

brand light, you don't have those Rigid lights, there's a chance that this isn't going to

work for you.

So, this is specifically for those D-Series lights.

This is a bracket that's going to install very easily onto your Jeep, definitely a one-out-of-three

wrench install, less than half an hour to get these brackets installed.

Simply remove some factory bolts and replace them again, but we'll talk a little bit more

about that in just a second.

Now, Rigid is known for making a very high-quality part, and these are no different.

These are going be stainless steel, as opposed to the mild steel of some of the others.

The finish on it is very nice.

It has some good style to it, if that's what you're after in your light mount bracket,

however, these are also going to be a lot more expensive than a lot of the other options

out there.

There are going to be brackets that are a very similar design that are close to $80

less expensive than this, and some even more inexpensive.

So, these are definitely going to have a little bit of a higher price tag than some of the


If you have the Rigid lights, you're probably okay spending a little bit more for a premium

product, so you're probably going to be okay spending a little bit more on these brackets,

however, if you are looking for a less expensive option and you don't have those D-Series lights,

there are going to be some other choices for you.

These brackets are made of 3/16-inch thick stainless steel that is covered in a matte

powder coat finish, and again, these are designed to bolt directly onto your Jeep and to hold

two of those D-Series lights.

Now, one thing to note about these brackets is that they allow for vertical adjustments,

so for up-down adjustment, however, they don't allow for a horizontal adjustment.

Whether you're installing one light on the A-pillar or two, I really like the options

for a bracket that allow for both vertical and horizontal adjustment.

I like the ability to turn either the upper or the lower set of lights out and have them

be more of a gutter light, where the other light is forward facing, but if you're okay

with having everything facing the same direction, facing forward, and just having that vertical

adjustment, these are going to work just fine.

So, like I said, this is definitely a one-out-of-three wrench installation, probably only a half

an hour or so to get these bolted up.

All you have to do is remove the factory torque bolts from your windshield hinges, attach

the brackets with the new, longer bolts that are included, and there is a little bit of

a gasket that goes between the bracket itself and the painted surface of your Jeep.

That way, you don't have any sort of chafing or any type of paint damage if you were to

ever remove these.

That's all there is for the installation of these.

Of course, then you'll go ahead and bolt your lights up, and do all of your wiring.

A pair of these brackets is going to come in at right around $120, and like I said,

you can find some that are half the price or even less.

They may not be stainless steel.

They may just be mild steel, and they may not have quite the fit and finish that you're

used to from Rigid, but do know that if you purchase these from Rigid, you are going to

pay a little bit of a premium for the quality and for the name.

So, if you're looking for a bracket to attach two sets of D-Series Rigid lights onto the

A-pillar of your JK, I definitely recommend taking a look at these brackets, and you can

find them right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Rigid Industries Dual D-Series A-Pillar Mount Kit (2007-2018 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 3:20.


Jeep Wrangler Barricade Replacement Soft Top (2010-2018 JK 2 Door) Review & Install - Duration: 4:40.

The Barricade Replacement Soft Top with Tinted Windows in Black Diamond is for you of those

that have a two-door 2010 and up JK that already have a soft top on your Jeep, so you already

have a frame that's in good working order and all the rest of the hardware, but you're

looking to replace the more consumable parts of the top, which are going to be the [inaudible

00:00:18] of itself and those three plastic windows.

When you're shopping for a soft top, you're really going to come across a couple different

categories of tops.

One is going to be the replacement soft top, which like I said, you have to have a good

working factory or factory style soft top frame, and this is just going to be your soft


Then you can look into a full replacement top, which is going to include the frame,

the hardware, and the soft components, and that's gonna be for those of you that are

coming from a hard top or have a soft top frame that isn't in good working order.

And finally, you're going to have the third category which is going to be those slant

back tops, the fastback style, maybe some of those frameless tops, something that isn't

necessarily going to be a factory look and a factory function.

This is going to fall into that first category.

Again, this is gonna be for those of you that already have that soft top.

You're just looking to replace a beat-up top.

And the Barricade Top is going to fit and function just like a factory top.

However, some of the other tops out there are going to have some additional features,

or will be made of a higher quality material, so those ones are gonna be a little bit more


This is going to be a much more affordable option for you.

This is going to install very easily onto that factory style soft top frame.

Definitely gonna give it a one out of three wrenches.

Give yourself about two hours or so to get this installed, but once it's on the Jeep,

it's on.

Every time you need to take it up and down, it's only going to be a 5 to 10-minute process,

and we'll talk a little bit about that installation in just a second.

Like I said, this is going to be made out of a black diamond material which is going

to be a factory style soft top material for your JK.

Now, in the later years of the JK, Jeep started offering a premium material which is going

to be more [inaudible 00:01:51] style material in the aftermarket.

This is not going to be that.

This is still going to be a perfectly fine top.

It's going to look and function like factory.

It's going to hold up pretty well.

However, if you are looking to go with a higher quality material, if you're looking to go

with a top that has additional features, like I said, those options are gonna be out there.

You just have to be prepared to spend a little bit more money.

Now, this is going to be your replacement top.

So, it has all those soft components to go on your factory style soft top frame that

you already have.

If for some reason you don't already have that frame, you're gonna be wanting to look

at a full replacement top that includes all those components, or you can get this top

and then piece together all of the soft top hardware that you need from the frame to the

door surrounds and everything else, which is going to be a little bit more work on your

part to piece everything together.

So, if you have that soft top frame, it's in good working order, this is gonna be a

nice option.

If you don't, I would go for one of those full replacements that includes everything

all in one box.

So, for installation definitely, a one out of three wrenches, about two hours or so.

The biggest struggle with installing one of these tops is the fact that they are as tight

as a drum right out of the box.

You're going to want to soften this up the best you can before the installation.

It's definitely going to make things easier for you.

So, install this top when it's about 70 degrees out or warmer.

If you have the opportunity to throw this out in the front of a yard, let it bake in

the sun for a few hours before you start with the installation.

That's definitely going to help as well.

So, the first step is going to be removing that soft top from your existing soft top


You'll start by removing the three rear windows and then work from the back of the top to

the front disconnecting it from the frame as you go.

Once you get up to the front, there are gonna be a couple of screws that you'll have to

remove in order to get your soft top disconnected from the windshield header.

Once that's completely disconnected, you can go ahead and start installing your new top.

You'll flip this upside down over the hood of the Jeep and attach the front of the top

onto the header using that factory hardware, then flip the top over the frame working from

front to the back attaching to the frame as you go.

Finally, attach it to the tub in the back corners and zip in the three windows.

This top is gonna run you right around from $370 and that is gonna be pretty inexpensive

for a replacement top like this.

You're going to have all of your soft components, you're gonna have a brand new top on your

jeep for only $370 which is a pretty good deal.

Again, if you're looking for something that's going to hold up a little bit better over

time, if you're looking for something that has additional features, maybe a different

material, those options are all out there but you are gonna have to be prepared to spend

a little bit more.

So, if you're looking for an inexpensive replacement top for your two-door JK, I would recommend

taking a look at this option from Barricade, and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Barricade Replacement Soft Top (2010-2018 JK 2 Door) Review & Install - Duration: 4:40.


We Suck at PUBG Episode 1 (sort of...) - Jeep vs Machinegun - Duration: 9:42.

The Chinese LMG... it's actually rather awesome!

Yep, it's a nice touch to stop dead teamates giving away sniper positions etc

M416, I'll have that as it works with nice tactical stock I saw back there!

Now where the hell was that tactical stock....

Ah there it is!

I can't hear it myself....

I can't remember if I actually checked all these buildings....

Ok I'm getting out of here as I'm not sure if I'm alone anymore....

I'm still not hearing this vehicle my side, are you sure it's not outside IRL?

...and fuck all else as usual, just want a damn scope :P

Oh HELLO....

I get ambushed by the other 29 survivors and die horribly....

Ok that one I can hear!

Yes that would be lovely... unfortunately it is back on Nicks corpse which died by zone out halfway there :P

I think they've got some other issues besides me...

Or just blow the whole Jeep up works too :P

I think the Jeep ran over the guy by the crate so only the guy by the tree for me to deal with... yeah I'd really love a decent scope about now...

Ha! They hit the pan!

And also my spleen...

No rush... think I'll try the 416 as its more accurate

Hit him!

Oh fuck... that's not helpful...


Well that's pretty much it folks, hope you enjoyed that, next time I there will be actual audio from me hopefully :P

Please like and subscribe, comment etc. You know the drill ;)

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