- Here in my private beach,
just brought out the Lamborghini and the 911 Turbo.
Just kidding
So, we're here in San Diego, chilling on the beach,
doing a little photo shoot
with the Superleggera and the 911 Turbo.
I'm here with my boy Brian
who is my photographer and videographer.
Follow him on Instagram, by the way,
What's up, Brian?
- What's goin' on, fellas?
- We just been (mumbles) today.
We went to a car meet this morning
and we've been doing this photo shoot
for about 30 minutes, maybe an hour or so.
We've been out here for a while just taking photos
of the cars, posing, just getting content
for Instagram and stuff like that.
So anyways, I figured I'd just bust out the little Canon
and do a little V-log, do a little vlog right now,
even though people are watching me.
But we're here in San Diego.
It's beautiful, it's gorgeous.
I mean, it's 70 degrees.
It's December 20, it's December 30th.
I know that right now in Chicago
it's about negative five degrees from what I heard.
I feel blessed to just be able to be out here,
have the financial freedom to live in both San Diego
and Chicago.
Come here whenever I want.
Have my own place here to call my own.
And obliviously have two of my favorite super cars
to just drive around when I'm here in town.
And it was what I did want to get into in this video
is how you can get a super car,
not just a super car, two super cars,
you know, get whatever you want.
You can replace super car with a vacation,
a dream home, a penthouse, whatever you're looking for.
Basically what everyone is actually searching for
is a little thing called financial freedom.
You know, so basically financial freedom
is just being or having enough money
and having enough cash flow coming in
from your investments, from interests
and you know, just having enough money in the bank
that you're basically retired
and you don't really have to worry about your expensive
or bills for the rest of your life.
Me, being 25 years old now
and having been making a full time income online
and threw my own businesses for years,
you know, I think I'm qualified to speak a little bit
on the topic of financial freedom
and how you can achieve the same thing.
So, honestly what it really comes down to
is you guys need to play offense and defense.
And this is something that I kind of came up with.
It's a little sport analogy
but you gotta play offense and defense.
Now what's offense.
Offense is your income.
You need to increase your income potential
and basically that just means you have to earn more money.
Now how can you do that?
Now when you have a job the problem is your income potential
is extremely, extremely limited.
And it's not up to you, it's up to the company.
They decide how much you're paid.
So, when I worked a nine to five
and I was making 45,000 a year,
which I honestly was stoked to get that job offer,
my cap was at 45,000 a year
and it was only gonna increase a couple percentage points
every year.
So, if they were kind enough to promote me
after six months, a year of working
then my income would go from 45,000 to maybe 48,000,
maybe 50,000 if I'm lucky
but basically everything's going up in increments.
Now when you own your own business
and now is the best time to start an online business.
There's never been a better time to create
an online business because you have the internet
and you have so many tools to help you get there easily.
When you have your own online business
you decide how much you get paid,
whether that's zero dollars, whether that's 10,000 a month,
whether that's 100,000 a month,
which I've been blessed to be able to break
through the $100,000 per month profit barrier.
So, you know that doesn't happen in the job.
You don't go from making 45,000 a year to 45,000 in a week
like I did, you know, when I started my online business.
So for me, for you guys who don't know,
who haven't seen the video,
I made $45,000 in a single week one year
after getting fired from that nine to five job.
And that just doesn't happen with jobs.
They don't promote you from 45,000 a year to 450,000 a year
just like that.
They won't do that, you know what I mean.
It goes up in increments.
It's really slow.
And then you don't control who cuts your paychecks.
So, the only way to really win and to leapfrog
and you know, basically make progress
in the short amount of time
'cause I'm 25 years old if I wanted
to get both of these cars and multiple homes at this age,
there's no way I could've done this
from working a nine to five job
at least with my skill set.
You know, I don't have a college degree.
My parents aren't super rich.
I don't have a lot of capital to start with.
I had to earn it myself.
So, the only way was with online business
because you have extremely low overhead
'cause a website only cost about $70, $80 to run for a year.
You can have a website for about 70, 80 bucks.
So, I mean just look at that guys.
That's such a small investment for a chance
to live the life of your dreams.
70, 80 bucks I mean anyone can scrounge that together.
You know what I mean.
Or save up for that overtime.
So, really we live in a beautiful time
where it's never been easier to create and to pay ourselves
and to make our own businesses and to choose our income
and to choose our salary and to cut our own paychecks
and pay ourselves first rather than companies
waiting hand and foot on them to give us livelihood.
So, honestly I'm a very independent person.
I'm all about self starter.
And you know, doing things yourself.
And entrepreneurship was the only way for me
because I couldn't have someone else decide
my livelihood or decide how much I get paid
or how much I'm worth financially.
You know what I mean.
And it wasn't 'til I struck out on my own
and got fired from my job
and then jumped in with both feet into online business
that I finally saw the earnings and the income that
I really felt that I deserved in my life.
Anyways, I hope those words are inspiring to you guys.
Again, going back to the topic of offense and defense.
One you gotta play offense.
The best defense is a good offense.
And honestly that's the way it works in the world as well.
If you're making $100,000 a month,
if you're making $10,000 a month,
you know, you're gonna be doing better off
than people who are making $1,000 a month
and they're saving every penny.
If you make $100,000 a month and you have 20,000 expensed
you're still pocketing $80,000 a month pretty much.
You know what I mean.
And for a person who's only making $1,000 a month
for them to earn that much money
it's gonna take them decades.
So, honestly offense you have
to increase your earnings potential.
That's the first priority.
Now defense, defense is something like credit.
So, let's talk about credit real quick, budgeting.
So, if you're making $100,000 a month
but you spend $110,000 a month
you're actually getting into debt 10K a month
every single month.
Even though you make six figures a month,
you know six figures a year,
it doesn't mean anything if you spend it all alright.
And for me I'm not exactly a frugal person
as you guys can probably tell
but at the same time I understand the importance
of playing defense, which is getting right
with your finances.
Which is knowing every single dollar that comes in
and out of that bank account and how much your livelihood,
how much your current lifestyle cost to fund
every single month.
So for example, if your expenses are $10,000 a month
then you know it would (mumbles) you to have six months,
12 months worth of emergency fund
just in case anything hits the fan
than at least you have money to continue
living the lifestyle that you have right now.
So, basically defense credit is extremely important.
There's lots of videos about it.
There's lots of courses about building credit.
But still I feel like the average person
is not very educated on the importance of having good credit
because it helps you with things such as car loans,
mortgages, getting apartments,
which for example, I financed that Porsche right there,
the 911 turbo.
I actually financed it.
You know, I put 30% down and then the rest of it
I'm paying off monthly .
The Lamborghini I actually just bought cash
because honestly I don't want to get into a debate
of buying cash verses financing.
This purchase to me is not gonna drastically
affect my livelihood.
You know what I mean.
So, that's financial freedom.
That's what it really is about.
That's all I got for you guys basically,
offense and defense.
You gotta start a business.
That's the only way I can see how to do it these days.
You know, start a business,
get that credit up and then invest your money.
Make sure your budgeting
and make sure your not blowing all your money.
That's all it comes down to is offense and defense.
So, basically looking to starting your own business.
Get that income and that earnings potential up.
After you get that up manage that.
Play defense.
Make sure you don't lose what you earned.
But that's all I got for you guys today.
I hope you guys enjoy it.
I hope you guys got value from me.
If you did, like and comment on this video
letting me know.
And if you wanna see more content like this,
also subscribe.
Hit that notification bell
'cause I'm coming out with some hot content for you guys.
So, hope you guys enjoyed it.
Hit you guys on the next one.
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