ruv up your engines, Brian says Scotty my automatic lexus is 300
takes forever to shift between first and second the RPM stay high and then jerks on
next gear is my transmission dying, yes it is everything eventually breaks, like
somebody said to me one time, oh Scotty he always talked about Toyota's they don't
break everything, breaks eventually because of friction it's just a matter
of the time frame, now if you have a car and it took thirty years or five hundred
thousand miles to break you got your money's worth right, but if you buy a car
like a Chrysler and it falls apart at 70,000 miles and it's six years old or
four years old, you didn't get your money's worth, so you know it all
depends on how long it takes friction to break the thing down and that's just
flat wearing and they do cost a fortune to rebuild correctly on those lexuses there's
no arguing that but, the fortune Invader says Scotty what do you think of buying a
2007 Porsche 911 as a weekend car it has low mileage I heard they're reliable is this
true, I don't know who you're listening to, now here's the thing if you can get
it cheap they have one of the worst resale values in the world, so if you get
that thing cheap and you want it as a weekend car go right ahead
just realize you don't want to pay much, I'll give you a perfect example, I got a
Customer that bought that same car and he bought that car and they paid like seventeen
thousand dollars for it and they thought they got a deal, I said deal, I said
I wouldn't give him five grand for that car, because they're endless money pits
as they age, but if it's a toy and you find a guy like me to check it out
before you buy it, don't ever buy one of those without having a mechanic check it
out, I've got fancy equipment and all mechanics do like, my scan tool here that's
a five thousand dollar scan tool, when we hook these things up we can
look at all the data, see what kind of shape, but it might be a good shape but
don't pay much cuz they're endless money pits as they age and they have no resale
value, so if you can get it cheap and you want a toy, just don't buy it and drive
it everyday if it's just a weekend toy and it runs good don't pay too much
though, because even the book value on that thing is inflated, pay a lot less than
people are asking for them, Sean Ling says Scotty I got 1990 Celica the RPM goes
up and down a little bit when it's idling is that normal Thanks, well it's
normal for a vehicle that's what that thing is
twenty nine years old, what you want to do is, I've got a good video for that
that's called, make your engine run better with a little spray cleaner you
get 2 cans of cleaner that cost like $14 for both of them
combined and follow the directions on that to clean them, the other thing is if
you have a vacuum leak it'll do that, when you get a vacuum leak in your
engine, it sucks air so the computer keeps trying to compensate for the idle
so it will go up and down a little as a sucking air, so check for leaks especially
on an old thing like that, a lot of times it's just one of those stupid rubber
vacuum hoses they get old and then they crack and shrink and fall off and you
can have a simple vacuum leak it's pretty typical on a car that's that old,
page Foster says why does a 2003 Civic Hybrid CVT with 80,000 miles shudder on
initial takeoff, okay unfortunately you got a hybrid CVT, odds are you got a
problem in the CVT transmission shuttering, that's one reason I tell
people not to buy used hybrid cars or expect to keep them for a really long
time, you said that's a 2003 okay it's a sixteen-year-old hybrid when
those CVT transmissions break down or the hybrid drive system breaks down
you're gonna be spending thousands and thousands and thousands, I had a guy was
one of those and I told him get rid of it you're nuts so he wanted to fix it so he
ended up taking it to the Honda dealer and it ended up costing him like $6,500 to fix it, the car wasn't
even worth near that, so you know take it to any good mechanic who knows cynics
and hybrids and have them hook up that fancy machine like I just showed and see
what he says, but from my experience with those it's the CVT going out and it's
more money than the vehicles worth to fix it and if it shutters a little but goes okay
otherwise, just drive it that way, Sky dog says I got an 2003 f-150 4.6 it
keeps losing oil pressure and there's engine noise would it be the oil pump, well
that's the most obvious thing, what you want to pray is, have somebody drop the
oil pan, put a new oil pump and pray it's just the oil pump, if it still
doesn't once you put a new oil pump in, that would mean the engine bearings are
worn, then you'd have to rebuild the entire engine
and in that case if you like the truck your better just putting another engine
in, then you are fixing that one, August 24 why does my Nissan Micra k12 2005
burned so much oil, because it's a Nissan Micra you kind of answered your own
question, they're kind of cheaply made engines, now what you want to do is
change your PCV valve, they don't cost much and if it is stuck open that will
suck oil from the crankcase and burn it more and those don't cost much, change
that but from my experience with those things, the piston rings wear out
the valve seals wear out and then they burn oil because the engine isn't sealing
anymore, if you want to find out how it's actually worn out, the video I have is about
how to do a compression test on your engine, watch that video, you use a
compression tester and you can see how worn out the engine actually is or pay a
mechanic to do the same test, so if you never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
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