Hey guys, Mat here with Burns Power Tools. Today I'm very excited to bring
you another open box video. Nicks making a little noise over there so you just gonna have to excuse that.
Thanks Nick. "You're not recording right?" I am recording right now. "Shut up."
You're not gonna say anything? Say hi to your people. "Hi..." There it is.
Today is October 2nd. Yesterday Festool released a whole new line of Mini Systainer.
As well as the new CT cyclone pre separator, which is really cool if any of you guys have any of the
festival dust extractors out there.
But what I'm gonna do, is I have the Festool
203815 SYS-CE MINI 1 TL TRA Centrotec Mini Systainer
Limited Edition comprehensive 74 piece accessory set, in a Mini Systainer with a
transparent cover. And I'm gonna open that up so you guys can take a peek at it.
Alright so I got the box right here. Seal it's not broken.
Which is exciting. Got my knife. I'm going to cut it, one, two. That was a very loud set aside. I apologize for that.
Alright, so we got it right here. Inside I'm gonna find some plastic wrap. I'm going to set that aside.
There is the Systainer. Look, it's like a little nest. Luckily there's no birds or eggs in here.
So that's exciting. Nick, no, you cannot use this as a pillow.
Actually you can use this as a pillow Do you want this? You can have the
Box. Do you want the box Nick? There you go. "Wonderful. Thanks Nick.
Alright, so here we go. It's nicely bubble wrapped. Safe and sound. I'm gonna just jump in.
And start unwrapping this.
And there we go. Boom. Get rid of that.
Alright, so as you could see. There we go. This is a Systainer. They look like the
larger classic if you will. Festool Systainer, but they are more
compact. Now the nice thing about these is Festool also released another.
A clear version, which you can get online, as well. As well as a hardtop I guess you
might call it, version, here, too, as well. And they all stack on each other. so you can get a couple.
If I could properly stack this. Let's go Mat, come on dude. What are you doing here.
Okay guys. Well here at Burns we like to consider each other friends and family.
And Matty over here, noticed me struggling as I was
putting these together. And Matt so graciously let me know, Matt what did you
just let me know? Because I already knew this but you know, when I'm trying to
film and chitchat and remember stuff I forget so show me how does this bad boy connect.
Well on the bottom here you have these two latches here that slide into
this lip here. Just slide it just like that. Just like and all the Festool's
Systainers have that and it's just like the larger Systainers so they do same things,
they all connect. so you can latch these together and carry them as one. Just like
that? Just like that. Just like that? Just like that. Just like that. Slide, come on
Mat. There you go. Slide and quick. That's it. Oh wait, they'll have to go in
the same direction though right? Yeah, yeah yeah. It's got to look pretty. Slide and Click.
Cool. You got it. Thanks buddy. No problem.
So in here as I said, is a comprehensive 74 piece accessory set. And what we have
as you can see, is bits and bits for days. Lots of bits. And what's included, so
there are five pieces of each of these. They're 25 millimeter bits. There's the PZ1, PZ2, PZ3, PH1, PH2, PH3, TX10, TX15, TX20, TX30, TX40.
And then there's one piece of the 50 millimetre bits of each and so we have the
PZ1, PZ2, SQ2, PH1, PH2, PH3, TX10, etc etc...
They're all right here. Now these here are gonna work with all the Festool
cordless drills with a fast fix interface. And and we have these here in stock.
They're nice, they're sturdy, and you can get these online. Now these right
here, the ones that come with the 74 pieces, these are a limited edition. So
there's a very very limited amount of these that Festool actually sent us and
actually made, all together. These guys there's a bunch of, but these guys
there's not that many. So if you want one, come get some.
Anyways, there it is. Here we go,
the Festool 203815 Mini Systainer Limited Edition Comprehensive 74 Piece Accessory Set.
Right there guys. Alright talk to you soon.
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