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Help Save a Seat for Someone's Life-Change in Parkland, FL! | Coastal Community Church - Duration: 2:22.Hey guys, coming up on August 26 we have our next Immeasurably More Miracle Offering.
In this offering we are trying to raise $250,000
that's going to go towards finishing up our building, so that we can
have a move-in day! Hey, up to this point you guys have given over $800,000
and your generosity absolutely blows me away! So here's what
we're asking you to do. We're just asking you to pray. Just ask God how He would
want you to be a part of making this Immeasurably More project happen so that
we can move in. I just want to say thank you guys so much for just praying and
asking God how you can be a part. I'm excited to see what happens!
15 years ago there was a local religious organization, called the Episcopal
Diocese, that actually purchased the land that our building is on. They never sold
it, they never developed it, it's almost like God was using them as a placeholder
before Coastal even existed. I mean, Coastal launched 9 years ago, and it's
almost like God saw this little church that was just starting out, and He said,
that's the church that's going to make a difference in this community!
Thank God for the placeholder, because God saw the lives that we're
gonna change here, and we were gonna make a difference in this community.
Here's what I know, there's gonna be people that step through the doors of
this church that may be here a month from now, they may be here a year from
now, and what we do right now is reserving them a seat in this space
where their life is going to change. I know that as we give, and as we invest
in what God is doing in our church it's like we are saving a seat for their life
change, it's like we're saving a seat for their eternity - because God wants to use
us to make a difference - to be a place holder, to reserve a place for the life
change that He already knows is going to happen in lives that are going to
continuously walk through the doors of this church. So I am so excited, and I
hope that you guys will be invested in creating and saving a seat for
somebody's life change!
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