Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 2 2018

Jime, you really make me happy no matter what.

For more infomation >> Yunny Fan Video||Gachaverse|| Mini Fan!||Put Subtitles to Undertstand Beginning|| - Duration: 3:49.


Instant Film Shootout (Fujifilm Instax SQ6 & Mini 90, Leica Sofort, Mint Instaflex TL70) - Duration: 13:32.

So I've got my Malibu I've got my pineapple juice and I've got my lei

you can even hear some Hawaiian music in the background so you know what that means:

Instant camera roundup, obviously.

So the first thing you've got here is the Leica Sofort. Very pricey but very nice

looking camera I wanna see if that's worth the money now for Fuji we did

bring their basically highest-end Instax camera this is the Neo 90 it's got some

nice controls certainly has a nice look to it: more of a vintage styling now

I've also got the brand new Instax SQ6 now this is fully analog unlike their

SQ10, which is digital, this is a square format camera but a nice new

design we're gonna play with that: that's brand new. And last but not least, to round

it out we've got the TL70 from Mint part of their Instant Flex series this

is actually a twin lens reflex camera and has exposure and manual control so

that's going to be a lot of fun

[Jordan] I've got a special Sex on the Beach recipe which I, er, stole from the Internet: Pinterest

[Chris] Big smile!

[Party guest] Well I definitely like how the pictures turned out

[Chris - indecipherable]


The [BEEP!]?

Are we serious right now? [Laughing]


[Chris] Look at that! [Laughter]

We got our sippy cup lid on here because it fits perfectly I guess it'd be a

minus green filter

[Jordan - indecipherable]

[Hawaiian music]

Okay so it's the next day clean up we had some fun last night you know but

there's some interesting takeaways I mean first off what I found interesting

is that everybody really enjoyed using the instant film I mean there's

something about that process seeing the picture right away. See how instant it is.

[Boy] Dad it's not instant at all: it's still white [Chris] What are you talking about? You've just gotta wait

that's what 'instant' means. But it was good enough for me in my day, damn it! And

you know I think what I want to do next is just show the four cameras and really

talk about you know what are the differences between them you know why

would you choose one over another what can they do that the others can't do so

uh let's clean up this mess and get to that okay so first up is the Fuji Instax

Mini 90 and really what I love about the Mini 90 is its retro design, it's a nice

looking camera to carry around and it does have some nice upgrades

I like the rechargeable battery you know just to save waste

I like the viewfinder up here at the top-left it's really easy to frame I

prefer that and you get some nice advanced features here the 'Party' mode

for example is really handy if you want to get more light in, in a low light

situation. The 'kids' mode ups the shutter speeds it gives you a better

chance if you're not using flash outdoors to try to freeze subject matter

you can also add or decrease your exposure which is a lot of fun and by

far my favorite option: the double exposure mode we had a lot of fun with

that it's unpredictable and that could be expensive in the grand scheme of

things but it's also a lot of fun, and with some forethought you can do some neat

stuff with it. Now for notable downsides on the Instax

90: tripod thread on the side of the camera. Look where they put the tripod hole on this


I mean if you're gonna use this on the tripod you better like doing a lot of

vertical shots because that's where you get the control horizontal it only goes

so far and you better make sure you got a ball-head

and the other thing here it's a good lens I mean I'm impressed by the

sharpness the exposures always been pretty accurate on these cameras but it

is an F12.7 lens and so that's really not a good light-gathering

lens what we found was in any sort of mid to low light situation if you're not

using the flash you're asking for trouble and by trouble I mean you're

wasting money so: a really nice capable camera we did have a lot of fun with this

And here's the Leica Sofort [Party guest] It's actually like pretty cool you know

like, aesthetically?

[Chris] It's a beautiful camera

[Party guest] Yeah, I like the colour, I like the trim and everything

[Chris] You know, it's a very handsome camera but effectively this is an Instax Fuji 90 in a different

outer shell so from a purely numbers game is this just basically a Fujifilm 90

for more than twice the price? Yes, absolutely, it is: that's exactly

what's happening here but at the same time we have to think that analog is to

some extent about design and when both these cameras on the table people

naturally gravitated towards the Leica it does have a beautiful design. Besides,

it's not the most expensive camera on the table so next up is the Mint TL70

and I think the first thing that you're obviously going to notice is this is a

twin-lens reflex: you're focusing through this lens but it's taking the picture

through this one and that immediately gives you a real cool factor you've got

the waist level finder with all the standard accoutrements there's a very

hard to pull out magnifier in there you've also got a speed shooting window

you can go through here for quick action I mean it's fun stuff the screen on this

particular version is the new bright screen is well we found it quite usable

now that also means that you're relying on a manual focus system now you can

focus right off the screen it works great and I guess my only complaint

there would be that it will intimidate some early users or beginners who just

want to get fun party photos especially as you start getting a few drinks in you

but for anybody creative that's the real pull of the TL70

having the manual focus having full aperture control and on top of that

being a 5.6 lens to give you the light-gathering that you're gonna need

having an exposure control function here minus or plus it is a full stop darker

or brighter but still it does give you some flexibility

you've even got right here a 'bulb' setting I do also want to mention that

anybody at the party who is familiar with manual cameras naturally gravitated

towards this you know not just the look of it but just the creative control and

having that flexibility and the images actually offered something very unique

as well not just having the depth-of-field control with that big aperture

range but also noticing that it wider apertures the lens has a lot of vignette

in which actually added character to it it has a different rendition of colour

and you'd often get some interesting ring-shaped flare spots so this was a

big hit visually you also have a nice exposure meter inside so it will help

you out if your exposures within range they'll give you a green light for go

and if it's not it will give you an orange indicator to say you're too light,

you're too dark that's overall the camera looks like a really fun and

powerful creative tool. But unfortunately that's where it kind of goes off the

rails so first off this camera is the most expensive out of the bunch and to

its credit there are some very novel design features I mean they made

basically a full-functioning TLR but the build quality does have a very cheap

kind of feel to it I mean you know the sides of the leatherette feel like

they're gonna start peeling off everything creaks and cricks and a lot

of these dials and buttons are quite plasticky: the flash, for example, when it

pops up it's a clever place but getting it to close again requires as you can

see quite a press in the right spot and there's a lot of other things where it

just kind of feels like it's not fully baked. We had some more issues beyond

that although taking pictures of the red button down here work great the eject

button over here often doesn't eject the film. I push the button and then I push this button

and nothing happens and then I push it again, nothing happens

and I push both, nothing happens [Party guest] So it's inconsistent?

or it feels inconsistent?

[Chris] Also if this viewfinder's you know closed in a little bit funny, or it's not quite open

you'll jam your film and just wreck it if it's a new pack of film so you know

there was a lot of stuff here that just doesn't totally feel well-thought-out in

the aperture controls as well they give you this fun little 'bokeh' Easter Egg

and that's what they call it because when you buy the camera you have no idea

what you're gonna get can you do out-of-focus interesting bokeh like

hearts or stars or diamonds it's kind of a crapshoot and we tested it here I

think it's supposed to be hearts but it wasn't cut very well maybe it's not

sitting properly in front of the lens but again it doesn't inspire confidence

in this tool okay so after a huge rant though let me just make myself clear I

mean where this is awesome is if you want to take instant photography into a

more creative place and for that I think the price of admission would be

worthwhile: you're paying for a unique shooting experience much like you would

have Leica rangefinder you know the money's not the issue anymore it's do I

get to do something unique and different in photography? And in this instant realm

I would say yes you absolutely get to do that I just wish it wasn't so flaky. Okay

well you can see there this thing has a terrible grip and I do want to talk

about that. [Beep] Okay so now we've got the brand-new Fujifilm

SQ6 and of course this square body design is there because this is their

first analog square shooting camera now this camera, although it looks very basic

and simplistic, to its credit actually has a lot of the fun features from the

Neo 90 series you've got things like selfie mode macro capability double

exposure you can go lighter and darker with your exposure and control your

flash as well so it was a very very fun camera to play with they did have a

little departure here going back to a disposable battery system but it's CR2s

so they should promise long lasting battery life

now the SQ6 has this interesting off on button at the top the only issue is that

most people will naturally pick up the camera and start hitting that as a

shutter and it doesn't work. You've actually got the shutter down here on

the grip and this is my main gripe with the camera the grip is terrible it's

really hard to hold on to this camera positively I feel like I'm gonna push

that shutter button by accident and I'm sure it has happened quite a bit at the

party. I wish that they had this off/on button click to on and then push down to

actually fire the photos that would have made far more sense the other thing I

didn't like for me personally the viewfinder appears on the top right that

means your face is mashed and behind the camera I like it on the other Fujifilm

cameras where it's off to the side on the left but those are minor gripes

we've got a nice flash up here at the top and they've actually included these

fun little color filters. We played with them some of them come out a little bit

dark but you know what they're a fun neat addition and you could certainly

have some creative fun just sticking those on so last couple things I want to

mention: parallax issue on the SQ6 is the worst and what I mean by that is if my

viewfinder is up here but the lens is down here I'm not exactly seeing the

same frame at a distance that's not a big deal but up-close, doing macros, if

I frame here in the square my shots way off to the bottom-left this is a problem

with all the cameras that we've played with here tonight but by far this one

has the biggest part of that issue the other thing I want to mention is just a

fun thing this lens is a little bit larger physically so what we did is we

stuck a sippy cup lid on the end and we took some truly horrifying photographs

which we can see here so you're welcome for that so in finishing this up I know

some of you might have had the time to think about it and say well hey Chris

you dummy why don't you just turn the camera on its side like this because

it's square and then you can have the viewfinder where you like it you

prima donna but then the problem is that the label at the bottom of the square

photo is now on the side and it's gonna look stupid on my fridge. Ha! So I think

their big take away after playing with these instant cameras of the party was

that they're just a lot of fun I mean that's the key thing everybody had a

good time and it's great to see people getting excited about photography again

and I guess the only thing I want to say is the cynic and me kind of things that

it's fun but it's only fun for a short time and the novelty kind of wears off

because after you get those pictures and then you know you want to maybe look at

them again or post them on Instagram or share them

with other people that weren't there well then you get into the obvious

problem of analog photography and that's where you might just wish I thought I

could just take those on my phone and share them with you right now that'd be

so much more convenient but again your experience can be very different the

only other thing I want to get across is that although it was a very fun

experience it's also kind of an expensive experience, no doubt. I mean on

that one night we must have burned through a $150 Canadian

worth of film and that's gonna add up every time you have a get

together alright so the last thing I want to mention I know we only played

with four cameras here we just tried to choose a cross-section in the smaller

formats but Dan Bracaglia at is working on an awesome article

it'll be up shortly and it's gonna be a rundown of a lot of the instant cameras

out there on the market it's gonna give you a ton of information so don't miss

that. The other thing I want to say is if you really did enjoy this video let us

know and then maybe we'll do the larger formats that could be a really

interesting thing to talk about as well don't forget check us out on Instagram

go to our Twitter accounts let us know comments below what do you think about

instant analogue photography and where it's going to go in the future?

Maybe share some of your experiences with it we would love to hear that

otherwise we're gonna have a great new video coming out very soon until then

see you soon [Music]

For more infomation >> Instant Film Shootout (Fujifilm Instax SQ6 & Mini 90, Leica Sofort, Mint Instaflex TL70) - Duration: 13:32.



Hello friends, welcome to my channel once more.

Here I'm going to show you how we can make a solera mini-rolling machine.

To make circles like this.


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See you in the next video, Thanks!

For more infomation >> DIY MINI ROLADORA DE SOLERA / HOME MADE - Duration: 6:38.


Rapunzel! A Tangled Tale! Babyteeth4 Mini Movie - Duration: 10:36.

Once upon a time there was a

beautiful young girl named Rapunzel

Hi I'm Rapunzel

Rapunzel had the longest hair in the land

But Rapunzel was kept locked away

in a tower by an evil witch

Hehehe I'm the evil witch

Rapunzel's only connection to the outside world was a window

Every day the with would yell up to the window

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair

Then Rapunzel would throw her hair down to the witch

Then the witch would climb up

The with would go into Rapunzel's window

So how did Rapunzel become the prisoner of the witch?

My parents made some bad decisions.

My dad had an unhealthy obsession with a plant called Rapunzel.

This Rapunzel is so good!

I would do anything for more of this Rapunzel!

One day, when he had eaten

all of his Rapunzel, he noticed there was some growing in

the neighbor's garden.

Oh man, I sure need some more Rapunzel.


That's all the Rapunzel I'll ever need!

And so he began steal Rapunzel from the garden

not knowing it belonged to an evil witch.

I have no idea this belongs to an evil witch!

But one day the evil witch caught him taking

her Rapunzel. "Hey! stop taking my Rapunzel

I didn't do it.

I shall tell the king and have you locked away in a dungeon!

Oh please not the dungeon. I'll do anything to stay out of the dungeon!

Perhaps we can arrange a deal.

You may continue taking all the Rapunzel you want.

but in return you must give me your first-born child.

But my father was foolish and thought he could trick the witch.

First-born child, eh? I'm not even married yet.

Oh sure, yeah!

That sounds like a good deal.

First-born child in exchange for Rapunzel , let's do it!

And so the pact has been made! HAHAHA!

And so my father kept eating Rapunzel

never realizing that soon he would marry

and his wife would have a child.

Then one day a baby was born: me.

Oh little one, I shall call you Rapunzel after

the plants I stole from the neighbor's garden.

My deal with the witch!

The first born!

Oh no!

And sure enough

one day the witch came to take me away

You don't want to go to the dungeon, do you?

Now the baby is mine! hahaha!

Surely she has many powers after her

parents ate all that Rapunzel. I will lock

her in the tower to nobody can get her.

Man, I sure could use some more Rapunzel right now.

And so Rapunzel remained locked in the tower

for years and years with only the witch for company.

she was very unhappy. "I'm so unhappy."

Little did she know a handsome prince was watching the with come and go every


Hmm, I spy a fair maiden in the window above.

and so one day, the prince called out:

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair.

Sure enough, Rapunzel threw down her hair.

And so the prince climbed up Rapunzel's hair.

Rapunzel backed away, frightened.

She had never seen a prince before. "Who are you?"

I'm the prince.

I've never had a visitor besides the old witch that has kept me here all these years.

Hmm, that's a shame. What is thy name?

My name is Rapunzel after the plant that grow's in the witch's garden.

Well Rapunzel I have a feeling that we're going to get to know each other very well.

I should like that very much, for thine is very handsome.

Yes, I know, I know.

And so every day, the

prince would come to the castle

call out to Rapunzel and she would pull him up

and they would talk all day.

Hey baby this has been going on for weeks,

let's say we go out on a real date.

I can never leave the tower.

Next time I'm gonna bring a rope,

we'll go out on the town. That old witch will never know

And so Rapunzel was very excited

and she began putting on makeup to get ready for her big date.

Why fore art thou putting on makeup?

Is thou going out on a big date?

Oh yes, I'm so excited--

Aha! I thought I heard voices other than

thou in the tower. Who has been visiting ye?

Well, he's a prince, and his name's Paco and--

A prince?

Ye has violated my trust. I shall cast

ye out into the wilderness forever!

Oh no, not the wilderness.

Please let me stay locked up in this tower.


How am I gonna get outta this tower?

Oh I have a plan!


And so the witch cut and cut until all

of Rapunzel's hair was cut off

The magical hair is mine!

Wait, that hair was magical?

Now climb this hair down and be

banished to the wilderness forever

Doesn't that take a lot of upper body strength? I might

fall and get hurt


And so Rapunzel lowered herself to the ground

and began to walk through the wilderness

Man, that did take a lot of upper body strength!

So that night the prince came calling

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair!

Hark! The prince!

'tis time to see if we can catch a fly!

But when the prince looked up he did not

see Rapunzel

instead he saw the witch.

Aha, I have tricked thee!

The startled prince fell into the briar patch below.


Thou hast fallen into my briar patch of blindness!

Ouch, this is incredibly painful!

And so Rapunzel wandered alone

through the wilderness

until she came upon a stretch of woods

that looked just like a hallway.

And there on a tree stump she saw her beloved prince.

Rapunzel is that you? I can't see.

Oh prince, what has happened to thine eyes?

That foul witch has blinded me with her briar patch.

Oh prince this is all my fault, for I accidentally

revealed our secret to the witch.

At least we're together one last time.

One last time? What dost thou mean?

The briar patch contained poison and I

fear I shall be dying soon.

No, my handsome prince, no!

And Rapunzel held the prince and began to cry.

But then something magical happened.

Handsome prince, what has happened?

Wait a minute, I feel a lot better now.

And I'm staring to see again.

The witch said my hair had healing powers, but she has cut it off.

Yeah, but one of your tears got in my eyes.

I think that did the trick.

Oh prince, then you shall be saved?

Yeah I feel a lot better.

What say we go out on that day now, eh?

Sounds good to me!

And so Rapunzel and the prince lived happily ever after.

When the evil witch heard that Rapunzel

had cured the prince and were now living happily,

She flew into a jealous rage.

No! No! No!

Ah don't you just love a good fairy tale?

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and the Jillian and Addie channel.

and if you have ideas for other videos, let us know in the comments

we want to hear 'em.

Bye guys, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Rapunzel! A Tangled Tale! Babyteeth4 Mini Movie - Duration: 10:36.


เบสนุ่มๆ เพลงแดนซ์มันๆ 2018 ✪ Mini-Nonstop เพราะๆสายย่อมันๆ2018 (Vol.198) [DJ SR REMIX] ♫ - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> เบสนุ่มๆ เพลงแดนซ์มันๆ 2018 ✪ Mini-Nonstop เพราะๆสายย่อมันๆ2018 (Vol.198) [DJ SR REMIX] ♫ - Duration: 13:17.


✅ [시승기] 작지만 강한 헤리티지 車의 진수 'MINI JCW'' - Duration: 14:06.

<아이뉴스24> [아이뉴스24 김서온 기자] 영국 프리미 소형차 미니가 29일 강원도 인제 스피디움에서 'JCW HALLENGE'를 개최하고 고성능 JCW 3종을 국내에 격 출시한다

프리미엄 소형차 MINI의 고성능 브랜드 존 쿠퍼 웍스 JCW)는 기존 MINI에 몬테카를로 랠리의 우승을 이끈 이싱 선구자 '존 쿠퍼(John Cooper)'의 튜닝 프 그램이 추가돼 더욱 강력한 성능의 MINI를 선보이는 고성 브랜드다

JCW를 통해 MINI는 기존 모델의 성능과 외관 디자 을 향상시키고 스포티한 잠재력을 부각시켰다

신형 터보차저와 피스톤, 배기시스템 등으로 업그레이드된 진을 장착해 파워가 강화됐다. 모터스포츠에서 파생된 파 트레인과 차체 기술을 통해 탁월한 주행 능력을 선보이며, 능적인 측면 외에도 매력적이고 독특한 JCW만의 정체성을 여준다

검정색과 붉은색의 강렬한 조화를 보여주는 JCW 특유의 체 색상과 림, 배지, 도어 엔트리 플레이트까지 특별한 디 인 감성을 주고 전후방 외관과 보닛 안에 부착된 존 쿠퍼 스 배지를 장착해 그 매력을 더했다

인제 스피디움에서 열린 이날 행사에는 미니쿠퍼의 설립 인 존 쿠퍼의 손자 찰리 쿠퍼가 참석해 직접 JCW 모델에 대한 설명과 짐카나 퍼포먼스를 펼쳤다

직접 시승에 나선 뉴 MINI JCW 컨트리맨은 영국 동차 제조사 MINI의 전체 라인업 중 가장 크고 다재다능 최상급 퍼포먼스 모델이다

우선 미니에 탔을 때의 좌석의 편안함은 기대 이상으로 운 석이나 조수석 모두 몸에 들어맞는 듯한 느낌을 준다

미니라는 이름이 어울리지 않게 안락하고 넓은 공간감까지 랑한다. 특히 5개의 풀사이즈 시트를 갖춰 탔을 때 몸에 어맞지 않는 부분 없는 안락한 승차감을 느낄 수 있다

또 좌석을 최대 13㎝까지 앞뒤로 조절할 수 있어 공간을 넓게 활용할 수 있으며, 40:20:40 비율의 분리식 뒷 석 등받이를 접으면 트렁크 용량을 450ℓ에서 최대 1천3 0ℓ까지 확장할 수 있다

시동을 걸고 출발했을 때 스타트 역시 막힘없고 매끄럽 뻗어나가며, 운전자의 발끝에 바로 반응한다

미니 컨트리맨은 2.0ℓ 4기통 JCW 트윈파워 터보 엔 을 탑재해 최고출력 231마력, 최대토크 35

7㎏·m의 강력한 성능을 갖췄으며, ALL4 사륜구동 시스 이 기본사양이다. 안전최고속도는 234㎞/h이며, 정지 상 에서 100㎞/h까지는 6

5초만에 도달한다. 인제 스피디움의 굴곡과 코너가 다양 험로에도 불구하고 빠른 속도로 코너를 빠져나와도 서킷 주 회전시 차가 미끄러지는 느낌이 전혀 없다

또 코너를 빠져나와 바로 만날 수 있는 직진코스에 시속 00㎞이상의 속도에도 마치 기다렸다는 듯이 흔들림 없이 빠 게 반응해 속도를 올릴 수 있다

뉴 MINI JCW 컨트리맨에는 MINI의 사륜구동 시 템인 ALL4가 적용돼 하부를 단단하게 붙잡아주는 것은 물 , 더욱 빠른 반응 속도를 실현해 향상된 드라이빙을 선사한

19인치 JCW 경합금 휠과 스포츠 서스펜션과 브렘보(B embo) 사의 스포츠 브레이크 시스템, JCW 에어로 다 내믹 키트, JCW 스포츠 시트, 8단 스텝트로닉 스포츠 속기, 패들시프트 등 고성능 모델에 걸맞은 옵션사양은 MI I 특유의 민첩한 핸들링에 접지력과 추진력을 더해 고속 코 링에서도 보다 안전하고 다이내믹한 주행을 가능하게 한다

국내외에서 깜찍하고 독특한 디자인으로 꾸준한 사랑을 받 왔지만 기존의 디자인은 유지하면서 MINI의 레이싱 헤리티 를 이어받아 공기역학적 특성과 주행성능 향상에 중점을 뒀다

차량 전면부에 커다란 공기흡입구가 배치됐으며, 높은 출력 필요한 냉각 효율성을 높이기 위해 기존 안개등 자리에 추 적인 쿨러가 장착됐다

이외에도 정통 레이싱 DNA를 물려받은 '뉴 MINI JCW 클럽맨'도 국내서 만나볼 수 있다

역동적인 주행성능과 공간 편의성을 극대화한 것이 특징이다 2.0ℓ 4기통 JCW 트윈파워 터보 엔진을 탑재해 기존 MINI 쿠퍼 S 클럽맨 대비 39마력 상승된 최고출력 2 1마력, 최대토크 35

7㎏·m의 강력한 힘을 발휘한다. 안전최고속도는 238㎞/ 이며, 정지 상태에서 시속 100㎞까지 6

3초만에 도달한다. 여기에 8단 스텝트로닉 변속기가 적용돼 스포티한 가속감을 선사한다. 올해 3분기 출시예정인 '뉴 MINI JCW 컨버터블'은 운전의 재미와 오픈에어링의 즐 움과 함께 독창적인 디자인, 강력한 성능과 다양한 옵션, 버터블 모델 특유의 주행성능을 강화한 프리미엄 '오픈탑 모 '이다

스포티하고 탄력적인 주행성능을 발휘하는 뉴 MINI JC 컨버터블은 2.0ℓ 4기통 JCW 트윈파워 터보 엔진을 재했다

뉴 MINI JCW 컨트리맨과 마찬가지로 MINI 라인업 중 가장 강력한 출력인 231마력의 최고출력을 자랑한다

최대토크는 32.7㎏·m이며, 정지 상태에서 100㎞/h 지는 6.5초가 걸리고, 안전최고속도는 240㎞/h이다

MINI와 존 쿠퍼 웍스의 밀접한 관계는 모터 레이싱계 서 수십 년간 이어져온 유산과 서킷에서 성취한 승리의 기록 , 주행의 즐거움, 개별성, 그리고 프리미엄 품질에 대한 각에 뿌리를 두고 있다

톡톡튀는 디자인과 귀여운 외관만이 아닌 JCW 모델들의 장에는 수 년간에 걸친 레이싱에서의 경험을 통해 얻어진 전 과 고성능에 대한 열정이 담겨있다

올해 MINI는 고성능 브랜드인 JCW의 라인업을 모 국내에 선보인다는 계획이다. 올 하반기에 29일 인제 스 디움에서 만나본 뉴 MINI JCW 컨트리맨과 뉴 MINI JCW 클럽맨, 그리고 뉴 MINI JCW 컨버터블을 출시 며 JCW 라인업을 완성할 예정이다


For more infomation >> ✅ [시승기] 작지만 강한 헤리티지 車의 진수 'MINI JCW'' - Duration: 14:06.


✅ MINI JCW '멈추지 않는 레이싱 DNA!' - Duration: 7:16.

 MINI(미니)의 레이싱 유전자는 JCW(존쿠퍼웍스)를 해 지금도 꿈틀인다. 왕년의 랠리스트 존 쿠퍼의 첫자를 따 MINI의 JCW는 랠리의 심볼로 통한다

   보통의 MINI도 쏜살같은 주행성능으로 주목받지만 CW 모델을 통해서 확실한 차별화의 레이싱 무대를 쉼없이 리고 있다

 MINI는 지난 2008년 프리미엄 소형차 브랜드 최 로 MINI JCW를 공식 런칭했다

작고 앙증맞은 차라는 이미지에서 고성능의 스포티한 자동차 본격 시동을 건 것.  그래서 2011년 MINI는 다 랠리 경기장에 모습을 드러내는데, 그 첫 해에는 MINI 컨트리맨을 기반으로 월드랠리챔피언십(WRC)에 출격했다

당시 MINI JCW WRC는 랠리 사양으로 300마력 상을 뿜는 1.6리터 4기통 엔진을 적용했다

 탄력 받은 MINI는 이듬해인 2012년 다카르랠리를 통해 5대의 MINI ALL4 경주차로 우승컵을 들어 올렸

출격한 5인조 군단은 전 세계에서 가장 강도 높은 랠리인 다카르랠리에서 아르헨티나와 칠레, 페루를 누비는 장장 8, 00km 이상의 거리를 주파해 우승 트로피를 들어 올렸다

무려 4명의 드라이버가 톱10 진입도 화제였다.  20 3년 스테판 피터한셀을 내세운 MINI는 또다시 다카르랠리 서 우승을 거두며 전세계에서 가장 극한의 주행조건에서 연승 이어갔다

   국내서도 꾸준한 인기를 끌고 있는 MINI는 올해 시 고성능 브랜드인 JCW의 라인업을 모두 국내에 선보인다 계획이다

올 하반기에 뉴 MINI JCW 컨트리맨과 뉴 MINI CW 클럽맨, 그리고 뉴 MINI JCW 컨버터블을 출시하 JCW 라인업을 완성하게 된다

 지난달 29일엔 'MINI JCW 챌린지' 이벤트를 원도 인제서킷에서 열어 스피드 마니아들의 큰 관심을 모았다

천혜의 자연경관 속 서킷에서 JCW의 DNA를 맘껏 즐기 무한질주의 펀드라이빙을 즐기는 기회가 됐다

1923년 영국 출생의 존 쿠퍼가 일찌감치 F3, F1  주차를 제작하고, 1960년 몬테카를로 랠리에서의 우승을 둔 그 경험을 고스란히 국내 서킷에서 즐긴 셈이다

 MINI JCW 시초가 된 55마력의 Mini 쿠퍼는 1962년 리타이어로 우승에 실패했지만, 굴하지 않는 정신 으로 1963~64년 몬테카를로 랠리에서 70마력의 'Mi i 쿠퍼 S'로 가장 빠른 경주차에 올랐다

정지 상태에서 시속 100km까지의 가속 시간을 무려 6 나 앞당겼고 높은 완성도를 달성했다

 60년 카레이싱 역사를 관통하는 MINI의 기술개발 스토리는 지금의 MINI를 즐기는 전세계 젊은이들에게 커다 자부심으로 작용하고 있음에 틀림없다

 /지피코리아 김기홍 기자 gpkorea@gpkorea com, 사진=MINI, 동영상=유튜브

For more infomation >> ✅ MINI JCW '멈추지 않는 레이싱 DNA!' - Duration: 7:16.


Watch Seventeen's new comeback trailer for 5th mini album 'You Make My Day'! - Duration: 1:25.

Seventeen unveiled a new comeback trailer!SEE ALSO: Seventeen fans are taking personally decorated official light sticks to a whole new level! On July 2 KST, Seventeen announced a brand new comeback with a trailer

This comeback will be for Seventeen's 5th mini album, entitled 'You Make My Day'

In the teaser clip, all thirteen members hang out peacefully in a tropical setting, until a member in the center throws a bouquet of sunflowers in the air

The sunset atmosphere also adds a hint of mystery, creating a warm vibe of the summer

The 5th mini album 'You Make My Day' will be released on July 16 at 6 PM KST. Stay tuned for more updates! Seventeen

For more infomation >> Watch Seventeen's new comeback trailer for 5th mini album 'You Make My Day'! - Duration: 1:25.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 38:29.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 38:29.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 1:53.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 23:08.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 23:08.


Mini Cooper ganha retoques no desenho e novos itens opcionais - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Mini Cooper ganha retoques no desenho e novos itens opcionais - Duration: 6:07.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 39:18.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 39:18.


Nest Learning Thermostat with Google Mini Smart Assistant - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> Nest Learning Thermostat with Google Mini Smart Assistant - Duration: 14:43.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 36:11.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 36:11.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 28:57.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 28:57.


Nest Hello Video Doorbell with Google Home Mini Smart Sp... - Duration: 15:59.

For more infomation >> Nest Hello Video Doorbell with Google Home Mini Smart Sp... - Duration: 15:59.


What is Double Mini Trampoline? | Miranda RSL Youth Club - Duration: 1:05.

Double Mini Trampoline is a lesser-known discipline of Trampoline Gymnastics.

The Double Mini is made up of a combination of a sloping and flat bed surface, and is

a unique apparatus you are unlikely to see outside of the sport.

Double Mini competition consists of 2 two-skill passes performed from a long run up.

Athletes have the option of performing two different types of passes.

A 'Mount' pass, where the athlete performs a skill from the sloping bed on their first jump,

followed by a skill from the flat bed onto the landing mat on their second jump.

The athlete can also choose to perform what's called a 'Spotter' pass,

where the athlete performs a Straight Jump mount, followed by a skill in

the middle of the flat bed, and then a dismount skill.

Athletes are judged on the quality of their performance, their degree of difficulty and

the precision of their landing.

Double Mini Competition starts at Level 3 and goes all the way up to Level 10.

As athletes grow, they are able to use their run up to generate speed and power,

so they can jump higher and perform more difficult skills.

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