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NEW Audi A6 Avant 50 TDI Quattro Review 2019 - Duration: 26:33.Lichter obsidian adjust the seat from here it's pretty great
and the door
we are in the new Audi a6 and here's the key
so now we have electric seats and everything on this car and I want to
show you a little bit of interior and I want to show you I just want to show you
the the menu and how can I close from here to close the music so guys we are
in the interior and I want to show you this amazing front display and all the
option on it how you can configure it so here is the menu
so you have here what kind of information about the car and as well
you can hear when I click on the see the weather it's really nice display here
really great quality here you can see the detail the weather it's pretty nice
application here as you can see you have a 3d navigation it's pretty amazing
really great navigation system you
here you can add the point for example where you want to go here for example
you can search the place where you want to go
so for example here up here you can write down here for example see you can
see huh oh this is really great and you find the city there and then you
actually click on it tantrum gentle Center and then the car go directly
there it's pretty amazing pretty great start and now you have all kinds of
information about the route so this is really great and you can also see in the
front display too when the card it's starting so it's really amazing and you
can see 3d or you can also get into the card and you can see the street and the
road where you want to go it's pretty amazing you can have for example up here
you have wavy configuration to the home screen you have messages news you can
also read the news navigation here telephone median fuck so here you have
to start the engine that you can have access to all the information about the
car so down here you also have a lot of
options for example you can start the clima Drive select have all kind of
information here start the engine button camera around the car you can make media
configuration we also have here two cupholders really nice the buttons
parking brake here we have nice leather on the side here in the middle center
you can charge your phone and you can also have here to us before things
impart a great quality this is all leather everywhere here to have a slide
sit great quality here everywhere the car I have very good quality and the
dashboard it's leather it's really amazing look at this look at this
finishing it's pretty beautiful come down here - it has a nice design and you
have this logo quad oh it's really great until the doors there here we have
Alcantara you can see it's soft everywhere only here we have some
plastic but here soft everywhere and I like I like this it's great gray you can
see this is on the grey grey buttons they look so nice so luxurious so
high-class in here - you can see you can lock the doors the window this is the
opening even this button for the trunk look really fantastic
it's really great quality you know on the doors when you open the door the
city is going back a little bit you have speaker here to this
bang and all of them
quality place here all leather and alcantara here on the side really
amazing here you have the light you can open the light for example now the light
it's open and we go outside and see the light
it's really beautiful LED light with three lines here on the side I don't
know if you can see but it's really great it's really nice design
and in the back - really cool 3d light look at this really amazing with these
lines fantastic really nice and great quality and here just push
this and now it's off this lead steering wheel it's really amazing really nice
quality now we have s line here i wouldI logo in the buttons the black
glossy that give a very stylish quality now the clappers is for changing the
speed here they look so nice they have a chrome look at this the finishing in
this audience fantastic can hear all this design and they'll have a speaker
in all these designs they are really really nice all the light and everything
it's like a touchscreen buttons I think you see they are very very good
quality really this car have great quality interior here we have the LED
light let's look very nice and you have some roof too
you can open it from here it's way back there we have 2 parts of some roof here
and another part there they are really nice
down here we have a LED light look at this really stylish really great great
quality on the roof there down here a lot of space stuff and a lot of space
for the legs great in the back look at its great visibility in the back - down
here - it's really nice really great car now for example we have electric sit
here I think you see this before you can adjust your seat from here
just it in the font and then we have the profile and all the other option in the
front if we have soft clothes on the doors you can hear this is really nice
here any little vents on the side the nice mirrors really great quality here
you can actually you can see here in the front got all kind of information about
the car you can see the navigation there in the middle you can see the blind spot
here on the side you can adjust the climatic system from here I have a touch
screen and you can actually feel it when you push the screen you can actually
feel the way it's moving here you can turn it off and you have all kind of
information about that you have heated seat and this is really great that you
can you have these two screens here digital screen a very good high quality
and the great thing is that it's looked fantastic it's looked like a premium
premium premium car the car is very expensive too and it's very well made
it's really amazing really nice here in the front you have many type of option
that you can see all kinds of information about temperature how many
kilometer you can drive you can make this small or you can make the map
bigger you can also change different information here in the front Bluetooth
navigation you have there and you can see you can also adjust it you can make
it bigger or smaller or the way you want to see it that's
really interesting it's really interesting guys so now I like to see it
like that's really big is give you enough feelings that you are in a in
other world with this car it's really great it's really nice car
yeah really a lot of information there and here too you can hit your seat if
you hear this when you push this button you can hear and you can feel on your
fingers that you are really pushing a real button so it's really strange
feeling and really great it's really nice finishing look at this finishing
it's really fantastic the car have amazing finishing and everything and
it's look pretty amazing and here you can see the map to here you can actually
like I show you before here you have the lane assist you can control it from here
you can see you have different option you can close the display from up there
from here you can different driving mode individual dynamic auto comfort
efficiency so you have different type of driving modes that you can select it
from here from down here that's really amazing you also have the cameras as you
can see around the car you can see the front camera it's really great the car
have a front camera the car have a 3d as you can see yeah and freely what it's
around the car you can see it from up from side look at this
this is amazing nice where do you see this in other cars this is a really
great thing here you can see all kind of option you can see the cameras from
everywhere back right this is pretty pretty great really amazing really
amazing car with amazing option on it so you can actually drive back
you don't need even need to look in the mirrors because you can drive only with
the cameras on it you also can connect with your
smartphone here Android and all other stuff and you can change you can send
messages but you need telephone and you can read the news because the car is
connected to the Internet you can see this here so it is really nice
it also can read the signs from here that's a lot of great technology on it
and this is great from here you can also open the open the back
some roof and you can also close it from here - you have to option for the
passenger and for your seat this is really nice really useful and really
great for a family this car is for a premium family I think this is a really
great car it's really option you can save your position to get to the driving
you can have different type of adjustment Alcantara here and it's
really good quality this car this was the interior guys here you can
see it's in parking mode this sticker for changed here I think you know it
yeah also here a speaker this car it's 2019 model and it's a really great car I
think I'll show you everything there you have two pedals show you the light I'll
show you everything maybe in the back
two USB and put forth right now
twelve volt port here guys we have and we have LED light here let's look pretty
nice I don't think you can see it on the video but it looked fantastic and you
have this to take it down you can also leave this from here down and that's
good roughly straight and you have a lot of space here it's a huge trunk space
here guys it's with automatic lift gate as you can see here in the back it's
really great quality everywhere on the doors leather and stuff - look at this
it's almost flat even here it's it's amazing quality it's a lot of space in
the car if you put the seat down like that give you a lot of space in the car
it's really amazing car amazing quality materials and this leather is fantastic
so push this and it is automatic liftgate
so let's go back to see how much space we have here guys inside here have super
LED light you just have to touch it and it's opening it's really great holders
here everywhere that you can shake it down
have more light really great quality you have the air intakes and the space huge
space on the head I hope you see that here it's a lot of space on my legs feel
good in this really great nice huge space guys and in the front look at this
dashboard look at this display they have free display this man it's really really
nice really great car
amazing quality here on the doors - I like this chrome design here it's really
nice and it's Alcantara kiva you have a high premium quality and it's feel
fantastic here really great car guys and I like the doors are opening so easy you
can go down so easy and you have soft clothes on the doors look at this
the door is closing automatic it's really cool it has this nice design here
for aerodynamic you can also put up here some extra stuff if you want to carry
long items and I want to tell you that on these rims it's not fantastic these
are to anyone in scrims from IOD they are really great they look really
nice look at this it looks fantastic on this car really good and the lines of
the car are fantastic and I think look at this front Sport different to look
amazing the car half here s-line model it's really nice and that's
mirror with LED on it it's really really beautiful guys look at this front with
these three lines here are amazing and LED laser light
this is the new technology that on the night you can see fantastic it's really
amazing here we have the sensors on the right the car have a lot of cameras one
is under the mirror there one one it's in the front in the back in the other
side two three and then here we have five sensor
parking sensors and down here in the front we have two rudders that can read
the lines and you can stay in in the line with the car and you have all kind
of great technologies there is the camera and the front grille it's look
fantastic down here we have a lesser - I don't know if you can see it that helped
the car to ACC adaptive cruise control and all other technology that car has on
it it looks so sporty so amazing the car look really nice it's a it's a
family car but it's looked great it's sporty a sporty family car it's really
great design so I hope you enjoyed the review guys look at this tinted windows
on the back they look fantastic and this is this back of the car it's
look amazing look at this design 3d light it's so
beautiful so beautiful design so amazing car this is the new Audi a6 Avant 50
today Quattro so guys I hope you enjoy my review here is the sensors on the
back - they have all they even have here a sensor on the side of the door this
was the new a6 from Audi with amazing design I like this back of the car and
this fake exhausted here they also have this under there but you cannot see it
it's look really interesting and it's really huge space in the car it's a
really amazing car guys so hope you enjoy my review about new Audi a6 please
subscribe to my channel comment and I wait you back guys
Audi A7 Sportback: Parking and garage pilot, manuevering assist |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 3:20.Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more videos!
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бак топливный audi a4 - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Group B Pikes Peak | 750HP Audi Quattro S1 E2 Replica [TECH TOUR] - Duration: 8:43.- The Audi Quattro Group B rally car is possibly one of the most iconic cars
from the Group B era.
Yet moving on in time we see very few of these cars around.
Mainly because they were never available off the show room floor,
and as it turns out, creating a replica of these cars is quite a serious effort.
In fact it actually involves two cars to make the conversion.
On face value the Group B car simply looks like an Audi Quattro with
a shortened wheel base, however once you dig a bit deeper,
there's actually a little bit more going on.
In the Group B era, Audi actually produced prototypes that were based around
this shortened Audi Quattro, however in testing, the drivers complained about
the amount of sunlight that was coming in through the windscreen due to the large
rake back angle on the screen.
So the correct way of producing a replica is to use an Audi 80 two door front half,
coupled to the rear end from an Audi Quattro coupe.
The Audi 80 front end has a much more upright windscreen which fixes
the light problems that the drivers were complaining about.
So as you can see, producing one of these replicas is a serious amount of work,
and obviously there's a lot of bodywork modifications required.
Then on top of that there's also the large flared box guards as well as that massive
rear wing to consider.
The power plant for the car is a 20 valve 2.2 litre, five cylinder engine,
sourced from an Audi S2.
Of course this is modified with a host of aftermarket components to make
it reliable as well as to ensure it's capable of producing
the 750 fly wheel horsepower that it needs to be competitive.
Internally it uses a Farndon crankshaft, along with a set of Wossner pistons,
and forged conrods.
The cylinder head has been ported and polished and fitted with a set
of Supertech valves, these are larger than the stock valves to improve
air flow in and out of the combustion chamber.
The camshaft arrangement in this engine is a little unique,
in that there is a single cam drive from the crankshaft and the intake cam
is driven off the exhaust cam via a chain drive.
Both cams are adjustable independently, although with this particular drive setup,
it is a little bit more challenging.
There's a vernier adjustable cam pulley on the front of the exhaust cam,
and then there's another vernier adjustable cam pulley on the front
of the intake cam.
The intake cam allows the lobe separation angle to be adjusted,
and then the vernier cam pulley on the exhaust cam allows both cams
to be advanced or retarded together.
Due to the larger more aggressive cam profile fitted,
the factory hydraulic lifters have also been replaced with a set of solid lifters.
Solid lifters are more suited to high RPM use however they are a little bit more
maintenance intensive than a factory hydraulic lifter.
In order to ensure engine reliability under the high cornering, accelerating,
and braking forces seen in competition, the factory oiling system has been
replaced with a VRS dry sump system.
This starts with a CNC machined aluminium sump, which includes several scavenged
stages feeding to the dry sump pump.
The scavenged stages remove the oil from the engine crank case,
and then pump it rearward into the boot mounted oil reservoir.
Oil is then drawn forward from that reservoir via the pressure stage
on that pump.
The dry sump pump is driven off the front of the crankshaft.
This all ensures that regardless of the cornering forces, accelerating forces,
or braking forces, a constant supply of high pressure oil is always
available to the engine.
The turbocharger system starts with a Garrett GT3582R roller bearing turbo,
and boost is controlled via a Turbosmart external wastegate.
At sea level, back in the UK, with 1.9 bar of boost the engine produces
750 horsepower but of course at the higher altitudes at Pike's Peak,
this power level will drop significantly.
Maintaining a constant supply of fuel is essential in order to ensure
reliability at 750 horsepower and 1.9 bar of boost.
This starts with an ATL fuel cell that's mounted in the boot.
The fuel is then drawn from this cell and feeds into a surge tank,
and from here, dual Bosch 044 pumps are used to pump the fuel forward
to the fuel rail, which is fitted with a set of Rochester 1600cc injectors.
The electronics package controlling the car starts with a Motec M800 ECU,
which is responsible for controlling the engine as well as the boost pressure.
The Motec C125 dash logger is fitted as a driver display as well as central
logging hub.
One of the aspects that's really important with any dash logger,
is how the driver actually uses it.
While a vast amount of information can be displayed on the C125 dash logger,
under competition use there's simply no time to look at any of that.
Instead the driver's going to be concentrating most of his energy
on controlling the car while watching the shift light module that's going
to signal when a gear change is required.
The dash logger however can monitor a wide array of data and if any
of the parameters go outside predefined conditions, a driver warning can
be illuminated.
This instantly brings the driver's attention to the fact that something
isn't right, then he can look at the dash to find out exactly what the error is,
and decide on an appropriate course of action.
This can easily save an engine if something goes wrong,
and can make the dash logger seem like a very cheap investment on an
expensive engine.
Getting 750 horsepower to the ground reliably is no simple feat,
and here the Audi engine is backed by a six speed sequential drag power
systems gear box.
This also includes the ability to flat shift using a strain gauge that's fitted
to the gear lever assembly.
This strain gauge gives the Motec M800 ECU a signal when the driver is pulling
back on the lever to initiate an upshift.
Under these conditions the driver can stay at full throttle and doesn't need
to use the clutch.
When the driver pulls back on the lever, the M800 ECU will momentarily
cut the ignition to the engine, allowing the next gear to be engaged.
This provides really seamless shifting and also with a large turbo,
prevents the turbo falling off boost.
Downshifts in this case do require the clutch or at least a rev match,
and in this particular instance, the engine is fitted with a conventional
cable throttle body so this makes it a little bit trickier for the ECU
to initiate a downshift auto blip.
In this case this is still done the old fashioned way by the driver.
The Audi is also four wheel drive, so the output from the drag power
systems gear box is split both front and rear.
The centre differential split is a fixed 50:50 and the front and rear differentials
are actually stock Audi open differentials.
The cooling system in the Audi Quattro Group B is actually quite unique,
in that the radiator which we'd normally find at the front of the car,
is now mounted in the boot.
This actually helps with weight distribution as there's a fair amount
of water held in that radiator.
Getting sufficient air flow through to the boot mounted radiator does require
a fair amount of work, and this is where some of the ducting in the large box
guards comes in.
Now when competing at sea level back in the UK, the ducting that's on the car
has proved absolutely fine.
However when competing at high altitude such as at Pikes Peak,
with the thin air, this has actually presented a problem and the team
have found that the car was running a lot hotter at high altitude.
This has been fixed at the moment by blocking off some of the outlet
ducting from the boot, forcing more of that cooling air that's being
drawn in, through the radiator.
Despite the amount of work that's required to create an authentic
Audi Quattro Group B replica, we're glad that there are enthusiasts
out there around the world who are prepared to put in the hard yards,
and we wish Keith and the team all the best for the 2018 running
of Pikes Peak.
If you liked that video, make sure you give it a thumbs up
and if you're not already a subscriber, make sure you're subscribed.
We release a new video every week.
And if you like free stuff, we've got a great deal for you.
Click the link in the description to claim your free spot to our next live lesson.
You'll learn about performance engine building and EFI tuning,
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Mercedes Classe A 35 AMG | 306 CV anti Audi S3... [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 3:56.Here's one of the biggest news here in Paris 2018, Mercede A Class 35 AMG, it has a 2.0l turbo engine with an outpout of 306 HP and 400 Nmof torque power
0-100 in 4.7 s and 250kph of top speed. It has a new air extractor, new double muffler and new full LED lights with a big flap on top
19 inch rims 235/35 wheels, AMG calipers with 4 pistons
this car has an AWD, also at therear we can see the perforated discs and a single piston caliper
talking about the front, there are new, very sporty, flaps, a new air intake, in order to improve the CXcoefficient
there are full LEDlights , the front is very low and vertical and, underneath the logo, there's distance radar. I rally like the piano black splitter on the bottom
The seats are extremely sporty with leather and Alcantara finishes, there's the MBUX system, which should have been upgraded, but it shouldn't still have the hand gesture. Here we have Tidal for music
the dashboard has an AMG finish and a very sporty steering wheel. This is a full optional car, going to compoet with the S3. See you soon!
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